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Teaching and learning

A range of suggested learning activities have been provided for each area of study in Units 1–4. It should be noted that the activities included cover a range of the key knowledge and key skills for each area of study, but not all of them. Some activities could be completed within one class and others could be completed over an extended period. They include learning activities that involve group work, class discussion, and practical application of skills. Many of the learning activities could be adapted for use in other areas of study or units, or developed into assessment tasks. All are intended to be examples that teachers will use and/or adapt to suit the needs of their own students. It should be noted that teachers are encouraged to develop teaching and learning activities specifically suited to the needs to their students and within their particular context.

Included external links are for teacher reference purposes. They do not constitute VCAA endorsement of the views or materials contained on these sites and teachers need to ensure that any information or activities are appropriately adapted to meet the requirements of the VCE VM Numeracy Study Design (1 January 2023 – 31 December 2027).

Unit 1 and 2

Unit 1

Exemplar 1 - Personal numeracy

AOS 1 – NumberAOS 4 – Relationships
Key knowledge
  • whole numbers and decimals up to two places
  • multiplication facts and knowledge of factors and multiples
  • rounding whole numbers and decimals up to two places
  • order of operations
  • common fractions and percentages, and their equivalence such as ¼ = 0.25 = 25%
  • simple proportions.
Key skills
  • demonstrate an understanding of place value and decimal place value, including rounding to two decimal places
  • use the order of operations to solve a range of practical calculations with whole numbers and common decimals and fractions
  • solve problems involving common fractions and decimals, for example half, quarter, third, fifth and equivalent decimals
  • calculate common percentages of numbers, and increase and decrease numbers by common percentages
  • use simple proportions and divide quantities by a simple ratio such as 1 to 2.
Key knowledge
  • simple, common and familiar algebraic formulae, relationships and algebraic expressions such as for the area and perimeter of a rectangle, and cost per hour
  • standard conventions used in the development, use and writing of simple, everyday algebraic relationships
  • representation and visualisation of change such as tables, simple charts or graphs.
Key skills
  • recognise and represent relationships with simple mathematical expressions, or simple pictorial or graphical representations
  • demonstrate simple algebraic substitution with simple formulae to find solutions to everyday problems
  • apply simple formulae to find solutions to everyday problems such as area, amounts or costings.

The Problem-solving cycle

The Problem-solving cycle


Personal numeracy relates to the mathematical requirements for personal organisational matters involving money, time and travel.

Timeline ActivityOutcome

Introduce the context

The context for this exemplar is Personal Numeracy and offers a mixed set of contexts. The contexts always come back to a sense of self, and how the mathematics is used by the person within the situations.

Identify the issue(s)

Teacher to introduce the Personal Numeracy and guide the area of studies with topics.

This unit guide includes money and our spending habits, shopping, some work with tax, super, credit cards, organising children’s birthday parties, WHS chemical spills and calendars.

Students working with technology are developing their skills with their Mathematical toolkit – Outcome 3.

Where possible, opportunities should be presented to students to complete tasks with real-world contexts.

Opportunities presented here include:

  • using everyday websites for shopping and banking purposes
  • using popular apps for shopping and banking needs
  • using calculators and spreadsheets for calculations
  • using a variety of tools for measuring

Teachers must ensure all assessments include Outcomes 1, 2, and 3 as prescribed by the Study Design.

To support students with the introduction of the four steps in the Problem-solving cycle (Outcome 2), teachers can integrate each task with the four steps. To do so, teachers can follow this outline:

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 1 - Identify the mathematics

Teacher led discussion on possible topics that students will use as the basis for their investigation. Once the class has agreed on a topic, the class will proceed together.

The next step is to identify the mathematics. Begin by discussing

  1. What is the purpose of the task?
  2. What is the mathematics knowledge that may be useful?
  3. What calculations will be needed?

This provides a clear path for the teacher to teach the mathematics.

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 2 - Act on and use the mathematics

The teacher provides a series of activities that support student learning in the mathematical knowledge and skills. This sits alongside the investigation and supports the context that is being studied.

At all times the teacher considers

  1. What tools can you use from your Mathematical toolkit to help student learning?
  2. Plan time to complete the relevant mathematical calculations and processes.

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 3 - Evaluate and reflect

The activities in the assessment section relate to the section of the problem solving cycle - evaluate and reflect. A core part of evaluation and reflection is going back and reviewing the mathematics. At times this may involve starting the cycle again at the ‘act on’ phase.

Questions to consider include:

  • Does the mathematics make sense in relation to the topic?
  • Is the mathematical process you have chosen the most appropriate for the question or task?
  • Can you justify the mathematics you have undertaken?
  • Check and reflect your work – are your answers what you expected?
  • Review and reflect on the reasonableness – do you need to make adjustments?
  • Do you need someone to check your work with you?
Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 4 - Communicate and Report
  1. How will you communicate each of your results?
  2. What methods have you learnt that you will include?
  3. What methods will you use that are hand-drawn or hand-calculated?
  4. What methods will you use that are completed with technology?
  5. What software will you use to make your final presentation?
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
AssessmentStudents are tasked with planning a class celebration – from the initial planning of location, designing invitations, catering, and schedule of events.Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 1Activity 1 – Introduction to whole numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages
Activity 2 – Fractions and Percentages Refresher
Activity 3 – Shopping Discounts – are they always worth it?
Activity 4 - Introduction to ratio & proportion, rate vs. ratio
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 2-3Activity 5 – Calculating Tax
Activity 6 – Superannuation
Activity 7 – Credit Cards vs Personal Loans
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 4Activity 8 – Introduction to Spreadsheets
Activity 9 – Stock Market vs Housing Market Project
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 5Activity 10 Hungry Anyone?
Activity 11– Children’s Birthday Party
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 6Activity 12- WHS Chemical Spill Project
Activity 13 – Counting Up
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 7-8Assessment – Class PartyOutcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3


Unit plan descriptor

This exemplar has included many of the Key Knowledge and Skills of the three Areas of Studies – Number, Quantity and Measure, and Relationships. It is important to recognise that a few dot points from the AoS have not been met.

The three Outcomes have been addressed here in all activities and are taught concurrently. It is mandated that the assessment is built with all three outcomes working together throughout.

Outcome 1 – the context of the numeracy and Area of Studies working together

Outcome 2 – the four stages of the Problem-solving cycle

Outcome 3 – building the skills and knowledge so students can choose and apply the correct tools from their Mathematical toolkit as and when needed.

Integrated unit suggestion


Suggested resources/required equipment

To successfully complete this unit, students will be required access to the following resources/equipment:

  • Internet Access
  • Microsoft Office Suite – Microsoft Word, Excel & PowerPoint
  • Scientific Calculator
  • Writing equipment
  • Measuring tools such as rulers, tap measures, electronic scales, measuring jugs, stop watches
  • String for line marking

This section details the activities. Please note: These activities must not be taught in isolation from the Problem-solving cycle, or the Mathematical toolkit.

These activities are detailed in the Activity boxes to help with implementation but must be read in conjunction with the planning table.

Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 1

Introduction to whole numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages (AoS 1: Number)

  • Students will revise the concepts of place, value and rounding
  • Students will use the following to revise these concepts:
    • money and digital transfers
    • money worksheets
    • savings
    • examining transaction accounts or credit card account statements
    • looking at items on sale and the percentage savings using catalogues or online catalogues with fractions and percentages
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 2

Fractions and Percentages Refresher (AoS 1: Number)

  • Students will look at the concepts of percentages and fractions – how they work and simple divisions with number patterns using money and simple percentages.
    • Use round dollar values, such as $10 and $50, and find 10%, 20% etc, and repeat with fractions – use dollar amounts for savings (such as from weekly pays) and save ½, ¼ etc.
  • Students create a table where they have different income amounts and have to determine how much money goes into different headings such as: savings, entertainment, food.
  • The teacher shows students how to perform these calculations on calculators so they can check their work and add this skill to their toolkit.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 3

Shopping Discounts – are they always worth it? (AoS: 1 Number)

  • Students will make a list of 20 items their household regularly purchases in their shopping.
  • Students will investigate the price of that item at two supermarkets using their online websites – making note of any product on sale that week, and what the regular price would be.
  • Students will calculate the total cost of the 20 items, and compare the totals of the two supermarkets, and make comparisons.
  • The teacher will support students in looking at items in a selection of catalogues or online that were on sale, and calculate the sale percentage, the regular saving per item.
  • The class explore the catalogues or websites for other items that students could swap in their list of 20 items for equivalent – and see how that affects their total.
  • The class look at sale items deals – 3 for $10, buy 2 get one half price etc.
    • Do some costings with the students and explore what those total costs are and compare them to the regular costs.
    • Ask the students – when they see these promotions ‘do they immediately think it is a good deal?’, but ‘do they need it or that amount of it?’. Have them think about the long -term effects – often storage or initial outlay of a more money vs. is it worth it? 
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 4

Introduction to ratio & proportion, rate vs. ratio (AoS 1: Number)

  • Students will revise concepts of BODMAS and apply it to solve multi-step calculations, including;
    • Making a shopping list of multiple items of the same item (e.g., the weekly food shop, return to school stationery items, pricing a vegetable garden etc)
    • Different lunch orders at the canteen,
    • Different take-away options for a set amount of money.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 5

Calculating Tax (AoS 1: Number, AoS 4: Relationships)

Introduction to Financial Numeracy & Tax

  • Students will investigate and perform calculations relative to Loans and Credit Cards and compare using bank websites
  • Students are introduced to the notion of Income Tax – what is it, what are the percentage rates, where to find them, what is a tax return, and how are our taxes used
  • Students will explore the current tax rate based on tax tables from the current year and compare to the previous years on a series of different incomes. Students can check their current tax brackets too to connect their pay slip to the tax system. Students will be performing multi-step calculations that encompass fractions, decimals and percentages and are required to make informed decisions on their results.
  • Students are required to look at tax in the community and understand its importance in society.
  • Students brainstorm what they think taxes are used for, and then explore.
  • The class discuss and debate what the most important areas for taxes are.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 6

Superannuation (AoS 1: Number, AoS 4: Relationships)

  • Students explore the idea of superannuation and the history behind it – and explore the importance of superannuation in terms of personal finances as a nest-egg for their future.
  • Students investigate different superannuation companies and current rates.
  • Students explore their own pay slips and see if they have a superannuation account.
  • Students perform calculations relative to today’s value vs. future value.
  • Students perform calculations looking at the removal of money from their super, the effects of making additional contributions to their super and how it’s invested.
  • Students start to draw visual comparisons of super value over a period by designing graphs relative to superannuation.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 7

Credit cards vs personal loans (AoS 1: Number, AoS 4: Relationships)

  • Students explore the ideas behind needing to borrow money for personal items and what options are available (personal loans and credit cards), and where to find those (banks and other financial service providers)
  • The class brainstorm known banks and providers and discuss how credit cards/loans work in order to make a valid judgement when they are necessary to be used. 
  • Students investigate and compare the various personal loans and credit cards that are available to use when borrowing money and identifying the best option using provider websites.
  • Using a big item to purchase (e.g. laptop, white goods), students will create a detailed budget and perform calculations over a nominated time period to pay the item back. From their budget they will be investigating which option is better (credit card or personal loan) in terms of total interest from a series of different providers.
    • To extend this task, have the students alter the time period to longer or shorter instalments.
  • Students explore debt related issues for credit cards and personal loans, find support services that exist, and see what steps they provide to support people who need the help, and compare that to defaulting on payments and the damage that causes credit ratings problems.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 8

Introduction to Spreadsheets (AoS 1: Number, AoS 4: Relationships)

  • Students are introduced to basic formulae in Excel
    • Adding
    • Subtracting
    • Multiplying
    • Dividing
    • Percentages
    • Totals
    • How to insert different formulae using the Formula Library.
  • Students are shown different layout methods to present their collected data and how to represent it – tables, charts, graphs – and how to create those using Charts Function.
  • Students can explore the Depreciation and Appreciation of assets using The Australian Taxation Office Website – and interview their employer from their structured workplace learning to create a list of assets for them to explore.
  • Introduce the concept of Project Management and Gantt charts as a visual tool – and map out the concept of planning ‘how do I get to school in the morning?’ as a Gantt chart together. Give the class some other concepts to map out – and vary the timeline – such as ‘how to make a cake from scratch’ and ‘how to move to a new house’.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 9

Stock Market vs Housing Market Project (AoS 1: Number, AoS 4: Relationships)

  • Students investigate the Stock Market vs. the Housing Market
  • Students will investigate and record the value of different assets using spreadsheets to compare values of appreciation and depreciation over a period of time using historical and current values.
  • Students will make comparisons of the different values and look at different ways of representing them.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 10

Hungry Anyone? (AoS 1: Number, AoS 4: Relationships)

  • After exploring the packaging, students now work on converting a recipe
  • Students bring in a family favourite recipe, and share the reason why they have chosen to bring it in.
  • Challenge students to change the recipe servings to be enough for the entire class, and to re-calculate the list of ingredients needed.
  • Use a supermarket website or online catalogue to create a costings spreadsheet to show how much the ingredients would cost to feed the whole class for that recipe.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 11

Children’s Birthday Party

  • The teacher explains to the students that they are creating a plan for the kitchen at a child’s birthday party, and they are in charge of the food.
  • Students will need to plan for a party of 8 children. They will need to submit all food and drink items, the shopping list with total costs, and the kitchen time plan including who is helping, and what they are doing and when they are doing it.
  • Students are to create a menu, and a plan for the day including;
    • when to prepare cold food
    • how long it will take the hot food to be warmed or cooked
    • how long it will take to cook the hot food and what temperatures are needed.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 12

WHS Chemical Spill Project (AoS: 4 Relationships)

  • Students are required to look at a chemical spill in a work environment and perform calculations relative to rates of exposure, distance and speed of travel.
  • Students will have to measure distances and organise their own emergency evacuation, drawing on maps and analysing WHS charts to meet a set of criteria for an effective evacuation.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 13

Counting up (AoS 1: Number, AoS 4: Relationships)

  • Ask the students to count a range of scenarios and explain their mathematics:
  • How many minutes old are they this year?
  • How many months old are they? How many minutes old are they?
  • How many days in a year will they be at school this year? In their schooling entirely? 
  • How many heart beats will they have today? Then convert to how many this week? Month? Year?
  • How many weeks until something they are looking forward to? (the next school holidays, their birthday, a major festival or celebration, to when they have their braces removed?)
  • The key to this task is that students justify their responses.
  • Access to calendars is essential as often students are visual learners, and need to see the weeks/months, and/or need refreshers on the basics before starting, such as how many seconds in a minute, how many minutes in a hour, how many hours in a day, how many days in a week, how many weeks in a year etc.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit


Class Party

Students will plan a class celebration from the initial concept, date and times, location, guest invitations, etc.

This example demonstrates teaching Outcomes 1, 2 and 3 cohesively as per the curriculum guidelines.

The assessment adheres to the curriculum requirement to include all three outcomes. Outcome 2 allows students to use the Problem-solving cycle within the context and skills outlined in Outcome 1, and Outcome 3 involves students using their Mathematical toolkit to support Outcomes 1 and 2.

  • Students are tasked with planning a class celebration – from the initial ideas of location, design of invitations, catering, and schedule of events, etc.
  • The teacher leads a class discussion of the celebratory event – perhaps a graduation event, or just to celebrate the end of term? Create some excitement and start brainstorming what needs to be done.

Step 1 - Identify the mathematics

Teachers need to ensure that students have the tools and supports in place to plan the mathematics for the following:

  • Location – what local park could be used, what facilities does it have, what instructions need to be provided so the guests know how to get there,
  • Invitations – what details need to be on there? What conversations need to be had before locking in a date? How many people on the guest list? What sort of budget is there?
  • Catering – what food can be made/transported/cooked on-site?, how much does the budget allow?, can it allow for drinks or should people BYO, will there be people with special food requirements that need catering for?
  • Decorations – do we need some? Will that eat into the budget? Or can we make our own?
  • Rubbish – what do we need to provide to make sure we leave none? What should we have there to ensure no spills are left / cleaning supplies? How much will they cost or can we borrow some?
  • Activities – what will we do after we have eaten? Shall we have some structured activities, such as a mini-Olympics, and some non-sports activities (such as crafts or a community project to donate?), or a mini-dance party? What space is required for that? Draw a 2D plan of the venue and allocate areas for all activities for the day. Is there a Budget? Who is Organising? What equipment is needed to be borrowed?
  • Restrictions - Will there be any restrictions on the day – weather?
  • Risk assessment of the venue
  • Scheduling - What is the schedule leading up to the event, and for the day? Have a calendar made to support the planning and to act as a check-list.
  • What else?

The class will create a Gantt Chart to formalise a time-line on when each job is needed to be completed, in what order, and who is completing it.

Step 2 – Act on the mathematics

  • In this phase students work through their planning from the above list – and this may present some more ideas or plans that were not initially considered. Make sure these are added to the planning list.
  • The teacher should observe and engage with students during this time, and ensure they are able to access any materials needed, and that they are using the appropriate tools from their Mathematical toolkit.
  • Students can work as a team on this event – and even assign a leader or two to see the overall running of this. Students could also have leaders of areas, such as Activities Leader & Catering Leader etc. Then they can combine their work together as a class project – relying on others to complete their part and maintain a timeline to complete the project on time.
  • All areas must present their budget costs so each student can produce a budget statement.
  • The class can use a management system where they have access to each other’s documents and can view each other’s information as needed. This will give the class exposure to a real-life project management technique.

Step 3 – Evaluate and Reflect

  • Students will stop, look at their plans, and discuss them as a class to see if they have everything covered.
  • They will question each other and allow the teacher to ask questions and ask them to justify choices to seek clarity or highlight an area that needs improvement or is missing.
  • The teacher should re-iterate this is collaborative approach.

Step 4 – Communication and Report

Students will need to ensure they have submitted the following:

  • The Gantt chart with highlights of their responsibilities
  • A summary of their responsibilities and what they did
  • The map they are using to show guests where the celebration venue is
  • Their work completed – with annotations showing their contributions
  • Any drafts they have completed or notes taken
  • Peer evaluation and a self-evaluation
  • A budget statement of the whole project

Exemplar 2a - Recreational numeracy

AOS 1 – NumberAOS 2 - Shape
Key knowledge
  • whole numbers and decimals up to two places
  • place value and reading numbers expressed in digits or words
  • multiplication facts and knowledge of factors and multiples
  • rounding whole numbers and decimals up to two places
  • order of operations
  • common fractions and percentages, and their equivalence such as ¼ = 0.25 = 25%
  • simple proportions.
Key skills
  • place value and decimal place value, including rounding to two decimal places
  • use the order of operations to solve a range of practical calculations with whole numbers and common decimals and fractions
  • solve problems involving common fractions and decimals, for example half, quarter, third, fifth and equivalent decimals
  • calculate common percentages of numbers, and increase and decrease numbers by common percentages
  • use simple proportions and divide quantities by a simple ratio such as 1 to 2.
Key knowledge
  • properties and names of two-dimensional shapes and everyday familiar three-dimensional objects such as regular prisms, for example boxes and cylinders
  • simple reflection, rotation and symmetry in relation to everyday familiar shapes
  • patterns in, and between, everyday and familiar shapes
  • appropriate technologies that create and manipulate simple two-dimensional shapes
  • simple scaling in relation to enlargement and reduction such as in plans, diagrams and photographs.
Key skills
  • describe and classify common and familiar two- and three-dimensional shapes, including the use of appropriate technology
  • demonstrate an understanding of reflection, rotation and symmetry of simple familiar shapes 
  • create common and familiar two- and three-dimensional shapes and describe the relationship between these, including through the use of technology
  • determine and name patterns of common and familiar shapes such as those found in engineering, architecture and design, for example bridges, buildings, sculptures.

The Problem-solving cycle

The Problem-solving cycle


Recreational numeracy relates to the mathematical aspects of recreational activities including but not limited to sport, cooking, and social media.

Timeline ActivityOutcome

Introduce the context

The context is Recreational Numeracy and uses the topics of the Olympics and sports in general.

Identify the issue(s)

Recreational Numeracy:

Recreational Numeracy is covered in many different contexts: sporting fields and planning a sporting event, looking at food packaging as shape design and also nutritional information, using cookie cutters for exploring shapes, and creating a board game using Autodesk Fusion 360 - designing the rules, the desired outcome, and creating the 3D pieces that will be designed and printed via a 3D printer.

Where possible, integrate the steps of the Problem-solving cycle into larger tasks in the classroom and model the steps with the students.

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 1 - Identify the mathematics

Teacher led discussion on possible topics that students will use as the basis for their investigation. Once the class has agreed on a topic, the class will proceed together.

The next step is to identify the mathematics. Begin by discussing

  1. What is the purpose of the task?
  2. What is the mathematics knowledge that may be useful?
  3. What calculations will be needed?

This provides a clear path for the teacher to teach the mathematics.

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 2 - Act on and use the mathematics

The teacher then provides a series of activities that support student learning with the mathematical knowledge and skills. This sits alongside the investigation and supports the context that is being studied. 

At all times the teacher considers

  1. What tools can you use from your Mathematical toolkit to help student learning?
  2. Plan time to complete the relevant mathematical calculations and processes.

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 3 - Evaluate and reflect

The activities in the assessment section relate to the section of the Problem-solving cycle - evaluate and reflect. A core part of evaluation and reflection is going back reviewing the mathematics. At times this may involve starting the cycle again at the ‘act on’ a phase. 

Questions to consider include:

  • Does the mathematics make sense in relation to the topic?
  • Is the mathematical process you have chosen the most appropriate for the question or task?
  • Can you justify the mathematics you have undertaken?
  • Check and reflect your work – are your answers what you expected?
  • Review and reflect on the reasonableness – do you need to make adjustments?
  • Do you need someone to check your work with you?
Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 4 - Communicate and Report
  1. How will you communicate each of your results?
  2. What methods have you learnt that you will include?
  3. What methods will you use that are hand-drawn or hand-calculated?
  4. What methods will you use that are completed with technology?
  5. What software will you use to make your final presentation?
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3

Students are tasked with designing a board game complete with numeracy based questions, all rules clearly explained, and all pieces plus the board provided.

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 1

Activity 1 - Introduction to whole numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages

Activity 2 - Multiplication and Number Facts

Activity 3 - Ratios and Number Facts

Outcome 1
Outcome 3
Week 2-3

Activity 4 - Fractions & Percentages

Activity 5 - Introduction to Shape

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 4-6

Activity 6 - Sports Day Presentation Competition

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 7-9Assessment – Design a Board GameOutcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3


Unit plan descriptor

Unit 2 of the VCAA Vocational Major subject area of Numeracy has been designed and is contextualised using the areas of the Olympics and sports.

