General assessment advice
Advice on matters related to the administration of Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) assessment is published annually in the
VCE and VCAL Administrative Handbook. Updates to matters related to the administration of VCE assessment are published in the
VCAA Bulletin.
Teachers must refer to these publications for current advice.
The principles underpinning all VCE assessment practices are explained in
VCE assessment principles.
The procedures for managing VCE school-based assessment are explained in
Assessment advice for the VCE.
glossary of command terms provides a list of terms commonly used across the Victorian Curriculum F–10, VCE study designs and VCE examinations and to help students better understand the requirements of command terms in the context of their discipline.
VCE Environmental Science Study Design 2022–2026 examination specifications, past examination papers and corresponding examination reports can be accessed from the
VCE Environmental Science examination webpage.
Graded Distributions for Graded Assessment can be accessed from the
VCAA Senior Secondary Certificate Statistical Information webpage.
Excepting third-party elements, schools may use this resource in accordance with the
VCAA's Educational Allowance (VCAA Copyright and Intellectual Property Policy).
Units 1 and 2 school-based assessment
All assessments for Units 1 and 2 are school-based. The determination of an S or N for each of Units 1 and 2 is a separate consideration from the assessment of levels of achievement.
Determination of an S or an N for a unit is based on satisfactory demonstration of the outcomes for the unit. Teachers should note the cognitive demand of the command terms in the outcome statements to determine the type of teaching and learning activities and evidence of student understanding that will be needed for students to demonstrate satisfactory completion of each outcome. For example, Unit 1 Outcome 1 requires that students 'describe the movement of energy and nutrients across Earth's four interrelated systems, and analyse how dynamic interactions among biotic and abiotic components of selected local and regional ecosystems contribute to their capacity to support life and sustain ecological integrity'. Students need only to be able to 'describe' movement of energy and nutrients, but the higher level of 'analyse' is required in relation to interactions amongst biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems. If students could only 'describe' or 'identify' these ecosystem interactions, then they could not be awarded an S for the outcome since a higher order of knowledge and science skills is expected.
Procedures for assessment of levels of achievement in Units 1 and 2 are a matter for schools to decide. Schools have flexibility in deciding how many and which assessment tools they use for each outcome, provided that these decisions are in accordance with the
VCE Environmental Science Study Design and VCE Assessment Principles.
The following information provides an overview of the scope of tasks that may be selected for Units 1 and 2 Areas of Study 1 and 2, and general considerations when developing the assessment tasks involving increased student agency specified for Unit 1, Outcome 3 and Unit 2, Outcome 3.
VCE Environmental Science Task Type | Scope of task for VCE Environmental Science Units 1 and 2, Areas of Study 1 and 2 |
Analysis and evaluation of a case study | Students may be presented with a classic or contemporary environmental science case study for analysis. A single case study may be analysed in depth, or one or more case studies could be used to consider and compare environmental science information, ideas, concepts, theories and models and the connections between them. Case studies do not necessarily need to be sourced from original journal articles; reports and / or references to case studies accessed through a variety of print and electronic resources may be used as long as they contain sufficient information for students to be able to evaluate environmental science concepts, methods, data and findings. |
Analysis of data / results including generation of appropriate graphical representations and formulation of generalisations and conclusions | Primary and / or secondary data may be used in data analysis tasks. Teachers may refer to student-generated data from scientific investigations or collated primary data from a class, across different classes within a school, or across different schools or settings in setting assessment tasks. Secondary data may be accessed through a variety of different print and electronic resources or may include data generated by VCE Environmental Science students in prior years. If data previously generated by student is used, then permission should be obtained from the students and the data de-identified. This task may involve students analysing the data and methodology and methods used to generate the data as well as the ability to construct evidence-based arguments and draw conclusions based on the data available. Particular attention should be given to graphing conventions including scaling, appropriate use of units and representation of patterns and relationships. |
Designed solution to an environmental issue or challenge | This task may involve students suggesting their own science-justified solutions to environmental issues or challenges, and / or may require students to analyse and evaluate others’ solutions, which may include students suggesting their own solutions and / or modifications in a different context. Teachers should provide students with an environmental issue or challenge relevant to the key knowledge and / or key science skills for an outcome. The internet can be used to access appropriate designed solutions or innovations as the basis of the stimulus material to which students will respond in the assessment task. A more open assessment task which provides a problem or scenario to which students respond may be more challenging in terms of the time allocated to the assessment task and how it may be marked fairly. Student-generated solutions should relate to the key knowledge and key science skills specified in the study design. |
Evaluation of stakeholder perspectives in environmental management | Students should be provided with stimulus materials related to environmental management that includes different stakeholder perspectives. This could be a case study, a media report, an online publication of a management project and / or results from stakeholder surveys that may have previously been conducted by students or others. Stakeholder perspectives may relate to opinions prior, during or after the completion of an environmental management project. Students should be expected to evaluate perspectives and opinions on the basis of the underpinning knowledge as well as the value systems (anthropocentric, biocentric, ecocentric and / or technocentric) identified for each stakeholder. Evaluation should include the different impacts of adopting different stakeholder views and / or recommendations. |
Graphic organiser showing how Earth’s systems are impacted by an action, innovation or management strategy | A graphic organiser is a communication tool that visually shows knowledge, concepts, thoughts and / or ideas, and the relationships between them. Graphic organisers can take many forms, for example: - relational organisers (these include fishbone diagrams, story-board and cause-and-effect webs)
- classification organisers (these include concept maps and SWOT analyses)
- sequence organisers (these include linear diagrams, cycles and flow charts)
- compare-and-contrast organisers (these include Venn diagrams and matrices)
Reference to Earth’s systems – atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere – should be clearly visible within the graphic organiser, including the nature of the connections between them. In addition to being an assessment tool, visual organisers can be used by students for summary and revision purposes. |
Investigation or literature review involving the collation
of secondary data | An investigation or literature review involving secondary data should be undertaken in response to a provided or student-generated question. In assessing students’ capacity to access and analyse secondary data, teachers should ensure that appropriate data is accessible by students and that the question under investigation is reasonable in terms of scope and is within the parameters of the study design. Assessment tasks should involve analysis of at least two different data sets so that students can compare and collate the data in order to identify patterns and trends and / or draw conclusions. If research is undertaken outside class, students should sign an
Authentication Record.
