The VCAA publishes extensive enrolment and assessment outcome information to inform the public. The VCAA welcomes and encourages the use of this information by the public with the goal of improved outcomes for students in Victoria.
At the same time, VCAA wishes to ensure the information is used appropriately, to avoid making the wrong conclusions. For instance, results for one year should not be used in any way to predict results for students in subsequent years. Each year’s results, both for school based and external (Examinations) assessments, will vary due to different assessments being used and different populations of students participating in the assessment.
Statistical information about student performance in 2023 includes information about VCE (including the VCE VM), VCAL, Vocational Education and Training (VET), VPC and Victorian Literacy and Numeracy Standards.
Section 1: Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)
Details VCE (including VCE VM ) participation and completions for students and the overall outcomes of VCE graded assessment.
View Section 1: Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)
Section 2: Satisfactory completion of VCE units
Provides information on enrolments and satisfactory completion of VCE (including VCE VM) units as well as numbers of providers.
View 2023 satisfactory completion of VCE units
Section 3: Grade distributions for graded assessments VCE
Provides information on grade distribution for the Graded Assessments (GAs) for each VCE or scored VCE VET Unit 3 and 4 sequence with graded assessment including VET, in graphic and tabular form. For small studies (less than 100 enrolments statewide) graphs are omitted.
View 2023 grade distributions for graded assessments VCE
Section 4: Vocational Education and Training delivered to secondary students
Provides information on student performance in Vocational Education and Training (VET), student enrolments and completions.
View Section 4: Vocational Education and Training Delivered to Secondary Students
Section 5: Higher Education Studies in the VCE (HES)
Details student participation in Higher Education Studies in the VCE (HES).
View Section 5: Higher Education Studies in the VCE (HES)
Section 6: Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC)
Details VPC participation and completions for students by certificate and unit.
View Section 6: Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC)
Section 7: Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL)
Details student performance in Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) student enrolments and completions for Intermediate VCAL only.
The VCAL certificate’s accreditation period ended in 2023.
View Section 7: Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL)
Section 8: Completion of Victorian Senior Secondary certificates
Provides information on the number of 19 year olds who have completed VCE, VCE VM and VCAL.
View Section 8: Completion of Victorian Senior Secondary certificates
Section 9: Report on special provision in VCE external assessments 2014 and 2019 – 2023
Provides information on Special Provision related to VCE examinations for 2014 and for the period from 2019 – 2023. This includes information on applications for Special Examination Arrangements (SEA) and Derived Examination Scores (DES).
Section 9: Report on special provision in VCE external assessments 2014 and 2019 – 2023
Section 10: Victorian Literacy and Numeracy Standards
Provides information on the Victorian Literacy and Numeracy Standards Outcomes for 2023.
View Section 10: Victorian Literacy and Numeracy Standards