This unit has been designed to be delivered within Year 11 VCE Vocational Major – Numeracy. All tasks are designed to be relevant and applicable to the everyday life of the student and allows them to reflect upon the numerical skills required across a variety of areas in accordance with meeting outcome 1.

Students are required to build upon their Mathematical toolkit – learning how to use and when to use a variety of tools and technologies – and the appropriate context and setting to use the tools. Students are presented with a diverse range of analogue and digital tools to explore, and a variety of different apps, websites and software, to develop their skills throughout these activities in accordance to meeting outcome 3.

As stated above, when teachers expose students to the Problem-solving cycle in class tasks, this allows the students to follow the four components and become familiar with the overall process. The more exposure students have to this, the more familiar they become with the process, and this will support students in accordance to meeting outcome 2.

The content delivered is in accordance with the VCAA VCE VM Numeracy Study Design and the targeted audience is for a trade-based secondary college that offers subject areas such as Carpentry, Electro-technology, Plumbing and Engineering.

All tasks are designed to be applicable to the student’s everyday lives and allow them to reflect upon the required numerical skills that are evident across the trade areas. The assessment tasks provide students the opportunity to demonstrate their skills of using various measuring tools, and different software tools and devices in accordance with meeting outcomes 1, 2 and 3. Throughout, students display evidence of performing calculations of whole numbers, decimals, fractions and percentages in a wide range of contexts that are related to numeracy in both their personal and work lives.

The numeracy context to be delivered in unit 2 is:

  • Recreational numeracy

Integrated unit suggestion

VCE VM PDS: This unit has the potential to be integrated with the curriculum of PDS. The concepts delivered in Numeracy in regards to Recreational Numeracy can work cohesively with the units delivered in PDS.

Suggested resources/required equipment

To successfully complete this unit, students will be required access to the following resources/equipment:

  • Internet Access
  • Access to Autodesk – Fusion 360
  • Microsoft Office Suite – Microsoft Word, Excel & PowerPoint
  • Scientific Calculator
  • Writing equipment
  • Measuring tools such as rulers, tap measures, electronic scales, measuring jugs, stop watches
  • Spray Paint
  • String for line marking
  • Trundle Wheels
  • Laser Cutter
  • Acrylic sheets
  • 3D Printers
  • Paper
  • Printer
  • Laminator

This section details the activities.

Please note: These activities must not be taught in isolation from the Problem-solving cycle, or the Mathematical toolkit.

These activities are detailed in the Activity boxes to help with implementation but must be read in conjunction with the planning table.

Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 1

Introduction to whole numbers and decimals (AoS 1: Number)

  • Students will revise concepts place value and rounding
  • Students will watch videos of events from the Olympics and Commonwealth Games
    have the class choose events they enjoy – the gold medal wins of 100m/200m Collection from Usain Bolt is a good video to have students record each time he has won a gold medal and order the times in ascending order.
  • Students look at the differences in race times, explore how digital timers work in sporting events and how many decimal places they are recorded. 
  • Apply an increase amount of 1% to apply for an extra headwind and see the difference it would make to Usain Bolt’s times, and decrease his times by 1% if he had a tail wind and see what difference that would make.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 2

Multiplication and Number Facts (AoS 1: Number)

  • Use the most recent Olympics – and calculate how many medals they presented. Allocated a different sport to each student, and have students estimate before looking up the schedule and calculating how many – remember there are team events where multiple medals are required.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 3

Ratios and Number Facts (AoS 1: Number)

  • Students revise concepts of BODMAS and apply it to solve multi-step calculations, including those in real life contexts by exploring different points and scoring systems in events in the Olympic Events that have multiple scoring events to tally the final score – such as Men’s Long Ski Jump, Figure Skating, Diving, Gymnastics etc.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 4

Fractions & Percentages (AoS 1: Number)

  • Students explore the design of the different medals – and see the effort each country puts in to creating its unique take on the medals, and the common elements it must include in each design.
  • Students find out the weight of each medal, and the fraction/percentage of gold, silver and bronze within the medal. Students can then calculate the exact amount of gold, silver and bronze in the medal. Have students calculate different Olympic Games to compare.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 5

Introduction to Shape (AoS 2: Shape)

  • Students revise concepts relative to classifying common two- and three-dimensional shapes by identifying where they see them in their everyday life (sports, packaging, school, etc)
  • Students will learn about and be able to describe reflection, rotation and symmetry in familiar shapes using common kitchen products, such as common rectangular and cylindrical containers and packaging.Students will practise creating familiar two- and three-dimensional shapes by measuring, drawing and constructing their own nets using de-constructed food packaging as objects to support the task.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 6

Sports Day Presentation Competition (AoS: 2 Shape)

Students will plan and set up their own Sports Day Competition at the school, or host a local Primary school to have a mini Sports Day.

This activity has been developed to include the four steps of the Problem-solving cycle.

Step 1 – Identify the Mathematics

  • Students are required to plan and set up their own Sports Day Competition for the school – or host a primary school Sports Day.
  • Students need to have a map of the entire event space, and map out all areas – seating, first aid station, drinks, catering, equipment, bag space etc.
  • The class brainstorm what events will run – what access there is to equipment, is there a budget, are there prizes, what is the catering for the day etc?
  • Students will need to visit the event space, and decide best spaces for the each event. Think about high traffic areas, what needs to be close to facilities, how long events will run etc.
  • Plan the points system of the day
  • Prepare the food/catering and put in purchase order
  • Students design certificates for the winners in different shapes

Step 2 – Act on the Mathematics

  • The sport events must be clearly run by students, they should;
  • Be able to explain the rules for the event
  • Students to run a points system if it is a team event and final recording
  • Mark out the event spaces of the day clearly using signs and correct shapes of the events
  • Make appointments with appropriate staff members to access equipment (e.g. Head of PE to borrow sporting equipment, the First Aid officer to borrow a kit, speak to Facilities Manager about getting seating/marquee/portable BBQ out etc).
  • Prepare a schedule for the day with times/people/places/equipment etc
  • Prepare the certificates
  • Appoint an overall leader of the day to troubleshoot issues.
  • Maintain a running budget throughout planning, and go through purchasing systems appropriate to the setting.
  • Meet with principal team to prepare the day to avoid clashes with other events running in the school and with proposed areas used within the school.

Step 3 – Evaluate and Reflect

  • Students bring all their planning work together
  • The class review the work and observe and make comments.
  • The class look for problems, things that could go wrong, the schedule, and ask for feedback from teacher.

Step 4 – Communicate and Report

  • Students print and prepare all documentation for the day
  • Students communicate all documentation to the relevant stakeholders
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit


Design a Board Game Project (AoS 1: Number, AoS 2: Shape)

  • Students are tasked with designing a board game complete with numeracy based questions, all rules clearly explained and all pieces plus the board provided.
  • The teacher leads the class in a discussion of what makes a good board game – and reminisce about games enjoyed, games not enjoyed, and family stories.
  • The class analyse the rules, the goals/objectives, the challenges or tricks, the playing pieces and what makes a game memorable.
  • Challenge the students to make their own – students must include numeracy questions or components that they have developed, along with the answers.
  • Students present the rules, the goals, any tips to play the game, all pieces, and present the game to the class.
  • Students can work alone or in pairs.
  • Students need to incorporate elements from AoS 1: Number and AoS 2: Shape in their board game – in both design elements (such as game pieces of the game board) and questions/rules etc.

Step 1 – Identify the Mathematics

Have students clearly define what they need to do – this is important to ensure they know exactly what they are doing and to complete all components.

Students need to think about:

  • The objective of the game
  • The design of the game board
  • The gaming pieces
  • The rules
  • Any pieces of equipment to make and/or acquire (such as a dice, counters, timer etc)
  • What numeracy and maths skills they wish to include – will it have a theme?

To make things easier, have a list of commonly used materials that are easy to access, such as coloured paper, textas, glue sticks etc, and also measuring equipment, such as compasses, protractors, rulers etc. Also, have students make a list (similar to a purchase order) of materials that they require to provide an experience similar to work place processes.

Step 2 – Act on the mathematics

Observe the students as they are creating their board games.
Support students with their design process to ensure accuracy with all diagrams, angles and shapes being drawn.

Step 3 – Evaluate and reflect

Having students creating something new – they may have to Evaluate and Reflect, then return to the Act on the mathematics phase several times. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this phase – it allows the students to stand back, and critically evaluate their work, and make changes or add new material to their work. Support this working process and encourage it as it is often a tool used in industry.

Have students explain their game to the class for feedback – or to a peer or another staff member (perhaps invite a guest in such as a senior school co-ordinator, an assistant principal, the maths co-ordinator) and have them pitch their games and get feedback.

Step 4 – Communicate and Report

At this stage, students are finalising their board game, the pieces, and the rules.

Students are submitting their games, and swapping them amongst themselves to play and provide peer feedback. Provide a template that has headings such as ‘Things I liked / worked well / enjoyed’ and ‘Suggestions or Improvements’.

If the students were happy with their games – they could donate them to the Games Club if the school has one, or the library if they run them at lunch times, or to the local community centre.

Exemplar 2b - Recreational numeracy

AOS 2 – ShapeAOS 3 – Quantity and measures
Key knowledge
  • properties and names of two-dimensional shapes and everyday familiar three-dimensional objects such as regular prisms, for example boxes and cylinders
  • simple reflection, rotation and symmetry in relation to everyday familiar shapes
  • patterns in, and between, everyday and familiar shapes
  • appropriate technologies that create and manipulate simple two-dimensional shapessimple scaling in relation to enlargement and reduction such as in plans, diagrams and photographs.
Key skills
  • describe and classify common and familiar two- and three-dimensional shapes, including the use of appropriate technology
  • demonstrate an understanding of reflection, rotation and symmetry of simple familiar shapes 
  • create common and familiar two- and three-dimensional shapes and describe the relationship between these, including through the use of technology
  • determine and name patterns of common and familiar shapes such as those found in engineering, architecture and design, for example bridges, buildings, sculptures.
Key knowledge
  • common and familiar measures of distance, perimeter, area, volume and capacity (for simple rectangular based shapes only)
  • common and familiar metric units of measurement and conversion between metric units
  • common units of time and temperature
  • common measurement estimation strategies
  • common measurement tools
  • appropriate accuracy in measurements.
Key skills
  • estimate and measure familiar objects and distances by using measurement tools
  • undertake common calculations to determine measurements of distance, perimeter, area, volume and capacity, related to common two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects, using common units of measurement
  • convert with one-step calculations between common units of metric measurement such as millimetres, centimetres, metres, kilometres, grams, kilograms, millilitres, litres, and degrees Celsius
  • read and interpret units of analogue and digital time and temperature
  • perform simple calculations using units of time, including calendar months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

The Problem-solving cycle

The Problem-solving cycle


Recreational numeracy relates to the mathematical aspects of recreational activities including but not limited to arts, sport and social media.

Timeline ActivityOutcome

Introduce the context

The context for the students is recreation. Recreational numeracy encompasses not only physical exercise and sport, but also aspects of personal time spent on non-work activities such as indoor and outdoor pursuits, arts, social media and interests such as gaming.

Identify the issue(s)

Teachers must ensure all assessments include Outcomes 1, 2 and 3 as prescribed by the Study Design.

To support students with the introduction of the four stages in the Problem-solving cycle (Outcome 2), teachers can integrate each task with the four steps. To do so, teachers can follow this outline:

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 1 - Identify the mathematics

The next step is to identify the mathematics. Begin by discussing:

  • What is the purpose of the task?
  • What is the mathematics knowledge or skills that may be useful/taught?
  • What calculations will be needed?

This provides a clear path for the teacher to support the mathematics involved.

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 2 - Act on and use the mathematics

The teacher provides a series of activities that support student learning in mathematical knowledge and skills. This sits alongside the investigation and supports the context that is being studied.

At all times the teacher considers:

  • What tools can you use from your mathematical toolkit to help student learning?
  • Plan time to complete the relevant mathematical calculations and processes.

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 3 - Evaluate and reflect

The activities in the assessment section relate to the section of the Problem-solving cycle – evaluate and reflect. A core part of evaluation and reflection is going back and reviewing the mathematics. At times this may involve starting the cycle again at the ‘act on’ phase.

Questions to consider include:

  • Does the mathematics make sense in relation to the topic?
  • Is the mathematical process you have chosen the most appropriate for the question or task?
  • Can you justify the mathematics you have undertaken?
  • Check and reflect upon your work – are your answers what you expected?
  • Review and reflect on the reasonableness – do you need to make adjustments?
  • Do you need someone to check your work with you?

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 4 - Communicate and report

  • How will you communicate each of your results?
  • What methods have you learnt that you will include?
  • What methods will you use that are hand-drawn or hand-calculated?
  • What methods will you use that are completed with technology?
  • What software will you use to make your final presentation?
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 1

Activity 1 – Rubik’s cube investigation

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 2

Activity 2 – What is recreation?
Activity 3 – Diary of weekly activities

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 3

Activity 4 – Paper planes

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 4

Activity 5 – Olympic sport
Activity 6 – Converting units
Activity 7 – Calculating perimeter, circumference and area

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 5

Activity 8 – Netball court investigation

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 6

Activity 9 – Planning a swimming pool

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3


Unit plan descriptor

In this unit students explore Recreational numeracy with the area of study 2: Shape and area of study 3: Quantity and measures. This unit explores some sports and types of recreation activities. Students gather their own data to explore how they spend their time on recreational activities.

This unit explores all three outcomes concurrently as mandated by the curriculum.

Outcome 1 – Numeracy and areas of study

Outcome 2 – The four stages of the Problem-solving cycle as outlined in the Study Design

Outcome 3 – Learning and enhancing their mathematical toolkit skills

Integrated unit suggestion


Suggested resources/required equipment

General classroom stationery supplies which support student learning and teaching in mathematics. These may include, but not be limited to:

  • Internet access
  • Microsoft Office Suite – Microsoft Word, Excel & PowerPoint
  • Scientific calculator
  • Writing equipment
  • Grid paper
  • Metre stick
  • Ruler
  • A4 paper
  • Trundle wheel
  • Rubik’s cube

This section details the activities.

Please note: These activities must not be taught in isolation from the Problem-solving cycle or the mathematical toolkit.

These activities are detailed in the Activity boxes to help with implementation but must be read in conjunction with the planning table.

Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 1

Rubik’s Cube investigation

  • Explore the history of the Rubik’s cube. Finding out:
    • Who invented the Rubik cube?
    • When was it invented?
    • What is the world record for solving the Rubik’s cube?
    • How long did it take him to solve it?
    • How many different combinations of the cube are possible?
    • Write this number in digits
    • Where was the cube first sold?
    • How many cubes have been sold?
  • Explore the features of the Rubik's cube: face, vertex, edge, polygon, polyhedra, prism, cube.
  • Explore length, area and volume using different sized Rubik’s cubes.
  • Investigate the face of a Rubik’s cube on a Cartesian plane to identify coordinates, rotate, reflect and translate.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 2

What is recreation?

  • Understand that recreation means different things to different people and what it means to the learner. Understand that sport is a form of recreation and students identify what sports they are interested in and any that they are actively involved with.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 3

Diary of weekly activities

  • Students create a chart, using Excel, of general activities that students do in a week.
  • Students create a bar graph for a weekday and one for a weekend day using Excel and compare.
  • Use the formula tools to find the totals for each type of activity, do comparisons, work out the maximum, minimum for each activity and the mean.
  • Work out the percentage of time spent on each activity.
  • Using Excel, group the information that has been collected into five main categories (rest, education, work, recreation, other) and complete a summarised activity chart to produce a pie chart.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 4

Paper planes

  • An activity working in groups of two or three to create a paper plane that will fly the longest distance
  • Give students an A4 piece of paper each to create one common prototype in their group. Students draw the prototype detailing all dimensions.
  • Each student in the group to test prototype three times and records the results of each member of the group in a table. Students working out mean distance for the group.
  • Students share results with class so the mean class average can be calculated. Make comparisons of mean distance and paper plane designs.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 5

Olympic sport

  • Investigate different Olympic sports. Students can research the success of their favourite Olympic athletes, working out distances, speed, converting units, making comparisons to other athletes.
  • Research an Australian basketballer player. Compare their height to the average height of a professional player. Work out how much the player would have to jump to touch the ring.
  • Research some of the world's top weightlifters. Calculate their strength-to-weight ratio. Calculate how many people they could lift. Find five things that are an equivalent weight to what a weightlifter can lift above his head.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 6

Converting units

  • Students provided with structured questions, linked to a topic of interest, to convert between lengths, mass and volume.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 7

Calculating perimeter, circumference and area

  • Structured lesson on finding the perimeter of common two-dimensional shapes and using these skills to find the perimeter of composite shapes. Students learn how to find the circumference of a circle.
  • Structured lesson on finding the area of common two-dimensional shapes and working out the area of composite shapes.
  • Students measure the sports courts in the school to work out the perimeter and area.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 8

Netball court investigation

  • Research the standard size of a netball court and draw a diagram detailing the dimensions. Students label the different segments of a court and calculate each segment area of the court.
  • Students research the seven different positions in netball (GK, GD, WD, C, WA, GA, GS) and identify the segments of the court they play in. Students calculate the area that each player position can play in. Students can work out the percentage of the netball court each position has.
  • Students do further calculations to find the total area of the court, calculate the cost of paint required to paint the entire court once, if one litre of paint covers an area of 6 costing $12 per litre.
  • Calculate the cost of painting all the lines in white paint if each line has a width of 5 cm (assuming the same cost of paint).
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 9

Planning a swimming pool

Students investigate a few possible plans of swimming pools with a given land size.

  • Students investigate suitable pool heights for a family swimming pool.
  • Students make a choice of the pool plan they want to work on and research safety fencing. Find out the safe dimensions of the child gate and calculate the amount of fence required.
  • Students calculate the volume of soil that needs to be removed for their chosen pool.
  • Calculate areas of the pool's floor and walls to work out the overall areas of the surfaces of the pool that need to be painted.
  • Give the dimensions and area of a pool cover to conserve the temperature of the pool.
  • Work out the volume of the pool to calculate how much water is required to fill it.

Exemplar 3 - Financial numeracy

AOS 1 – Number
Key knowledge
  • whole numbers and decimals up to two places
  • place value and reading numbers expressed in digits or words
  • multiplication facts and knowledge of factors and multiples
  • rounding whole numbers and decimals up to two places
  • order of operations
  • common fractions and percentages, and their equivalence such as ¼ = 0.25 = 25%
  • simple proportions.
Key skills
  • demonstrate an understanding of reading numbers, place value and decimal place value, including rounding to two decimal places
  • use the order of operations to solve a range of practical calculations with whole numbers and common decimals and fractions
  • solve problems involving common fractions and decimals, for example half, quarter, third, fifth and equivalent decimals
  • calculate common percentages of numbers, and increase and decrease numbers by common percentages
  • use simple proportions and divide quantities by a simple ratio such as 1 to 2.

The Problem-solving cycle

The Problem-solving cycle


Financial numeracy relates to understanding and undertaking financial transactions and making informed judgments and decisions regarding the use and management of money.

Timeline ActivityOutcome

Introduce the context

The context for this exemplar is Financial numeracy and how it affects people in relation to their job, income, income tax and expenses.

Identify the issue(s)

Teacher to introduce Financial numeracy with a discussion. This unit includes spending, shopping, discounts, pay slips, income, pay day loans, costs of owning a car, income tax and tax returns.

Teachers must ensure all assessments include Outcomes 1, 2 and 3 as prescribed by the Study Design.

To support students with the introduction of the four stages in the Problem-solving cycle (Outcome 2), teachers can integrate each task with the four steps. To do so, teachers can follow this outline:

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 1 - Identify the mathematics

The next step is to identify the mathematics. Begin by discussing:

  • What is the purpose of the task?
  • What is the mathematics knowledge or skills that may be useful/taught?
  • What calculations will be needed?

This provides a clear path for the teacher to support the mathematics involved.

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 2 – Act on and use the mathematics

The teacher provides a series of activities that support student learning in mathematical knowledge and skills. This sits alongside the investigation and supports the context that is being studied.

At all times the teacher considers:

  • What tools can you use from your mathematical toolkit to help student learning?
  • Plan time to complete the relevant mathematical calculations and processes.

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 3 - Evaluate and reflect

The activities in the assessment section relate to the section of the Problem-solving cycle – evaluate and reflect. A core part of evaluation and reflection is going back and reviewing the mathematics. At times this may involve starting the cycle again at the ‘act on’ phase.

Questions to consider include:

  • Does the mathematics make sense in relation to the topic?
  • Is the mathematical process you have chosen the most appropriate for the question or task?
  • Can you justify the mathematics you have undertaken?
  • Check and reflect upon your work – are your answers what you expected?
  • Review and reflect on the reasonableness – do you need to make adjustments?
  • Do you need someone to check your work with you?

Using the Problem-solving cycle: - Step 4 - Communicate and report

  • How will you communicate each of your results?
  • What methods have you learnt that you will include?
  • What methods will you use that are hand-drawn or hand-calculated?
  • What methods will you use that are completed with technology?
  • What software will you use to make your final presentation?
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 1

Activity 1 – How much is the bill?
Activity 2 – Giving change
Activity 3 – Customer service at a theme park
Activity 4 – Spot the errors
Activity 5 – Cost price and sales price

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 2

Activity 6 – Pay day/hourly rate
Activity 7 – Pay slips
Activity 8 – Types of income
Activity 9 – Rich listers

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 3

Activity 10 – Income tax investigation
Average incomes
Career profile

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 4

Activity 11 – Income tax investigation – Completing tax returns
Activity 12 – Pay day loans

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 5

Activity 13 – Car ownership costs
Activity 14 – Calculating percentages
Activity 15 – Shopping discounts

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 6Activity 16 – Appreciation and depreciationOutcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3


Unit plan descriptor

In this unit students explore Financial numeracy with area of study 1: Number. There are many structured tasks that give students the opportunity to enhance their key knowledge and key skills in this area of study. There are hands-on activities where students gather their own data to explore income, income tax and pay day loans.

This unit explores all three outcomes concurrently as mandated by the curriculum.

Outcome 1 – Numeracy and areas of study

Outcome 2 – The four stages of the Problem-solving cycle as outlined in the Study Design

Outcome 3 – Learning and enhancing their mathematical skills

Integrated unit suggestion

VCE VM WRS: This unit could be integrated with Work Related Skills, looking at different careers and incomes.

