2023 senior secondary enrolments in VASS
Principals/directors, VASS administrators and VCE, VCE Vocational Major (VM), Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC) and VET coordinators
To support schools with internal planning and finalising enrolments for 2023, the unit codes for the new VCE VM, VPC and VCE units are
now available.
These codes can be used in student administration systems in conjunction with existing units to commence initial student timetabling for 2023.
School will be able to enter or import VCE VM, VCE and VPC enrolment data from early Term 1, 2023.
Further updates on VASS availability, including VASS training, will be provided during Term 4.
Actions required
Principals/directors, please share this information with the relevant staff.
Critical dates
Additional information
The new 2023 unit codes document and the import template will be available as VASS downloads for school use.