All references and notes should be included in students’ logbooks, including date/s of information access / collation. |
Laboratory or fieldwork activity involving the generation, analysis and evaluation of primary data, presented as a report or scientific poster | The report or scientific poster should be preceded by a laboratory or fieldwork investigation involving the generation of primary data that has been fully and / or partially completed under supervision and that has been recorded in students’ logbooks. The logbook may then be used for reference by students when producing the report or scientific poster in a format determined by the teacher. Analysis and evaluation of the data may be completed in the logbook prior to selection by the student of concise and appropriate information to include in a report or scientific poster. Although laboratory and fieldwork investigations may be conducted individually, in small groups or as a class, the report must be completed individually. |
Modelling or simulation activity | This task involves students constructing a physical model and / or analysing a conceptual model and / or using a simulation to model a real or theoretical environmental science concept or system. Students may be asked to analyse and evaluate how the model or simulation organises and explains observed environmental science concepts and phenomena, including limitations of the selected model or simulation. |
Photojournalism article, presented as an essay or as a multimedia presentation | The concept of ‘change’ in environmental science contexts may sometimes be represented as a series of photographs and / or field sketches. These may have been generated by the students and / or accessed as secondary data. The focus is careful selection of images to show change over time or to illustrate a sequence or a concept. Minimal text or data is required in this ‘essay’ or ‘multimedia’ presentation format. Teachers should indicate a limit for the task; for example, not exceeding 10 images or 200 words for an essay or 10 PowerPoint slides. An associated storyboard may also form part of the assessment. |
Problem-solving involving environmental science concepts, skills and / or issues | This task involves teachers setting a problem of limited scope that requires students to develop a theoretical or actual solution through conducting a scientific investigation, analysing and evaluating data or responding to a hypothesis-based or scenario-based task. Scenarios can be developed from local issues, fictional case studies or case studies reported in scientific journals or media articles. Performance during appropriate stages in the problem-solving process, as well as the quality of the final proposal or solution, should be assessed. |
Reflective annotations from a logbook of practical activities | Students should undertake activities and investigations relevant to the outcome prior to beginning the assessment task. Teachers should determine: - which activities are undertaken for the outcome
- how many of these activities should be annotated for the assessment task
- whether the activities annotated for the assessment task will be student-selected or teacher-selected
- whether to provide a set of guiding questions to assist student annotations or whether to allow students to make their own annotations based on a general question related to a specific aspect of the relevant area of study
- when annotations will be completed; for example, immediately after each practical activity, after a series of activities, or in a block at the end of the area of study.
Although activities may be conducted individually, in small groups or as a class, the annotations must be completed individually. Annotations should show evidence of critical, analytical reflection. |
Response to an issue
or media article | Teachers should access and select a contemporary (i.e published in print and / or electronic media within the last calendar year) issue or media article in order to reflect current practice in the discipline and to assist with assessment authentication. Students may be presented with previously unsighted stimulus material or, depending on the complexity of the stimulus material chosen, may be provided with time to read and understand the stimulus material prior to undertaking the assessment task. Sources for the assessment task may include print articles, social media posts, advertisements, interview excerpts, audiovisual programs, artwork or performance items. Students may be asked to respond to selected environmental science principles, concepts, data, arguments and conclusions that are presented in the stimulus material. Students may also be asked to critically evaluate the processes, claims and conclusions in the stimulus material by considering the quality of evidence presented. |
Report format | Reports may take any form as deemed appropriate by the teacher, and may include an oral presentation, presentation of results with student analysis and discussion, a response to an overarching question or set of structured questions or full practical reports that include an abstract, aim, hypothesis, method, results, discussion, conclusion and references. |
Scientific poster format | The VCAA, or another appropriately configured, template may be used for Units 1 and 2 Environmental Science. Teachers and students may negotiate sections pertinent to the investigation question as well as the assessment rubric or marking scheme prior to undertaking the task. Assessment may be completed in investigation stages; for example, investigation design, analysis and evaluating the results, construction of the poster. The poster may be presented electronically or as a hard copy poster. Teachers may elect to include the requirement for an oral presentation to accompany a scientific poster. |
This area of study requires students to either adapt an existing scientific investigation or design their own scientific investigation, which they then conduct to generate appropriate qualitative and / or quantitative data. The investigation should relate to content in Unit 1 Areas of Study 1 and / or 2. Teachers may determine the level of scaffolding provided to students when determining whether students will conduct a student-adapted or student-designed investigation. However, for this area of study, it would be expected that the investigation would involve either a guided inquiry, a coupled inquiry or an open inquiry.
Investigations may be selected from a number of scientific methodologies relevant to generating primary data: classification and identification; controlled experiment; correlational study; fieldwork; modelling; product, process or system development; or simulation.
The same inquiry approach and / or methodology may be undertaken by the whole class or different inquiry approaches and / or methodologies may be undertaken by different students in the class, depending on factors such as the nature of investigation question, students’ prior inquiry skills, and the level of complexity of the investigation. In all investigations, students must generate primary data. Depending on the type of inquiry undertaken students may generate this data individually or in groups. In addition to analysing their own primary data, students may analyse de-identified data from another student and / or collated class data to increase the size of the data set for analysis. It may also be appropriate to analyse secondary data relevant to the investigation question.
Students are required to present a report of their investigation. The teacher may choose the format that students are required to use in presenting their report or, alternatively, students may be provided with a choice of presentation formats to be used, as outlined on page 24 of the study design. Students may work individually or in a group to undertake their investigations, but each student’s presentation of the findings of their investigation should be completed individually.
This area of study requires students to investigate a contemporary example of how science is used to address environmental issues in society that involve pollution or food and / or water security. Teachers may support students to identify and choose an example of a scientific endeavour associated with environmental management that all students will explore, or allow students to choose and explore different examples of the scientific endeavours associated with environmental management relevant to the content of Unit 1 Areas of Study 1 and / or 2. Teachers and students should access and select contemporary (i.e. published in print and / or electronic media within the last calendar year) examples for investigation in order to reflect current practice in the discipline and to assist with assessment authentication.
Students are required to provide a response as to how science is used in managing pollution or in securing food and / or water. Teachers may choose the format that students are required to use in communicating their response or, alternatively, students may be provided with a choice of the presentation format to be used, as outlined on page 30 of the study design. Students may work individually or in a group to identify and analyse the selected example of environmental management, but each student’s response to the environmental management example should be completed individually.
Units 3 and 4 assessment
Assessments for Units 3 and 4 include school-based assessment and an external examination. School-based assessment involves the determination of an S or N for each of Units 3 and 4 as a separate consideration from the assessment of levels of achievement which are determined through School-assessed Coursework.
For satisfactory completion of a unit, teachers should note the cognitive demand of the command terms in the outcome statements to determine the type of teaching and learning activities and evidence of student understanding that will be required for students to demonstrate satisfactory completion of each outcome. School-assessed Coursework may contribute to the determination of an S or N for a unit.
A student’s level of achievement is assessed by an end-of-year examination and by School-assessed Coursework. The
VCE Environmental Science Study Design specifies a set of five School-assessed Coursework (SAC) tasks across Units 3 and 4 that must be undertaken as part of the teaching and learning program. For Outcomes 1 and 2 in Units 3 and 4, schools have flexibility to decide which assessment task type will be used for each outcome. However, each task type can only be selected once across Units 3 and 4.