Suggested resources/required equipment

General classroom stationery supplies which support student learning and teaching in mathematics. These may include, but not be limited to:

  • Scientific calculator
  • Internet access
  • Microsoft Office Suite – Microsoft Word, Excel & PowerPoint
  • Writing equipment

This section details the activities.

Please note: These activities must not be taught in isolation from the Problem-solving cycle or the mathematical toolkit.

These activities are detailed in the Activity boxes to help with implementation but must be read in conjunction with the planning table.

Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 1

How much is it?

  • Students are given a supermarket catalogue and they choose 10 combinations of two to three items from the catalogue to work out the total price.   
  • Alternatively, students are provided with a sheet of problems where they need to add up the bill.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 2

Giving change

  • Students could use their answers from the supermarket catalogue Activity 1 where they need to work out the change, they would get from either $20 or $50 note.
  • Students are provided with a sheet of problems linked to area of interest where they need to calculate the change from the given problems.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 3

Customer service at a theme park

  • Students are provided with information about the costs of entry into a theme park. Students could find this information for themselves by going onto a theme park website.
  • Students answer questions on costs of different types of tickets and total costs for different groups (how much it would cost for their family or group of friends to go) and calculate change.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 4

Spot the errors

  • Students are given a stocktake sheet (possibly of a store students shop in) with errors throughout. Students use the information about quantities and prices of products to check through given value and to adjust the errors.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 5

Cost price and sales price

  • Students are given multiple product values of cost price and sales price. Students need to work out the profit or loss.
  • Extended task to work out sales price, cost price or profit with the information provided.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 6

Pay day/hourly pay rates

  • Students learn about different rates of pay according to when they work (penalty rates). Students work out pay when the rates are double time, time and a half and time and a quarter.
  • Students calculate the amount earned by people working given hours and at different penalty rates. If students don’t mind sharing their information from their jobs, use these.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 7

Pay slips

  • Display a pay slip and discuss the terms on it and what it means. Assist students to understand what the information represents.
  • Give students different examples of pay slips and get them to answer questions as a group: how many hours were worked? What is the rate of pay? What does TFN stand for? etc. Give students more pay slips and get them to answer questions.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 8

Types of income

  • Ask students if they are familiar with the terms: commission, payment in kind or piece rate. Discuss different types of incomes.
  • Students research which occupations match these types of incomes. Provide students with a question sheet to calculate what people would earn according to their income type.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 9

Rich listers

  • Students are given a list of the top 10 richest people in Australia from 2018. Students research the current top 10 richest people in Australia.
  • Students answer questions comparing the lists, looking at the types of industries they are in.
  • Students can further explore these industries, what they make, where are they located etc.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 10

Income tax investigation

  • Students are introduced to the concept of Income Tax – what it is, what are the percentage rates and where to find them.
  • Students explore the current tax rate based on tax tables from the current financial year and compare to the previous years on a series of different incomes.
  • Students can check their current tax brackets if they currently have a job to connect their pay slip to the tax system.
  • Students research average income of five different occupations. Students work out the amount of income tax for each of the occupations using MoneySmart income tax calculator
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 11

Income tax investigation – Completing tax returns

  • Students investigate what a tax return is using Lodging a tax return.
  • Discuss as a class group, student findings. 
  • Students list some of the deductions certain occupations might claim for.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 12

Pay day loans

Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 13

Car ownership costs

  • Students brainstorm the costs that are associated with owning a car.
  • Discuss car insurance and what it covers. Students research car insurance and discuss why the prices are different for different age brackets.
  • Look at ways to save on insurance.
  • Students research a secondhand car they would like to get when they pass their learners.
  • Students then look at different types of loan to buy this car and find the best deal. Use some of the prior knowledge from earlier activities.
  • Work out the monthly loan repayments and the overall cost of buying the car.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 14

Calculate percentages

  • Work through structured simple percentage of number questions as well as equivalent fractions. Show students different techniques and technologies to calculate.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 15

Shopping discount

  • Students choose an online retail shop and calculate the total cost of three items with a 25% discount and three items with a 40% discount.
  • Students answer a selection of percentage questions involving penalty rates and discounts in the local shops.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 16

Appreciation and depreciation

  • Discuss the terms appreciation and depreciation.
  • Students research what items are likely to appreciate and depreciate.
  • Students research the term inflation and write a report or create a presentation on this demonstrating how this affects the economy.

Exemplar 4 - Vocational numeracy

AOS 1 – NumberAOS 4 – Relationship
Key knowledge
  • whole numbers and decimals up to two places
  • place value and reading numbers expressed in digits or words
  • multiplication facts and knowledge of factors and multiples
  • rounding whole numbers and decimals up to two places
  • order of operations
  • common fractions and percentages, and their equivalence such as ¼ = 0.25 = 25%
  • simple proportions.
Key skills
  • demonstrate an understanding of reading numbers, place value and decimal place value, including rounding to two decimal places
  • use the order of operations to solve a range of practical calculations with whole numbers and common decimals and fractions
  • solve problems involving common fractions and decimals, for example half, quarter, third, fifth and equivalent decimals
  • calculate common percentages of numbers, and increase and decrease numbers by common percentagesuse simple proportions and divide quantities by a simple ratio such as 1 to 2.
Key knowledge
  • common and familiar relationships such as rates of change, $/m, km/hr
  • simple, common and familiar algebraic formulae, relationships and algebraic expressions such as for the area and perimeter of a rectangle, and cost per hour
  • standard conventions used in the development, use and writing of simple, everyday algebraic relationships
  • representation and visualisation of change such as tables, simple charts or graphs.
Key skills
  • recognise and represent relationships with simple mathematical expressions, or simple pictorial or graphical representations
  • demonstrate simple algebraic substitution with simple formulae to find solutions to everyday problems
  • use and apply rates in familiar situations such as $/m, km/hr
  • apply simple formulas to find solutions to everyday problems such as area, amounts or costings.

The Problem-solving cycle

The Problem-solving cycle


Vocational numeracy relates to effectively participating in the workplace and managing the demands of work and/or vocational training.

Timeline ActivityOutcome

Introduce the context

The context for the students is Vocational numeracy. The contexts covered are mainly in a work context relating to running a business, income tax, superannuation, industry pay rates and staff rostering.

Identify the issue(s)

Teachers must ensure all assessments include Outcomes 1, 2 and 3 as prescribed by the Study Design.

To support students with the introduction of the four stages in the Problem-solving cycle (Outcome 2), teachers can integrate each task with the four steps. To do so, teachers can follow this outline:

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 1 - Identify the mathematics

Teacher led discussion on possible topics that students will use as the basis for their investigation. Once the class has agreed on a topic, the class will proceed together.
The next step is to identify the mathematics. Begin by discussing:

  • What is the purpose of the task?
  • What is the mathematics knowledge that may be useful?
  • What calculations will be needed?

This provides a clear path for the teacher to support the mathematics involved.

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 2 - Act on and use the mathematics

The teacher then provides a series of activities that support student learning with the mathematical knowledge and skills. This sits alongside the investigation and supports the context that is being studied.

At all times the teacher considers:

  • What tools can you use from your mathematical toolkit to help student learning?
  • Plan time to complete the relevant mathematical calculations and processes.

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 3 – Evaluate and reflect

The activities in the assessment section relate to the section of the Problem-solving cycle – evaluate and reflect. A core part of evaluation and reflection is going back reviewing the mathematics. At times this may involve starting the cycle again at the ‘act on’ phase.

Questions to consider include:

  • Does the mathematics make sense in relation to the topic?
  • Is the mathematical process you have chosen the most appropriate for the question or task?
  • Can you justify the mathematics you have undertaken?
  • Check and reflect upon your work – are your answers what you expected?
  • Review and reflect on the reasonableness – do you need to make adjustments?
  • Do you need someone to check your work with you?

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 4 - Communicate and report

  • How will you communicate each of your results?
  • What methods have you learnt that you will include?
  • What methods will you use that are hand-drawn or hand-calculated?
  • What methods will you use that are completed with technology?
  • What software will you use to make your final presentation?
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 1

Activity 1 – GST

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 2

Activity 2 – Lemonade Stand game

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 3

Activity 3 – Sending parcels

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 4

Activity 4 – Income tax investigation

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 5

Activity 5 – Rostering staff

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3


Unit plan descriptor

This exemplar has students completing tasks and gaining skills related to work: income, income tax and running a small business. This plan descriptor covers some key knowledge and key skills from area of study 1: Number, area of study 3 Quantity and measures and area of study 4 Relationships.

This unit explores all three outcomes concurrently as mandated by the curriculum.

Outcome 1 – Numeracy and areas of study

Outcome 2 – The four stages of the Problem-solving cycle as outlined in the Study Design

Outcome 3 – Learning and enhancing their mathematical toolkit skills

Integrated unit suggestion

VCE VM WRS: This unit could be integrated with WRS.

Suggested resources/required equipment

General classroom stationery supplies which support student learning and teaching in mathematics. These may include, but not be limited to:

  • Internet access
  • Microsoft Office Suite – Microsoft Word, Excel & PowerPoint
  • Scientific calculator
  • Writing equipment
  • Paper

This section details the activities.

Please note: These activities must not be taught in isolation from the Problem-solving cycle or the mathematical toolkit.

These activities are detailed in the Activity boxes to help with implementation but must be read in conjunction with the planning table.

Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 1


  • The teacher leads the class in a discussion about Goods and Services Tax (GST).
  • Students research GST, finding the value, listing the types of goods and services that include GST.
  • Students list some items that do not have GST.
  • Teacher leads the class on strategies to calculate GST and add to the original price. Work backwards to work out the value of the already added GST.
  • Students are given structured questions on this. Students can also use moneysmart GST calculator
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 2

Lemonade Stand game

  • Students use a Lemonade Stand simulation game where they are required to evaluate production, marketing and sales of a small business.
  • The objective of the game is to operate a lemonade stand and make decisions each day on the number of cups of lemonade students are going to make and try to sell, how much advertising students will spend money on and how much they will charge for each cup, against the day’s predicted weather forecast.
  •  Students work through the 14-day game. Results should be recorded for each day on a tally sheet, price per cup, number of cups sold / potential customers, weather and customer satisfaction.
  • Students work out net profit or loss. Students reflect on the results and think about what they might do differently.
  • Students share results with their class and make comparisons of the results.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 3

Sending parcels

  • Students investigate multiple items of interest to ship from a selection of towns and cities to different locations within Australia.
  • Compare three different carriers by calculating the postage using the specific dimensions for each item. Include additional information if the service offers extra features, estimated delivery time and the price including tracking.
  • Students compare which shipping companies offer the best service, best value for money and are the most reliable.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 4

Income tax investigation

  • Students are given structured work to find the amount of tax to be paid for different salaries.
  • Students calculate fortnightly or weekly gross pay and weekly net pay using moneysmart income tax calculator.
  • Student given gross weekly or fortnightly pay to work back to be able to find annual income and net weekly pay.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 5

Rostering staff

  • Explore why it is important to have an effective staff roster to keep the workplace running smoothly. There are a few things to consider when making a roster for staff: the type of work needed, the skills required to do it, availability and ability to work different shifts.

    Important points to consider:
    • Know the business needs: What are your peak times? What are your busiest days? Knowing this will help staff accordingly.
    • Consider budget: Be realistic about the budget when creating a staff roster. You don't want to overspend on labour costs, but you also don't want to understaff and end up with unhappy customers.
    • Communicate with the team: Once you have your roster in place, be sure to communicate with your team. Let them know when they are working and what their responsibilities are. This will help to ensure that everyone is aware of their shifts.
  • Students are given information on various staff employment types, days of work and hours they can work. Students make a roster for the week according to the information given.

Things that you need to know:

  • Minimum shift is 4 hours 
  • There must be 3 staff on at all times on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 
  • There must be 4 staff on at all times on Thursday, Friday and Sunday
  • There must be 5 staff on at all times on Saturday.


Unit 1 Rubric – AOS1 Number, AOS4 Relationships Class Party

Unit 1 Rubric – AOS 1: Number, AOS 2: Shape – Design a Boardgame


Unit 2

Exemplar 1 - Financial numeracy

AOS 6 - DataAOS 7 - Uncertainty
Key knowledge
  • simple data collection tools and processes
  • display of data with commonly used tables and graphs, including use of axes and simple scales
  • simple measures of spread, such as range and mean
  • interpretation and description of familiar and simple data sets and their displays.
Key skills
  • collect, collate and organise familiar and simple data sets, and display these choosing and using the most appropriate format, including axes and simple scales
  • choose and find simple common measures of spread for contextual data sets, for example mean, and range of data
  • identify key facts from tables and graphs
  • read and interpret results from familiar and simple data presented in both graph and table form, including describing general patterns and trends.
Key knowledge
  • likelihood of common and familiar events or occurrences happening
  • common and familiar language of chance and its relationship to common numerical values associated with chance, such as ‘even chance’ = 0.5 or 50%
  • simple and familiar unconditional probability events with randomness and chance
  • simple inferencing from likelihood estimates to inform decision making in relation to common and familiar events such as rolling dice, or spinners.
Key skills
  • estimate and identify likelihood of common and familiar events occurring using simple fractions, decimals or percentages such as 1/2, 1/3, 1/5, 0.5, 50%
  • identify sample spaces or options for common and familiar events or occurrences
  • recognise that the likelihood of events occurring can differ, and develop an understanding of how to reduce or increase the likelihood of an event occurring.

The Problem-solving cycle

The Problem-solving cycle


Financial Numeracy: The focus of the context for this unit is Financial Numeracy, and the impact that gambling has on an individual and those around them.

Each activity has been planned to build skills that are used and taken into the next activity. The use of common language starts each activity; with the end goal of students using more technical mathematical language.

Timeline ActivityOutcome
Week 1

Introduce the context

The context is Financial Literacy and the impact it has on a person, people around them, the statistics affecting young people, and services that can support people later on.

Identify the issue(s)

Teacher to introduce Financial numeracy – often with discussion or asking for opinions.

Class discussion and conversation in this unit needs to be handled with sensitivity and consideration, as it may be sensitive for students in the class. The teacher should be conscious of ensuring every student has a voice in class and the opportunity to express themselves, but is also considerate of the feelings and experiences of all students, ensuring students do not inadvertently hurt or offend one another. The teacher should also be conscious of how students engage with the topic to prevent any harm.

Students will use the Problem-solving cycle to undertake a series of activities related to Financial numeracy.

Students will undertake activities to learn the key knowledge and skills. Each activity contains one complete Problem-Solving Cycle.

Activity 1 – Questions, Questions, who has the question?

Activity 2 - Whether we Weather?

Activity 3 - Coin Toss 

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 2

Activity 4 - Roll the Dice

Activity 5 - Attitudes to Gambling

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 3-5

Activity 6 - You said how many machines?

Activity 7 - What’s the Impact?

Activity 8 - Gambling Calculator
Outcome 1
Outcome 3
Week 6-8

Assessment  - The house always wins

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3


Unit plan descriptor

In this unit students explore Financial Numeracy with Area of Study 6: Data and Area of Study: 7 Uncertainty. There are many hands-on activities where students gather their own data to explore Financial Numeracy and how gambling can affect an individual and those around them.

This unit explores all three outcomes concurrently as mandated by the curriculum.

Outcome 1 – Numeracy and Areas of Study

Outcome 2 – The four steps of the Problem-solving cycle as outlined above and in the Study Design

Outcome 3 – Learning and enhancing their Mathematical toolkit skills.

Integrated unit suggestion

VCE VM Literacy, VCE VM WRS, VCE VM PDS: This unit could be integrated with Literacy, Work Related skills or Personal Development Skills.

Suggested resources/required equipment

General classroom stationery supplies which support student learning and teaching in mathematics. These may include, but not be limited to:

  • Paper
  • Textas
  • Counters
  • Dice
  • Coins
  • Pens/Pencils

Technologies may include:

  • Calculators
  • Spreadsheets
  • Microsoft Suite including Microsoft Forms
  • Recording and/or filming hardware and software

Access to the internet and computers or tablets is essential.

This list is not exhaustive, and teachers are encouraged to use extra materials and resources that support the learning for their students in their classrooms.

This section details the activities.

Please note: These activities must not be taught in isolation from the Problem-solving cycle, or the Mathematical toolkit.

These activities are detailed in the Activity boxes to help with implementation but must be read in conjunction with the planning table.

Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 1

Questions Questions who has the question? (AoS 7: Uncertainty)

Posing questions to students to help develop their likelihood language.

  • The teacher leads a discussion of the concept of chance and likelihood. Pose questions such as:
  • What is the chance of rain today?
  • What is the chance of someone ate toast for breakfast today?
  • What is the likelihood a train will run late across the train network today?
  • What is the possibility that Homer Simpsons will be the next President?
  • Stop and ask the students about the responses they are using – and present options you want them to start using and connecting that to percentage outcomes – examples below (but not limited to):
  • Language such as: not likely, likely, possible, not possible, impossible, certain, even chance
  • Offering percentage outcomes: 0% chance, 50% chance, 100% chance
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 2

Whether we Weather? (AoS 7: Uncertainty)

Students use weather forecasts to track the weather, and explore the detailed forecasts and see how that detailed information can be useful for planning for personal, social, work etc.

  • The teacher asks the students what today’s weather is going to be – without anyone looking it up.
    • Ask for details – if it going to rain, is it windy, is it sunny etc.?
    • Ask students how they think the forecast is generated, and how reliable they think it is.
  • The teacher puts the weather forecast up on the interactive whiteboard.
    • The teacher opens and types in the suburb of the school and looks at the forecast for the day. 
    • Make a note of the possible rainfall for the day and keep a check to see if the percentage forecasts were correct.
  • The teacher asks the students:
    • Are these forecasts generally helpful?
    • Are these forecasts generally correct?
    • How can these types of forecasts help us during our day?
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 3

Coin Toss (AoS 6: Data & AoS 7: Uncertainty)

Students complete experiments to compare theoretical probability and experimental probability – to understand how ‘the house always wins’.

  • The teacher asks the students if they flip a coin – what are the possible outcomes?
  • The teacher asks the students – if they flipped a coin ten times – what do they think the answers would be?
  • The students record their responses in the table below, and then repeat the experiment three times using a coin, or using a coin simulator found online. 
  • The teacher asks the students questions to have them see the differences between theoretical probability and experimental probability. This is an important concept for later on when students explore gambling and the ‘likelihood of winning’.
  • The teacher then asks the students to how many times it is needed to flip the coin to get ten heads.
  • The students record their responses in the table below.
  • The teacher has the class repeat the discussion about the differences between theoretical probability and experimental probability, and have them use their language learnt above when discussion the likelihood of events occurring.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 4

Roll the Dice (AoS: 6 Data & AoS 7: Uncertainty)

The class complete experiments to compare theoretical probability and experimental probability – to understand how ‘the house always wins’.

  • This activity required a physical dice, or a computerised dice,
  • The teacher asks students if they roll a normal six-sided dice – what are the possible outcomes? Is there any advantage to one number coming up more often?
  • The teacher asks students if they roll the dice 20 times – what do they think their answers would be?
  • Students record their responses in a table, and then complete the related task.
  • The class repeat the experiment again – and record their data in the same table with a different colour pen, or circle the answers to make them stand out as the second batch of data. Tell the students they can change their predictions as well. Some may want to draw up another table.
  • The teacher leads a discussion about why their results were different in the two experiments. Was there anything similar? Was there anything different? Was there anything of interest? Was there a ‘lucky number’?
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 5

Attitudes to Gambling (AoS 6: Data & AoS 7: Uncertainty)

Students use infographics to predict the statistics reflected there, and the survey the class on their attitudes to different forms of gambling – and if they consider it gambling.

  • The teacher will use the infographics and statistics from the article “in Gen Bet: Has Gambling Gatecrashed Our Teens?” on page 4 of
  • The teacher will ask the students if they know what the statistics are for each infographic, inviting the class to start thinking about their attitudes towards gambling.
  • The teacher should survey students anonymously to find out their attitudes towards gambling with yes/no questions such as:
    • Do you consider tattslotto gambling?
    • Are instant scratchies gambling?
    • Do you consider the pokies to be gambling?
    • Do you think gambling ads (such as SportsBet) should be banned at sporting events?
    • Can you beat the odds and win?
    • Are there lucky numbers?
    • One big win will fix everything?
    • Is it normal to bet on sports?
    • Are young people too exposed to gambling?
    • Is betting fun?
    • Do you know people who make regular bets?
  • The teacher leads a discussion about why students think yes/no, and the likelihood of winning when gambling. The teacher reviews the class data comparing the results with state-wide survey data from Responsible Gambling Victoria, and leads a class discussion about the similarities and differences
  • Students choose two questions from the survey and create visual representations of the data – a graph and a table.
  • The teacher supports students to include appropriate information including headings, axes, scales etc.
  • Students choose two more questions from the survey and create visual representations of the data using spreadsheet software.
  • The teacher supports students to include the appropriate information including headings, axes, scales etc, and how to manipulate the software to ensure these are correctly positioned.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 6

You said how many machines?

The class explore how many pokies machines are in local councils and use that data to calculate measures of spread.

  • The teacher leads a discussion about how many pokies machines are in the local council and explore one area of interest to the class, such as how many venues have pokies machines in each council in local councils nearby.
    The information can be found on Responsible Gambling Victoria
  • Students create a list of nearby councils and list the number of venues in a table.
  • Students use this data to calculate the mean, media and mode – and see how their local council compares.
  • The teacher leads a discussion about what student’ opinions of pokies machines are – and have a discussion about their thoughts on them.
  • The teacher provides the infographics from the following page to students,
  • Using the infographics, look at the amount of money lost per adult over the countries in the infographic. Calculate the mean, median and mode of the different countries, and make comparisons of where Australia is, and where other countries are.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 7

What’s the Impact?

The class use articles to explore issues related to gambling under four areas: financial, personal, social and legal.

  • The teacher presents the class with articles that highlight how gambling addiction has caused issues and read them together and highlight the impact gambling has made in each article.
  • Use the headings Financial, Personal, Social, and Legal, and have the students brainstorm the impact of gambling for each of these categories, and then the consequences.
  • Link the discussion back to the articles.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 8

Gambling Calculator

Students respond to different scenarios, using the gambling calculator on Gambling Help Online to calculate how much is being spent on gambling, how the website displays the information in a way that makes someone consider what they are doing and how they present options on how to better spend their money.

  • The teacher presents some scenarios to the students and have them use the Gambling Help Online calculator to calculate the financial impact of gambling.

