​Our mission to provide high-quality curriculum assessment and reporting to enable learning for life is carried out by our divisions.
Assessment and reporting division
The Assessment and reporting division is responsible for the delivery and reporting of VCE examinations, NAPLAN tests and education state target assessments.
The division also manages:
- development and delivery of the GAT
- VCE and VCAL student records and enrolment data
- issuing of VCE and VCAL certificates
- digital assessment platforms, including the Digital Assessment Library
- appointment of all sessional staff.
Curriculum division
The Curriculum division is responsible for the implementation, review and development of:
- the Victorian Early Childhood Learning and Development Framework
- the Victorian Curriculum F-10
- the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)
- the VCE Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs.
Infrastructure and business services division
The Infrastructure and business services division supports achievement of organisational objectives through the provision of corporate services including:
- assurance and improvement
- communications
- corporate governance
- finance
- human resources
- information technology infrastructure
- international programs
- legal services
- procurement
- strategic policy and planning.
Senior Secondary Certificate Reform division
The Senior Secondary Certificate Reform division is responsible for the implementation of the senior secondary reforms recommended in the Firth Review into Vocational and Applied Learning Pathways in Senior Secondary Schooling.