The following table provides an example of how these four SAC tasks in the study design may be allocated to Units 3 and 4, Outcomes 1 and 2.
School-assessed Coursework (SAC) task |
Unit and area of study |
Presentation of recommendations using evidence-based decision-making, including analysis and evaluation of generated primary data |
Unit 3 Area of Study 2 Assessment context: Recommendations for increasing farm productivity and biodiversity, including comparison of primary data with historical / secondary data related to a comparison of the effectiveness of different farming practices |
Designed or practical response to a real or theoretical environmental issue or challenge |
Unit 4 Area of Study 1 Assessment context: Effectiveness of Barcelona (Spain) trees in tempering the Mediterranean city’s climate and the relevance of application of the innovation to our town as a future adaptation strategy to climate change |
Analysis and evaluation of a case study, secondary data or a media article, with reference to sustainability principles and stakeholder perspectives |
Unit 3 Area of Study 1 Assessment context: Analysis and evaluation of a case study outlining the National Recovery Plan for the Orange-bellied Parrot in terms of sustainability principles and various stakeholder perspectives as to whether continued efforts to downgrade its threatened classification are worthwhile |
Application of Earth systems thinking in the evaluation of responses to an environmental scenario, issue, challenge, or case study |
Unit 4 Area of Study 2: Energy options scenario Assessment context: Comparison and evaluation of how Earth’s four systems may be affected in a proposed transition from the use of a coal-fired power stations to community wind farms and solar energy as renewable energy sources to supply reliable power to our town |
For Unit 4 Outcome 3, schools must design a SAC task that allows students to communicate the design, analysis and findings of a student-designed and student-conducted scientific investigation through a structured scientific poster and logbook entries.
School-assessed Coursework contributes 50 per cent to a student’s study score. An end-of-year examination also contributes 50 per cent to a student’s study score.
The SAC tasks for Units 3 and 4 Outcomes 1 and 2 will be weighted according to the Area of Study to which they are applied.
Assessment | Contribution to a student’s study score (per cent) |
Unit 3 Outcome 1 SAC task | 12 |
Unit 3 Outcome 2 SAC task | 8 |
Unit 4 Outcome 1 SAC task | 10 |
Unit 4 Outcome 2 SAC task | 10 |
Unit 4 Outcome 3 SAC task | 10 |
End-of-year examination | 50 |
In VCE Environmental Science, students are expected to demonstrate their level of understanding of key knowledge and the application of the key science skills through a variety of School-assessed Coursework (SAC) assessment tasks as listed in the VCE Environmental Science Study Design on page 36 for Unit 3 and on page 42 for Unit 4.
In developing SAC tasks, teachers should use the key knowledge listed for the outcomes, as well as the Units 1–4 Environmental Science key science skills included under the ‘Cross-study specifications’ on pages 8–10 of the study design to determine students’ level of achievement at Units 3 and 4. Not all of an outcome needs to be assessed in School-assessed Coursework.
VCE assessment principles underpin all VCE assessment practices. When developing SAC tasks, teachers should also refer to the VCAA policies and school assessment procedures as specified in the
VCE and VCAL Administrative Handbook section:
Scored assessment: School-based Assessment.
Designing the task
Each SAC task must meet the VCE Assessment Principles, allow students to demonstrate their highest level of performance and allow for student work to be authenticated as their own. Students should be familiar with, and understand the meaning of, the command terms embedded in the outcomes of the study design and each of the designated SAC task types. Each term has a different cognitive requirement and should be explicitly taught in learning activities throughout the course of study. In this way, students will have the opportunity to practise and demonstrate a range of responses using the language of the study design.
Assessing the task
Teachers should determine the assessment tool used to assess student work. For example, the VCAA performance descriptors can be used and adapted to the specifics of each SAC task, a different set of rubrics may be constructed by teachers, or a school-specific marking guide can be developed. The assessment instrument (performance descriptors, rubric and / or marking guide) should reflect the outcome, key knowledge and relevant key science skills. The SAC task and assessment instrument should be explained to students before they commence the task.
SAC tasks must be a part of the regular curriculum and assessment program and must not unduly add to the workload associated with that program. They must be completed mainly in class and within the timeframes indicated in the
VCE Environmental Science Study Design.
Conditions and authentication
The teacher must consider the conditions in which the SAC task is completed and the authentication strategies relevant for each assessment task. Information regarding VCAA authentication rules can be found in the VCAA VCE and VCAL Administrative Handbook section: Scored assessment: School-based Assessment.
Students should be provided with clear written instructions about the conditions of each SAC task. These instructions should include the specific key knowledge and VCE Environmental ScienceUnits 1–4 science skills that will be assessed in the task, how the task will be structured and any materials or resources that will be permitted when completing the assessment task.
Explore learning contexts for setting up the assessment task
This is one of four assessment tasks listed on pages 36 and 42 of the
VCE Environmental Science Study Design that can be applied to Outcomes 1 or 2 in Units 3 or 4. Teachers must select the Outcome which will be assessed via this task. The remaining three Outcomes for Units 3 and 4 cannot subsequently be assessed by this task.
In preparing for this SAC task, teachers should:
- distinguish between primary and secondary data
- determine the source of primary data; for example, a laboratory activity, fieldwork or a simulation
- interpret a variety of graphs relevant to biodiversity change over time, outcomes of environmental management projects, climate change or energy use relevant to the selected Outcome for the assessment task
- use raw data or tabulated data relevant to the selected Outcome for the assessment task to develop students’ skills in data representation, analysis and evaluation
- explore the nature of evidence that is required to be able to support or refute conclusions.
Define the parameters that will form the basis of the assessment task.
This assessment task requires students to present recommendations using evidence-based decision-making, including analysis and evaluation of primary data, as specified on pages 36 and 42 of the
VCE Environmental Science Study Design.
The focus of this SAC task is on the use of primary data to justify and present a science-based recommendation related to biodiversity, environmental science project management, climate change or energy options.
Primary data should have previously been generated and recorded in students’ logbooks. The data may relate to the same environmental focus for all students, or students may have generated data based on different environmental foci.
The source materials for the SAC task could be:
- students’ raw primary data derived from fieldwork, laboratory investigations or other practical activities, accessed via students’ logbooks
- raw data generated from simulations conducted during the assessment task
- class data collated by the teacher, for data that relates to the same environmental focus
- supplementary data as determined by the teacher, including secondary data (for example, data from citizen science projects in which students had contributed individual group, or class data).
This SAC task will be weighted according to the Outcome to which it is applied and may contribute 8 per cent, 10 percent or 12 percent to a student’s study score for VCE Environmental Science.