    Example scenarios:
    • Person A went to the Pokies just to have a beer with mates after work. It started out as a little play just for fun, but it became a regular habit. Finally it became an addiction – it would be three nights a week habit and Person A spent $100 spent each night. Person A is a third-year carpenter earning award wages of $888.36/week.
    • Person B likes to put some money on SportsBet here and there for the games of the week. They think, ‘why not – everyone does it?’. They originally spent just a few dollars here, a few dollars there, but habits form easily, and it got out of control. They are a first-year hairdressing apprentice, money is tight, and they wonder why it never seems to last. They earn just above award wage at $510/week. They place multiple bets, generally 10 a week, each bet valuing $10.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit


This example demonstrates teaching Outcomes 1, 2 and 3 cohesively as per the curriculum guidelines.

The assessment adheres to the curriculum requirement to include all three outcomes. Outcome 2 allows students to use the Problem-solving cycle within the context and skills outlined in Outcome 1, and Outcome 3 involves students using their Mathematical toolkit to support Outcomes 1 and 2.

The house always wins

  • Students are challenged to look at young people gambling in Victoria and interstate/overseas, and create a public service campaign to highlight some warning signs and local support services.
  • The class watch public service commercials and students analyse and discuss what elements they consider make the commercial a success, and what elements they consider ineffective.
  • Challenge students to make their own commercial or radio advert to target young people and gambling, it should contain the following:
  • Current statistics from Victoria
  • Compared with current statistics from interstate or overseas
  • Warning signs of over-use or addiction
  • Tips or local support services to help people if they want it

Step 1 – Identify the Mathematics

  • Ensure students are clear about their target audience and the messages they are making. They can choose the general topic of gambling, or be specific, such as online sports betting or pokies etc.
  • Students should start to think about what topic they want, and about what statistics would be good to find and calculate and create a plan on how to represent it.

Students should think about an outline for their video/radio commercial to they have a plan to work with for their next steps.

Step 2 – Act on the mathematics

  • Students research and present their statistics in a presentation, and must show all research and calculations in a log book. They must show reputable sources.
  • Students research and calculate their statistics for Victoria and their comparison state or country.
  • Students should also look for information to include in their presentation with regard to warning signs, and tips to support people with gambling and local services.

Step 3 – Evaluate and Reflect

  • Students look at their calculations, tables and graphs, and ask themselves ‘does this look right?’. They should look at their previous work in this unit and compare their work here to that, and check they have all correct information – such as headings, labels etc – and also use it to check over their processes.
  • Students can discuss their results and findings with their teacher – and be prepared to justify their results, calculations and findings.

Step 4 – Communicate and Report

  • In this step students prepare their presentation for filming/recording.
  • Students should also prepare a script or discussion points for their presentation to assist in filming/recording.
  • Remind students that their goal is to create a presentation that shows the statistics behind gambling, compares it with another state/country, and shows early warning signs of over-use or addiction, and then local services.
  • Students can use this list as a checklist to make sure they have covered all areas, understand the message they need to keep conveying, and really repeat the message that gambling does not pay off.

Exemplar 2a - Health numeracy

AOS 6 – Data
Key knowledge
  • simple data collection tools and processes
  • display of data with commonly used tables and graphs, including use of axes and simple scales
  • simple measures of spread, such as range and mean
  • interpretation and description of familiar and simple data sets and their displays.
Key skills
  • collect, collate and organise familiar and simple data sets, and display these choosing and using the most appropriate format, including axes and simple scales
  • choose and find simple common measures of spread for contextual data sets, for example mean, and range of data
  • identify key facts from tables and graphs
  • read and interpret results from familiar and simple data presented in both graph and table form, including describing general patterns and trends.

The Problem-solving cycle

The Problem-solving cycle


Health Numeracy: The focus of the context for this unit is Personal Health

Timeline ActivityOutcome

Introduce the context

The context is the student's personal health.

Identify the issue(s)

  • Teacher to introduce an issue around personal health that students are interested in examining in depth.
  • Activities can include student choice, or be teacher lead, and can easily use each phase of the Problem-solving cycle as outlined in Outcome 2. This will expose the students to the four steps to present many opportunities for practice and efficiency.
  • Consider which technologies will help to examine this issue and support the learning of the mathematics that is outlined in the area of study and help support building their Mathematical toolkit as outlined in Outcome 3.

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 1 - Identify the mathematics

Teachers should start activities with discussions and engage students with their opinions, facts/figures or by determining areas of interest. Throughout this unit the following topics may be accessible, but not limited to:

  • personally based, locally based, or global
  • general health at any age
  • health affecting family members
  • environmental impacts on health
  • health pandemics or epidemics
  • mental health
  • nutrition
  • substance abuse
  • aging populations
  • long-term illness
  • vaccines and preventative medicines
  • healthy lifestyles etc.

The next step is to identify the mathematics. Begin by discussing

  1. What is the purpose of the task?
  2. What is the mathematics knowledge or skills that may be useful/taught?
  3. What calculations will be needed?
This provides a clear path for the teacher to support the mathematics involved.

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 2 - Act on and use the mathematics

The teacher provides a series of activities that support student learning of the mathematical knowledge and skills. This sits alongside the task and supports the context that is being studied. 

At all times the teacher considers

  1. What tools can the students practice and/or develop for their Mathematical toolkit as outlined for Outcome 3?
  2. Plan time to complete the relevant mathematical calculations and processes.

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 3 - Evaluate and reflect

A core part of evaluation and reflection is going back reviewing the mathematics.

At times this may involve starting the cycle again at ‘Step 2 - act on’ phase.

Questions to consider include:

  • Does the mathematics make sense in relation to the topic?
  • Is the mathematical process you have chosen the most appropriate for the question or task?
  • Can you justify the mathematics you have undertaken?
  • Check and reflect your work – are your answers what you expected?
  • Review and reflect on the reasonableness – do you need to make adjustments?
  • Do you need someone to check your work with you?
Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 4 - Communicate and Report
  1. How will you communicate each of your results?
  2. What methods have you learnt that you will include?
  3. What methods will you use that are hand-drawn or hand-calculated?
  4. What methods will you use that are completed with technology?
  5. What software will you use to make your final presentation?
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3

Students are tasked with designing their own survey about a health-related topic that is of importance to them, conduct interviews to gather the data, collate and present their findings, and compare their findings to a secondary sources to look for comparisons.

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 1

Activity 1 – Interpretation of Tables and Graphs

Activity 2 – Internet Research Task

Activity 3 – Get Your Heart Up!

Activity 4 – Are you hot?!

Activity 5 – The Survey Says…
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 2

Activity 6 – Statistics in the Media

Activity 7 – Data Calculations
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 3

Activity 8 - Time to Number Crunch!

Activity 9 – You really oughta know
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 4-5

Activity 10 - Assessment Task - Who's got a question?

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3


Unit plan descriptor

In this unit students explore Health Numeracy with the Area of Study 6 - Data. There are many hands-on activities where students gather their own data to explore their own health. Many of the activities have questions designed to extend students to think beyond the number. Examining issues associated with the health of 16–18-year old’s allows students to learn the mathematics of data and statistics within context.

This unit explores all three outcomes concurrently as mandated by the curriculum and supports the learning of all activities. 
The four stages of the Problem-solving cycle are supported by the inclusion of the multiple learning activities as outlined by the curriculum documentation.

When students are completing the technology components, they are working towards successfully building their Mathematical toolkit - Outcome Three. Opportunities presented in these tasks include using a calculator to perform calculations, online applications to create and conduct surveys and using spread-sheet software to perform these calculations and using spread-sheet software to present graphs and tables. This is not an extensive list and teachers are encouraged to use as many technologies as are available within the confines of the classroom.

Integrated unit suggestion

VCE VM Literacy – Writing for Knowledge or Writing for Public Debate & Literacy – Oracy for Practical Purposes or Oracy for Exploring Issues and Problem Solving.

This unit could form part of an integrated unit with the following PDS Unit Two Outcomes:

VCE VM PDS Unit 2 – AOS 1 – Research and Analyse an environmental, cultural or social issue affecting members of a community,

VCE VM PDS Unit 2 – AOS 3– Use a range of communication strategies to raise awareness of an environmental, cultural or social issue within a community.

Suggested resources/required equipment

General classroom stationery supplies which support student learning and teaching in mathematics. These may include, but not be limited to:

  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Paper
  • Rulers
  • Calculators
  • Graph paper
  • Post-it notes

Access to the internet and computers or tablets is essential.

Technologies may include:

  • Microsoft Office
  • Google applications
  • Phones for apps and calculations where permissible by the Principal

This list is not exhaustive, and teachers are encouraged to use extra materials and resources that support the learning for their students in their classrooms.;

This section details the activities.

Please note: These activities must not be taught in isolation from the Problem-solving cycle, or the Mathematical toolkit.

These activities are detailed in the Activity boxes to help with implementation but must be read in conjunction with the planning table.

Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 1

Interpretation of Tables and Graphs

Interpretation of data and summaries

KK: interpretation and description of familiar and simple data sets and their displays
KS: identify key facts from tables and graphs
KS: read and interpret results from familiar and simple data presented in both graph and table form, including describing general patterns and trends

Students will explore graphs that are related the topic of the general health for 16-18 year old’s, looking for key features and how data can be misinterpreted. Students will use scaffolding, a summary technique, so they can see how to shape their communication when presenting their findings.

  • Present a variety of graphs & tables for students to look at related to general health of 16–18-year old’s
    • Students quietly look over the materials and make some notes
    • Students complete a ‘think-pair-share’ table with a partner, and discuss with the class
    • The teacher should plan for a variety of topics and data that will encourage students to think about how data can be provided and how data can be misinterpreted.
  • During the class discussion, highlight key data in the tables and graphs by identifying main features such as headings, data topic, date when data was collected, where/who published it etc. Additionally, highlight any trends (such as seasonal, economic, trendy-obsessions etc) and add what it really is saying etc.
  • Ask students to provide a written response to the discussion and scaffold a writing technique to highlight how to do this. This could include;
    • an opening sentence describing the source and table/graph data, the data source and what units are being used
    • a sentence identifying the pattern or description of the data (ups, downs, trends, no trends etc.), and gives suggestions to explain why this is occurring.
    • A sentence predicting what might happen next in the pattern/trend
    • *Make sure it is factually based – no inferences.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 2

Internet research task

Interpretation of media-based data and summaries

KK: display of data with commonly used tables and graphs, including use of axes and simple scales
KS: identify key facts from tables and graphs
KS: read and interpret results from familiar and simple data presented in both graph and table form, including describing general patterns and trends

  • Students find more examples of graphs related to general health for 16–18-year old’s and apply the same writing technique to further their reading of graph and summary skills.
  • Students research two of their own graphs about general health and apply the same written response and writing technique.
  • Students present one graph and their write up for the class and the class discuss each one together and present feedback with a graphic organiser using the headings ‘strengths – improvement – interesting’.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 3

Get your heart up!

Data Collection

KK: display of data with common used tables and graphs, including the axes and simple scales
KS: collect, collate and organise familiar and simple data sets, and display these choosing and using the most appropriate format, including axes and simple scales

  • This activity is designed for students to understand the importance of a healthy heart. 
  • Students complete a hands-on activity where they collect their own data as they complete four different activities that should increase their heart-rates each time.
  • Students practice finding and taking their own heart rates, and record their data in tables. Students learn why they are presenting bar charts and explore spread-sheet software.  
  • Suggested activity sets:
    • Activity Set One:
      Activities for students with limited mobility include sitting in a chair and recording their resting heart rate, then moving arms back and forward in a ‘jogging fashion’, then extending arms outwards in a ’star jumps fashion’ and then moving arms all-over in a ‘fast and chaotic’ fashion – judge the time limit to suit the needs of your students.
    • Activity Set Two:
      Take heart rate under the following conditions: resting heart rate (sitting quietly), slow walk along the basketball court, performing a series of lunges/lower body workout, star jumps on the spot/all body workout, jogging/running (all 30-45 second increments showing increased activity with 3-minute rests in-between, to act as a break and re-set heart rate). These activities are designed to show an increase in heart rate each time.
  • Students plot the heart rate data for each activity on a bar chart using spreadsheet software.
  • Make sure students have included the essentials for graphs: title, axes labelled, each bar titled etc. A written summary of their findings should also be produced.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 4

Are you hot?!

Data Collection

KK: identify key facts from tables and graphs
KK: display of data with common used tables and graphs, including the axes and simple scales
KS: collect, collate and organise familiar and simple data sets, and display these choosing and using the most appropriate format, including axes and simple scales

  • This activity relates to the topic by generating student knowledge about body temperature. It is a hands-on collecting data activity, where students learn to take their own body temperature with a thermometer; whilst lowering it slightly with their hand in ice water over several minutes. Students record their temperatures in tables and learn why histograms are appropriate and recreate them in using spread-sheet software. 
  • The teacher begins the activity with a discussion about taking our temperature to check for fevers when feeling unwell and why the body reacts this way. Personalise the discussion to real life experience by asking students if anyone has a story to share, does anyone remember when they had their temperature taken and in what setting? 
  • The teacher should present different thermometers to the class or show pictures/videos of how they are used (preferred technique is armpit). For example: ear scanners vs. forehead scanners vs. glass thermometers, digital vs. analogue readings, and discuss the positives and negatives for having either type in the home.
  • The class complete a worksheet where students look at different thermometers and read their temperatures – importantly stressing that temperatures within the body have a small range (within 36°C – 37°C; fever starts 38°C) so reading them accurately is important.
  • The class research Health Direct website to find some practical tips to help someone with a fever.
  • Students use a thermometer and record the teacher and students’ body temperature on the whiteboard. Now place the teacher and students’ hand in a bowl of cold water with ice – and leave it there for one minute. Over the next five minutes, take the temperature reading each minute and record the temperature.
    • *Remember to take the temperature in a consistent manner, using the same technique each time.
    • Record the results in a time-series graph and discuss why a time-series graph is appropriate for this. Discuss the different elements necessary for this graph.
    • Students compare results with others – what was similar, what was different? Why do they think each other’s body temperatures could be slightly different?
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 5

The Surveys Says …

Creating Graphs

KS: collect, collate and organise familiar and simple data sets, and display these choosing and using the most appropriate format, including axes and simple scales
KK: display of data with commonly used tables and graphs, including use of axes and simple scales

  • This activity introduces students to data collection with categorical data and supports this stage of the problem-solving cycle. By collecting categorical data from the class, students help produce the topics and recording sheets. Students work in groups to analyse the data, produce results, summarise and display in the classroom.
  • The teacher leads a discussion to find topics that the class enjoys together – this has to be categorical data. Suggestions could include favourite fruits and vegetables, favourite meal of the day, favourite sports to participate in, what would they like to like to improve to make themselves healthier, what can schools do to improve the health outcomes of students, what items should be removed from the canteen menu, what items should be included on the canteen menu etc.
  • Students move into small groups to create a range of surveys related to the selected topics, including recording sheets and instructions.
  • The teacher prints and shares the surveys around the classroom and gives students time to participate and complete the surveys.
  • Back in their small groups, students look at the data and collate the frequency (total) and generate totals and percentage frequency. Students build a bar chart to visually display results in graph form and write a small summary about the class’s data.
  • The teacher leads a discussion about how the survey could be improved if repeated.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 6

Statistics in the Media

Interpreting and displaying datasets

KK: interpretation and description of familiar and simple data sets and their displays

  • Students look at different examples of statistics in the media that are related to positive health promotion of 16–18-year old’s – such as:
    • printed
    • infographics in news conferences
    • sound bites
    • video etc
  • Students review how the statistics are displayed and what they are communicating whilst examining ideas such as from whom and when was the data gathered and could there be bias present?
  • The teacher presents an example of the daily COVID-19 statistics that are given at news conferences and ask students what they are seeing, and if it is easy to understand.
  • The class break down why infographics are a preferred choice when presenting to bigger cohorts, and the language used that needs to be understood by all Victorians – discuss any language barriers students think exist in Victoria.
  • Brainstorm with the class where else we see data and statistics daily in regard to general health of 16–18-year-olds. Create a page for each brainstorm and spread these ideas around the room. Have students move around the room in pairs to explore and contribute their ideas of the data and statistics they see for each topic, so the topics become more detailed. Discuss and display in the classroom.
  • The class collect examples of data and statistics found in the media and add them to the brainstorms. Discuss the importance, and have the students annotate the key features, such as:
    • Who published the statistics and when did they do it?
    • What is the title and what is it telling the audience straight away?
    • Interpret the statistics – what is it telling us?
    • Does the title connect with the data shown?
  • The teacher should present some other media articles which include statistics – use different examples of how statistics are given: text, image, sound. Discuss bias and how bias can be used as a technique to manipulate audience members, or how only presenting some parts of the research can be another technique used.
  • Ask the class if they have ever participated in a survey and discuss their involvement. Move the discussion into data collection methods, and why it is important to find out if the data is a primary or secondary source for validity; remind students to check for;
    • author or company
    • when was it collected (it is out of date?)
    • how was it collected (did the participants have someone to clarify their questions to or not?)
    • did the questions make sense (or did they answer making a guess?)
    • were the participants paid for their time or not?
    • are the participants in the survey a broad range of people or not (is there possible bias?)
    • etc
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 7

Data Calculations

Calculating simple measures of spread:

KK: simple measures of spread, such as range and mean
KS: choose and find simple common measures of spread for contextual data sets. For example, mean, range of data

  • This activity presents the calculations of mean, median and mode to the students – some may remember it, and some might not.
  • Present different data sets on smoking, vaping and the poor health outcomes to examine the negative effects on health. Before students perform these calculations, have students make predictions to what they think the data might be.
  • Discuss and model the processes to calculate the range and mean, median and mode.
  • After the calculations, have a class discussion that includes some questions such as:
  • what can they see – any patterns, recurring numbers, anything alarming etc?
  • are there any trends? How do the numbers translate to ages and health? 
  • Scaffold the writing technique and present a summary of results.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 8

Time to Number Crunch

KK: collect, collate and organise familiar and simple data sets, and display these choosing and using the most appropriate format, including axes and simple scales.

  • Students complete a range of hands-on activities to gather numerical data with numerical responses, and practice the statistics calculations. Students will work in small groups to be responsible for their activity, record sheet and any equipment needed. Afterwards, students will produce the calculations and summary to present to the class.

    Example activities:
    • have students write down their favourite number between 0-100
    • guess how many staff work on-site
    • how many objects are in their pencil case?
    • how long does it take for their wheelchair to travel around an outdoors court?
    • how many times can they sing through the alphabet in 30 seconds
    • how many sit-ups/push-ups can they do in 30seconds
    • how long does it take to press all the buttons on their communication device?
    • how many cards can they stack building a card tower in 30 seconds?
    • how many times can they bounce a basketball in 30 seconds
  • Involve the class in choosing the activities
  • Discuss with the class how the recording sheet will look to collect the data – generally a table will do and make sure there are enough spaces for each student plus any staff to include their own answer.
  • Students break up into small groups and take ownership of the different activities, produce the recording sheet with the title, the instructions, and any equipment/time recording device needed (make sure there is a pen/pencil there to record the answer).
  • Students and staff participate at each station and complete the activities to gather the data. When finished, students look at their record sheets and make observations about how the data was recorded and whether people were able to follow the instructions or not? (as this reflection will be important at the end of the unit).
  • In groups or individually, with the data from their survey, students should calculate the simple measures of spread – the range, mean, median and mode. Have a small discussion in their group to compare their results for accuracy, and what their findings are. Discuss the results and analyse for any surprises, trends, etc.
  • Prepare the results in a table, a graph, with mean, median and mode, and a summary and present to the class. Display in classroom.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 9

You really oughta know…

KK: simple data collection tools and processes

The teacher leads a class discussion about what makes a good health survey.

  • Class discussion about past surveys;
    • What surveys have students taken in the past?
    • What sorts of questions did they have?
    • How was the survey delivered?
    • What was the purpose of the survey?
    • Was it formal or informal?
    • Who was gathering the information?
    • What types of questions were asked and how were they collecting the answers? (yes/no questions, using scales, presenting options only, giving text box options etc),
    • Do you remember being able to understand the questions?
  • Class discussion about designing a survey
    • Elements of a poor- or high-quality survey
    • Process of the researchers in conducting a survey
    • Types of questions
    • Formality of survey
    • Quality of questions
    • Presence of bias
    • Clear purpose of survey
    • Fair questions – not biased or loaded ones
    • What is our ultimate goal – what do we want to find out?
    • Digital collection vs. paper based; digital vs people involved including the positives and negatives of each.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Assessment task

Who’s got a question?

This example demonstrates an assessment task combining Outcomes 1, 2, and 3 cohesively as per the curriculum guidelines. Outcome 2 allows students to use the Problem-solving cycle within the context and skills outlined in Outcome 1, and Outcome 3 involves students using their Mathematical toolkit to support Outcomes 1 and 2.

  • Students design their own survey about a health-related topic that is interesting or important to them, conduct the interviews to gather the data, collate and present their findings, and compare their findings to a secondary sources to look for comparisons.
  • The teacher leads the class into a brainstorm of what health topics are important to them. Here are some examples, but do not be limited by them:
    • Local or globally based health topics
    • Person or family-based health topics
    • Environmental impacts on health
    • Health pandemics or epidemics
    • Mental health
    • Nutrition
    • Substance abuse
    • Ageing populations
    • Long term illness
    • Vaccines and preventative measures
    • Health lifestyles
    • Etc

Step 1 – Identify the Mathematics

  • Students think about the design of their survey and their audience, design their questions accordingly, and the create their questions using various question methods such as, but not limited to, using yes/no questions, scales of 1-5 or 1-10, using a tick box to indicate all responses they agree with or disagree with etc.

Step 2 – Act on the mathematics

  • Students conduct their surveys after a briefing on how to approach their audience, and how many they should aim to complete (the more the better – at least 15).
  • Students can look at their surveys, gather the data, and calculate their measures of spread. They should look for similarities and differences and think about how best to present this information (such as, but not limited to tables, graphs, number facts, percentages etc).
  • Students should research reliable online sources for information that allows them to compare their results to see if they are similar or different.

Step 3 – Evaluate and reflect

  • Students should look at their data they calculated – and ask themselves if it appears reasonable?
  • They should stop and look over each step performed, and can they justify each step taken? Encourage that they perform these checks, and also if they need someone to check over it for them.

Step 4 – Communicate and Report

  • Students need to choose the methods to communicate their survey, their results, and the comparison to the secondary source information found. Students should consider the following questions to help prepare their responses:
    1. How will you communicate each of your results?
    2. What methods have you learnt that you will include?
    3. What methods will you use that are hand-drawn or hand-calculated?
    4. What methods will you use that are completed with technology?
    5. What software will you use to make your final presentation?

