Unit 3 - Area of Study 2: Analysing a devised ensemble performance
Outcome 2
Analyse the use of processes, techniques and skills to create and present a devised ensemble performance.
Examples of lear​ning activities
Complete short exercises that prompt description, reflection, and interpretation to articulate responses to stimulus material.
Analyse and evaluate the construction and performance of your ensemble presentation, drawing on your record keeping and working script.
Collect material to use in an oral presentation that demonstrates how processes, techniques and skills were used to create and present your ensemble performance.
Present the analysis via responses to one or both of the following formats:
- an oral presentation
- written responses to structured questions.
Detailed example
Prepare for an oral presentation
Collect material relating to your ensemble presentation that demonstrates:
use of stimulus material to extract dramatic potential
play-making techniques used at various stages of the development of the devised ensemble performance that goes beyond the reality of life as it is lived
use of performance styles and associated conventions
use of conventions including application of symbol and transformation of character, time and place
use of dramatic elements
use of expressive skills and performance skills
use of production areas.