Decide on the structure and conditions of the task
Teachers may consider the following actions in determining the structure and conditions of the assessment task:
- Review the outcome on which the assessment task is based and identify the key knowledge and the specific Units 1–4 Environmental Science key science skills (on pages 8–10) that students will be expected to demonstrate.
- Decide whether the task will be undertaken in a written, multimodal or oral format.
- For a written response:
- allocate approximately 50–70 minutes for task completion
- organise the task to be completed under test conditions that allow for authentication
- allow time for students to read the assessment task questions, or to generate data from a simulation, in addition to the allocated time for the written component.
- For an oral or multimodal task:
- allocate approximately 10 minutes for task completion
- arrrange for live or pre-recorded presentations while also managing authentication processes for pre-recorded presentations
- provide time to research and prepare the presentation, in addition to the time allocated for the presentation component.
- Determine whether students will have access to the stimulus material prior to the assessment task. If the selected material is lengthy or complex, it may be appropriate to provide students with the material prior to undertaking the assessment task. Teachers should also determine whether students may annotate the task. Access to the materials and annotations by students should be undertaken under teacher supervision as far as practicable.
- Determine the type of assessment that students will undertake and what will be required of students. For example, the SAC task may require students to:
- respond to a generic question such as ‘What recommendations for…would you make in relation to the issue of…, and how does your data support your recommendations?’
- answer a set of structured questions that build towards students making recommendations, including questions requiring students to plot and analyse data
- deliver an oral or multimodal presentation promoting a preferred recommendation related to biodiversity change over time, outcomes of environmental management projects, climate change or energy use, justifying their recommendation.
- Determine how students’ recorded data in their logbooks will be used in the assessment task. Consider whether students can annotate and / or process their data prior to the assessment task, and whether all data annotations and / or processing should be completed under teacher supervision. It is recommended that all data annotation and / or processing occurs under teacher supervision and that teachers collect students’ logbooks immediately following the generation of the primary data, and return the logbooks to students at the beginning of the assessment task, so that authentication issues are minimised.
- Decide the most appropriate time to set the task. This decision is the result of several considerations including:
- the estimated time it will take to cover the key knowledge and relevant key science skills
- when assessment tasks are being conducted in other studies and the workload implications for students.
- Although the primary data generated by students and the investigation questions on which the data is based may differ, it is possible that the same assessment task questions can be used. Teachers should be aware that some data sets may be more challenging to evaluate than other data sets; this should be taken into account when deciding how data evaluation will be assessed. Consideration could be given to splitting the task into two sections: analysis and evaluation of data; evidence-based environmental science recommendations.
- Prior to undertaking the assessment task students should be advised of the timeline, the conditions under which the task will be conducted, materials that will be allowed (including notes, annotations, logbooks and calculators) and be informed of the key knowledge and key science skills that will be assessed.
Design the assessment task
Teachers should consider the following points in designing the assessment task:
- When designing this assessment task, teachers should refer to the following:
- Introduction and key knowledge of the Outcome to which the task is aligned.
- Cross-study specifications, including key science skills outlined on pages 8–10 of the
VCE Environmental Science Study Design.
- VCAA performance descriptors for the ‘recommendations using evidence-based decision-making’ task outlined under ‘Assessment advice’ on the VCAA website, noting that these performance descriptors are not mandated. The performance descriptors may be modified to suit the key knowledge and key science skills addressed in each task. Teachers may also develop their own set of rubrics or marking schemes. If developing rubrics or marking schemes, teachers should ensure that the higher order thinking skills (such as ‘analyse’ and ‘evaluate’) that are stated in the outcomes and assessment tasks are appropriately represented.
- If structured questions are used as part of a written task, the assessment task should have a number of different questions at various levels of complexity to allow for student performance at a range of levels. Specific VCE Environmental Science Units 1–4 key science skills should be blended with questions that explore key knowledge so that the key knowledge and key science skills are assessed in the context of data analysis and the use of evidence to justify recommendations.
- It is important to consider how the task will be marked and the expected levels of achievement or responses that will be required as part of the design process, prior to students undertaking the task.
- Questions and prompts should provide students with the parameters and framework for a response that reflects the expected level of achievement (for performance descriptors or rubrics) or the number of allocated marks (for marking schemes). Including different levels of performance (for performance descriptors or rubrics) or multi-mark questions (for marking schemes) will help to discriminate between student responses during assessment.
- Authentication strategies for the assessment task may include:
- the annotation of logbooks under teacher supervision
- the creation of notes under teacher supervision
- the collection of logbooks / annotations prior to the assessment lesson and re-distribution at the start of the assessment task
- regular sighting of any research or preparatory work conducted out of class which is recorded by the teacher
- use of the VCAA ‘School-assessed Coursework Authentication’ form for work undertaken outside class time
- changing the context used to develop the assessment task from year to year (for example, use of a different fieldwork or laboratory activity or different data sets that may be added to students’ primary data for the assessment task)
- changing the outcome that is used to form the basis of the assessment task from year to year.
- Teachers should ensure that any publicly available materials used to develop the assessment task are suitably adapted and / or modified to ensure that students’ work can be authenticated as their own.
Explore learning contexts for setting up the assessment task
This is one of four assessment tasks listed on pages 36 and 42 of the
VCE Environmental Science Study Design that can be applied to Outcomes 1 or 2 in Units 3 or 4. Teachers must select the Outcome which will be assessed via this task. The remaining three Outcomes for Units 3 and 4 cannot subsequently be assessed by this task.
In preparing for this assessment task, teachers should:
- examine the scientific methodology of a ‘product, process or system development’, as defined on page 11 of the study design, in the context of biodiversity, environmental project management, climate science or energy options as relevant to the selected Outcome for the assessment task
- discuss examples of designed or practical solutions to environmental issues and / or challenges relevant to the selected outcome for assessment; for example, by providing case studies, media reports or summarised management strategies as prompts for class or small group discussions
- provide students with issues and / or challenges to which groups of students design solutions, followed by an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed solutions; for example using a SWOT analysis or other evaluation tool
- explore how evaluation criteria can be used in assessing ideas, proposals and solutions to environmental challenges or issues.
Define the parameters that will form the basis of the assessment task
This assessment task requires students to provide a designed or practical response to a real or theoretical environmental issue or challenge, as specified on pages 36 and 42 of the
VCE Environmental Science Study Design.
The focus of this SAC task is on students either developing a designed or practical response to an environmental issue or challenge and / or evaluating other people’s or organisation’s responses to environmental challenges or issues.
The source materials for the SAC task may be:
- a published designed or practical response to an issue or challenge, accessed through environmental science media releases, reports of prototypes or advertisements for commercial products
- a local, regional, national or global innovation or proposal published in the media
- a solution – or possible solutions – to environmental issues or challenges investigated on a field trip
- a theoretical issue or challenge created by the teacher
- the context related to a citizen science project.