For assessment submission, students should submit:

  • The survey draft and final survey
  • A sample of a completed survey
  • The final presentation
  • The calculations and the process taken to complete them
  • Any spread-sheet created with graphs or tables
  • The problem solving cycle – their plan with notes made under each step

Exemplar 2b - Health numeracy

AOS 6 – Data
Key knowledge
  • simple data collection tools and processes
  • display of data with commonly used tables and graphs, including use of axes and simple scales
  • simple measures of spread, such as range and mean
  • interpretation and description of familiar and simple data sets and their displays.
Key skills
  • collect, collate and organise familiar and simple data sets, and display these choosing and using the most appropriate format, including axes and simple scales
  • choose and find simple common measures of spread for contextual data sets, for example mean, and range of data
  • identify key facts from tables and graphs
  • read and interpret results from familiar and simple data presented in both graph and table form, including describing general patterns and trends.

The Problem-solving cycle

The Problem-solving cycle


Health numeracy relates to accessing, understanding and using mathematical information to make decisions and act in the interests of personal and community health and wellbeing.

Timeline ActivityOutcome

Introduce the context

The context for this exemplar is Health numeracy. The context is based around personal health, the health of Australians and international health data.

Identify the issue(s)

Teachers must ensure all assessments include Outcomes 1, 2 and 3 as prescribed by the Study Design.

To support students with the introduction of the four stages in the Problem-solving cycle (Outcome 2), teachers can integrate each task with the four steps. To do so, teachers can follow this outline:

Using the Problem-solving cycle: Step 1 – Identify the mathematics

The next step is to identify the mathematics. Begin by discussing:

  • What is the purpose of the task?
  • What is the mathematics knowledge or skills that may be useful/taught?
  • What calculations will be needed?

This provides a clear path for the teacher to support the mathematics involved.

Using the Problem-solving cycle: Step 2 – Act on and use the mathematics

The teacher provides a series of activities that support student learning in mathematical knowledge and skills. This sits alongside the investigation and supports the context that is being studied.

At all times the teacher considers:

  • What tools can you use from your mathematical toolkit to help student learning?
  • Plan time to complete the relevant mathematical calculations and processes.

Using the Problem-solving cycle: Step 3 – Evaluate and reflect

The activities in the assessment section relate to the section of the Problem-solving cycle – evaluate and reflect. A core part of evaluation and reflection is going back and reviewing the mathematics. At times this may involve starting the cycle again at the ‘act on’ phase.

Questions to consider include:

  • Does the mathematics make sense in relation to the topic?
  • Is the mathematical process you have chosen the most appropriate for the question or task?
  • Can you justify the mathematics you have undertaken?
  • Check and reflect upon your work – are your answers what you expected?
  • Review and reflect on the reasonableness – do you need to make adjustments?
  • Do you need someone to check your work with you?

Using the Problem-solving cycle: Step 4 – Communicate and report

  • How will you communicate each of your results?
  • What methods have you learnt that you will include?
  • What methods will you use that are hand-drawn or hand-calculated?
  • What methods will you use that are completed with technology?
  • What software will you use to make your final presentation?
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 1

Activity 1 – Medication measures and reading scales on medical tools
Activity 2 – Medical data analysis

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 2

Activity 3 – Measuring lungs
Activity 4 – Measuring heart rate
Activity 5 – Measuring blood pressure

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 3

Activity 6 – Punnett squares
Activity 7 – Where is the nearest defibrillator?

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 4

Activity 8 – World health investigation
Activity 9 – Nutrition detective

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 5

Activity 10– Workplace injuries
Activity 11 – Cause of death

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3


Unit plan descriptor

In this unit students explore Health numeracy with the area of study 6: Data. There are opportunities for hands-on activities where students take measurements for their own personal health. There are research opportunities to look at the health of Australians and the health of other countries.

This unit explores all three outcomes concurrently as mandated by the curriculum.

Outcome 1 – Numeracy and areas of study

Outcome 2 – The four stages of the Problem-solving cycle as outlined in the Study Design

Outcome 3 – Learning and enhancing their mathematical toolkit skills

Integrated unit suggestion

VCE VM PDS:  This unit can be integrated with unit 1 of PDS, Healthy individuals.

VCE VM WRS: This unit can be integrated with units 1-3 of WRS.

Suggested resources/required equipment

General classroom stationery supplies which support student learning and teaching in mathematics. These may include, but not be limited to:

  • Internet access
  • Microsoft Office Suite – Microsoft Word, Excel & PowerPoint
  • Scientific calculator
  • Writing equipment
  • Timer
  • Balloons
  • Ruler

This section details the activities.

Please note: These activities must not be taught in isolation from the Problem-solving cycle or the mathematical toolkit.

These activities are detailed in the Activity boxes to help with implementation but must be read in conjunction with the planning table.

Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 1

Medication measures and reading scales on medical tools

  • Structured questions on medical dosage and answering questions on medical tools, equipment and reading scales.

Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 2

Medical data analysis

  • Investigate different types of medical data and present the information on tally charts, comment on mean, trends and variations.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 3

Measuring lungs

  • Explore tidal volume, vital capacity and total lung capacity.
  • Students measure their vital capacity.
    1. Blow up balloon several times to stretch it before taking any measurements.
    2. Take as deep a breath as possible: exhale as much air as possible into the balloon; pinch the balloon closed to stop air escaping.
    3. Measure the balloon size.
      • Simple way – Use a ruler to estimate the height and width of balloon (diameter).
      • Advanced way – Use a tape measure to record the balloon’s circumference both directions then divide by pi to find diameter.
    4. Find the average radius of your balloon (half of diameter).
    5. Repeat three times and to find the average across all three attempts.
    6. Use the overall average radius when calculating the volume of a sphere.























Overall Average:


Volume of a Sphere = 4/3 πr^3

Calculate your vital capacity

Why did you need to use average radius?

  • Students measure their tidal volume.
    1. Take in a normal breath and then exhale into the balloon only as much air as you would normally exhale. Do not force the air.
    2. Pinch the balloon closed to prevent air from escaping.
    3. Measure and record the size of balloon, same as before.
    4. Repeat this procedure three times; record each circumference.
    5. Calculate and record the average.
    6. Use the volume of a sphere rule to find your tidal volume.
  • Students investigate the effects of smoking on lung capacity and write a short summary or  presentation.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 4

Measuring heart rate

  • Discuss and demonstrate to students how to find their heart rate either through the neck or the wrist.

    Students measure their resting heart rate:

    1. Find a stopwatch, watch or wall clock that displays time in seconds.
    2. Practice taking your resting pulse first. If you know how to find your pulse while sitting or lying quietly, it will be much easier to find during exercise.
    3. Use one of the following counts to calculate your heart’s beats per minute (bpm):
      • Count your heart beats for six seconds. Multiply the number of heart beats by 10 to get your bpm.
      • Count your heart beats for 10 seconds. Multiply the number of heart beats by 6 to get your bpm.
      • Count your heart beats for 15 seconds. Multiply the number of heart beats by 4 to get your bpm.

    Keep moving while taking your heart rate. Your heart rate will drop within 15 seconds if you stop moving.

    If you are having a hard time finding your pulse while exercising, find it before you begin exercising and draw an x on the pulse spot.

Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 5

Measuring blood pressure

  • Students research blood Better Health channel. If a blood pressure monitor is available students are given clear instruction on how to use it.
  • Students given a blood pressure chart to see how they compare for their age group. Student to answer questions from given tables and graphs.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 6

Punnett squares

  • Teacher introduces Punnett squares, a chart that represents a cross, or breeding event, between two organisms.
  • Teacher presents examples of Punnett squares and students work through examples.
  • Students answer questions from Punnett squares and fill in Punnett squares.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 7

Where is the nearest defibrillator?

  • Students investigate where there are defibrillators in their local area using  Find a publicly accessible AED.
  • Students list locations of the three closest defibrillators and estimate the length of time it would take to get there by walking or driving. Show all working out.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 8

World health investigation

  • Students research the world by income and region and investigate five low-income countries and five high-income countries using. Explore health data from the chosen 10 countries and make comparisons.
Low-Income CountriesHigh-Income Countries





















  • Using the 10 countries chosen from the first question, record their rank, annual income and calculate a weekly income.
Low-Income CountriesHigh-Income Countries
CountryRankIncome paPer weekCountryRankIncome paPer week









































  • What currency is used to rank countries for GNI?
  • What is Australia’s Rank and annual income?
  • What is the Number 1 ranked country (not Territory) and their annual income?
  • What is the Poorest Country and its annual income?
  • Imagine you live in Luxembourg. Your income matches the GNI. You work 38 hours per week and have 12 weeks holidays a year. How much do you earn per hour?
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 9

Nutrition Detective

  • Investigate a variety of foods and make comparisons between the Nutrition Information Panels given by the teacher (see Food Standards Australia New Zealand). Examples could be: two types of bread, two types of breakfast cereal and two types of energy drinks.

Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 10

Workplace injuries

  • Investigate workplace injuries by downloading the PDF Safe Work Australia. Answer questions on the key work health and safety statistics, Australia 2021.

    • Which year did Australia have the most Workplace Fatalities?
    • Has Australia’s workplace fatality rate improved since 2003?
    • In 2020 what percentage of workplace fatalities were women?
    • What mechanism of incident caused the greatest fatalities?
    • What percentage does this represent?
    • Are professionals at greater risk than community workers?
    • Look at the table on page 5, which industry was the most risky in 2020?

Exemplar 3 - Civic numeracy

AOS 6 – DataAOS 8 – Systematics
Key knowledge
  • simple data collection tools and processes
  • display of data with commonly used tables and graphs, including use of axes and simple scales
  • simple measures of spread, such as range and mean
  • interpretation and description of familiar and simple data sets and their displays.
Key skills
  • collect, collate and organise familiar and simple data sets, and display these choosing and using the most appropriate format, including axes and simple scales
  • choose and find simple common measures of spread for contextual data sets, for example mean, and range of data
  • identify key facts from tables and graphs
  • read and interpret results from familiar and simple data presented in both graph and table form, including describing general patterns and trends.
Key knowledge
  • common and familiar information and data inputs and outputs
  • common and familiar computational data collection tools and applications
  • collating, organising, categorising, planning, scheduling and table creation of common and familiar information and data using technology.
Key skills
  • This area of study includes the use of technology (such as spreadsheets, software, mobile technologies, and apps) to:
  • create tables to collate, organise and input or record common and familiar data and information
  • arrange and sort simple and familiar data and information
  • use systems to plan and schedule common and familiar actions
  • read inputs and interpret outputs such as from interactive maps, public transport timetables, online calculators/applications/planners
  • adjust variables of inputs to optimise outputs and solutions for common and familiar situations and contexts.

The Problem-solving cycle

The Problem-solving cycle


Civic numeracy refers to activities related to participating in the student’s community and social life through being aware of and knowing about government and societal data, information and related processes.

Timeline ActivityOutcome

Introduce the context

The context is Civic numeracy and uses the topics of waste, water and energy consumption to highlight the impact on the environment.

Identify the issue(s)

Civic numeracy:

Teacher to introduce Civic numeracy – examining human consumption of resources. This unit enables students to look at:

  • recycling at their school.
  • water usage, cost and ways to reduce it.
  • electricity consumption
  • solar panels

Using the Problem-solving cycle: Step 1 – Identify the mathematics

Teacher led discussion on possible topics that students will use as the basis for their investigation. Once the class has agreed on a topic, the class will proceed together.

The next step is to identify the mathematics. Begin by discussing:

  1. What is the purpose of the task?
  2. What is the mathematics knowledge or skills that may be useful/taught?
  3. What calculations will be needed?

This provides a clear path for the teacher to support the mathematics involved.

Using the Problem-solving cycle: Step 2 – Act on and use the mathematics

The teacher then provides a series of activities that support student learning with the mathematical knowledge and skills. This sits alongside the investigation and supports the context that is being studied.

At all times the teacher considers:

  • What tools can you use from your mathematical toolkit to help student learning?
  • Plan time to complete the relevant mathematical calculations and processes.

Using the Problem-solving cycle: Step 3 – Evaluate and reflect

The activities in the assessment section relate to the section of the Problem-solving cycle – evaluate and reflect. A core part of evaluation and reflection is going back and reviewing the mathematics. At times this may involve starting the cycle again at the ‘act on’ phase.

Questions to consider include:

  • Does the mathematics make sense in relation to the topic?
  • Is the mathematical process you have chosen the most appropriate for the question or task?
  • Can you justify the mathematics you have undertaken?
  • Check and reflect upon your work – are your answers what you expected?
  • Review and reflect on the reasonableness – do you need to make adjustments?
  • Do you need someone to check your work with you?

Using the Problem-solving cycle: Step 4 – Communicate and report

  • How will you communicate each of your results?
  • What methods have you learnt that you will include?
  • What methods will you use that are hand-drawn or hand-calculated?
  • What methods will you use that are completed with technology?
  • What software will you use to make your final presentation?
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 1 and 2

Activity 1 – Waste bin audit

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 3 and 4

Activity 2 – Investigate water capacity and household water consumption

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 5

Activity 3 – Reading and calculating electricity bills

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 6

Activity 4 – Solar panels

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 7

Activity 5 – Food packaging

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3


Unit plan descriptor

This exemplar has included many of the key knowledge and skills of the area of study 6: Data and area of study 8: Systematics.

All tasks are designed to be relevant and applicable to everyday life.

The three outcomes have been addressed here in all activities and are taught concurrently. It is mandated that the assessment is built with all three outcomes working together throughout.

Outcome 1 – the context of the numeracy and area of study working together

Outcome 2 – the four stages of the Problem-solving cycle

Outcome 3 – learning and enhancing their mathematical toolkit skills

Integrated unit suggestion

VCE VM PDS: This unit could be integrated with Personal Development Skills.

Suggested resources/required equipment

General classroom stationery supplies which support student learning and teaching in mathematics. These may include, but not be limited to:

  • Paper
  • Internet access
  • Microsoft Office Suite – Microsoft Word, Excel & PowerPoint
  • Scientific calculator
  • Writing equipment
  • Disposable gloves
  • Tarp or drop sheet

This section details the activities.

Please note: These activities must not be taught in isolation from the Problem-solving cycle or the mathematical toolkit.

These activities are detailed in the Activity boxes to help with implementation but must be read in conjunction with the planning table.

Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 1

Waste bin audit

  • Students research what can be recycled and what will happen in the future if we do not recycle.
  • Students find out what kind of recycling bins are used at school.
  • Students create and conduct surveys asking students at their school about recycling. Possible questions include:
    • How important is recycling to you?
    • What items can be recycled at school?
    • How often do you recycle at school?
  • Teacher leads a lesson on how to use excel spreadsheets and how to create a bar graph. Students are given structured examples and questions to work through.
  • Students input the information they gathered for the recycling surveys into an excel spreadsheet and create a bar graph of some of this data.
  • Students work in a group to do an audit of a school recycling bin. Collect data regarding the materials that are in the recycle bin and record them in a table in suitable categories.

    Sort the items in the bin into groups and create an excel spreadsheet.

  • Presentation of results could be a report, PowerPoint presentation, poster, podcast or a film that covers:
    • What recycling is 
    • Why recycling is important (i.e. How does recycling help the planet, people, animals, plants etc.)
    • What has been done (Waste Bin Audit) 
    • Descriptions of graphs of what was found in the recycle bin and rubbish bin
    • What conclusions were drawn
    • What could be done differently in our school; provide specific suggestions/actions
    • What you can do personally.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 2

Investigate water capacity and household water consumption

  • Students investigate how we get water, average water consumption per day, and compare and calculate water charges. Compare local reservoir capacity during drought period and recent capacity. Investigate water usage and ways to conserve water.
  • Students to have access to a water bill and learn what the charges are and how to work out water usage. Students answer specific questions on the given bill.
  • Students answer set questions on their water usage at home and work out on average the other members of the households’ water use. Students calculate overall costs and suggest ways that this amount can be reduced.
  • Students answer questions using information from the local water company. The teacher works through examples with students on water storage and how much rain would need to fall to fill up tanks.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 3

Reading and calculating electricity bills

  • Teacher leads a class discussion on electricity and how we use it and where electricity comes from. Teacher shows students an electricity bill and discusses the terms used in it and what it means. Students are given an example electricity bill and answer questions.
  • Students to create excel spreadsheets to determine what the electricity bill would be with information given by teacher and repeat the task for another electricity provider. Students make comparisons and determine which provider may be more appropriate.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 4

Solar panels

  • Student to investigate what solar panels do and how they can reduce electricity bills.
  • Students to find out what ‘export’ means in relation to solar panels.
  • Students to find out what an inverter is.
  • Students to answer structured questions on solar panel feed in tariffs and use graphs to answer questions.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 5

Food packaging

  • Students to design a food container for a burger that is 8 cm in diameter and 5 cm high.
    • On an A4 piece of paper students draw a picture of how the container would look from the front and top. On another piece of A4 paper students draw the net diagram of the container from above to scale. The net must have flaps so that the container will stay together. Include all measurements on the net.
    • Draw the full-size net of the container onto card and take a photo. Students cut out the net and fold it together, taking a photo of the result.
    • Students create a word document explaining what they did, suggesting any improvements and putting the photos and diagrams into it.

Exemplar 4 - Personal numeracy

AOS 5 – Dimension and directionAOS 7 – Uncertainty
Key knowledge
  • location and direction in relation to everyday, familiar objects and landmarks
  • location and direction in relation to everyday, familiar maps and technologies
  • everyday, familiar oral and written instructions for moving to specified locations
  • everyday angles such as 45, 90, 180 and 360 degrees.
Key skills
  • find and locate places of interest on maps and describe location in relation to other objects and landmarks using appropriate maps or technology
  • determine and give or follow everyday straightforward instructions to move between familiar locations
  • identify everyday compass directions such as N, S, W, E, NE, SE
  • identify and demonstrate an understanding of everyday angles such as 45, 90, 180 and 360 degrees
  • understand where an object is in space using one-, two- and three-dimensions and everyday familiar language such as up, down, left, right, in front, behind to describe position and location in space.
Key knowledge
  • likelihood of common and familiar events or occurrences happening
  • common and familiar language of chance and its relationship to common numerical values associated with chance, such as ‘even chance’ = 0.5 or 50%
  • simple and familiar unconditional probability events with randomness and chance
  • simple inferencing from likelihood estimates to inform decision making in relation to common and familiar events such as rolling dice, or spinners.
Key skills
  • estimate and identify likelihood of common and familiar events occurring using simple fractions, decimals or percentages such as 1/2, 1/3, 1/5, 0.5, 50%
  • identify sample spaces or options for common and familiar events or occurrences
  • recognise that the likelihood of events occurring can differ, and develop an understanding of how to reduce or increase the likelihood of an event occurring.

The Problem-solving cycle

The Problem-solving cycle


Personal numeracy relates to understanding, using and interpreting numerical and mathematical information presented and embedded in different formats and media, to undertake personally relevant activities in a range of routine, non-routine, unfamiliar and some specialised situations.

Timeline ActivityOutcome

Introduce the context

The context is Personal numeracy. Students use online tools to work out travel times between locations and plan trips. Another focus area is using the language of chance and looking at the probability of events.

Identify the issue(s)

These tasks allow students to use paper maps and online technology, apps to navigate and become confident with directions and bearings.
Students spend time looking at the language around probability and work out the probability of common and familiar events.

Using the Problem-solving cycle: - Step 1 - Identify the mathematics

Teacher led discussion on possible topics that students will use as the basis for their investigation. Once the class has agreed on a topic, the class will proceed together.

The next step is to identify the mathematics. Begin by discussing:

  • What is the purpose of the task?
  • What is the mathematics knowledge that may be useful?
  • What calculations will be needed?

This provides a clear path for the teacher to support the mathematics involved.

Using the Problem-solving cycle: Step 2 – Act on and use the mathematics

The teacher provides a series of activities that support student learning in mathematical knowledge and skills. This sits alongside the investigation and supports the context that is being studied.

At all times the teacher considers:

  • What tools can you use from your mathematical toolkit to help student learning?
  • Plan time to complete the relevant mathematical calculations and processes. 

Using the Problem-solving cycle: Step 3 – Evaluate and reflect

The activities in the assessment section relate to the section of the Problem-solving cycle – evaluate and reflect. A core part of evaluation and reflection is going back and reviewing the mathematics. At times this may involve starting the cycle again at the ‘act on’ phase.

Questions to consider include:

  • Does the mathematics make sense in relation to the topic?
  • Is the mathematical process you have chosen the most appropriate for the question or task?
  • Can you justify the mathematics you have undertaken?
  • Check and reflect upon your work – are your answers what you expected?
  • Review and reflect on the reasonableness – do you need to make adjustments?
  • Do you need someone to check your work with you?

Using the Problem-solving cycle: Step 4 – Communicate and report

  • How will you communicate each of your results?
  • What methods have you learnt that you will include?
  • What methods will you use that are hand-drawn or hand-calculated?
  • What methods will you use that are completed with technology?
  • What software will you use to make your final presentation?
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 1

Activity 1 – Compass

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 2

Activity 2 – Using maps
Activity 3 – Using online maps

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 3

Activity 4 – Floor plans

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 4

Activity 5 – The language of chance
Activity 6 – Theoretical probability

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 5

Activity 7 – Probability investigation
Activity 8 – Scams

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3


Unit plan descriptor

This exemplar has included many of the key knowledge and key skills from area of study 5: Dimension and direction and area of study 7: Uncertainty. It is important to recognise that a few dot points from the area of studies have not been met.

This unit explores all three outcomes concurrently as mandated by the curriculum.

Outcome 1 – the context of the numeracy and area of study working together

Outcome 2 – the four stages of the Problem-solving cycle

Outcome 3 – learning and enhancing their mathematical toolkit skills

Integrated unit suggestion

VCE VM PDS: This unit could be integrated with Personal Development Skills.

Suggested resources/required equipment

General classroom stationery supplies which support student learning and teaching in mathematics. These may include, but not be limited to:

  • Paper
  • Textas
  • Counters
  • Dice
  • Coins
  • Pens/Pencils

Technologies may include:

  • Calculators
  • Spreadsheets
  • Microsoft Suite including Microsoft Forms
  • Recording and/or filming hardware and software

Access to the internet and computers or tablets is essential.

This section details the activities.

Please note: These activities must not be taught in isolation from the Problem-solving cycle or the mathematical toolkit.

