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Preparing for bushfires

The purpose of the Bushfire Education webpages is to provide teaching and learning resources to support bushfire education for primary and secondary schools (Year 1 to Year 8). Based on four themes, the aim of the Bushfire Education webpages is to better prepare all young Australians for the challenges of living in a country that regularly experiences bushfires.

The 'Preparing for bushfires' theme outlines the steps individuals, families and the community can take to prepare for the bushfire season and minimise risk. 

The theme is explored through individual sessions that:

  • link each particular session to the relevant curriculum area
  • set out specific learning intentions
  • list suggested resources to support its teaching and learning
  • sequence the learning activities as 'starting', 'exploring', 'bringing it all together' and 'extending'.

All bushfire education teaching and learning activities have been aligned to the relevant areas of the Victorian Curriculum F–10.



View bushfire education resources to support teaching and learning activities on this site.

Please note: There is potential for discomfort or distress among some students when talking, viewing and reading about bushfires. Teachers should preview, adapt and manage the teaching and learning activities and resources with respect to the particular needs and backgrounds of their students.

Information about where schools can access a range of student support services can be found on the Department of Education and Training's Student Support Services webpages.