This SAC task will be weighted according to the Outcome to which it is applied and may contribute 8 per cent, 10 percent or 12 percent to a student’s study score for VCE Environmental Science.
Decide on the structure and conditions of the task
Teachers may consider the following actions in determining the structure and conditions of the assessment task:
- Review the outcome on which the assessment task is based and identify the key knowledge and the specific Units 1–4 Environmental Science key science skills on pages 8–10 that students will be expected to demonstrate.
- Decide whether the task will be undertaken in a written, multimodal or oral format.
- For a written response:
- allocate approximately 50–70 minutes for task completion
- organise the task to be completed under test conditions that allow for authentication
- allow time for students to read the assessment task questions, or to generate data from a simulation, in addition to the allocated time for the written component.
- For an oral or multimodal task:
- allocate approximately 10 minutes for task completion
- arrrange for live or pre-recorded presentations while also managing authentication processes for pre-recorded presentations
- provide time to research and prepare the presentation, in addition to the time allocated for the presentation component.
- Determine whether students will have access to the stimulus material prior to the assessment task. If the selected material is lengthy or complex, it may be appropriate to provide students with the material prior to undertaking the assessment task. Teachers should also determine whether students may annotate the task. Access to the materials and annotations by students should be undertaken under teacher supervision as far as practicable.
- Determine the type of assessment that students will undertake and what will be required of students. For example, the SAC task may require students to:
- critique a provided designed or practical response to an issue or challenge using a graphic organiser such a SWOT analysis
- discuss the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for improvement for a product, process or system innovation in a report, oral or multimedia presentation
- evaluate the validity of a provided designed or practical response to an issue or challenge using provided or student-generated set of criteria
- develop justified responses to a real or theoretical challenge or issue that has been studied in class or investigated through a field trip or in practical activities
- demonstrate a static or working model of an innovation or product in relation to how the innovation or product contributes to improved environmental outcomes.
- Decide the most appropriate time to set the task. This decision is the result of several considerations including:
- the estimated time it will take to cover the key knowledge and relevant key science skills
- when assessment tasks are being conducted in other studies and the workload implications for students.
- Prior to undertaking the assessment task students should be advised of the timeline, the conditions under which the task will be conducted, materials that will be allowed (including notes, annotations, logbooks and calculators) and be informed of the key knowledge and key science skills that will be assessed.
Design the assessment task
Teachers should consider the following points in designing the assessment task:
- When designing this assessment task, teachers should refer to the following:
- Introduction and key knowledge of the Outcome to which the task is aligned
- Cross-study specifications, including key science skills outlined on pages 8–10 of the
VCE Environmental Science Study Design
- VCAA performance descriptors for the ‘designed or practical response to an issue or challenge’ task outlined under ‘Assessment advice’ on the VCAA website, noting that these performance descriptors are not mandated. The performance descriptors may be modified to suit the key knowledge and key science skills addressed in each task. Teachers may also develop their own set of rubrics or marking schemes. If developing rubrics or marking schemes, teachers should ensure that the higher order thinking skills (such as ‘analyse’ and ‘evaluate’) that are stated in the outcomes and assessment tasks are appropriately represented.
- It is important to consider how the task will be marked and the expected levels of achievement or responses that will be required as part of the design process, prior to students undertaking the task.
- Questions and prompts should provide students with the parameters and framework for a response that reflects the expected level of achievement (for performance descriptors or rubrics) or the number of allocated marks (for marking schemes). Including different levels of performance (for performance descriptors or rubrics) or multi-mark questions (for marking schemes) will help to discriminate between student responses during assessment.
- Authentication strategies for the assessment task may include:
- regular sighting of any research or preparatory work conducted out of class which is recorded by the teacher
- use of the VCAA ‘School-assessed Coursework Authentication’ form for any work completed outside the classroom
- changing the scenario used to develop the assessment task from year to year
- changing the outcome that is used to form the basis of the assessment task from year to year.
- Teachers should ensure that any publicly available materials used to develop the assessment task are suitably adapted and / or modified to ensure that students’ work can be authenticated as their own.
Explore learning contexts for setting up the assessment task
This is one of four assessment tasks listed on pages 36 and 42 of the
VCE Environmental Science Study Design that can be applied to Outcomes 1 or 2 in Units 3 or 4. Teachers must select the outcome which will be assessed via this task. The remaining three outcomes for Units 3 and 4 cannot subsequently be assessed by this task.
In preparing for this assessment task, teachers should:
- explore the six sustainability principles outlined on page 18 of the study design, and specified in the relevant key knowledge selected for the assessment task: Unit 3 Outcome 1, page 32; Unit 3 Outcome 2, page 34; Unit 4 Outcome 1 in terms of managing climate change, page 38; and Unit 4 Outcome 2, page 39
- define a ‘stakeholder group’ and identify different stakeholders involved in environmental management related to biodiversity; environmental projects; climate change adaptation and mitigation; or the selection of energy options as relevant to the selected outcome for assessment
- provide examples that illustrate how scientific, technical and experiential knowledge varies among different stakeholder groups and affects decision-making
- answer a set of structured questions that require students to identify stakeholder perspectives and sustainability principles associated with a selected case study, secondary data or media communication
- examine different value systems as defined on page 19 of the study design, and their application to decision-making related to biodiversity, environmental project management, climate change or energy options as relevant to the selected outcome for assessment.
Define the parameters that will form the basis of the assessment task
This assessment task requires students to analyse and evaluate a case study, secondary data or a media communication, with reference to sustainability principles and stakeholder perspectives, as specified on pages 36 and 42 of the
VCE Environmental Science Study Design.
The focus of the assessment task is on the analysis and evaluation of the sustainability principles and stakeholder perspectives that underpin a provided environmental science context. The context may be a case study, secondary data or a media communication that is written at a readability level suitable for VCE Environmental Science students.
Teachers should note that:
- Six sustainability principles have been outlined on page 18 of the study design. Teachers may select how many of these will be assessed in the SAC task.
- Stakeholder perspectives involve both knowledge (scientific, technical and experiential), values (principles, standards and / or qualities), and value systems (anthropocentrism, biocentrism, ecocentrism and technocentrism) as nominated on page 19 of the study design. Teachers should ensure that representative sampling of these perspectives is included in the SAC task.
This SAC task will be weighted according to the Outcome to which it is applied and may contribute 8 per cent, 10 percent or 12 percent to a student’s study score for Environmental Science.
Decide on the structure and conditions of the task
Teachers may consider the following points in determining the structure and conditions of the assessment task:
- Review the outcome on which the assessment task is based and identify the key knowledge and the specific Units 1–4 Environmental Science key science skills on pages 8–10 that students will be expected to demonstrate.
