The following resources may be useful when curriculum planning.
The Victorian Curriculum F–10 website
The Victorian Curriculum F–10 website includes the F–10 curriculum, plus resources such as scope and sequence templates for each curriculum area.
Victorian Curriculum F–10: Revised planning and reporting guidelines
Victorian Curriculum F–10: Revised curriculum planning and reporting guidelines provide advice for Victorian schools on the effective use of the curriculum to develop whole-school curriculum plans and to report student learning achievement.
Whole-school planning templates
Whole-school planning is a high-level summary of the coverage of all the curriculum areas delivered through the teaching and learning program. It reflects the school's goals, vision and areas of specialisation or innovation. Schools have considerable flexibility in determining how best to organise and structure their teaching and learning programs while ensuring coverage of all the curriculum areas.
A range of sample templates have been developed to support schools in documenting this high-level information using the Victorian Curriculum F–10. The templates provide options for schools to consider when deciding how to best represent their teaching and learning program, while ensuring coverage of all the learning areas and capabilities. There is a template for each band of schooling, as well as a number of alternative representations. The templates are published in Excel format and schools can modify the templates to meet their needs.
Victorian Curriculum F–10 whole-school planning templates in bands of schooling
Victorian Curriculum F–10 whole-school planning templates for alternative representations
Curriculum mapping templates
Curriculum mapping identifies the extent of curriculum coverage in units of work and clearly links teaching, learning and assessment while working with the curriculum continuum. Mapping templates support teachers to identify where content descriptions and achievement standards are being explicitly addressed within the school’s teaching and learning program.
An annotated example is provided to assist teachers in visualising how the template could be completed. See
Curriculum mapping instructions.
Templates for each curriculum-specific area are available from the Victorian Curriculum F–10 resources webpage, under the relevant curriculum areas.
Books and articles
Gilbert, R, 2012,
Curriculum Planning in a Context of Change: A Literature Review, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Victoria.
Hattie, J, 2003, ‘Teachers make a difference, what is the research evidence?’, article presented at the Building Teacher Quality research conference, Melbourne, 19–21 October.
Hattie, J, 2005, ‘What is the nature of evidence that makes a difference to learning?’, article presented at the Using Data to Support Learning research conference, Melbourne, 7–9 August.
Hattie, J, 2009,
Visible Learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement, Routledge, New York.
Hattie, J, 2009,
Visible Learning for Teachers, Routledge, London.
Marzano, RJ, 2003,
What Works in Schools: Translating research into action, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Alexandria, Virginia, USA.
Wiggins, G, and McTighe, J, 2005,
Understanding by Design, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Alexandria, Virginia, USA.
Free digital teaching and learning resources
Find Use Share Educational resources (FUSE)
A digital repository and sharing space provided by DET. Includes thousands of quality-assured digital resources available for teachers and learners of all ages, including interactives, videos, images, websites and all Scootle resources. FUSE resources align specifically to the curriculum framework. FUSE includes the ‘My Desk’ workspace, which enables teachers to create resource packages, upload content, share resources, tag and make comments.
The national digital repository and sharing space provided to support Australian teachers using the Australian Curriculum. Available to all Victorian teachers, Scootle is home to quality digital resources developed and/or aligned to the Australian Curriculum.