Platform support
Frequently asked questions
Do I need to create a new test code for each student when I assign an assessment?
No, you do not need to assign a new test code for each student. You also do not need to create a new test code each day or each time you log in.
When you assign a test code, either:
Assign the assessment to the whole class or assign to specific students.
Finding your test codes
When you first assign an assessment, the test code appears at the bottom of the Assign Tests window. When you log out and log back in, your assigned assessments will move to Manage Test Codes under the Online Testing tab. If your assigned assessments do not appear in the Review Test Assignments section, adjust the
Timeframe accordingly then select Apply Filters.
1. Assign the assessment to the whole class
When you assign the assessment to a whole class, leave Use Roster at Time of Test Taking selected if you would like your entire class to undertake the assessment, as per Figure 1.1.
By assigning to the whole class, when a new student is added to your class, Insight will automatically assign the assessment to the new student.
Figure 1.1
2. Assign to specific students
Deselect Use Roster to display a list of your students.
You can then deselect students if you would like only some of them to undertake the assessment. Deselected students are greyed out, as per Figure 1.2.
Figure 1.2
If Use Roster is deselected, a new assessment must be assigned for your new students.
If you want to use the roster, but would like to check your class list, temporarily deselect it, but make sure you select it again before clicking Assign.
How do I review an assessment that is in progress?
Reviewing assessments
To view the progress of your assessments, go to: Online Testing > Manage Test Codes > Review Test Assignments. From here, you can view each of your assigned assessments, and their associated student information, including how many have not been started (NS), how many are in progress (IN), how many are pending review (IP) and how many have been submitted (Fini).
Figure 2.1
Hovering over the
Students icon in Figure 2.1 shows the list of students assigned to that assessment.
Selecting the
Review icon in Figure 2.1 shows students' assessment responses.
Can I manually enter the test code into the Insight Test Taker?
Yes, if you have written down the test code, or saved it on your computer, you can go to the
Insight Test Taker and enter the code.
How do I resume a paused assessment?
Do not create another test code if you paused a student's assessment; reuse the one you were using when you paused the assessment. You can resume an assessment if it has not been submitted:
Go to enter the test code you were using when you paused the assessment. You can find your test codes in
Manage Test Codes under the
Online Testing tab.
You will be shown the list of students assigned to that assessment. Click on the student's name whose assessment you paused and click Select to continue assessing them.
How do I get a log in for the Insight Assessment Platform?
Government Schools - Insight uses CASES21 information to connect you to the system. If your information is missing or incorrect in CASES21, you may receive an error message when logging in. Check with your CASES21 operator that your name, User ID and home group are correct in CASES21. Changes to CASES21 information update automatically onto Insight each night.
Non-government Schools – Your school's nominated School Assessment Administrator is required to upload class and teacher data to enable you to use the platform. For
ISV schools and
CECV non-ICON schools, please contact your School Assessment Administrator or
CECV ICON Schools – Please contact the ICON support team
I cannot see my students’ data in the reporting dashboard
If you cannot see the data you were expecting to see, try changing the time period in the
Dashboard Explorer as shown in Figure 3.1
Figure 3.1
To change the time period:
- Click on the calendar icon

- Use the back and forward arrows to select a beginning and end for the time period. If you leave the Any date checkbox ticked, the end date will continually shift to the current date.
- Tick Use this start date in future sessions if you would like the beginning date for the time period to remain static. This means that each time you log in the time period beginning date will remain the same, e.g. 1 January 2018.
- Click OK.
Try changing the Minimum Results field, as highlighted in Figure 3.1, on the Explorer Dashboard to 1. This will mean that even if only one student has undertaken the assessment, the blue assessment rectangle will appear and you can view the associated data and reporting.
Note: ABLES assessments that have not been submitted will not appear in the Explorer Dashboard. DATE assessments also do not appear in the Student History Dashboard.
I co-teach or job share with another teacher. How can we both see all of our students’ data on Insight?