- Decide whether the task will be undertaken in a written, multimodal or oral format.
- For a written response:
- allocate approximately 50–70 minutes for task completion
- organise the task to be completed under test conditions that allow for authentication
- allow time for students to read the assessment task questions, or to generate data from a simulation, in addition to the allocated time for the written component.
- For an oral or multimodal task:
- allocate approximately 10 minutes for task completion
- arrrange for live or pre-recorded presentations while also managing authentication processes for pre-recorded presentations
- provide time to research and prepare the presentation, in addition to the time allocated for the presentation component.
- Determine whether students will have access to the stimulus material prior to the assessment task. If the selected material is lengthy or complex, it may be appropriate to provide students with the material prior to undertaking the assessment task. Teachers should also determine whether students may annotate the task. Access to the materials and annotations by students should be undertaken under teacher supervision as far as practicable.
- If using secondary data for the task, determine how this data (which should be recorded in students’ logbooks) will be used in the assessment task. Consider whether students can annotate and / or process their data prior to the assessment task, and whether all data annotations and / or processing should be completed under teacher supervision. It is recommended that all data annotation and / or processing occurs under teacher supervision and that teachers collect students’ logbooks immediately following the generation of the primary data, and return the logbooks to students at the beginning of the assessment task, to minimise authentication issues.
- Determine whether assessment would be more efficient and valid if the task was divided into two smaller components relating to (a) sustainability principles; and (b) stakeholder perspectives.
- Determine the type of assessment that students will undertake and what will be required of students. For example, the SAC task may require students to:
- watch a video where different stakeholders present their views about an environmental issue and analyse and evaluate their value systems and the sustainability principles that underlie their views or proposals
- respond to a generic question related to sustainability principles and stakeholder perspectives, such as ‘How are sustainability principles and stakeholder knowledge and values involved in…?’
- respond to a set of structured questions related to sustainability principles and stakeholder perspectives
- analyse stakeholder positions in an environmental management project and justify predicted environmental outcomes that may result from different stakeholder proposals being enacted; evaluate the outcomes in terms of sustainability principles
- take on the role of a stakeholder with a given value system (anthropocentric, biocentric, ecocentric or technocentric) and present an opinion related to an environmental science issue or management plan
- analyse and evaluate the contribution of different sustainability principles and stakeholder views in relation to an environmental science case study.
- Decide the most appropriate time to set the task. This decision is the result of several considerations including:
- the estimated time it will take to cover the key knowledge and relevant key science skills
- when assessment tasks are being conducted in other studies and the workload implications for students.
- Although the primary data generated by students and the investigation questions on which the data is based may differ, it is possible that the same assessment task questions can be used. Teachers should be aware that some data sets may be more challenging to evaluate than other data sets, and this should be taken into account when deciding how data evaluation will be assessed.
- Prior to undertaking the assessment task students should be advised of the timeline, the conditions under which the task will be conducted, materials that will be allowed (including notes, annotations, logbooks and calculators) and be informed of the key knowledge and key science skills that will be assessed.
Design the assessment task
Teachers should consider the following points in designing the assessment task:
- When designing this assessment task, teachers should refer to the following:
- Introduction and key knowledge of the Outcome to which the task is aligned
- Cross-study specifications, including key science skills outlined on pages 8–10 of the
VCE Environmental Science Study Design
- VCAA performance descriptors for the ‘analysis and evaluation of sustainability principles and stakeholder perspectives’ task outlined under ‘Assessment advice’ on the VCAA website, noting that these performance descriptors are not mandated. The performance descriptors may be modified to suit the key knowledge and key science skills addressed in each task. Teachers may also develop their own set of rubrics or marking schemes. If developing rubrics or marking schemes, teachers should ensure that the higher order thinking skills (such as ‘analyse’ and ‘evaluate’) that are stated in the outcomes and assessment tasks are appropriately represented.
- If structured questions are used as part of a written task, the assessment task should have a number of different questions at various levels of complexity to allow for student performance at a range of levels. Specific VCE Environmental Science Units 1–4 key science skills should be blended with questions that explore key knowledge so that the key knowledge and key science skills are assessed in the context of an understanding of how sustainability principles and stakeholder values apply to a selected case study, secondary data or a media communication.
- There are many sources of secondary data appropriate to use in this assessment task. Data may be accessed be accessed through a variety of different print and electronic resources, with appropriate referencing, as a source of stimulus material for SAC tasks. Teachers may use data from a case study investigation or media communication used as part of the teaching and learning program, or collated data from a class, across different classes within a school or across different schools or settings. Secondary data may include data generated by VCE Environmental Science students in prior years. If data previously generated by students are used, then permission should be obtained from the students and the data de-identified.
- It is important to consider how the task will be marked and the expected levels of achievement or responses that will be required as part of the design process, prior to students undertaking the task.
- Questions and prompts should provide students with the parameters and framework for a response that reflects the expected level of achievement (for performance descriptors or rubrics) or the number of allocated marks (for marking schemes). Including different levels of performance (for performance descriptors or rubrics) or multi-mark questions (for marking schemes) will help to discriminate between student responses during assessment.
- Authentication strategies for the assessment task may include:
- the creation of notes under teacher supervision
- the collection of annotations prior to the assessment lesson and re-distribution at the start of the assessment task
- regular sighting of any research or preparatory work conducted out of class which is recorded by the teacher
- use of the VCAA ‘School-assessed Coursework Authentication’ form
- changing the case study, secondary data or media communication used to develop the assessment task from year to year
- changing the outcome that is used to form the basis of the assessment task from year to year.
- Teachers should ensure that any publicly available materials used to develop the assessment task are suitably adapted and / or modified to ensure that students’ work can be authenticated as their own.
Explore learning contexts for setting up the assessment task
This is one of four assessment tasks listed on pages 36 and 42 of the
VCE Environmental Science Study Design that can be applied to Outcomes 1 or 2 in Units 3 or 4. Teachers must select the Outcome which will be assessed via this task. The remaining three Outcomes for Units 3 and 4 cannot subsequently be assessed by this task.
In preparing for this assessment task, teachers should:
- distinguish between and discuss Earth’s four systems (atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere) and their connections and interactions in contexts associated with biodiversity management strategies, environmental project management, climate change or energy options, relevant to the selected Outcome for the assessment task
- identify and explore different responses to environmental issues or challenges, using short scenarios and progressing to longer case studies, to consider how the connections and interactions between Earth’s four systems can support and sustain ecological integrity.
Define the parameters that will form the basis of the assessment task
This assessment task requires students to apply Earth systems thinking in the evaluation of a response to an environmental scenario, case study, issue or challenge, as specified on pages 36 and 42 of the
VCE Environmental Science Study Design.
The focus of the SAC task is on evaluating how Earth’s systems (atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere) interact to support and sustain ecological integrity.
