Mandatory briefing sessions for all chief supervisors and relevant school personnel
Principals/Directors, VCE coordinators and examination centre coordinators
The VCAA are running a series of mandatory briefing sessions in August and September for all VCE written examination chief supervisors and relevant school personnel – both new and experienced.
Schools are also encouraged to send their contingency chief supervisor to one of the scheduled briefing sessions.
The briefing sessions will focus on changes to VCE external assessment administration procedures made in response to the Independent Review into the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority’s Examination-Setting Policies, Processes and Procedures for the VCE.
Eight briefing sessions will be scheduled – 3 will be run in person, and 5 will be run through Webex webinars.
Chief supervisors and contingency chief supervisors will be paid $84.48 for their attendance at one of these sessions.
Principals/Directors should note and share this information with the relevant staff at your school.
Critical dates
For registration dates and details, go to Mandatory briefing sessions page.
More information
For registration queries, please contact the Project Manager, Examinations Conduct and Administration.