Note for Government Schools: Students are automatically attached to teachers in Insight via data from CASES21. If you co-teach or job share, you might not see all of the students you teach as they might not be attached to you in CASES21. In this instance, you can ask your School Assessment Administrator to add you as a co-teacher to your colleague's class, or vice versa. This will mean that you both can assign assessments and view data and reporting for all of the classes you co-teach/job share.
The following instructions can be used by your School Assessment Administrator to add a co-teacher to a class:
- Go to
Data Admin >
Manage Classes.
- Select the teacher from the dropdown who has the class currently attached to them in Insight.
- Click on the
Assign Teacher icon, as highlighted in Figure 4.1. In some instances, the teacher might have more than one class attached to them, so you may see more than one class listed
Figure 4.1
- Choose the co-teacher in the
Teacher field.
- Choose
Co-teachers in the
Level of Engagement field.
- Click
The co-teacher will now be able to choose the class (in the above example, General Test Class 2) when assigning assessments and viewing the data analytics and reporting.
Note: If you would like a colleague at your school to support you to undertake some of your assessments with your students, you do not need to add them as a co-teacher. Once you have assigned an assessment:
- Give your colleague the test code.
- They can then go to and enter the test code.
- They will be shown the list of students assigned to that assessment and can select a student to begin assessing.
Your colleague will not be able to see the data and reporting for students they have assessed on your behalf unless they are also attached to those students in Insight.
A teacher or student is missing in Insight (Government schools)
Government Schools - Ensure your school's CASES21 data is up to date by having your CASES21. For more information, please visit the CASES21 Portal
Non-government Schools (ISV schools and CECV non-ICON schools) – Please email
CECV ICON Schools – Please contact the ICON support team
How do I download a copy of an assessment on the Insight Platform?
You can download PDFs of the assessments available in Insight.
- Log in to
- Go to
Test Management >
Print Test.
- Use the
Bank and
Test filters to select an assessment.
- Click
Print Test.
- Choose what you would like to have included your PDF from the options.
As highlighted in Figure 5.1, reduce the
Number of Lines of Open Ended Items to 1 and select
Two Columns in the
Columns section to substantially shorten the PDF.
Figure 5.1
- Click
Create PDF.
Note: The Mathematics Online Interview assessments cannot be printed.
How do I create an ad hoc group in Insight?
There may be times when your school wants to create an ad hoc group combining students from different classes and/or year levels and to allocate that group to a teacher. Insight School Assessment Administrators can create an ad hoc group and attach them to a teacher(s). For example, your school may wish to create a group containing EAL students from various year levels who will undertake the RVEAL assessments.
Government Schools: Do not use the functionality described below to make changes to the default classes created automatically via CASES21. CASES21 information updates nightly in Insight and overrides any changes made to these classes.
To create an ad hoc class:
- Go to
Data Admin >
Manage Classes
- Select the teacher you are attaching to the class
- Click on
Add New
Class as per figure 6.1 below
Figure 6.1
- Add a name for the class in the
Course Name field. You do not need to fill out anything else in this window, leave
Class Type as
Regular. Click on
Create Class
- Make any final edits. You can swap one teacher out for another by clicking on the green and white arrow icon and selecting another teacher. You can also add a co-teacher by clicking on
Assign Teacher. In the
Assign Teacher window, select the teacher's name from the dropdown list, select
Co-teachers in the
Level of Engagement dropdown, and click
Submit. Once you have made your final edits, click
- The window will remain open and a message will appear to say you have successfully created a class
- To add students to your new class, click on
Manage Classes and select the teacher again
- A list of students in your school will appear. You can either search for them using the search field or scroll through the list. Click on the blue and white plus icon next to the student's name to select them. When you have finished selecting students, click on
Close at the bottom of the pop up window.
Who is the school assessment administrator at my school?
By default, your school's principal is automatically given School Assessment Administrator permissions, but a school can have more than one administrator.
If the principal would like to have staff added or removed, they can arrange this by contacting:
Government schools
DET Service Desk
Non-government schools