Students may be presented with an environmental scenario, a case study, an issue or a challenge as the stimulus material for the assessment task. Depending on the complexity of the stimulus material, teachers may provide students with the source material prior to undertaking the SAC task, which students may annotate under teacher supervision. Teachers should use readability checks for assessing the suitability of sourced materials for their cohort.
This SAC task will be weighted according to the Outcome to which it is applied and may contribute 8 per cent, 10 percent or 12 percent to a student’s study score for VCE Environmental Science.
Decide on the structure and conditions of the task
Teachers may consider the following points in determining the structure and conditions of the assessment task:
- Review the outcome on which the assessment task is based and identify the key knowledge and the specific Units 1–4 Environmental Science key science skills on pages 8–10 that students will be expected to demonstrate.
- Decide whether the task will be undertaken in a written, multimodal or oral format.
- For a written response:
- allocate approximately 50–70 minutes for task completion
- organise the task to be completed under test conditions that allow for authentication
- allow time for students to read the assessment task questions, or to generate data from a simulation, in addition to the allocated time for the written component.
- For an oral or multimodal task:
- allocate approximately 10 minutes for task completion
- arrrange for live or pre-recorded presentations while also managing authentication processes for pre-recorded presentations
- provide time to research and prepare the presentation, in addition to the time allocated for the presentation component.
- Determine whether students will have access to the stimulus material prior to the assessment task. If the selected material is lengthy or complex, it may be appropriate to provide students with the material prior to undertaking the assessment task. Teachers should also determine whether students may annotate the task. Access to the materials and annotations by students should be undertaken under teacher supervision as far as practicable.
- Determine the type of assessment that students will undertake and what will be required of students. For example, the SAC task may require students to:
- complete a graphic organiser to show how Earth’s four systems are involved in sustaining ecological integrity with reference to a selected environmental scenario, case study, issue or challenge
- respond to a generic question related to a selected environmental scenario, case study, issue or challenge, such as ‘How are Earth’s systems involved in…?’
- respond to a set of scaffolded questions that examine the links between each of Earth’s spheres and the maintenance of ecological integrity in relation to information in the stimulus material
- produce a static or working model to illustrate how Earth’s systems interact in a selected environmental issue, and suggest possible solutions by referring to at least two of Earth’s systems
- respond to ‘What if…’ scenarios related to biodiversity, environmental project management, climate change or energy options by explaining how the interactions between Earth’s systems may be affected compared with the current situation.
- Decide the most appropriate time to set the task. This decision is the result of several considerations including:
- the estimated time it will take to cover the key knowledge and relevant key science skills
- when assessment tasks are being conducted in other studies and the workload implications for students.
- Prior to undertaking the assessment task students should be advised of the timeline, the conditions under which the task will be conducted, materials that will be allowed (including notes, annotations, logbooks and calculators) and be informed of the key knowledge and key science skills that will be assessed.
Design the assessment task
Teachers should consider the following points in designing the assessment task:
- When designing this assessment task, teachers should refer to the following:
- Introduction and key knowledge of the Outcome to which the task is aligned
- Cross-study specifications, including key science skills outlined on pages 8–10 of the
VCE Environmental Science Study Design
- VCAA performance descriptors for the ‘application of Earth systems thinking’ task outlined under ‘Assessment advice’ on the VCAA website, noting that these performance descriptors are not mandated. The performance descriptors may be modified to suit the key knowledge and key science skills addressed in each task. Teachers may also develop their own set of rubrics or marking schemes. If developing rubrics or marking schemes, teachers should ensure that the higher order thinking skills (such as ‘analyse’ and ‘evaluate’) that are stated in the outcomes and assessment tasks are appropriately represented.
- If structured questions are used as part of a written task, the assessment task should have a number of different questions at various levels of complexity to allow for student performance at a range of levels. Specific VCE Environmental Science Units 1–4 key science skills should be blended with questions that explore key knowledge so that the key knowledge and key science skills are assessed in the context of Earth systems thinking.
- It is important to consider how the task will be marked and the expected levels of achievement or responses that will be required as part of the design process, prior to students undertaking the task.
- Questions and prompts should provide students with the parameters and framework for a response that reflects the expected level of achievement (for performance descriptors or rubrics) or the number of allocated marks (for marking schemes). Including different levels of performance (for performance descriptors or rubrics) or multi-mark questions (for marking schemes) will help to discriminate between student responses during assessment.
- Authentication strategies for the assessment task may include:
- the annotation of stimulus material under teacher supervision
- the creation of notes under teacher supervision
- the collection of annotations prior to the assessment lesson and re-distribution at the start of the assessment task
- regular sighting of any research or preparatory work conducted out of class which is recorded by the teacher
- use of the VCAA ‘School-assessed Coursework Authentication’ form
- changing the environmental scenario, case study, issue or challenge used to develop the assessment task from year to year
- changing the outcome that is used to form the basis of the assessment task from year to year.
- Teachers should ensure that any publicly available materials used to develop the assessment task are suitably adapted and / or modified to ensure that students’ work can be authenticated as their own.
Explore learning contexts for setting up the assessment task
This task relates to content in Unit 3 and / or Unit 4. Teachers will decide whether:
- all students undertake an investigation in a particular area of study, which may be nominated by the teacher or negotiated with students
- students have a choice of the area of study which will underpin their investigations.
Students may work in small groups or individually to undertake the investigation, but should be individually assessed on their capacity to:
- design an investigation
- analyse and evaluate their data, using a logbook to authenticate their work
- communicate findings and a conclusion in a scientific poster.
In preparing for this assessment task, teachers should:
- review how primary data maybe generated though the six scientific methodologies listed on pages 10–11 of the
VCE Environmental Science Study Design
- distinguish between qualitative and quantitative data
- review terms related to measurement including accuracy, precision, reproducibility, repeatability and validity
- provide students with experiences in organising, analysing and evaluating data to identify patterns and relationships in a variety of environmental science contexts
- provide examples of succinct communication of science ideas through an evaluation of sample scientific posters (for example, de-identified student posters from previous years).
Define the parameters that will form the basis of the assessment task
The assessment task for this outcome requires students to communicate the design, analysis and findings of a student-designed and student-conducted investigation through a structured scientific poster and logbook entries, as specified on page 42 of the study design.
The task accounts for 40 marks of the 120 marks available for School-assessed Coursework in Unit 4 and contributes 10 per cent to a student’s study score for VCE Environmental Science.
Decide on the structure and conditions of the task
Teachers may consider the following actions in determining the structure and conditions of the assessment task:
- Determine whether the scientific investigation will be undertaken in either Unit 3 or Unit 4 or across both Units 3 and 4. Dependent on the structure of the task, different outcomes and underpinning key knowledge may be investigated by different students. Students may also use different methodologies and / or methods in designing their investigations.
