Demonstrate knowledge of accidence and syntax and understanding of the content, context and purpose of the chosen work.
Note that not every text will be suitable for this area of study. Teachers will need to choose a text that has sufficient scope for the context and purpose aspects of this study. A text that contains allusions, or requires technical knowledge of history, politics, mythology or the military might be suitable for the context requirement, while a text that has deeper purpose or delivers a message that can be explored will be suitable for the purpose aspect. It can be difficult finding a text that suits all requirements, but students will benefit from a text that allows them to demonstrate their skills at the highest levels.
Modern echoes of ancient issues
Teacher prepares the following activities for students.
This activity is best completed towards the end of the study. For this example, the text being studied is Juvenal’s 3rd Satire.
Translate an unseen passage from a Latin prose author.
As with Units 1 and 2, students will benefit from exposure to a range of authors and subject matter. Suitable authors include Caesar, Livy, Cicero, Sallust, Aulus Gellius and Valerius Maximus, but teachers may select any prose author.
Teachers can assist students in this task through the following steps: