Whole-school curriculum documents cascade through the four interrelated layers of planning by school, curriculum area, year level, and unit/lessons.
While each layer within curriculum planning can be viewed separately, the aim of whole-school curriculum planning is being able to see the interrelationships between the layers. This enables teaching and learning programs to be developed and reviewed from different perspectives, ensuring curriculum coverage.
The process of whole-school curriculum planning can start with whichever layer the school determines is appropriate, but ultimately the school needs all four layers completed to ensure the curriculum is delivered for all students and reflects local decisions, resources and priorities.
The examples offered below are indicative of the types of documents schools prepare but are not prescriptive or definitive.
The examples are a resource for schools to:
- compare existing documentation to identify strengths, areas for improvement and alternative approaches
- adopt these examples
- adapt and create their own templates/formats to suit local contexts.
The VCAA will add new examples of curriculum planning documentation as examples become available.
Primary school examples
Annotated overview
Written statement
By curriculum area – English writing
By year level – Year 3
By unit/lessons – writing planner
Secondary school examples
Annotated overview
Written statement
By curriculum area – Mathematics
By year level – Year 8
By unit/lessons – Year 8 Semester 2