- Where choice of outcome, methodology and / or method for the student-designed investigations is provided, confirm that tasks are comparable in scope and demand to ensure that the VCE Assessment Principles are met.
- Decide the most appropriate time to set the task. This decision is the result of several considerations including:
- the estimated time it will take to cover the key knowledge and relevant key science skills
- management of different student investigations
- availability of school resources to support the student investigations
- when assessment tasks are being conducted in other studies and the workload implications for students.
- Advise students, prior to the assessment task being undertaken, of the timeline and the conditions under which the task will be conducted. Confirmation of the key knowledge and key science skills that will be assessed relevant to each student’s investigation should also be negotiated between the teacher and the student prior to the investigation being undertaken.
Design the assessment task
Teachers should consider the following points in designing the assessment task:
- When designing this task, teachers should refer to the following:
- Introduction and key knowledge included in Unit 4 Outcome 3
- Cross-study specifications, including key science skills, outlined on pages 8–10 of the
VCE Environmental Science Study Design
- ‘Scientific Investigations’ and ‘Scientific Poster’ sections under
‘Planning advice’ in the VCAA online support materials
- VCE Performance Descriptors for the ‘Unit 4 Outcome 3’ task included under ‘Assessment advice’. Teachers should note that the Performance Descriptors are not mandated. The Performance Descriptors may be modified to suit the structure of the student-designed investigations conducted by each specific school cohort of students, or other rubrics may be constructed by teachers. If devising a marking scheme to assess the outcome, teachers should ensure that higher order thinking skills and command terms used in the outcome statements and assessment tasks (such as ‘design’, ‘apply’, ‘analyse’ and ‘evaluate’) are appropriately represented.
- It is expected that the student-designed investigation will be a ‘coupled’ or ‘open’ scientific investigation and that students will undertake each of the phases listed in the ‘Designing investigations’ section under ‘Planning Advice’ in the VCAA online support materials.
- Depending on the investigation question that is developed, a controlled experiment may not be the best scientific investigation methodology to select in order to answer the question. However, the investigation question and scientific investigation methodology selected must allow for the generation of primary data.
- The ‘investigation exploration’, ‘planning’ and ‘investigation’ phases of a student’s scientific investigation should be appropriately recorded and authenticated in students’ logbooks. The information contained within the logbook should be used by teachers to individually assess a student’s ability to design and conduct a scientific investigation.
- Sections of the ‘processing’, ‘reporting’ and ‘further investigation’ phases of a student’s scientific investigation may be assessed using both the logbook and the scientific poster that is created to convey the overall design and findings of the student’s investigation. Teachers should spend time supporting students to understand the key sections and design principles of communication for the poster format in the
VCE Environmental Science Study Design 2022–2026. It may be appropriate for students to complete aspects of a scientific report, such as results and discussion of their investigation, in their logbooks, which is then assessed before students are assessed on their ability to use clear, coherent and concise expression and representations to a specific audience for a specific purpose through the construction of the scientific poster.
- In some circumstances, students may design an investigation that cannot be safely conducted or may be beyond the scope of the
VCE Environmental Science Study Design. In particular, the general guiding principle behind ethical research is to do no harm to participants, including non-human animals, the researcher and community. Teachers should guard against investigation questions that may be inappropriate for secondary school student researchers and be mindful of particular sensitivities within their school community and broader community. In the circumstance that a student is assessed as having designed an investigation that cannot be safely conducted, they may be provided with an alternative method to then generate primary data.
- Due to the time available to design, conduct and report the finding of their scientific investigation, students must be practical and realistic when deciding on investigation topics. Teachers should be equally pragmatic when advising students about their choice of investigation topics and when guiding students in the formulation of the investigation question. Appropriate teacher intervention not only minimises risks but also serves as formative feedback for students.
- Sometimes the data generated by students is inadequate in enabling them to draw meaningful conclusions in relation to their investigation question. In this circumstance, students may be provided with secondary data for analysis.
- Students are assessed on their capacity to design an investigation. Typically, this is assessed in relation to a student’s planned investigation. An alternative approach is to assess a student’s capacity to extend or ask a further question as a coupled experiment to an initial investigation undertaken. In schools with large student cohorts, this is particularly useful for managing resources and assessment.
- It is important to consider how the assessment task will be marked and the expected levels of achievement or responses that will be required as part of the task design process, prior to students undertaking the task. Students should be advised as to how levels of achievement will be determined. Providing students with assessment rubrics prior to them undertaking the assessment task aligns to the VCE assessment principle of equity.
- Clear communication regarding expectations of students concerning the use of the logbook and / or use of notes in the assessed component of the student-designed investigation is important for authentication.
- Depending on the structure of the task, authentication strategies may include, but are not limited to:
- the annotation of logbooks or creation of notes under teacher supervision
- the collection of logbooks / annotations prior to the creation of the scientific poster and re-distribution at the start of the session/s allocated to create the scientific poster
- regular sighting of preparation work conducted out of class which is recorded by the teacher
- use of the VCAA’s ‘School-assessed Coursework Authentication’ form for work completed outside class
- changing the outcome or scientific investigation methodology that is used to form the basis of the assessment task from year to year in cases where only one outcome and methodology are used by a school.
- Teachers should ensure that any publicly available materials used to develop the assessment task are suitably adapted and / or modified to ensure that students’ work can be authenticated as their own.
The performance descriptors are developed from the Key Science Skills on pages 8 to 10 of the
VCE Environmental Science Study Design 2022–2026. They provide a way for teachers to differentiate between levels of student achievement in demonstrating the key knowledge and key science skills by including examples of what students may be expected to say, write, make and do to achieve an outcome.
A set of performance descriptors have been developed for each of the five assessment tasks across Units 3 and 4. Examples of relevant key science skills for each of the assessment tasks are shown in rows. Each row describes five progressively higher levels of performance for that skill, reading left to right. Key knowledge for each assessment task should be selected by the teacher and included in the performance descriptors, ensuring that each assessment task is used only once across Units 3 and 4. Examples of assessment tasks across Units 3 and 4 can be seen at
Examples of assessment task contexts across Units 3 and 4. A planning tool is provided at
Mapping of VCE Environmental Science assessment tasks against key science skills to support teachers in mapping the key science skills across the five assessment tasks for Units 3 and 4.
The performance descriptors should be able to capture the skill level of every student being assessed and will help provide the allocation of a range of marks. The lowest quality performance should be something that most or all students can do, and the highest quality performance should be something that extends the ablest students.
The performance descriptors can assist students by showing them what improvement looks like, and how they can progress their learning. Teachers can use the performance descriptors to: guide and support student readiness for the next stage of their learning (zone of proximal development); achieve greater consistency with assessments and provide more detailed information for reporting purposes.