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Mathematics Version 2.0 Familiarisation resources


This page contains links to curriculum planning resources and professional learning modules to support educators during the familiarisation phase of the revised Victorian Curriculum F-10 Mathematics Version 2.0 (Mathematics Version 2.0).

Mathematics Version 2.0 is available on the new Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0 website. 

Go to the new Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0 website

Mathematics Version 2.0: What has changed and the benefits

Teachers will find that the revised Mathematics curriculum streamlines teaching, learning, assessment, and reporting processes. The number of content descriptions in Foundation to Level 10 has reduced from 286 to 257, and they are clearer and easier to understand and sequence. The achievement standards have also been refined and clarified to help teachers assess student learning more effectively.

All levels

  • The revised introduction provides a clearer and more contemporary context for learning in Mathematics, computational and algorithmic thinking and the use of digital tools, including Artificial Intelligence. The improved contextualisation of the Learning in Mathematics section is most supportive for teachers who are new to the curriculum area. 
  • An explicit six-strand model (Number, Algebra, Measurement, Space, Statistics and Probability) makes it clearer for teachers to follow the progression of mathematical concepts through the curriculum and structure their teaching and learning programs. The model also provides greater flexibility to link ideas across different curriculum learning areas and scaffold the mathematical ideas under each strand.
  • A move from the strand heading ‘Geometry’ to ‘Space’, in line with the Australian Curriculum Version 9.0.

Levels F–6 (primary)

  • The resequencing and realignment of content ideas to more effectively embed the proficiencies for Mathematics and facilitate more effective development of key big ideas in Mathematics.
  • Content framed by play and exploration-based learning for Levels F-2 responds to contemporary research in how children learn effectively, and provides alignment with the Victorian Early Years and Development Framework (VEYLDF).
  • The Probability strand commences in Level 3, giving students a better opportunity to consolidate their learning in foundational skills.
  • Refined and consolidated content descriptions with clear links to achievement standards, assisting teachers to map curriculum content through learning and assessment, and resulting in 26 fewer content descriptions than the current Victorian Curriculum F–10 Mathematics. 

Levels 7–10 (secondary)

  • An alignment of knowledge progression and concepts with the recently reviewed VCE Mathematics Study Design (2023–2027) gives students the necessary preparation for senior secondary Mathematics. 
  • Strengthened emphasis on mathematical modelling and statistical investigation helps students recognise, connect and apply mathematical structures to real-world problems and analyse data, uncertainty and variability. 
  • Strengthened content in 3-dimensional coordinate systems (Level 8), logarithmic scales (Year 10) and networks and planar graphs (Level 10). 
  • A move of Pythagoras’ theorem from Level 9 to Level 8, in keeping with the Australian Curriculum Version 9.0. This aligns the Victorian Curriculum F–10 Mathematics Version 2.0 with TIMMS testing.

Understanding Mathematics Version 2.0

To access the Mathematics Version 2.0 curriculum, including the recently released Foundation Levels A to D and introductory resources such as scope and sequences and comparisons of curriculums, visit the Mathematics page on the Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0 website.

Teacher and learning area leader guides

Download these resources for information that will help you familiarise yourself with Mathematics Version 2.0, including key revisions between Mathematics Version 1.0 and Version 2.0. These guides also outline the VCAA planning documents that are available and how they can be used to support updating current curriculum documentation.

Download these resources for advice and support about covering content that has moved down a curriculum level.

Planning templates and examples

Use these new and updated resources to plan for teaching and assessing Mathematics Version 2.0 in your school.

Curriculum area maps

Use the VCAA’s updated curriculum area maps to identify where content descriptions and achievement standards are explicitly addressed within your school’s teaching and learning plans.

Each of the Mathematics map templates has been pre-populated with Mathematics Version 2.0 content for you. You can use these templates to both map the Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0 and audit your current teaching and learning plans.

Two filled-in examples (Mathematics Level 3 and Mathematics Level 8) are provided for you.

Hint: You can use your completed curriculum area map to start populating or updating a curriculum area plan.

Curriculum area plans

Use this curriculum area plan template to create a teaching and learning plan for Mathematics Version 2.0 across the years of schooling, to support a progression of learning.

Two examples (Mathematics Primary and Mathematics Secondary) are provided for you. These examples include topics that cover all 6 Mathematic strands.

Hint: A curriculum area plan such as this one can be generated or updated using completed curriculum area maps. The curriculum area plan can then be used to help generate or update teaching and learning units.

Teaching and learning unit template and examples

Use this teaching and learning unit template to plan a unit for Mathematics.

Two example units are provided for you.

Hint: When devising a new teaching and learning unit, use your completed curriculum area map and your completed curriculum area plan to help populate this template.

Assessment examples

Refer to these documents to see examples of assessment using the Mathematics Version 2.0 achievement standards:

Webinar recordings

Our program of introductory webinars for primary and secondary school principals, curriculum leaders and teachers has now ended.

If you were unable to attend a session, you can catch up by watching our recordings.

Watch webinars

On-demand professional learning modules 

Complete professional learning to help you understand and implement Mathematics Version 2.0. These four online modules have been designed for specific audiences, including curriculum area leaders, primary teachers and secondary teachers. They include videos and support materials and show how the revised curriculum can be planned for and implemented in schools.  

The modules can be completed at your own pace and in your own time. Each module is broken into short chapters that take approximately 20 minutes to complete.   

For Mathematics curriculum area leaders, topics include: 

  • Mapping mathematical concepts across levels  
  • Using the continuum of learning in the achievement standards to plan an assessment program 
  • Approaches to designing a teaching and learning program for curriculum levels.

For primary and secondary school teachers, topics include: 

  • Understanding the learning area
  • Using achievement standards to design assessment tasks 
  • Designing a teaching and learning unit


Victorian Curriculum F–10 Revision Project