The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) Board has 8–15 members. Members are nominated by the Minister for Education and appointed by the Governor-in-Council.
Diane Joseph
Diane Joseph is a nationally recognised education leader having been involved in the sector for more than forty years having started her career as a maths teacher at Footscray Technical School. She has served as Principal at James Harrison College and Geelong High School.
Diane’s most recent executive role was as Director-General of the ACT Department of Education and Training. Before this Diane held a number of executive roles in the Victorian Department of Education, with a focus on innovation.
Diane is a highly experienced Board Chair and Director and was appointed by Australia's education minsters as Chair of the Board for Education Services Australia Ltd (ESA) from 2017 to 2024. Diane is Project Board Chair for Major Projects Canberra, and has been a Director for the Australian Council for Educational Leadership (ACEL), the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL), the Canberra Institute of Technology, and the ACT Teacher Quality Institute.
In 2015 Diane received The Palmes Académiques Chevalier (Knight of the French Order), from the French Government for eminent service to bi-lingual education. In 2005 Diane was the recipient of the Victorian Education Excellence Outstanding School Leadership Award.
Stephen Fraser
Deputy Secretary, School Education Programs and Support (SEPS)
As Deputy Secretary, SEPS, Stephen leads policy and program development to improve learning and wellbeing outcomes for all students, regardless of their background.
Stephen has extensive experience in education policy making and implementation. He has held a range of senior roles in Victoria, including Regional Director for the South Western Victoria Region and Executive Director for Implementation. He has also served as a seconded senior advisor to the Victorian Minister for Education and Deputy Premier.
Following a long history in the Victorian Public Service, Stephen spent time in the UK, as Deputy Chief Executive for the Education Endowment Foundation, an independent charity dedicated to breaking the link between family background and educational attainment through the generation and use of high-quality evidence about what works to improve outcomes for students experiencing disadvantage.
Stephen holds a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science.
Nicole Connelly
Associate Professor Nicolle Connelly is currently an academic in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at RMIT, with an extensive history in aviation operations and safety issues across academia, government and within the airline industry, including almost 30 years as an air traffic controller and manager at Airservices. Nicolle holds a Diploma in Air Traffic Control and a Masters in Engineering Airworthiness and brings a strong skillset in planning and risk management. In her current position within RMIT, Nicolle demonstrates her passion for educational excellence. Additionally, as a Non-Executive Director of the Airservices Australia Board, Nicolle has substantial experience with governance oversight and setting strategic direction.
Jason Giri
Associate Professor Jason Giri is currently the Dean, Global Professional School at Federation University. Jason has previously held roles as Acting Pro Vice-Chancellor; International, Academic Director, International Education; Dean of the School of Science, Engineering and IT; Head of the School of Engineering and Information Technology and Deputy Dean, Science and Mathematics. Jason has over 20 years of academic experience and research in the areas of mathematical optimization and tertiary education. With a Bachelor of Science and a PhD in Mathematics, Jason has an outstanding career history in developing innovative mathematics, statistics and science curriculum and pedagogy.
Jason was also recognised in 2007 with a national teaching award for his innovative approach to mathematics curriculum for pre-service maths teachers.
Mary Oski
Dr Mary Oski is currently the Director of Learning and Regional Services, Melbourne Archdiocesan Catholic Schools. Mary has over 20 years’ experience in the education sector with a focus on curriculum development and building leadership capability. A significant period of Mary’s career has been within the Catholic sector providing a strong understanding of the sector and its needs. Mary holds a Doctor of Education from the University of Melbourne and has additionally completed a Graduate Certificate in Management of Not-for-Profit Organisations and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Mary’s recent board experience with the Australian Council for Educational Leaders has also continued to a strengthen Mary’s governance skills.
Catharine Hydon
Dip Teaching (Early Childhood); MEd (Early Childhood Education)
Catharine Hydon is the Director and Principal Consultant at Hydon Consulting. She is an early childhood professional with experience in a range of early childhood settings. Catharine has worked as an early childhood teacher, established programs with the Brotherhood of St Laurence, managed a range of services for children and their families in Melbourne’s Northern suburbs and a school-based program in Papua New Guinea. Catharine has a Master’s degree in Early Childhood Education from Monash University. Catharine has been a member of the VCAA Early Years to 10 Curriculum and Assessment Committee since 2017.
Aayushi Khillan
Aayushi Khillan is a passionate and innovative young leader currently studying a Bachelor of Biomedicine at the University of Melbourne. She completed VCE at The Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School in 2018 where she was the Debating and Public Speaking Captain, Representative Council Treasurer and Girls in Volunteering Executive. Aayushi was part of the Victorian Student Representative Council (VicSRC) executive team in 2017-18.
James Laussen
Bachelor of Education (EnvSci); Master of Education (Administration)
James Laussen is the Foundation Principal for All Saints Anglican School. Mr Laussen brings robust experience and knowledge of the Prep-12 school environment to the Board. He has relevant experience as a AHISA State Executive, member of the Board of the Anglican Diocesan Schools Commission, member of the Management Committee of Anglican Schools Australia and its President from 2015-2017. He has also been a member of the VCAA Secondary Principals’ Reference Group since 2011, the VIT Accreditation Committee since 2014, the State Government LGBTIQ+ Education Reference Group since 2019, and a Board member of Independent Schools Victoria (ISV) since 2016.
Robert Fearnside
Robert Fearnside has a background with the Victorian Auditor-Generals Office, Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority, Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications and is very experienced in education with strong risk and audit knowledge, governance knowledge and awareness of the Education and Training Reform Act legislation.
Terry Bennett PSM
Higher Diploma of Teaching, Secondary, State College of Rusden, Majors in Mathematics & Physics; Master of Educational Studies, Monash University
Terry Bennett has worked for 52 years with the Department of Education and Training. Mr Bennett has by any measure made a most significant contribution to education in Victoria, as evidenced by his PSM awarded in this year’s Australia Day Honours. He was Regional Director North East Victoria Region within the Department from March 2019 up until April 2022. He had responsibility for approximately 400 government primary and secondary schools and 400 early childhood centres. His role was to support schools and early childhood centres and ensure the implementation of government policy regarding the Education State Reform agenda. Mr Bennett also has over 20 years’ experience as a secondary school principal. Part of his role will be to chair the VCAA Audit Committee.
Kristy Mullins
Bachelor of Education, Primary (Honours); Master of School Leadership
Kristy Mullins holds the position of Principal at Wangaratta West Primary School. Ms Mullins is a young and passionate professional with a strong understanding of the diversity of schools through her work as a teacher and leader at two large Metropolitan Melbourne schools, leadership of a regional primary school and interacting with principals across her network. Last year she took on the role of Network chair for the Benalla/Mansfield/Wangaratta (BMW) network.