Unit 2 - Area of Study 2: Creating texts
Outcome 2
Communicate ideas and information appropriately in writing for a particular target audience and purpose.
Examples of learning activities
Detailed example
Jigsaw discussion groups
This activity can be used to unpack and explore a topic by examining different questions or proposals at once, enabling all students to engage in the skills of discussion, listening and feedback. Students explore an aspect of a common topic in a discussion group and then report back on what they have heard to a ‘home’ group. The other members of the ‘home’ group have also been discussing other aspects of the same topic in their discussion groups and will likewise report back to their ‘home’ group. In this way, everyone should benefit from the discussions of other groups, provided members listen actively, take notes and report back clearly.
- In groups of 4–5, students begin in a ‘home’ group, each being given a number from 1–4.
- Each student then moves out to a ‘discussion group’ of students with the same number – all the ‘1s’ in discussion group 1, ‘2s’ in discussion group 2, and so on.
- Students delegate a leader for their new group to discuss their particular aspect of the topic, expressing their opinions and ideas in an orderly and formal way, using evidence and examples. They must also listen and note down the ideas and examples of others in the group.
- After 10 minutes, students are called back to their original ‘home’ groups where they each report the ideas expressed by their ‘discussion group’ members.
- This activity can then be extended into a writing activity.