At the beginning of each academic year, students agree in a signed declaration to abide by the rules and instructions relating to the conduct of the VCE assessment program. This includes school rules related to school-based assessments and external assessments.
Students must also sign a declaration that they will abide by their school’s policies and rules regarding the appropriate use of technology, including the internet.
Schools should refer to
Units 3 and 4 scored assessment and
External assessment sections for detailed information on the VCAA’s rules relating to VCE assessment (excluding the VCE VM), and what to do if there is a breach of these rules.
See also the section on the
General declaration.
Satisfactory completion and levels of achievement
To satisfactorily complete a VCE unit (including VCE VM units), a student must demonstrate that they have achieved the set of outcomes as specified in the relevant study design. The decision about satisfactory completion of outcomes of a unit is entirely the decision of the school. It is based on the teacher’s holistic judgement of the student’s overall performance in a combination of set work (learning activities) and assessment tasks (including school-based assessments) for each of the outcomes in the study design. Students must be provided with multiple opportunities across the learning program to develop and demonstrate the key knowledge and key skills required to achieve those outcomes.
The student will receive an S (satisfactory) for a unit if the teacher determines that the student has:
- produced work that demonstrates achievement of the outcomes for that study
- submitted work that is clearly their own.
The student will receive an N (not satisfactory) for the unit when one or more of the following occurs:
- the work does not demonstrate achievement of the outcomes
- the student has failed to meet a school deadline for the school-based assessment task (which can include time granted through an extension for any reason or a Special Provision or both)
- the work cannot be authenticated, for example, through lack of attendance
- there has been a substantial breach of the VCAA’s rules and the school’s rules and procedures.
For the VCE (excluding the VCE VM) the teacher makes 2 separate judgements. The S or N decision for an outcome is separate from the decision that assesses the student’s level of achievement, which is used for the calculation of a study score and contribution towards an ATAR.
VCE VM studies are not assessed for levels of achievement and do not contribute to calculation of an ATAR. If a student wants to receive a study score, they can choose from the wide range of VCE studies and scored VCE VET program units that include both internal and external assessment.
At the beginning of the academic year, schools must provide students with clear written details of both the VCAA’s rules and the school’s rules and procedures. For all VCE units, schools must specify all set work (learning activities) and assessment (including school-based assessment) that a student must complete to achieve an S for a unit and the conditions under which the work is to be done. See the
Integrity of school-based assessments section for more information.
Redeeming outcomes – submitting further evidence for satisfactory completion
If, in the teacher’s judgement, work submitted by a student is incomplete or does not meet the requirements for satisfactory completion, the teacher must provide further and alternative opportunities for the student to demonstrate satisfactory completion. These opportunities may include class work, homework, or additional tasks or discussions.
The school should delay the decision about satisfactory completion to allow a student to complete or submit further work. The other work considered by the teacher does not need to be completed under test conditions.
A student may only submit further work for reconsideration to redeem an N to an S outcome. Students may not resubmit a school-based assessment task to improve an initial school-based assessment score.
VCE VM assessment
Assessment tasks and activities provided to VCE VM students to demonstrate their achievement of the set of outcomes as specified in the study design must also comply with the
Pillars of Applied Learning, particularly Assessment practices which promote success. VCE VM studies are based on an applied learning approach to teaching and assessment, and as such, assessment practices for the VCE VM should reflect this applied approach.
The processes for determining satisfactory completion of VCE VM units are the same as those for satisfactory completion of VCE units. See also the section on
Satisfactory completion and levels of achievement.
VCE VM studies contribute to satisfactorily completing the VCE, and do not include scored assessment of levels of achievement for study score calculation. VCAA rules and instructions about SACs, SATs, scheduling assessment tasks, determining initial school-based assessments, and VCE externally assessed tasks do not apply to VCE VM studies.
Schools delivering VCE VM studies must observe and apply the
VCAA rules for authentication of school-based assessment, school-based assessment audits, and the arrangements for
breaches of rules and investigations.
VET assessment
Satisfactory VET unit of competency result
VET UoCs are reported as ‘competent’ or ‘not yet competent’. Students will receive an S for a UoC if they have been assessed as competent in that unit. The student’s RTO is responsible for determining final assessment results.
Satisfactory completion of VCE VET units is granted automatically as students satisfactorily complete UoCs. Most VCE VET courses consist of 4 VCE VET units containing one Unit 3–4 sequence. The exceptions are some Certificate II courses where the credit is only at Units 1 and 2 levels, and some Certificate III courses that provide 2 Unit 3–4 sequences.
Not yet competent VET result
Students will receive an N (not yet competent) result for a UoC if they have not yet demonstrated competence. This may be due to not completing the unit or being unable to demonstrate competence as required by the UoC. If a student has not met sufficient UoCs to the nominated hour value to be awarded satisfactory completion of a VCE VET unit, the result will be left blank.
Care in the use of technology
A student who uses technology to produce work for assessment is responsible for making sure:
- there is an alternative system available for producing assessable work in case of malfunction or unavailability
- that hard copies of the work in progress and backup versions are produced regularly.
Lost, stolen or damaged work
If a teacher or student has lost work or had work stolen or damaged, they must make a written statement explaining the circumstances. The statement must be signed, dated and filed at the school. Schools must keep a record, but they are not required to report the loss, theft or damage to the VCAA. The principal, acting on advice from the teacher, shall determine the unit result for the student based on records kept.
Unit result of J
If a student is no longer attending a unit but has not officially withdrawn by signing a Student exit form, the symbol J will be included on VASS.
The J result can only be used if the student:
- is no longer attending class
- has not submitted work for assessment.
The J result is recorded on the VCAA database but is not reported on the student’s Statement of Results. Units with a J result are made available to the VTAC and are treated as equivalent to those with an N result.