The following on-demand videos have been prepared to support teachers with an introduction to the newly accredited VCE Music Study Design (2023).
This on-demand video explores the new VCE Music Study Design (2023) Units 1 and 2.
Units 1 and 2 transcript Units 1 and 2 presentation
This on-demand video explores the differences between the four Units 3 and 4 studies contained in the new VCE Music Study Design.
Which Unit 3 and 4 Music study for my students? transcript Which Unit 3 and 4 Music study for my students? presentation
This on-demand video explores the new pathway in the VCE Music Study Design: Music Inquiry (2023) Units 3 and 4.
Music Inquiry – a new music pathway transcript Music Inquiry – a new music pathway presentation
This on-demand video introduces the new Music Contemporary Performance study (2023) Units 3 and 4.
Music Contemporary Performance transcript Music Contemporary Performance presentation
This on-demand video introduces the new Music Repertoire Performance study (2023) Units 3 and 4.
Music Repertoire Performance transcript Music Repertoire Performance presentation
This on-demand video introduces the new Music Composition study (2023) Units 3 and 4.
Music Composition transcript Music Composition presentation
This on-demand video explores the use of digital tools in the new VCE Music Study Design (2023) Units 1 and 2.
Supporting digital musicians in Units 1 and 2 transcript Supporting digital musicians in Units 1 and 2 presentation
This on-demand video explores the use of digital tools in the new VCE Music Study Design (2023): Music Inquiry Units 3 and 4.
Supporting digital musicians in Music Inquiry Units 3 and 4 transcript Supporting digital musicians in Music Inquiry Units 3 and 4 presentation
This on demand video explains the different processes of reimagining works for Music contemporary performance and recreating works for Music repertoire performance. It emphasises the connections between Areas of Study 1 and 2 and the role that the instrumental/vocal teacher and classroom teacher may share in this process.
Music Reimagining and Recreating transcript Music Reimagining and Recreating presentation
This is the recording of the live webinar held in September 2022 to provide VCE Music teachers with insight into the changes to the new VCE Music Study Design to be implemented from the start of 2023.
Music Units 1 and 2 and Music Inquiry Units 3 and 4 transcript Music Units 1 and 2 and Music Inquiry Units 3 and 4 presentation
Music Contemporary Performance, Repertoire Performance and Music Composition transcript Music Contemporary Performance, Repertoire Performance and Music Composition presentation