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Object control skills: 5–8 years and 9–12 years

The movement assessments in each skill category (locomotor skills, object control skills, stability skills and combined skills) can be used to generate assessment data to target your planning and teaching of fundamental movement skills for students aged 5–8 years and 9–12 years. After teaching, you can use the same assessment to re-assess your students. This will help you track student skill development and determine if your teaching is effective.


Movement skills assessments

The movement skill assessments are relevant to the following curriculum links.

5–8 years


Content description

Practise fundamental movement skills and movement sequences using different body parts and in response to stimuli in indoor, outdoor and aquatic settings (VCHPEM064)

Achievement standard

Students perform fundamental movement skills.

5–8 years

Levels 1 and 2

Content description

Perform fundamental movement skills in different movement situations in indoor, outdoor and aquatic settings (VCHPEM080)

Achievement standard

Students demonstrate fundamental movement skills in different movement situations.

9–12 years

Levels 3 and 4

Content description

Practise and refine fundamental movement skills in different movement situations in indoor, outdoor and aquatic settings (VCHPEM097)

Achievement standard

Students refine fundamental movement skills.

9–12 years

Levels 5 and 6

Content description

Practise specialised movement skills and apply them in different movement situations in indoor, outdoor and aquatic settings (VCHPEM115)

Achievement standard

Students perform specialised movement skills.

Object control skills assessed

Catch, overarm throw, kick, punt, bounce, two-hand side-arm strike, forehand strike

To assess object control skills, teachers can choose from 2 resources: the Victorian FMS manual or Get Skilled: Get Active. Both offer valid and reliable assessments for the following object control skills:

  • Victorian FMS manual: Catch, overhand throw, kick, punt, bounce, two-hand side-arm strike, forehand strike
  • Get Skilled: Get Active: Catch, overarm throw, kick, two-hand strike

Teachers can choose the assessment that best suits their students. The scorecards are linked to each specific resource.

Assessment administration

  1. Explain to students that these object control skills are important for improving our confidence and ability to participate in physical activity.
  2. Have a class discussion about why object control skills are important.
  3. Provide verbal instructions as you carefully demonstrate the procedure for each assessment. Focus on the components that are age appropriate.
  4. For each assessment, students participate in one practice trial, followed by 2 scored trials. Use the best scored trial for scoring.
  5. Set up activity stations so all students are involved and engaged in an activity and are not waiting in line and watching others being assessed.


  • Use the appropriate scorecard for the type of assessment you are using. Each skill is scored against 5–7 criteria.
  • The criteria are very descriptive but are age-appropriate, meaning that some criteria are expected to be mastered before others.
  • If a student successfully demonstrates a criterion when performing the skill, they receive one mark/point. The total score is the number of criteria that the student successfully demonstrates.
  • In the Get Skilled: Get Active resource, the introductory components are those that students are most capable of demonstrating from Foundation to Level 2. The fine-tuning components are those that will generally be demonstrated by students after they have reached proficiency in the introductory components. Most students in Foundation to Level 2 will not be at a cognitive or physical level of development to acquire the fine-tuning components.
  • Scoring resources for Victorian FMS manual assessments :
  • Scoring resources for Get Skilled: Get Active assessments :
    • Get Skilled: Get Active scorecard
      The scorecard includes all the locomotor, object control and stability skills assessed using this resource.
    • How to use the Get Skilled: Get Active scorecard: Watch the video on 'How to use the Victorian FMS manual scorecard'.
    • Get Skilled: Get Active PDF resource: A K–6 resource to support the teaching and assessment of fundamental movement skills.