Implementing the Victorian Curriculum F–10
The following information outlines curriculum area advice to schools to support remote learning and continuity for students in
F–10 Health and Physical Education. This advice should be read in conjunction with broader advice provided to schools regarding the Victorian Curriculum F–10 on the
VCAA and
Victorian Curriculum F–10 websites.
Delivering F–10 Health and Physical Education remotely and flexibly
Keep in mind
- Schools can review and adapt their teaching and learning program for Health and Physical Education to enable the curriculum to be delivered at home via remote learning.
- Teachers are best placed to make teaching and learning decisions and assessment modifications that are appropriate to their own circumstances. Teachers need to take into account their access to remote learning tools (such as online learning platforms) and the strengths and limitations of their student cohort.
- A weekly program of teaching and learning can be developed for students to complete at home. This program should include learning activities that enable students to demonstrate aspects of the relevant achievement standards in Health and Physical Education.
- When setting practical activities, schools should be mindful that they continue to owe a duty of care to take reasonable steps to prevent foreseeable harm (physical and psychological) to students who are learning from home. For more information visit the Department of Education and Training's
Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice for schools.
Ideas and connections
- Schools and teachers can select teaching and learning activities that integrate Health and Physical Education with another learning area and/or capability to enhance efficiency of curriculum delivery.
- The five propositions that underpin the
Health and Physical Education curriculum may provide schools with a framework for remote delivery. Teaching and learning activities should have an educative purpose; take a strengths-based approach; value movement; develop health literacy; and include a critical inquiry approach.
- Teachers may select teaching and learning activities, including practical activities, that are able to be undertaken with or without equipment. Activities included in the school's original teaching and learning program for Health and Physical Education may be modified to utilise equipment readily available in students' homes.
- Schools may review the teaching and learning program to focus on individual skill development and personal fitness goals.
- Schools may consider if there is an alternative focus area that could be used to provide a context through which the curriculum is taught and assessed, in place of what was originally planned, for example, health benefits of physical activity, active play and minor games, or lifelong physical activity, rather than games and sports or challenge and adventure activities.
- For ideas for home-adapted inquiries, investigations and practical activities for the Movement and Physical Activity strand, download
Ideas for remote and flexible learning – Movement and Physical Activity strand, Health and Physical Education F–10.
Useful resources
In addition to
VCAA resources, teachers may consider other resources, checking the following to ensure alignment to the Victorian Curriculum F–10:
Assessment and achievement standards
- Schools should assess student learning, including evidence from practical activities, against the relevant aspects of the achievement standards in the Victorian Curriculum F–10.
- In situations where it is not possible or not practical for schools to view students demonstrating movement skills, performing movement sequences and/or solving movement challenges, students may reflect on their performance through a variety of methods, including a video response, commentating, drawing, graphing, photographing, labelling, creating an electronic artefact, generating and responding to blogs, and/or writing a response.
- Teachers can use a variety of assessment types to provide timely feedback to students and to monitor learning progress. Schools can review the range of assessment tasks to achieve a balance between short inquiry-based activities that focus student attention on particular skills and understanding and more open-ended, rich assessment tasks that can be completed over a longer period of time at home.
- On the resumption of face-to-face learning, schools may need to undertake a variety of assessments to determine students' actual progression of learning, considering the original teaching and learning program and making the necessary adjustments to this program as required.
For more information
Rachael Whittle, Health and Physical Education Curriculum Manager
Phone (03) 9032 1721 or email the Health and Physical Education Curriculum Manager