Use the reference guide below to help interpret the data published in 2024 Senior Secondary Completion and Achievement Information.
Name of school (and campus, where reported separately).
Small school
A small school has 20 or fewer students enrolled in at least one VCE study at Units 3 and 4 level. Much care is required in interpreting the results of a small school as the overall results might be significantly affected by those of one or two students.
Locality is provided to help identify a school’s location, which is not always obvious from its name.
School program
Number of VCE, VCE Vocational Major (VM) studies and VCE VET programs at Units 3 and 4 level with enrolments
The figure provided is the number of VCE and VCE VM studies with enrolments at Units 3 and 4 level. It also includes VCE VET scored and non-scored programs at Units 3 and 4 level.
In some cases, a school will put in place arrangements to allow their students to access studies not currently offered at their school. Therefore, the number of studies available to students may be greater than these figures indicate. Details of such arrangements can be obtained from individual schools.
Number of Vocational Education and Training (VET) certificates with enrolments
The figure provided is the number of VET certificates with enrolments. This includes VET within VCE, VCE Vocational Major and Victorian Pathways Certificate programs.
VET certificates may be undertaken within the school or outside the school. In some cases, more VET certificates may have been available to students, however with no enrolments. Therefore, the number of VET certificates available to students may be greater than these figures indicate.
Number of Higher Education studies (HES) with enrolments
The figure provided is the number of HES with enrolments. This includes HES within VCE and VCE Vocational Major programs. HES are offered by participating universities.
In some cases, more HES may have been available to students, however with no enrolments. Therefore, the number of HES available to students may be greater than these figures indicate
Enrolment(s) in VCE Vocational Major (VM) unit(s)
This datapoint is reported as ‘Y’ if at least one student is enrolled in a VCE VM unit.
The VCE VM is an applied learning program which embeds vocational education and applied learning in the VCE.
Enrolment(s) in the Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC)
This datapoint is reported as ‘Y’ if at least one student is enrolled in the VPC.
The VPC is an inclusive and flexible foundation secondary certificate
Enrolment(s) in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma
This datapoint is reported as ‘Y’ if at least one student is enrolled in the IB Diploma.
The IB Diploma is an international senior secondary qualification. Students who undertake the IB Diploma are awarded an equivalent Australia Tertiary Admissions Rank and are considered for tertiary selection in Victoria on a similar basis to VCE students. IB Diploma results are released in January.
Enrolment(s) in Northern Hemisphere Timetable (NHT) delivery at Units 3 and 4 level
This datapoint is reported as ‘Y’ if at least one student is enrolled in a VCE study at Units 3 and 4 level delivered on the NHT.
Schools may offer VCE studies on the Victorian calendar-year timetable and the NHT. Offering studies on both timetables may provide greater flexibility for students to complete some studies on one timetable and some on the other
Student cohort
Number of students enrolled in at least one VCE or VCE Vocational Major (VM) study or VCE VET program at Units 3 and 4 level
The figure provided is the number of students enrolled in at least one VCE or VCE VM study or VCE VET program at Units 3 and 4 level.
This number does not necessarily correspond to the size of the Year 12 cohort at the school. Units at level 3 and 4 are designed to be undertaken in Year 12. However, the VCE provides flexibility that allows students to undertake some studies at this level before they reach Year 12
Number of students enrolled in a Vocational Education and Training (VET) certificate
The figure provided is the number of students who have included at least one VET certificate (or a part thereof) in their VCE or VCE Vocational Major or Victorian Pathways Certificate program. This figure is inclusive of VET certificates undertaken as a School-based Apprenticeship or Traineeship (SBAT).
Number of students enrolled in a School-based Apprenticeship or Traineeship (SBAT)
The figure provided is the number of students who have included at least one SBAT (or a part thereof) in their VCE or VCE Vocational Major or Victorian Pathways Certificate program.
Number of students enrolled in a Higher Education study (HES)
The figure provided is the number of students who have included at least one HES in their VCE or VCE Vocational Major program.
Percentage of VCE students applying for tertiary places through the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC)
The figure provided is the percentage of students who made a timely application for a tertiary course through VTAC, of those students eligible to do so.
Student achievement
Percentage of satisfactory VCE completions
Of those students eligible to complete the VCE in 2024, the figure provided is the percentage of students who did satisfactorily complete the VCE. This figure is also inclusive of students awarded the VCE Vocational Major and the VCE (Baccalaureate)
Number of students awarded the VCE Vocational Major (VM)
The figure provided is the number of students who have been awarded the VCE Vocational Major.
To be eligible to receive the VCE Vocational Major, students must satisfactorily complete a minimum of 16 units, including:
- 3 VCE VM Literacy or VCE English units (including a Unit 3–4 sequence)
- 2 VCE VM Numeracy or VCE Mathematics units
- 2 VCE VM Work Related Skills units
- 2 VCE VM Personal Development Skills units
- 2 VET credits at Certificate II level or above (180 nominal hours)
Students must complete a minimum of three other Units 3 and 4 sequences as part of their program.
Students can also include other VCE studies and VET, and can receive structured workplace learning recognition
Number of students awarded the VCE (Baccalaureate)
The figure provided is the number of students who have been awarded the VCE (Baccalaureate).
The VCE (Baccalaureate) is not a school offering. The award recognises VCE students who have achieved a study score of at least 30 in English, Literature, English Language or at least 33 in English as an Additional Language and have in total 5 or more study scores including a higher-level Mathematics, and a Language.
Percentage of Vocational Education and Training (VET) units of competency (UoCs) completed
The figure provided is the percentage of VET UoC enrolments that have been satisfactorily completed
Percentage of Higher Education studies (HES) completed
The figure provided is the percentage of HES enrolments that have been satisfactorily completed.
Median VCE study score
The figure provided is the median VCE study score.
VCE studies and scored VCE VET programs allow students to receive a study score by completing the necessary Graded Assessments, and satisfactorily completing units 3 and 4.
A study score indicates how a student performed in relation to all other students who undertook the same VCE study or VCE VET program. Study scores are calculated on a scale of zero to 50, with the average study score across the state being 30.
Percentage of study scores of 40 and over
The figure provided is the median VCE study score.
VCE studies and scored VCE VET programs allow students to receive a study score by completing the necessary Graded Assessments, and satisfactorily completing units 3 and 4.
A study score indicates how a student performed in relation to all other students who undertook the same VCE study or VCE VET program. Study scores are calculated on a scale of zero to 50, with the average study score across the state being 30.
Percentage of study scores of 40 and over
The figure provided is the percentage of study scores of 40 and over.
A study score of 40 or above represents exceptional performance (among the top eight per cent in the state). The percentage of such scores is an indication of the proportion of high achievers in each school.
Number of students awarded the Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC)
The figure provided is the number of students who have satisfactorily completed the VPC