Foundation Sample 1
Task Summary
The student was asked to read a fiction text at their independent reading level. The fiction text was
Clever Fox by Beverley Randell.
Duration: 4 minutes 48 seconds
Clever Fox transcript (docx - 49.76kb)
Foundation English, Reading and Viewing achievement standard (extract only)
This fiction text example provides evidence of student achievement for:
… monitoring strategies to make meaning from texts … read short predictable texts with familiar vocabulary and supporting images, drawing on their developing knowledge of concepts about print, and sound and letters. They identify all the letters of the English alphabet in both upper- and lower-case, and know and can use the sounds represented by most letters.
For more information, please see:
Victorian Curriculum F–10: English - Foundation - Reading and Viewing
Video segments with annotations against achievement standard extracts
Some text within annotations is taken directly from the book:
Clever Fox, Beverley Randell Nelson Publishers, 1999.
Duration: 1 minute 11 seconds
The student:
Demonstrates understanding of print concepts such as the title, directionality and use of images.
Reveals understanding of how the alphabet is used to create meaningful words and sentences, as well as phonics and word knowledge by reading the title aloud.
Shows comprehension strategies to understand and discuss texts through the predictions based on the cover illustration, followed by clarification through viewing the illustration on the first page.
The student:
Monitors and uses self-correction to make meaning in the text, for example ‘he run’ self-corrects to ‘is running’.
Indicates knowledge of structures and features of texts including syntax knowledge, for example ‘here is’ self-corrects to ‘he is’.
Practises phrasing and fluency by reading the text on each page together and pauses after full stops in recognition that sentences are key units for expressing ideas, for example pausing after reading ‘Fox can see the river.’
Uses voice to demonstrate grammatical knowledge by applying rising intonation indicated by a question mark, for example ‘Where is fox?’, and shows understanding that sentences are key units for expressing ideas as well as how groups of words make meaning.
The student:
Refers to illustration when faced with an unfamiliar word and uses the known initial consonant blend to make a suitable guess, for example 'st' for 'stares' instead of 'stays'.
After self-correcting re-reads the text to ensure accurate meaning is maintained.
Recognises and reads a number of high-frequency words and groups them into appropriate phrases as indicated by the grammar.
The student:
Monitors meaning and self-corrects by applying knowledge of consonant–vowel sound blends, for example ‘he’ self-corrects to ‘here’.
Reads the text with fluency, appropriate pace and without finger tracking.
Applies voice intonation to demonstrate semantic and contextual knowledge, for example ‘fox can go home’ and ‘he is safe’.
Following a self-correction, scans image to check and assist in maintaining meaning.
Duration: 1 minute 42 seconds
The student:
Answers literal questions about the text including the events and characters.
Responds to inferential questions with the help of additional prompting questions and shows an emerging understanding, for example ‘Why is he safe?’ and ‘what is this?’ referring to the hole.
Recalls and retells events from the text, for example ‘The dog is no longer chasing him’.
Demonstrates comprehension of the text through discussion and relevant responses to teacher questioning.
When planning the next stage of the teaching and learning program to progress this student's learning, focus on the following skills and knowledge:
- Understand that the purposes texts serve shape their structure in predictable ways
- Recognise short vowels, common long vowels and consonant digraphs, and consonant blends
- Understand how to spell one and two syllable words with common letter patterns
- Understand that a letter can represent more than one sound, and that a syllable must contain a vowel sound
- Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning about key events, ideas and information in texts that they listen to, view and read by drawing on growing knowledge of context, text structures and language features
- Read texts with familiar features and structures using developing phrasing, fluency, phonic, semantic, contextual, and grammatical knowledge and emerging text processing strategies, including prediction, monitoring meaning and rereading