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Senior Secondary Certificate Statistical Information 2019

Section 1: Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)

Data source: 2019 data were extracted from the VCAA Assessment Processing System (APS) database at 3 January 2020 (Published).

If you have any concerns or comments, please contact the Data Analysis, Measurement and Reporting Unit on (03) 9032 1784.

Section 1

In Victoria there are two certificates of senior secondary education, they are the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL). This section covers the VCE, and information about VCAL is in Section 5 (Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning).

1. Victorian Certificate of Education

VCE completion is calculated on the basis of satisfactory completion of units. Refer to the VCE and VCAL Administrative Hand book for the regulations, which may be found on the VCAA website.

Table 1.1: VCE Participation and Completion, 2015 - 20191
Students 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Eligible to complete the VCE 50,610 50,840 52,058 51,999 50,292
Satisfactorily completed VCE 49,460 49,801 50,908 50,981 49,366
Percentage of VCE completions 97.7 98.0 97.8 98.0 98.2


Table 1.2: VCE Participation and Completion by Gender, 2019
Gender Eligibles Completions % Completions
Female 27,006 26,597 98.5
Male 23,249 22,733 97.8
Gender X 37 36 97.3
All 50,292 49,366 98.2

The VCE (Baccalaureate) is an additional form of recognition for those students who choose to undertake the demands of studying both a higher level of mathematics and a language in their VCE program of study. Refer to the VCE and VCAL Administrative Handbook for the regulations, which may be found on the VCAA website.


Table 1.3: VCE Baccalaureate Awarded, 2015 - 2019 2
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Number of Students 4,033 3,808 3,939 4,052 3,755


2. Unit Enrolments and Completions

2.1 VCE Units

Table 2.1.1: VCE Unit Enrolments and Completions by Unit Level and Gender, 2019
(excluding credit gained through VET in Senior Secondary Schools)
Units Enrolled Units Satisfactorily Completed % Satisfactorily Completed
Gender Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4
Female 177,050 171,361 145,180 141,995 168,852 164,818 142,943 140,786 95.4 96.2 98.5 99.1
Male 160,409 155,893 123,779 120,485 150,362 147,654 121,107 118,947 93.7 94.7 97.8 98.7
Gender X 258 232 209 195 218 196 206 191 84.5 84.5 98.6 97.9
All 337,717 327,486 269,168 262,675 319,432 312,668 264,256 259,924 94.6 95.5 98.2 99
% Female 52.4 52.3 53.9 54.1 52.9 52.7 54.1 54.2
% Male 47.5 47.6 46 45.9 47.1 47.2 45.8 45.8
% Gender X 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

Note that the participation of those students who withdrew during the year without an outcome recorded against their unit enrolments were removed from the dataset. Section 2 (Satisfactory Completion of VCE Units) provides more detailed information of unit participation and completions by study and sequence.


Table 2.1.2: VCE Units 1-4 Total Enrolments and Completions by Gender, 2019
(excluding credit gained through VET in Senior Secondary Schools)
Gender Enrolments Completions % Completions
Female 635,586 617,399 97.1
Male 560,566 538,070 96.0
Gender X 894 811 90.7
All 1,197,046 1,156,280 96.6
% Female 53.1 53.4
% Male 46.8 46.5
% Gender X 0.1 0.1

There were a total of 1,197,046 VCE unit enrolments in 2019 of 96.6% were successfully completed. With the introduction of the Northern Hemisphere Timetable (NHT) there were 814 students from 22 home schools with total 3,726 unit enrolments at units 1-4 in 2018/2019. The vast majority of NHT students were based in China.

The female completion rate was 97.1% while the male completion rate was 96%. Females comprised 53.1% of the total unit enrolments while male comprised 46.8%. Females comprised 53.4% of the total unit completions while males comprised 46.5%.

2.2 VCE VET Units

Students gain credit toward VCE VET units by successfully completing a prescribed number of hours of Units of Competence.

Table 2.2: Equivalent VCE VET Unit Credits Gained Through
VET Units of Competence (UoC), 2019
Gender Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4
Female 16,957 11,885 9,259 7,306
Male 23,114 16,228 10,408 8,401
Gender X 29 18 15 10
All 40,100 28,131 19,682 15,717
% Female 42.3 42.2 47.0 46.5
% Male 57.6 57.7 52.9 53.5
% Gender X 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

3. Outcomes of VCE Graded Assessment 2019

Students undertaking Units 3 and 4 sequences will in most cases participate in Graded Assessment. Section 3 (Grade Distributions for Graded Assessments VCE) provides more detailed information on the outcomes for each study where Graded Assessment is available. All VCE studies have three Graded Assessments in each Unit 3-4 sequence, while the VCE VET programs with scored assessment have two Graded Assessments.

In summary, the most awarded grade in 2019 was B comprising 15.5% of the distribution. The median grade was a B, with 56.4% of grades at a B or higher. Table 3.1 shows the number of grades awarded (N), and the percentage awarded per grade. The table includes data for both the VCE Unit 3-4 sequences and the VCE VET scored programs.


Table 3.1: Aggregate Grade Distributions All Graded Assessments, 2019
(VCE Units 3-4 Sequences and VCE VET Scored Programs)
Grade UG E E+ D D+ C C+ B B+ A A+ All
N 3,085 5,756 17,034 36,620 63,578 89,508 113,438 117,236 114,635 108,530 85,950 755,370
% 0.4 0.8 2.3 4.8 8.4 11.8 15.0 15.5 15.2 14.4 11.4 100.0


  1. These figures are derived from VCAA information in January and include overseas students. Students who have successfully achieved their VCE in previous years but undertook further studies in the current year are included.

  2. The number students that were awarded VCE Baccalaureate are also included in Table 1.1: VCE Participation and Completion, 2015 - 2019 and Table 1.2: VCE Participation and Completion by Gender, 2019.

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