To make the school's Victorian Aboriginal Languages (VAL) program happen you may need to consider:
- staffing arrangements
- activation of the Language Team – for example, scheduling regular planning meetings
- including the VAL program in the
whole school curriculum plan
- timetabling – for example, the frequency and length of classes
- liaising with other schools and local Aboriginal community groups that are trying to start a language program or already have one – for example, sharing ideas with other Language Teams
- discussing how your school's program could support local Aboriginal community's language activities, in consultation with Traditional Owners.
Professional learning
Regular professional learning is essential to the success and integration of a long-term VAL program, particularly given many Victorian Aboriginal languages are in the process of reclamation by local Aboriginal communities. For ideas for professional learning relevant to implementing a VAL program in schools, see
professional learning.
Planning and programming classes
The Language Team works together to plan the local Aboriginal language program. Refer to the VCAA's
Scope and Sequence document,
sample units of work,
About Victorian Aboriginal languages and
External links to guide you in structuring your program for each Level.