The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) provides the only official, up-to-date versions of VCAA publications and content.
The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) owns this website and its content (including documents and logos). Third parties may own the copyright in some materials incorporated within this website.
This website, its content and all materials, documents and resources provided by the VCAA are protected by copyright laws and may be used in accordance with the VCAA’s Copyright
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The VCAA includes third-party material within its website and resources in accordance with the Australian
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Please correctly acknowledge all works used and only use material in compliance with copyright laws; you may need to seek permission for certain uses from the copyright owner.
In addition to the VCAA’s main website the VCAA owns and administers the
Victorian Curriculum F-10 website (refer
Victorian Curriculum F-10 Copyright Notice).
For information and queries about the VCAA’s management of copyright and intellectual property please contact the
VCAA Copyright Manager.
Links and linking
You may link to VCAA webpages provided that your link does not misrepresent the VCAA and provided that your link clearly identifies the VCAA as the destination and creator of the linked content. You must not present a link to a VCAA webpage or resource which gives the impression that you own the VCAA content or that the VCAA endorses you or your site’s content.
The VCAA provides links to external sites via this website, including to sites which are not controlled or authorised by the VCAA. The VCAA makes no claims as to the accuracy of the information on linked external sites and you are advised to check and comply with the terms of use for each linked site. (Read the VCAA
1. Copyright: terms of use
Individual use
You may use content from this website, with due acknowledgement, for the purpose of research and study and as permitted under copyright law. In Australia, please refer to the ‘fair dealing’ allowances with the
Copyright Act 1968 (Cth).
Where your intended use is commercial in nature or otherwise extends beyond the allowances within the
Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), permission from the VCAA and other copyright owners will be required.
Commercial or other uses beyond the Copyright Act allowances
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Use within schools and educational institutions
The VCAA provides an ‘up front’ licence enabling registered* Schools and educational institutions within Australia to copy and communicate
VCAA copyright works for non-commercial, educational purposes. (*‘Registered schools’ means registered with the VRQA or equivalent authority in other States and Territories, or, for tertiary level educational institutions, TEQSA)
What educators can use:
VCAA copyright works may include print and visual content as well as sound and/or video recordings created and owned by the VCAA. It expressly includes content created and owned by the VCAA which is made freely available to the general public via the VCAA’s websites (for example )
This licence allowance does not extend to any third-party copyright content provided with or within VCAA works.
The VCAA trademarks and logos are NOT included in this licence.
What educators can do:
Provided that accurate source attribution (eg title, date) and acknowledgement is displayed with the copied or communicated content, Schools and educational institutions may use VCAA copyright works, for free, as follows:
- make copies of
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- electronically communicate (including display, transmit by email)
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The form of acknowledgement for
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© Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.
For current versions and related content visit
Please ensure appropriate copyright notices and attributions are displayed for any third-party copyright content.
This licence includes all uses previously licensed to Australian Schools and educational institutions under the Australian Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) Part IVA (Div 4) Statutory Licence scheme administered by the Copyright Agency Ltd. Instead of relying on the Part IVA (Div 4) Statutory Licence, Schools may now rely on this VCAA ‘up front’ licence allowance when copying or communicating VCAA copyright content for non-commercial, educational purposes.
Third-party material:
The VCAA makes all reasonable efforts to identify third-party content where this is included in its materials. Schools should ensure their use of such third party content is in compliance with the Copyright Act allowances or as otherwise granted by copyright owners.
The above licence excludes any third-party copyright works presented with or within VCAA copyright works. Schools are advised to comply with the requirements of the Copyright Act when dealing with third-party works, including any requirements to record use of those works.
More information:
Information about educational allowances for schools within the Copyright Act is available via the
Department of Education & Training Intellectual Property and Copyright pages.
For further advice consult the information at the Department of Education & Training link above or send inquiries through to the
DET Copyright Officer.
See also the advice for educators at
Australian Copyright Council
2. VCAA trade marks and titles
The VCAA is the owner of registered trade-marks including the terms ‘VCE’, ‘VCAL’ and ‘Victorian Pathways Certificate’, along with the following logos:
(the VCAL handprint)
(the AusVELS logo)
The VCAA also owns common law trade marks:
the term ‘Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning’
the term ‘Victorian Certificate of Education’
the term ‘VELS’ (Victorian Essential Learning Standards)’ and the VELS logo
Except when printing or downloading VCAA content in accordance with the above copyright terms, you may not use or reproduce the VCAA’s trade marks except:
- as part of a descriptive or ‘fair’ reference to the VCAA with proper recognition of the trade mark’s status by using the superscript symbols ® or TM;
- as permitted by law; or
- as otherwise agreed with the VCAA
prior to your intended use.
For further information about VCAA trademarks please contact
VCAA Copyright Manager
NAPLAN ® (the acronym for the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy) is a registered trade mark of the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). Queries in relation to its use should be directed to
3. Does your material appear on this website?
If you believe the VCAA website infringes your copyright please contact the
VCAA Copyright Manager.
Include the following information in your email:
- your name and contact details, including address and telephone number;
- description and location on the VCAA website or related sites of the allegedly infringing material (give the URL, hostname or IP address, and file name) or publication details if applicable;
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