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Past and adult students

How can I get a replacement copy of my past VCE/VCAL/HSC results?

To get another copy of your certificate or results, you will need to make an making an application for replacement of results.

You can request a replacement for:

  • VCE or VCAL Certificate
  • VCE or VCAL Statement of Results
  • VET Statement of Results
  • GAT Statement of Results

Selected results for previous senior secondary qualifications such as the HSC and Matriculation are also available.

How can I get a replacement copy of my year 10 results?

Apart from the Intermediate Certificate (last issued in 1967), the VCAA does not provide certificates or results for year 10 or below. You should contact your former school for these results.

If your school has closed down since you attended, please contact the Archive and Records unit of the Department of Education and Training on (03) 9637 2000.

How can I get my overseas secondary qualification assessed to see if it is the same as the VCE?

If you have completed secondary schooling overseas and would like to have your overseas secondary qualification assessed, you will need to apply for a Statement of Equivalent Qualification.

You will need to supply certified copies of your education documents with your application.

Please note that the VCAA does not assess tertiary or university qualifications. You will need to contact the Overseas Qualifications Unit.

I want to repeat some or all of my VCE. Is there a penalty?

There is no penalty for repeating the VCE or individual subjects; however the same unit can not count twice towards the VCE unit requirements.

The Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) advises that it does not apply a penalty for repeating VCE studies when calculating the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) (formerly known as the ENTER).

I am an adult student who would like information on studying the VCE. Where can I find this?

The VCAA publication Return to Study is available online. It provides information on VCE, VCAL and VET completion requirements, places to study the VCE, VCAL and VET and what to expect as an adult student.

Further information

Acronyms and terms are defined in the VCAA Words and acronyms.