These activities are detailed in the Activity boxes to help with implementation but must be read in conjunction with the planning table.

Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 1


  • Class discussion on compass directions, students to work out where north, east, south and west are in the classroom, using the direction of the sun, a compass, or an app.
  •  Further discussion required to bring in the concept of bearings and to label a printed compass with the names and the bearing for north, northeast, south etc.
  • Students given a map of their town and answer questions on directions of named places of interest in the area from certain points.
  •  Students given a map of Australia or other parts in the world and answer questions on directions. Students to do further questions related to bearings.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 2

Using maps

  • Structured examples of using a map of the local area to discuss grid references, keys and scales.
  • Students work in pairs to work out the grid references of places of interest, identify places that are in certain locations and use a ruler to work out the distance between locations.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 3

Using online maps

  • Students to use a laptop/tablet to access google maps. Student to use google maps to work out the distance and time it takes from their home to school in a car and walking (if within walking distance).
  • Students given other locations to find the distance and time in their local area.
  • Students plan a road trip to Adelaide.
  • List several towns on the route and the distances between the towns.
  • Students write the distance and time to complete the drive.
  • Students print a map of the trip and locate some possible rest stops. Students find some place of interest near the rest stops or find local cafés and restaurants they could go to while there.
  • Safety experts recommend a rest stop every two hours, so if the distance is too far to safely travel in a day, students find a suitable place to stay overnight and detail the accommodation and costs.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 4

Floor plans

  • Teacher brainstorms with students why it is important to have floor plans for buildings. Discuss the features and scales that are included in the floor plans and get students to create a floor plan of the class.
  • Students access a laptop or tablet and use real estate websites and find three homes in the area that are for sale and print out the floor plans:
    • Students work out the area of a bedroom and another room of their choice.
    • Students make a more detailed floor plan of the chosen bedroom, adding furniture to the room using products from a furniture store.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 5

The language of chance

  • Students to match events given by teacher with the chance scale of: no chance, low chance, even chance, high chance and certain chance.
  • Students place the terms from the chance scale (no chance, low chance, high chance and certain chance) on a line from zero to one.
  • Students to explain the meaning of an event with a probability of 1, 1/2 and 0.
  • Students give examples of events that are almost impossible, even chance, certain and impossible.
  • Students are given questions that they must answer using the chance scale.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 6

Theoretical probability

  • Discuss with students what a sample space is and work through examples.
  • Students work through questions which involve giving the sample space and outcomes.
  • Students to answer structured probability questions giving answers in decimal or percentage form.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 7

Probability investigation

  • Discuss with students theoretical probability and experimental probability, discuss the importance of large sample sizes.  
  • Students do a probability investigation using a spinner, dice or playing cards. Carry out the task at least 50 times, recording the results on a table with a tally of each outcome. Students explain how the experimental result compared to the theoretical results.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 8


  • Class discussion on scams to find out students understanding of scams. The teacher chooses appropriate videos on scams. After watching the videos students can identify types of scams.
  • Students access the website scamwatch. Students find out how much money has been lost to scams in 2021.
  • Students research the top three scams by loss in money.
  • Students research the current year and find out how much money has been lost in total to scams.
  • Students explain how they can report a scam using the scamwatch website.
  • Students list what some of the big scams of 2022 were.
  • What is Phishing?


Unit 2: AOS 6 Data, AOS 7 Uncertainty - Financial Numeracy The House Always Wins

Unit 2: AOS 6 Data - Health Numeracy


Unit 3 and 4

Unit 3

Exemplar 1 - Personal numeracy

AOS 3 – Quantity and Measures
Key knowledge
  • a range of measures of distance, perimeter, area, volume and capacity including the use and application of common and routine measurement formulas
  • a range of metric and relevant non-metric units of measurement and conversion between units
  • a range of units of time and temperature
  • a range of measurement estimation strategies
  • a range of measurement tools
  • understanding of accuracy and tolerances in measurements.
Key skills
  • estimate and measure objects and distances by using measurement tools with appropriate accuracy and tolerance
  • undertake calculations and determine measurements of distance, perimeter, area, volume and capacity for routine, more complex two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects including compound shapes. For example, the use of pi in circular measurements
  • convert between both metric and non-metric units where relevant such as cm/inch, Celsius/Fahrenheit, and grams/pounds
  • read and interpret units of analogue and digital time including 24-hour time and time zones
  • read, interpret and calculate with temperature measurements
  • perform calculations using multiple units of time, including time zones, and calculate time durations, including the use of calendar months, weeks, days, as well as hours, minutes, and seconds.

The Problem-solving cycle

The Problem-solving cycle


Personal Numeracy: The focus of the context for this unit is building a tiny house for personal use.

This plan demonstrates the Problem-solving cycle as a seven week investigation.

Please note, the teacher may instead choose for each activity to be a standalone Problem-Solving Cycle with interconnected sub-themes.

Timeline ActivityOutcome

Week 1 and Week 2

Introduce the context

The context is building a tiny house for personal use. Teachers should start with a brainstorm with students with the following prompts:

  • What is a tiny house?
  • Who lives in a tiny house?
  • Why live in a tiny house?

Identify the issue(s)

Teacher to introduce the concept of personal numeracy and the context of designing a tiny house which they can live in.

Students will use the Problem-solving cycle to undertake a series of activities related to the design of their tiny house. Students will be guided through each step by the teacher.

At all stages, students will undertake activities alongside their Problem-solving cycle which are designed to teach the key knowledge and skills that are required for the mathematics at each stage.

Consider which technologies will help to examine this issue and support the learning of the mathematics that is outlined in the area of study.

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 1 - Identify the mathematics

Teacher led discussion about tiny houses, what they look like, what features they have, why someone might choose to build a tiny house, the pros and cons etc.

Explain to students that they will be design and building a scale model of a tiny house and complete other associated activities.

The task includes:

  • Drawing a scale plan and creating a 3D model of the tiny house and furniture pieces
  • Investigating to heating and cooling for the tiny house
  • Determine what size water tank is required
  • Communicating across time zones

The next step is to identify the mathematics. Begin by discussing

  • What is the purpose of the task?
  • What information or knowledge do you need to complete each of the components of the task?
  • What mathematics knowledge may be useful?
  • What processes or calculations will be needed?
This provides a clear path for the teacher to then teach the mathematics.

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 2 - Act on and use the mathematics

The teacher provides a series of activities that support student learning with the mathematical knowledge and skills. This sits alongside the investigation and supports the context that is being studied. 
At all times the teacher considers

  • What tools can you use from your Mathematical toolkit to help student learning?
  • Plan time to complete the relevant mathematical calculations and processes. 

Tiny House Floor Plan

Activity 1 - Design your plan

Activity 2 - Time to measure up

Activity 3 - Furniture and features

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 3

Activity 4 - Construct your house

Activity Five - Construct your furniture
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 4 and Week 5

Activity 6 - Investigating temperature

Activity 7 - Investigating time part 1

Activity 8 - Heating and cooling

Activity 9 - Water supply
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 6 and Week 7

Activity 10 - Investigating time part 2

Activity 11 - Communicating across timezones

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3


Unit plan descriptor

In this unit students explore Personal Numeracy with the Area of Study 3 – Quantity and Measures. There are many hands-on activities where students explore the Quantity and Measurement Key skills and Knowledge required to design a tiny house.

This unit explores all three outcomes concurrently as mandated by the curriculum and supports the learning of all activities.

All the activities are contextualised with designing a tiny house for personal use.

When students are completing the technology components, they are working towards successfully building their Mathematical toolkit - Outcome 3. Opportunities presented in these tasks include: using a calculator to perform calculations, design tool applications, and online measurement calculators. This is not an extensive list and teachers are encouraged to use as many technologies as are available within the confines of the classroom.

Integrated unit suggestion

VCE VM PDS - A unit exploring sustainability
VCE VM WRS - Working in the building and construction or design industries

Suggested resources/required equipment

General classroom stationery supplies which support student learning and teaching in mathematics. These may include, but not be limited to:

  • Grid or graph paper
  • Card paper
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Rulers
  • Calculators
  • Coloured pencils and markers
  • A variety of analogue and digital measuring tools (e.g. tape measure, trundle wheel, thermometer, scales, measuring cups, stop watch, clocks etc.)

Access to the internet and computers or tablets is essential.

Technologies may include:

  • Design tool applications
  • Online measurement calculator applications
  • Mobile phone for calculations , stop watch and other applications where permissible by the Principal

This list is not exhaustive, and teachers are encouraged to use extra materials and resources that support the learning for their students in their classrooms.;

This section details the activities.

Please note: These activities must not be taught in isolation from the Problem-solving cycle, or the Mathematical toolkit.

These activities are detailed in the Activity boxes to help with implementation but must be read in conjunction with the planning table.

Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 1

Design your plan

In this activity students research tiny house designs, exploring the key features and dimensions in order to draw a first draft floor plan.

  • Guide students to research tiny house designs. There are several Australian tiny house companies that can be found online. Additionally, the YouTube channel ‘Living Big in A Tiny House’ explores many tiny house options and ideas.
  • Lead a discussion with these questions:
    • What is the size of tiny homes? What are their typical dimensions?
    • What are they key features of tiny homes?
    • What features and furniture will you need to include in your tiny house design
    • What features are shown on the house plans you looked at? What will you need to include on your own house design?
  • Discuss with students the positives and negatives of different design tool applications and decide on the best application for this task.
  • Students create a first draft of their tiny house floor plan using a birds’ eye view. If they are designing a loft, they should use a second template to design its floor plan too and ensure they include stairs or a ladder
  • Remind students to use appropriate dimensions and scale and label all key features.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 2

Time to measure up

Students explore the concept of accuracy and tolerance within measurements and how to convert between different units of measurement.

  • The teacher presents students with a range of both analogue and digital measuring equipment.
  • Students select a piece of equipment and discuss:
    • What types of things it is used to measure.
    • What units of measurement it shows.
    • How we use the equipment accurately.
  • The teacher leads a discussion exploring the concepts of accuracy and tolerance, including the situations when accurate measurements are required versus where situations when estimation or approximate measurements are sufficient.
  • The class brainstorms metric units and their non-metric equivalents and explore techniques to convert between units such as:
    • Online conversion calculators or applications
    • Approximations e.g. 1 inch is approximately 25mm or 2.5 cm, kg to lbs; first double the kg amount, then add 10% of the result, Fahrenheit temp – 30, then halved is approximate Celsius temp.
    • Conversion formulae
  • The teacher provides students with a series of measurement conversion questions to practice converting between metric units and relevant non-metric units.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 3

Furniture and features

Students investigate and measure the typical dimensions of household furniture items and make appropriate adjustments to their tiny house plan.

  • Students share the furniture items they have included in their house, for example a bed, stove, table and chairs, microwave, fridge, toilet, basin, shower etc.
  • The teacher leads a discussion with students about how they decided what size to draw their household items on their house plan. Highlight that students have used estimation skills, but to draw a house plan we need to be more accurate with dimensions.
  • The teacher directs students to measure the specific dimensions of certain furniture items around the school. This should include items they have included in their house plans, in particular the height of tables and chairs, the dimensions of a toilet, the height a wash basin is mounted, fridge, stove, washing machine dimensions, height and depth of kitchen bench.
    Note: These furniture items should be able to be located throughout the school in specialist classrooms, staffrooms, bathrooms etc. Please be mindful of students entering these areas and make the appropriate arrangements. If measurements cannot be taken at school, direct students to measure the items at home and take photos of themselves.
  • Collate the measurement results and lead a discussion comparing the results, highlight instances of where the results are different and discuss possible reasons why (not using equipment correctly, misreading the measurements etc).
  • The teacher directs students to review their tiny house plans and check if the dimensions of their included furniture and features are appropriate and reasonable, and make any necessary adjustments.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 4

Construct your house

Students create a final scale drawing of their house and use this to build a 3D scale model of their tiny house.

  • The teacher supports students to draw a final version of their tiny house floor plan, making sure it is accurate and to scale.
  • Students replicate their design onto the relevant walls, making sure they don’t forget to:
  • consider the height of their furniture/furnishings on the walls.
  • include windows and doors
  • include any internal or dividing walls or doors
  • Students cut out and construct their tiny house model.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 5

Construct your furniture

Students create 3D scale models of their furniture to place in their house.

  • The teacher supports students to draw an appropriate net for each furniture piece using grid templates, making sure the furniture size matches what they created in their floor plan and the scale is consistent.
  • Students cut out, construct and place their furniture pieces into their tiny house model.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 6

Investigating temperature

Students review how temperature is measured.

  • The teacher presents students with a range of analogue and digital thermometers and discuss the different uses for them. Demonstrate, or ask students to demonstrate, how to use and read each accurately.
  • Students estimate, then select a suitable tool to accurately measure the temperature of a variety of items e.g.:
    • their body temperature
    • the internal temperature of a fridge
    • hot water from a freshly boiled kettle
    • the temperature outside in the shade
    • the temperature outside in the sun
  • Students review and reflect on their estimations compared with the actual measurements.
  • The teacher leads a reflective discussion making connections between measuring temperature and the weather, and how we need to understand what the local weather and temperature is like in order to heat and cool out tiny house appropriately.
  • Ask students where examples of these thermometers could go within their tiny house, how they are used, and if there are any considerations to be had when using or installing them.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 7

Investigating time part 1

Students review time durations including the use of months, weeks and days.

  • The teacher asks students if knowing the daily temperature is enough when investigating what the local weather is like.  Throughout the discussion, as students mention the following words write them down on the whiteboard:
    • Annual
    • Year
    • Season
    • month/monthly
    • week
    • fortnight etc.
  • The teacher leads a discussion with students about what the words mean in relation to time duration and make connections between the different time durations.
  • Give students a selection of questions/scenarios to calculate time durations e.g.
    • 31 days in this winter month?
    • 12 of these in a year?
    • 30 days in this spring month?
    • 52 weeks in one of these?
    • Today is Tuesday, what day will it be in a fortnight’s time?
    • Which month has exactly 4 weeks?
    • How long is 72hours?
  • Introduce the term ‘quarterly’ and discuss what things occur quarterly e.g. seasons, electricity bills, school terms etc. 
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 8

Heating and cooling

Students investigate which capacity heater and air conditioner they would need for their tiny house.

  • Review with students what they know about the local weather patterns, identifying if or when they may need a heather or air conditioner. Discuss with students the factors that determine how effective heating or cooling is, including:
    • The outside temperature
    • The degree of cooling or heating needed (i.e. what inside temperature is wanted)
    • The size of the room space
    • Insulation etc.
  • Instruct students to research the average seasonal temperatures for their local area. This becomes the ambient temperature. Ask students to also decide what their ideal inside temperature is. Note: it is recommended that heaters are set to 18-20°C in winter and air conditioners are set to 22-24°C in summer.
  • Instruct students to calculate the dimensions of their tiny house including; length, width, floor area, ceiling height, and room volume.
  • Demonstrate how to use the air conditioner calculator and heat loss calculator to determine what size (power) air conditioner and heater is needed.
  • Students use the calculators to determine the heater power recommended for each season and the air conditioner capacity recommended.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 9

Water supply

Students investigate and calculate the amount of rain water they can collect and store in a water tank.

  • Discuss with students that it is important to understand how much water you can collect from your roof (roof catchment capacity) in order to choose the correct water tank size. If the tank is too small then you will have overflow, if it is too large you will waste unnecessary space and will never fill it.
    • Roughly, 1 millimetre of rain over 1 square metre of roof equals 1 litre of water. Therefore the catchment capacity can be calculated using the formula: rainfall (in millimetres) X Roof surface area (in square metres) = roof catchment capacity.
  • Ask students to research what the monthly rainfall is (e.g. using the BOM climate data information
  • Using this information students are required to calculate the average minimum roof catchment capacity and average maximum roof catchment capacity.
  • Students research and select three round (cylinder) water tanks. Each of the tanks must hold a different capacity and students need to justify why they think the capacity is suitable for their roof catchment capacity.
  • Review how to calculate circular measurements using pi.
  • Using the height and diameter dimensions given for each of the water tanks, students calculate the circumference, base area, and volume of each of the three water tanks. Based on the calculations, students select the most suitable tank considering both size and capacity.
  • Possible extension: Students can construct a 3D model of their chosen water tank.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 10

Investigating time part 2

Students review time measurement and durations including the use of hours, minutes and seconds.

  • Ask students how accurate they think their time estimation ability is.
    • With their eyes closed, play a piece of music or make a sound for a specific duration e.g. 30second, 1 minute, 5 minutes etc. After each time duration ask students to guess how long the music/sound went for and discuss the range of answers and the strategies students used to try and estimate or keep track of the time.
  • Review the units of time hours, minutes and seconds, how they relate to each other and how to convert between them. Discuss the tools that can be used to measure time, and in what situations different tools or equipment (or even no specific tools) are used.
  • Give students a series of household tasks, for which they have to estimate how long it takes to complete such as:
    • Making your bed
    • Taking a shower
    • Brushing your teeth
    • Running the dishwasher (or washing dishes by hand)
    • The washing machine cycle
    • Filling up a cup of water etc.
  • Instruct students to appropriately measure the actual time it takes to complete the tasks (at home) and to take photos of them measuring the time.  Once completed, review and discuss their estimations compared with the measured time.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 11

Communicating across timezones

Students explore the different time zones across Australia.

  • Give students the scenario that some of the parts, furniture or features required to construct their tiny houses need to be sourced from interstate and requires them to make phone calls to source them.
  • Lead a discussion with students to establish their prior understanding of time zones and the different time zones across Australia. 
  • Demonstrate how to convert times between time zones.
  • Review with students how to read and interpret 24-hour time.
  • Provide students with scenarios requiring them to determine when the appropriate time to call e.g.
    • A company in Perth says they will call you between 3 pm and 5 pm their time. What time should you expect their call?
    • You want to ask an Adelaide company to call you during your lunch break, which is 12:30pm – 1:30pm. What local Adelaide time should you ask the company to call you? Convert this to 24hour time to avoid any confusion.
    • You need to call a company in Brisbane. Their opening hours are stated as being 0800 – 1600. It is currently daylight savings time in Melbourne. Between what times can you call?
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Assessment task

  • The assessment for this task is the completion of all activities.
  • Below is a checklist for students to check that they have submitted the correct tasks.
  • Students need to produce a summary of the Problem-solving cycle, complete with the four headings and annotations for each section, outlining what they have done to complete the task

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 3 - Evaluate and reflect

The activities in this section relate to the section of the Problem-solving cycle - Evaluate and Reflect. A core part of evaluation and reflection is going back reviewing the mathematics. At times this may involve starting the cycle again at the ‘act on’ a phase. 

Have students reflect back on the work they have completed throughout the unit, to check and reflect on the appropriateness and reasonableness of their work.

Questions to consider include:

  • Does the mathematics make sense in relation to the topic?
  • Is the mathematical process you have chosen the most appropriate for the question or task?
  • Can you justify the mathematics you have undertaken?
  • Check and reflect your work – are your answers what you expected?
  • Review and reflect on the reasonableness – do you need to make adjustments?
  • Do you need someone to check your work with you?

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 4 - Communicate and Report

The activities in this section relate to the section of the Problem-solving cycle – communicate and report, requiring students to be able to represent and communicate their mathematical results.

Questions that may guide this process include:

  • How will you communicate the results of the tasks?
  • What methods have you learnt that you will include?
  • What methods will you use that are hand-drawn or hand-calculated?
  • What methods will you use that are completed with technology?
  • What software will you use to make your final presentation?

Assessment Task

Students are required to submit the following for assessment:

  • The 3D tiny house model, including the furniture and features constructed
  • A justification on the size of the house, furniture and features included and how heir appropriate size was determined.
  • The heater, air conditioner and water tank size chosen with an explanation of why they were chosen
  • The solutions to the time zone questions (Activity 11)
  • Any calculations and process taken to complete the tasks
  • The problem solving cycle – their plan with notes made under each step.

Exemplar 2 - Recreational numeracy

Area of Study 3 – Quantity and Measures
Key knowledge
  • a range of measures of distance, perimeter, area, volume and capacity including the use and application of common and routine measurement formulas
  • a range of metric and relevant non-metric units of measurement and conversion between units
  • a range of units of time and temperature
  • a range of measurement estimation strategies
  • a range of measurement tools
  • understanding of accuracy and tolerances in measurements.
Key skills
  • estimate and measure objects and distances by using measurement tools with appropriate accuracy and tolerance
  • undertake calculations and determine measurements of distance, perimeter, area, volume and capacity for routine, more complex two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects including compound shapes, for example the use of pi in circular measurements
  • convert between both metric and non-metric units where relevant such as cm/inch, Celsius/Fahrenheit, and grams/pounds
  • read and interpret units of analogue and digital time including 24-hour time and time zones
  • read, interpret and calculate temperature measurements
  • perform calculations using multiple units of time, including time zones, and calculate time durations, including the use of calendar months, weeks, days, as well as hours, minutes, and seconds.

The Problem-solving cycle

The Problem-solving cycle


Recreational Numeracy: The focus of the context for this unit is Recreational Numeracy

This plan demonstrates a series of activities each demonstrating the Problem-solving cycle under the theme of recreation.
Timeline ActivityOutcome

Introduce the context

The context for the students is recreation. The teachers can start a brainstorm to see what areas of interest apply to the students, and plan tasks relating to that to support student engagement and overall outcome success.

Identify the issue(s)

Teacher to introduce the context of recreational numeracy. This unit guide includes sport, weather, cooking, travel and planning events – areas that are general but can be specific and tailored individually for students.

Students will use the Problem-solving cycle within tasks to develop their skills as outlined in Outcome 2 as they work towards completing the mathematics as outlined in the areas of study as identified in Outcome 1. This approach allows the students to become comfortable with the four steps of the Problem-solving cycle, and to develop their own confidence and self-sufficiency as learners solving problems in different contexts. The tasks are designed to include the different skills that will refresh or develop their Mathematical toolkit skills, as outlined in Outcome 3.

Students will undertake activities to learn the key knowledge and skills.

Each activity is written to model the Problem-solving cycle.

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3

Week 1

Activity 1 – Measure up the courts

Activity 2 – Same, Same but Different?

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Weeks 2-3

Activity 3 – The Great Aussie Road Trip!

Activity 4 – Get Up and Abroad!

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Weeks 4-5

Activity 5 – Bakers and Makers

Activity 6 – Feeding the Masses

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3

Weeks 6-7

Assessment Task – From our plans goodness will grow

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3


Unit plan descriptor

This Unit 3 descriptor has students exploring Recreational Numeracy with the Area of Study 3 - Quantity and Measures.

