​Students can apply to transfer schools during VCE. Different rules apply depending on where the student is transferring from.
Students from Victorian schools
Students can transfer between Victorian schools at any time during their VCE studies with the consent of the new school.
Students from interstate
Interstate students can transfer into the VCE during year 11, or up to the beginning of semester two in year 12.
For work completed interstate, the school may make an initial assessment (subject to the VCAA confirmation) of the amount of credit granted at Units 1 and 2 level and may apply for credit at Units 3 and 4 level on the student's behalf.
For students with credit at Unit 3 and 4 level, the school may apply to the Certification/Enrolments Unit for a transfer directly into Unit 4. No enrolments in Unit 4 are permitted after the semester begins. Specific cutoff dates apply each year.
Students from overseas
Students can transfer from overseas at any time during year 11, or at the beginning of year 12. Schools may apply to the VCAA on the student's behalf for credit at Units 1 and 2 level. Credit is not available at units 3 and 4 level.
Find out about applying for credit towards the VCE