Unpacking the VCE Psychology 2023–27 Examination webinar
Principals/Directors and VCE Psychology teachers
The VCAA is running a webinar that explores how the 2023-2027 VCE Psychology Study Design is used to develop the end-of-year examination, the key elements of the examination specifications, and the assessment criteria for the extended-answer question in Section B (worth 10 marks).
Examples of how the assessment criteria were applied in the 2023 VCE Psychology examination will be discussed, as well as examples of different types of items and stimuli that may be included in the end-of-year examination.
Register for the Unpacking VCE Psychology 2023-2027 Examination webinar.
Principals/Directors, please ensure VCE Psychology teachers are aware of this professional learning opportunity.
Critical dates
Thursday 12 September, 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm: Unpacking VCE Psychology 2023-2027 Examination webinar.
More information
For any queries, please contact Psychology Curriculum Manager, Erin Wilson
email: Erin.Wilson@education.vic.gov.au