The many hands-on activities have students gather their own data to explore various topics as they work through the key skills and key knowledge.

This unit explores all three outcomes concurrently as mandated by the curriculum and supports the learning of all activities.

All the activities are contextualised with Recreation and include the topics of cooking, domestic and overseas travel, weather, and sport.

When students are completing the technology components, they are working towards successfully building their Mathematical toolkit - Outcome 3. Opportunities presented in these tasks include: using a calculator to perform calculations, online applications to create and conduct surveys and using spread-sheet software to perform these calculations and using spread-sheet software to present graphs and tables. This is not an extensive list and teachers are encouraged to use as many technologies as are available within the confines of the classroom.

Integrated unit suggestion

PDS Unit 3 - AOS 2 & 3
PDS Unit 4 – All areas of study
WRS Unit 3 - AOS 3
Literacy Unit 3 – AOS 2

Suggested resources/required equipment

General classroom stationery supplies which support student learning and teaching in mathematics. These may include, but not be limited to:

  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Paper
  • Rulers
  • Calculators
  • Graph paper
  • Post-it notes
  • Melways or other paper based maps
  • Measuring tapes
  • Trundle wheel
  • Yarn or string

Access to the internet and computers or tablets is essential.

Technologies may include:

  • Spreadsheeting software, similar to Excel and Google Sheets
  • PTV app or planner
  • Google Maps

This list is not exhaustive, and teachers are encouraged to use extra materials and resources that support the learning for their students in their classrooms.

This section details the activities.

Please note: These activities must not be taught in isolation from the Problem-solving cycle, or the Mathematical toolkit.

These activities are detailed in the Activity boxes to help with implementation but must be read in conjunction with the planning table.

Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 1

Measure up the courts

  • In this activity students visit sport fields and courts, estimate the dimensions, discuss areas for improvement and errors when estimating, and have students then use measuring tools to determine and record accurate measurements and produce a scaled diagram of the field/court to compare their court to the regulation sizes stated by the Victorian Sport Authority of that sport.
  • Take the students to the first field/court and have them silently estimate the dimensions of the field/court just by site, and then allow the students to know the purpose of the task.

Step 1 - Identify the mathematics

In this stage students identify the task and purpose, and then identify the mathematics involved.

  • Lead a discussion with these questions:
  • What estimation did everyone make?
  • What estimation techniques were used?
  • What techniques were spoken about and wanted to be trialled?
  • Do we always need measuring equipment to estimate, or we can use our body?
  • What measuring equipment could we use?
  • What measuring equipment do we use on the job site?
  • How do we use measuring equipment accurately?

Step 2 - Act on and use the mathematics

In this stage students choosing the mathematics and the mathematical tools to use and performing the required calculations and processes.

  • Provide students with opportunities to estimate their dimensions again, using another estimation technique.
  • Have students collect the measuring equipment and allow them to work together to accurately measure the field/court. Include the use of analogue measuring equipment and digital measuring equipment.
  • Repeat task for another court or field so that two sporting fields are covered.

Step 3 - Evaluate and reflect

In this stage students consider the best method/s to produce their findings, and to ensure they have communicated it sufficiently so that the audience is clear on the numbers and message being presented

  • Compare the results and look for accuracy/inaccuracy.
  • Discuss if the results are the same, or different, and why (including measuring technique, reading the equipment etc.).

Step 4 - Communicate and Report

In this stage students consider the best method/s to produce their findings, and to ensure they have communicated it sufficiently so that the audience is clear on the numbers and message being presented.

  • Provide students with the opportunity to report back on the size of the field/court by drawing a scaled diagram of the court to include the measurements taken. Have students compare their measurements with the Victorian Sport measurements of the sporting field/court and discuss whether their field/court is accurate in measurement or not, and why they think that is.


Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 2

Same, Same or Different?

AOS 3 - Dimension and direction

KK: a range of metric and relevant non-metric units of measurement and conversion between units

  • In these activities students complete conversion calculations by comparing Australian National Rugby (NRL) League pitch to American National Football League (NFL) to an English Soccer pitch.
  • Start the lesson by ensuring the students have seen footage of the three different games and see how the pitches look similar but different.

Step 1 - Identify the mathematics

In this stage students identify the task and purpose, and to then identify the mathematics involved.

  • Lead the discussion:
    • How are the three fields similar and how are they different?
    • Identify the purpose of the task
    • What mathematics knowledge is needed?
    • What calculations will be needed?
    • What measurements are used in the three countries and how are they different? (metres in Aus, feet in USA, yards in UK)

Step 2 - Act on and use the mathematics

In this stage students choose the mathematics and the mathematical tools to use, and perform the required calculations and processes.

  • The teacher supports the students as they investigate the sizes of the pitches and copy the diagrams – complete with their measurements as found.
  • The teacher can prompt the students with:
    • How can we find the conversions?
    • Providing support for the calculations
  • Students will need their calculators or spreadsheet software to perform these calculations.

Step 3 - Evaluate and reflect

In this stage students consider the best method/s to produce their findings, and to ensure they have communicated it sufficiently so that the audience is clear on the numbers and message being presented.

  • Lead a discussion:
    • Check calculations to see if they are reasonable
    • What device can we use to check if our measurements are correct?
    • Compare your results with another person in the class – are they similar?

Step 4 - Communicate and Report

In this stage students consider the best method/s to produce their findings, and to ensure they have communicated it sufficiently so that the audience is clear on the numbers and message being presented.

  • Lead a discussion:
    • How best to communicate these new dimensions to show how these three pitches compare?
    • What information is necessary for the audience to understand the task, the diagrams, and the message conveyed?
    • Will you hand-draw or use a computer to present this?


Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 3

The Great Aussie Roadtrip!

AOS 3 - Dimension and Direction

KK: a range of units of time and temperature
KS: perform calculations using multiple units of time, including time zones, and calculate time durations, including the use of calendar months, weeks, days, as well as hours, minutes, and seconds.

  • Start this lesson with a discussion about travels in Australia, and where the students have been, and how they have travelled. Discuss the idea of the ‘Great Aussie Road trip’, and that this challenge is to create an Australian road trip to suit their interests.
  • Students plan a nine-month trip driving holiday around Australia, and create an itinerary
  • Before planning the direction and stops, students use information from [] to investigate the average monthly temperatures, rainfall and UV index to help guide decisions
  • Plan stops in each major city and at least two other places of interest in each state and territory. Create an itinerary that shows:
    • the order of your travels
    • the departure and arrival times of your driving
    • the drive time taken between areas
    • the travelling dates
    • kilometres travelled
    • expected weather (average month weather, UV index and rainfall)
    • total time driving and kilometres covered.

Step 1 - Identify the mathematics

In this stage students identify the task and purpose, and to then identify the mathematics involved.

  • Lead a discussion:
    • What is the purpose of this task?
    • What is the mathematics needed?
    • What calculations are needed?
  • This allows the teacher to realise the students are aware of what is needed to complete the task, and for the students to start mapping out what the task ahead of them is. Students need to consider how to collate this information to create the itinerary.

Step 2 - Act on and use the mathematics

In this stage students choosing the mathematics and the mathematical tools to use and performing the required calculations and processes.

  • Students should be planning their trip around each state and territory, and the sites they are stopping at.
  • Students need to construct a table to enter their data and keep a logbook with organised headings to show their calculations, and trial the use of different mathematical tools to support these calculations.

Step 3 - Evaluate and reflect

In this stage students evaluate their mathematics, reviewing their steps and their results, questioning if the answers are expected, and/or needing to return to the ‘act on’ phase.

  • Lead a class discussion:
    • How many kilometres, in total, has everyone found their trips to be?
    • How many stops are in the itineraries?
    • How long in time is the driving?
  • Having a class discussion like this allows the students to compare their results and allows the teacher to question the students on their results and help them reflect.
  • Students should then individually:
    • Review their work and decide if it is reasonable
    • Look at all stages and see if any adjustments are necessary
    • Check over the calculations performed

Step 4 - Communicate and Report

In this stage students consider the best method/s to produce their findings, and to ensure they have communicated it sufficiently so that the audience is clear on the numbers and message being presented.

  • Students should compile their work, using tables, maps, and written summaries, of their ‘Great Aussie Road trip’. They should consider:
    • Digital vs hand-drawn methods of presentation?
    • What technologies have been used?
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 4

Get up and Abroad!

AOS 3 - Dimension and Direction

KS: read and interpret units of analogue and digital time including 24-hour time and time zones

  • Students will investigate an organised overseas holiday tour or cruise and find one that is of interest.
  • Students will create a table of the visiting destinations, and convert the time zones between destination and Melbourne (AEST) and vice-versa
  • The teacher should instigate a conversation about overseas travel, and what experiences have occurred amongst the students and staff, or prompt a discussion that leads in with time-zones and New Years Eve fireworks – why do different countries come before others, why NZ before us, why is NYC always one of the last?
  • The teacher should challenge the students to find an organised overseas holiday (such as Contiki or Intrepid, or a cruise) where they will visit several countries.
  • Students are tasked with listing the countries, and at midday in those countries – find the time in Melbourne (AEST) by determining the time difference, and decide what time in their overseas country would it be best to ring home in Melbourne to speak to family and friends.

Step 1 - Identify the mathematics

  • Have a discussion in the class to help direct students and see whether whole lessons need teaching, or individual support is needed for this task:
    • Of the steps involved and what they need to produce
    • What is the final product?
    • What mathematical calculations are needed?
    • What tools might be handy to carry out this task?

Step 2 - Act on and use the mathematics

In this stage students choose the mathematics and the mathematical tools to use and perform the required calculations and processes.

  • Support students with their choices through this stage as they find data and produce information. Have students use a logbook to gather their data and calculations.

Step 3 - Evaluate and reflect

In this stage students evaluate their mathematics, review their steps and their results, question if the answers are expected, and/or need to return to the ‘act on’ phase.

  • Have students consider the time differences, and see if they seem reasonable. Have they any experiences with time differences around the world that they could relate their work back too as a checking process, such as family phone calls, watching live events, their own travels?
  • Are there any tools students could use online to check their work?

Step 4 - Communicate and Report

  • Have students consider their reporting method, and encourage creativity amongst their organisation.
    • Could you have a funny photos competition of them ‘visiting’ the places using editing software, or as the teacher could you do that to surprise them?
    • Encourage students to be creative with their software presentation – we do not always have to rely on the same software for presentations. Talk to your colleagues or students to see what new software and/or something different to try. 
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 5

Bakers or Makers

AOS 3 - Dimension and Direction

KK: a range of measures of distance, perimeter, area, volume and capacity including the use and application of common and routine measurement formulae
KS: undertake calculations and determine measurements of distance, perimeter, area, volume and capacity for routine, more complex two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects including compound shapes. For example, the use of pi in circular measurements

  • Task the students with designing a brief, to a celebration of their choosing, where they will design the cake and show the decorations. Expectations would be to include at minimum: a two-tier cake with different shapes, and decorations with a chocolate plaque and ribbon around the base as it is presented on a cake board. Students are expected to supply the recipe that would produce the amount of cake needed.
  • Investigate a range of cooking equipment necessary to make a cake for an important celebratory event, such as a wedding, religious festivities or the opening of a new business.
  • Lead a discussion and enjoy looking at fancy cakes. Enjoy talking about the different flavours, the different styles and decorations, the many tiers etc.
  • Bring in examples of different cake tins, and look at their sizing and calculate their capacity, and different cake boards for the presentation (check your Food Technology classrooms).

Step 1 - Identify the mathematics

In this stage students identify the task and purpose, and then identify the mathematics involved.

  • Lead the discussion:
    • What is the purpose of the task – students to assume the role of the caterer and write their own brief and explain the celebration, and provide some background information
    • What mathematical calculations are needed – students will need to have the tins capacity and number of slices it will produce, the area calculations for the chocolate plaques and cake boards, and the perimeter for the ribbon size, and the cake recipe adjusted.

Step 2 - Act on and use the mathematics

In this stage students choose the mathematics and the mathematical tools to use, and perform the required calculations and processes.

  • Allow the students to have time to work on the task and check on their progress. Students may need support with remembering the calculations or using them, and how to use their calculators. Students are to keep a logbook of their calculations to show their understanding and process and encouraged to use headings to keep their work organised.
  • Prompt students about what tools they need to support their calculations.

Step 3 - Evaluate and reflect

In this stage students evaluate their mathematics, reviewing their steps and their results, questioning if the answers are expected, and/or needing to return to the ‘act on’ phase.

  • Have students complete a self-reflection of their work. They might want to consider the following questions:
    • Does my work seem reasonable?
    • Can I explain the processes that I used as I completed this task?
    • Do I want someone to check over it, or do I feel happy with the work?

Step 4 - Communicate and Report

  • Students need to choose how to communicate their work. Drawing an example of their cake will allow them to express creativity and create some fun in the class.
  • Students need to choose the best method to communicate their work. As teachers, we can support their choice and encourage a creative response. Perhaps encourage hand-drawn posters with annotations, and a small presentation, where students can role-play the caterer – especially if they wish to pursue a career in the field.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 6

AOS 3 - Dimension and Direction

KS: convert between both metric and non-metric units where relevant such as cm/inch, Celsius/Fahrenehit and grams/pounds.
KS: Read, interpret and calculate temperature measurements

  • Explore cooking for a large group of people for a celebration, and how to produce the meal where timing is crucial in the kitchen so everyone can sit down and enjoy it together.
  • Lead the discussion where students discuss when they have come together to celebrate with their family, teams, community etc, and if they have done that over a meal. Enjoy hearing about the celebrations and learning about the events.
  • Challenge the students to think about what it takes, in the kitchen, to have all that food ready, at the same time, for everyone to sit down and enjoy together (stress this!!). Ask if they have participated in these preparations, or what the vibe is from this area during the lead-up to the meal.  
    • What planning has taken place before the day? (Meal planning, shopping, who is helping, what equipment is needed, what time to start etc.)
    • Is the menu set the same each time, are there specific foods for that festivity, or can any foods be added?
    • Are there any dietary needs to be considerate of?
    • Who will do the shopping? Will/can it be shared?
    • Think of how the kitchen equipment is used – especially the oven, stove-top, microwave, fridge and other spaces when there is limited space but many things requiring these (the juggling act!)
    • How to we find out long something takes to cook? (Recipes and packet information)
  • Challenge students to create a kitchen plan that displays the times, duties and jobs that are needed to create a sit-down meal for a group who are meeting together for a festivity. This involves everyone sitting down and eating at the same time.

Step 1 - Identify the mathematics

  • Students need to be aware they need to:
    • Know their festival of celebration and any key dishes
    • Create a list of people coming so they know how many to cook for
    • Create a list of people helping so they can plan for that
    • Think of the table to communicate this information – especially with the use of ovens, stove-tops, fridge space etc and the times and temperatures needed
    • Any calculations needed to be performed
    • Show purpose of the task

Step 2 - Act on and use the mathematics

In this stage students choose the mathematics and the mathematical tools to use, and perform the required calculations and processes.

  • Provide students with time and resources to complete the task.
  • Have students keep a logbook of their calculations and processes.
  • Prompt students to think about the tools they can use from their Mathematical toolkit.

Step 3 - Evaluate and reflect

In this stage students evaluate their mathematics, review their steps and their results, question whether the answers are expected, and/or need to return to the ‘act on’ phase.

  • Students should look over their tables and decide if they think it seems reasonable.
  • If they are unsure, suggest a student approach a family member (to encourage home participation if possible) or someone with experience in these big days, and have them present their plan to obtain feedback – and make any necessary adjustments.

Step 4 - Communicate and Report

  • Communication techniques – discuss how best to display this. Have the student consider who is on the cooking team, and what size font is important.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Assessment task

From our Plans Goodness Will Grow

The assessment adheres to the curriculum requirement to include all three outcomes. Outcome 2 allows students to use the Problem-solving cycle within the context and skills outlined in Outcome 1, and Outcome 3 involves students using their Mathematical toolkit to support Outcomes 1 and 2.

Task students with designing and planting a vegetable and herb garden for the school to use in their Food Classes or for their students to take home or donate to local charities. This assessment task could easily become a task completed in the school environment with a themed WRS and PDS project.

Students are tasked with finding a space in their school environment where a vegetable and herb garden could be installed (the garden could be dug into the ground or installed above ground). Students would consider the best place based on weather and sun exposure after choosing and investing the best vegetables and herbs to grow, and the time they would spend exposed in the environment with/without shade.

Lead a discussion to establish task, and ask students their experience in gardens and vegetable and herb gardens, and visit one if possible for sizing. Students can predict how much this task could cost.

Students could design their own gardens, or the class could work together to design one together and each student work in a team to complete a different section. If you are completing the latter, it is important that students can identify their individual contributions for assessment.

Step 1 – Identify the mathematics

Teachers should ensure that students have the tools and supports in place to plan:

  • What mathematics is involved in planning, and installing, a vegetable and herb garden from scratch – a trade website like Bunnings might a helpful starting point
  • Students will need to plan the calculations needed with materials for the garden installation, any soil needed then the seeds/seedlings, and any other requirements
  • Students will need to plan the roster to install and maintain

Step 2 – Act on the mathematics

  • Teachers should allow students time to work on their individual tasks, engaging in one-on-one conversations about their mathematical processes and what tools they are using from their Mathematical toolkit.

Step 3 – Evaluate and reflect

  • Teachers should help students reflect on their work before they prepare their presentation. Teachers could look at student work and question/ask for justification if something is wrong as a prompt for students to look again, and they can question students if something appears to be missing.

Step 4 – Communicate and Report

  • Students need to ensure they have completed and have ready to submit:
  • The school map showing where the vegetable and herb garden could be installed, and a justification statement of why they used that space in the school environment and what time of the year they have started this project
  • A scaled diagram of the vegetable and herb garden with all measurements that is annotated describing what will be planted where
  • The costings sheet of the whole project
  • The roster for six months to help maintain and look after it – specific with jobs, dates, times, expected harvesting

Exemplar 3 - Financial numeracy

AOS 1 – Number
Key knowledge
  • whole numbers, fractions, decimals up to three places, and reading numbers expressed in digits or words
  • multiplication facts and knowledge of factors and multiples
  • rounding whole numbers and decimals up to three decimal places
  • positive and negative numbers
  • powers up to an index of three and square roots
  • equivalence of decimals, fractions and percentages
  • simple proportions and ratios.
Key skills
  • fluently read very large and very small numbers
  • solve a range of practical calculations including positive and negative numbers, including rounding whole numbers and decimals up to three places
  • solve problems involving fractions, decimals and percentages, including calculating percentage increase and decrease
  • solve problems involving powers and square roots
  • solve simple problems with ratio and proportions.

The Problem-solving cycle

The Problem-solving cycle


Financial numeracy relates to understanding and undertaking financial transactions and making informed judgments and decisions regarding the use and management of money.

Timeline ActivityOutcome

Introduce the context

The context for this exemplar is Financial numeracy. The unit covers types of salaries, wages, budgets, bills, banking, investments, superannuation and expenses.

Identify the issue(s)

Teacher to introduce Financial numeracy – this is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge from Units 1 and 2 and to extend their key knowledge and key skills.

Teachers must ensure all assessments include Outcomes 1, 2 and 3 as prescribed by the Study Design.

To support students with the introduction of the four steps in the Problem-solving cycle (Outcome 2), teachers can integrate each task with the four steps. To do so, teachers can follow this outline:

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 1 - Identify the mathematics

The next step is to identify the mathematics. Begin by discussing

  • What is the purpose of the task?
  • What is the mathematics knowledge or skills that may be useful/taught?
  • What calculations will be needed?

This provides a clear path for the teacher to support the mathematics involved.

Using the problem-solving cycle - Step 2 - Act on and use the mathematics

The teacher provides a series of activities that support student learning in the mathematical knowledge and skills. This sits alongside the investigation and supports the context that is being studied.
At all times the teacher considers

  • What tools can you use from your mathematical toolkit to help student learning?
  • Plan time to complete the relevant mathematical calculations and processes.

Using the problem-solving cycle - Step 3 - Evaluate and reflect

The activities in the assessment section relate to the section of the Problem-solving cycle - evaluate and reflect. A core part of evaluation and reflection is going back and reviewing the mathematics. At times this may involve starting the cycle again at the ‘act on’ phase.

Questions to consider include:

  • Does the mathematics make sense in relation to the topic?
  • Is the mathematical process you have chosen the most appropriate for the question or task?
  • Can you justify the mathematics you have undertaken?
  • Check and reflect your work – are your answers what you expected?
  • Review and reflect on the reasonableness – do you need to make adjustments?
  • Do you need someone to check your work with you?

Using the problem-solving cycle - Step 4 - Communicate and report

  • How will you communicate each of your results?
  • What methods have you learnt that you will include?
  • What methods will you use that are hand-drawn or hand-calculated?
  • What methods will you use that are completed with technology?
  • What software will you use to make your final presentation?
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 1

Activity 1 – Salaries
Activity 2 – Wages
Activity 3 – Overtime and penalty rates
Activity 4 – Commission

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 2

Activity 5 – Piece work and royalties
Activity 6 – Income deductions
Activity 7 – The bean game

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 3

Activity 8 – Money bags $1
Activity 9 – Accounts and financial institutions
Activity 10 – Budgets

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 4

Activity 11 – Household bills
Activity 12 – Superannuation

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 5

Activity 13 – Money bags task 2

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3


Unit plan descriptor

In this unit students explore Financial numeracy with Area of Study 1: Number. There are structured activities and hands-on activities where students will do their own research.

This unit explores all three outcomes concurrently as mandated by the curriculum.

Outcome 1 – Numeracy and areas of study

Outcome 2 – The four steps of the problem-solving cycle as outlined in the Study Design

Outcome 3 – Learning and enhancing their mathematical toolkit skills

Integrated unit suggestion

VCE VM WRS: This unit could be integrated with Work Related Skills.

Suggested resources/required equipment

General classroom stationery supplies which support student learning and teaching in mathematics. These may include, but not be limited to:

  • Paper
  • Textas
  • Counters
  • Coins
  • Pens/Pencils

Technologies may include:

  • Calculators
  • Spreadsheets
  • Microsoft Suite
  • Internet access

This section details the activities.

Please note: These activities must not be taught in isolation from the Problem-solving cycle or the mathematical toolkit.

These activities are detailed in the Activity boxes to help with implementation but must be read in conjunction with the planning table.

Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 1


  • Class discussion about the difference between salary and wages.
  • Worked examples to find annual salary, monthly salary and weekly salary of specific jobs.
  • Student use employment website to research four different types of jobs and find out what the annual salary is.
  • Students answer structured questions on working out weekly, month and yearly salary.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 2


  • Students answer structured questions on calculating wages given different conditions and information.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 3

Overtime and penalty rates

  • Discussion and brainstorm with students of prior learning in Units 1 and 2 about overtime and penalty rates.
  • Ask students if they are in a job that gets this and if they feel comfortable, ask them the specifics of the penalty rates, for example double time for public holidays.
  • Students answer structured questions on calculating wages of individuals who are entitled to overtime and use specified penalty rates.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 4


  • Discussion with class on the types of jobs where workers get paid a commission. Discuss the pros and cons of this.
  • Students do further individual research on this and create a poster, video or podcast about what they have found.
  • Students to answer structured questions and calculate what the pay would be with specific information of the commission related to jobs and occupations of interest.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 5

Piece work and royalties

  • Discussion on the terminology of piece work and royalties. Spending more time on royalties as this is a new concept in this unit.
  • Research the types of roles that pay in royalties. Students to then answer questions on overall pay for workers who get paid royalties or piece work.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 6

Income deductions

  • Discussion revisiting the topic from Units 1 and 2. Spend time going over what these things could be: income tax, Medicare levy, superannuation, union fees, health insurance etc.
  • Students given example pay slips and answer questions on the deductions.
  • Students given structures question to calculate net income, considering the deductions.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 7

The bean game

  • Teacher to talk through the task with the class ensuring student are clear on what to do. The task is better done in pairs. Students play the bean game, ‘Living on a 20 bean salary’. 

Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 8

Money bags $1

  • Students given the problem: Jane had fifteen $1 coins shared among four small bags. She labelled each bag with the number of dollars inside. She could then pay any sum of money from $1 to $15 without opening any bag. How many dollars did Jane put in each bag? Note: It is suggested to work in small groups and have 15 counters per group.

Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 9

Accounts and financial institutions

  • Class discussion on bank charges. Students to do further research on the types of charges banks charge.
  • Students spend time researching credit cards and the charges involved. Students research two different credit cards, use the moneysmart page on credit cards to work out the interest be paid after one year with a balance of $1500.
  • Students report back to a group or the class with their findings.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 10


  • Class discussion on budgets and what kind of things families budget for.
  • Students do individual research on the average income for families in Australia.
  • Students answer structured questions on budgeting.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 11

Household bills

  • Brainstorm household bills and discuss the costs of different suppliers for utilities.
  • Students research three different internet providers and create a poster, video or podcast about which is better value for money and detailing the features of the chosen internet provider.
  • Students research the cost of renting a two-bedroom unit in the area using real estate websites.
  • Students list other expenses that would be required if they lived independently and create a budget.
  • Students work out how much income they would need to be able to pay for these things.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 12


  • Using the moneysmart website students research superannuation (super). Students discuss this as a class to report back their findings.
  • Use the moneysmart superannuation calculator to calculate how much super you would have if you retired at 70 on an income of $150,000 with an employer contribution of 10.5%.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 13

Money Bags task 2

  • Students given the problem: You have 63 One Dollar Coins. What is the least number of bags needed so you can give away any amount of money (from $1 to $63) by giving a selection of these prepacked bags? (i.e. without opening any bags). Display your solution on an A4 sheet of paper.

Exemplar 4 - Vocational numeracy

AOS 3 – Quantity and Measure

AOS 4 – Relationships

Key knowledge
  • a range of measures of distance, perimeter, area, volume and capacity including the use and application of common and routine measurement formulas
  • a range of metric and relevant non-metric units of measurement and conversion between units
  • a range of units of time and temperature
  • a range of measurement estimation strategies
  • a range of measurement tools
  • understanding of accuracy and tolerances in measurements.
Key skills
  • estimate and measure objects and distances by using measurement tools with appropriate accuracy and tolerance
  • undertake calculations and determine measurements of distance, perimeter, area, volume and capacity for routine, more complex two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects including compound shapes, for example the use of pi in circular measurements
  • convert between both metric and non-metric units where relevant such as cm/inch, Celsius/Fahrenheit, and grams/pounds
  • read and interpret units of analogue and digital time including 24-hour time and time zones
  • read, interpret and calculate temperature measurements
  • perform calculations using multiple units of time, including time zones, and calculate time durations, including the use of calendar months, weeks, days, as well as hours, minutes and seconds.
Key knowledge
  • a range of rates of change such as RPM, m/s
  • relevant and straightforward ratios and proportions
  • common, relevant and real-life algebraic formulas, relationships and algebraic expressions and thinking
  • representation and visualisation of change such as algebraic expressions and formulas, conversion charts or graphs
  • standard conventions used in the development, use and writing of a range of algebraic expressions.
Key skills
  • describe relationships between variables and explain their significance in relationship to the applied context
  • develop and represent relationships with mathematical expressions, or graphical or tabular representations
  • use and apply formulas to solve real-life problems
  • use and apply rates to solve problems such as $/m3, L/hr, wages/hr
  • use and apply relevant ratios and proportions to solve problems such as scales on maps and plans, in the mixing of chemicals or ingredients, or calculating magnification factors.

The Problem-solving cycle

The Problem-solving cycle


Vocational numeracy relates to effectively participating in the workplace and managing the demands of work and/or vocational training.

Timeline ActivityOutcome

Introduce the context

The context for this exemplar is Vocational numeracy. Teachers can discuss with students how students need to utilise work related numeracy relating to undertaking the required tasks and activities in a work-related context, such as using different workplace measurements, tools, applications and processes/systems, following and giving directions, participating in quality assurance processes and data collection, and reading workplace documents and information.

Identify the issue(s)

Teachers must ensure all assessments include Outcomes 1, 2 and 3 as prescribed by the Study Design.

To support students with the introduction of the four steps in the problem-solving cycle (Outcome 2), teachers can integrate each task with the four steps. To do so, teachers can follow this outline:

Using the problem-solving cycle - Step 1 – Identify the mathematics

The next step is to identify the mathematics. Begin by discussing:

  • What is the purpose of the task?
  • What is the mathematics knowledge or skills that may be useful/taught?
  • What calculations will be needed?

This provides a clear path for the teacher to support the mathematics involved.

Using the problem-solving cycle - Step 2 – Act on and use the mathematics

The teacher provides a series of activities that support student learning in mathematical knowledge and skills. This sits alongside the investigation and supports the context that is being studied.

At all times the teacher considers:

  • What tools can you use from your mathematical toolkit to help student learning?
  • Plan time to complete the relevant mathematical calculations and processes.

Using the problem-solving cycle - Step 3 – Evaluate and reflect

The activities in the assessment section relate to the section of the problem-solving cycle – evaluate and reflect. A core part of evaluation and reflection is going back and reviewing the mathematics. At times this may involve starting the cycle again at the ‘act on’ phase.

Questions to consider include:

  • Does the mathematics make sense in relation to the topic?
  • Is the mathematical process you have chosen the most appropriate for the question or task?
  • Can you justify the mathematics you have undertaken?
  • Check and reflect upon your work – are your answers what you expected?
  • Review and reflect on the reasonableness – do you need to make adjustments?
  • Do you need someone to check your work with you?

Using the problem-solving cycle - Step 4 – Communicate and report

  • How will you communicate each of your results?
  • What methods have you learnt that you will include?
  • What methods will you use that are hand-drawn or hand-calculated?
  • What methods will you use that are completed with technology?
  • What software will you use to make your final presentation?
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 1

Activity 1 – Gutter ball challenge
Activity 2 – Imperial, metric conversion
Activity 3 – Metric length conversions

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 2

Activity 4 – Area of rectangles
Activity 5 – Heating water
Activity 6 – Reading temperatures
Activity 7 – Temperature conversion

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 3

Activity 8 – How many bricks?
Activity 9 – Rainbow lab
Activity 10 – Area of circles, semi-circles and quadrants

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 4

Activity 11 – Area of composite shapes
Activity 12 – Surface area of cylinders
Activity 13 – Popcorn challenge

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 5Activity 14 – Converting time from 12 hour to 24 hour
Activity 15 – Time difference
Activity 16 – Using timetables
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 6

Activity 17 – Vocational numeracy assessment

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3


Unit plan descriptor

In this unit students explore Vocational numeracy in Area of Study 3: Quantity and Measure and Area of Study 4: Relationships. This unit has a mixture of hands-on activities and structured questions. Students can revise their prior knowledge from Units 1 and 2 and extend the knowledge to achieve the key skills and knowledge required in Unit 3.

This unit explores all three outcomes concurrently as mandated by the curriculum.

Outcome 1 – Numeracy and areas of study

Outcome 2 – The four steps of the problem-solving cycle as outlined in the Study Design

Outcome 3 – Learning and enhancing their mathematical toolkit skills

Integrated unit suggestion

VCE VM WRS: This unit could be integrated with Work Related skills, looking at different careers and incomes.

Suggested resources/required equipment

General classroom stationery supplies which support student learning and teaching in mathematics. These may include, but not be limited to:

  • Paper
  • Rulers
  • Calculators
  • Graph paper
  • Tennis balls
  • PVC guttering of various lengths
  • Measuring tapes
  • Measuring cylinder
  • Thermometer
  • Candle
  • Beaker
  • Gauze mat
  • Tripod
  • Test tubes
  • Food dye
  • Test tube rack
  • Sticky tape
  • Scissors

Access to the internet and computers or tablets is essential.

This list is not exhaustive, and teachers are encouraged to use extra materials and resources that support the learning for their students in their classrooms.

This section details the activities.

Please note: These activities must not be taught in isolation from the problem-solving cycle or the mathematical toolkit.

These activities are detailed in the Activity boxes to help with implementation but must be read in conjunction with the planning table.

Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 1

Gutter ball challenge

  • The aim of the challenge is for students to transport a tennis ball across the quadrangle or other suitable area in school. Teams should be made up of three to four students.

    Equipment required:

    • Various amounts and lengths of PVC guttering
    • Four tennis balls
    • Measuring tape


    1. Allow one practise run per team.
    2. Lay out measuring tape.
    3. One person stands at the start of the line (at the beginning of the measuring tape). They are the only ones who can handle the tennis balls and will be in charge of measuring the distance the ball travels.
    4. The remaining players take a gutter each and line up.
    5. People holding a gutter can only move or walk when there are no ball(s) in their gutter.
    6. Person at the start places one ball on the first gutter.
    7. The first person passes the ball, via tilting the gutter towards the next gutter.
    8. Once the ball is past the first gutter, continue down the line until the tennis ball hits the grass.
    9. The first person measures how far the ball travelled.
    10. Record how far each attempt travels.
    11. As a group you will have a few minutes discussing how you could make the ball go further.
    12. Repeat the process (you may like to change your start person).


    • Should the person with a ball(s) in their gutter walk or run, the ball is stopped/dropped and the distance is recorded.
    • If a ball falls, it is lost and cannot be picked up again.

    Students record the results; they can have up to four attempts.

    Attempt 1

    Attempt 2

    Attempt 3

    Attempt 4





Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 2

Imperial, metric conversion

  • Class brainstorm on units of imperial measurement.
  • Students research the conversion of the following imperial measurements to metric measurements: an inch, a foot, a yard, a mile, a pint, a gallon, an ounce, a pound, a stone.
  • Students answer structured problems to convert between imperial and metric measurements.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 3

Metric length conversion

  • Students revise Unit 1 key knowledge and skills by answering questions that involve converting between metric length measurements.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 4

Area of rectangles

  • Students answer questions on finding area of rectangles and giving the response in requested units.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 5

Heating water

  • Experiment to observe the changing temperature of water and graphing the results.

Materials: candle, tripod, gauze mat, beaker, measuring cylinder and thermometer.

  1. Set up materials according to teacher instruction.
  2. Measure out 100ml of water and add to beaker.
  3. Take the initial temperature of the water and record it on a table.
  4. Immediately light the candle and ensure it is set under the beaker.
  5. Record the temperature of the beaker of water every minute, for 10 minutes, recording the results onto the table.
  6. Graph the results.

Time (mins)

Temperature (°C)

Temperature (°F)





  1. Comment on the shape of the graph.
  2. How accurate were the measurements?
  3. Investigate the unit of temperature known as kelvin. Write up the findings.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 6

Reading temperatures

  • Students given structured questions to read the scales on thermometers and identify the temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 7

Temperature conversions

  • Students research the conversion between Fahrenheit and Celsius. Use a suitable app or website to convert temperatures between Fahrenheit and Celsius.
  • Students write down the formula that is used to convert between the units, Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 8

How many bricks

  • Students are presented with a picture of a brick wall or if there is a brick wall in the school, take a picture of it and measure the length and breadth.
  • If students have a picture, then measure the length and breadth of a brick. Students work out how many bricks are in the wall using a suitable strategy. Students present this in a clear way, sketching the brick and dimensions and presenting it to a small group or the class.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 9

Rainbow lab

  • Students work in groups. They will need six test tubes per group, test tube rack, two beakers, food dye and graduated cylinder.

Part 1:

  1. Label six test tubes in order: A, B C, D, E & F.
  2. Fill a beaker half full of water. Use this to rinse your graduated cylinder and test tubes.
  3. The second beaker is for contaminated waste water.
  4. Into test tube A, measure 25 ml of red liquid.
  5. Into test tube C, measure 17 ml of yellow liquid.
  6. Into test tube E, measure 21 ml of blue liquid.

Part 2:

  1. From test tube C, measure 4 ml and pour into test tube D.
  2. From test tube E, measure 7 ml and pour into test tube D. Swirl.
  3. From test tube E, measure 4 ml and pour into test tube F.
  4. From test tube A, measure 7 ml and pour into test tube F. Swirl.
  5. From test tube A, measure 8 ml and pour into test tube B.
  6. From test tube C, measure 3 ml and pour into test tube B. Swirl.
  7. Measure the contents of each test tube and record how many ml were found in each test tube.

Students put their results on a table

Test Tube

Colour of Liquid

Amount of liquid ml




















Total liquid Test Tubes A–F


Students to answer:

  • Name the colours that were created.
  • Why is it important to follow directions exactly?
  • What would happen if the measurements were not correct?
  • How many total ml of liquid did you have at the end of the lab?
  • How many should you have?
  • What are some of the reasons why you may have more or less ml of liquid than when you started?
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 10

Area of circles, semi circles and quadrants

  • Students are given structured questions to work out areas of circles given the radius. Then students work out the radius of circles given the area of the circle.
  • Students are given structured questions to find out the area of semi-circles and quadrants.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 11

Area of composite shapes

  • Student answer structured questions about composite shapes of which many have circular components.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 12

Surface area of cylinders

  • Class discussion on a cylinder and what shapes make it up. Teacher to do a worked example, using a tin of tomatoes to work out the surface area. Students are shown the formula to calculate this.
  • Students answer structured questions rounding the answers to one decimal place.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 13

Popcorn challenge

  • Using a piece of A4 paper, sticky tape a ruler and scissors to make a vessel to hold popcorn. The aim is to make the biggest volume possible.
  • It is up to students what shape they choose. They need to calculate the surface area and the volume of the container, using clearly labelled diagrams and working out.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 14

Converting time from 12 hour and 24-hour time

  • Class discussion on 12 and 24-hour time. Teacher gets feedback from students to fill in all the times on a clock, including both am, pm and 24-hour time.
  • Students answer structured questions.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 15

Time difference

  • Class discussion on time zones within Australia, and as a class working out the times of different places in Australia.
  • Further discussion on Greenwich meantime. Student do their own research for this.
  • Students work out the time difference between where they live and five other cities in five different continents.
  • Students answer structured questions on time difference between two places, for example Auckland is ______ hours ______ Melbourne.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 16

Using timetables

  • Students plan a journey using public transport to a place of their choice. This could be a day trip or a longer distance in Victoria to visit a place or person of interest.
  • Students create a journey planner of the times, transport and places they might need to pass through to get there. This could be displayed in a pamphlet, poster or some kind of visual representation.
  • Students use timetables to answer a mixture of questions on, for example, the length of time of journey and appropriate times to catch transport according to given information.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 17

Vocational numeracy assessment

  • Students complete a presentation that outlines their understanding of where each skill is visible in their chosen workplace. Students present some aspects of their research to the class as an oral presentation.

For each skill you will need to:

  • Provide an explanation of the skill.
  • Give at least three examples of how that skill relates to their vocation.


  • Estimation
  • Measurement tools
  • Units of measurement
  • Accuracy
  • Unit conversion
  • Time
  • Circles
  • Using formula and mathematical expressions
  • Scientific method
  • Other


Unit 3 Personal Numeracy, AOS 3: Quantity & Measures Tiny House

Unit 3 Recreational Numeracy, AOS 3: Quantity and Measure


Unit 4

Exemplar 1 - Vocational numeracy

AOS5 – Dimension and DirectionAOS8 – Systematics

Key knowledge

  • location and direction in relation to objects and landmarks
  • location and direction in relation to maps and technologies
  • oral and written instructions for moving to specified locations
  • a range of angle measures and representations.

Key skills

  • give direction and location instructions between multiple destinations, including unfamiliar locations using appropriate maps or technology
  • understand and use compass directions and use appropriate language such as NE, SSW, N15°W
  • demonstrate an understanding of angles using degrees
  • understand where an object is in space using one-, two- and three- dimensions and use the appropriate language to describe an object’s position and movement in space

Key knowledge

  • relevant and appropriate information and data inputs and outputs
  • relevant and appropriate computational data collection and interpretation tools and applications
  • collating, organising, categorising, planning, scheduling and table creation of relevant information and data using different technologies.

Key skills

  • choose appropriate technologies such as spreadsheets, software or applications to input or record real-life data and information
  • use technology to collect, organise and sort relevant data and information
  • use different technology systems to plan and schedule different actions
  • make informed decisions on inputs and interpret outputs mathematically such as from interactive maps, PTV, online calculators/applications/planners
  • decide, set and adjust parameters of inputs to optimise outputs and solutions for real-life situations and contexts.

The Problem-solving cycle

The Problem-solving cycle


Timeline ActivityOutcome


Introduce the context

The context is Vocational Numeracy.

Identify the issue(s)

These activities cover a range of issues and topics.

Vocational Numeracy – these tasks have been written to have students gather information from their structured work placements and use in the classroom, or respond to different situations with work based scenarios. 

Where possible, integrate the steps of the Problem-solving cycle into larger tasks in the classroom and model the steps with the students.

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 1 - Identify the mathematics

Teacher led discussion on possible topics that students will use as the basis for their investigation. Once the class has agreed on a topic, the class will proceed together.

The next step is to identify the mathematics. Begin by discussing

  1. What is the purpose of the task?
  2. What is the mathematics knowledge that may be useful?
  3. What calculations will be needed?

This provides a clear path for the teacher to then teach the mathematics.

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 2 - Act on and use the mathematics

The teacher then provides a series of activities that support student learning with the mathematical knowledge and skills. This sits alongside the investigation and supports the context that is being studied.

At all times the teacher considers

  1. What tools can you use from your Mathematical toolkit to help student learning?
  2. Plan time to complete the relevant mathematical calculations and processes.

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 3 - Evaluate and reflect

The activities in the assessment section relate to the section of the Problem-solving cycle - evaluate and reflect. A core part of evaluation and reflection is going back reviewing the mathematics. At times this may involve starting the cycle again at the ‘act on’ a phase.

Questions to consider include:

  • Does the mathematics make sense in relation to the topic?
  • Is the mathematical process you have chosen the most appropriate for the question or task?
  • Can you justify the mathematics you have undertaken?
  • Check and reflect your work – are your answers what you expected?
  • Review and reflect on the reasonableness – do you need to make adjustments?
  • Do you need someone to check your work with you?

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 4 - Communicate and Report

  1. How will you communicate each of your results?
  2. What methods have you learnt that you will include?
  3. What methods will you use that are hand-drawn or hand-calculated?
  4. What methods will you use that are completed with technology?
  5. What software will you use to make your final presentation?
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 1

Activity 1 - Where is it?

Activity 2 - Maps and Stories

Outcome 1
Week 2-3

Activity 3 - Angles

Activity 4 - Maps and SWPL

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 4-5

Activity 5 - Public Transport

Activity 6 - Flight Plans

Outcome 1
Outcome 3
Week 6-7

Assessment: Amazing Amazing Melbourne

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3


Unit plan descriptor

This exemplar has students completing tasks and gaining skills to help with directions, directional language, and using input and output systems to achieve desired outcomes. Students will often gather data from their workplace, so please remind them to discuss this prior with their boss/manager before taking photos as a sign of respect and courtesy.

Students are working on all three outcomes concurrently, as stated in the Study Design.

Outcome 1 – Numeracy and Area of Study – learning and applying the mathematics taught in AOS 5 Dimension and Direction, and AOS 8 Systematics, with the context of Vocational Numeracy.

Outcome 2 – The four steps of the Problem-solving cycle as outlined above and in the Study Design

Outcome 3 – Learning and enhancing their Mathematical toolkit skills.

Integrated unit suggestion


Suggested resources/required equipment

To successfully complete this unit, students will be required access to the following resources/equipment:

  • Internet Access
  • Microsoft Office Suite – Microsoft Word, Excel & PowerPoint
  • Scientific Calculator
  • Writing equipment
  • Access to websites and planners as stated

This section details the activities.

Please note: These activities must not be taught in isolation from the Problem-solving cycle, or the Mathematical toolkit.

These activities are detailed in the Activity boxes to help with implementation but must be read in conjunction with the planning table.

Outcome 1: Numeracy in context

Activity 1

Where is it?

  • Students investigate maps and symbols and where they are used
  • The teacher presents different types of maps they might be familiar with such as
    • Melbourne CBD
    • Local area map
    • Shopping centre map
    • Melbourne Zoo
    • Melbourne airport
    • The train network
    • The MCG
    • The Royal Melbourne Show
  • The class look at the maps and point out features – such as compass points, scale, key features listed etc. What is common about them? What is different? 
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context

Activity 2

Maps and Stories

  • Students choose a map from Activity One and use the Grid Reference System (or draw their own on it), and write a small creative story where the reader must follow the character and their journey with the directional language incorporated. At the end, the reader must reveal to the author where they think the character has finished in the story


Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 3


  • Students learn about the importance of directional language (such as the compass points and directions).
  • Introduction to true and compass bearings – student familiarise themselves with angles – try different tasks such as making angles with their arms and bodies, drawing them without then with the use of protractors and rulers.
  • Have students look for different shapes and angles they see in the classroom and sketch and measure those.
  • Have students take photos in their local area, and investigate the angles in street signs and road markings.
  • Have students take photos from their SWPL, and print them and add them into their workbooks. Students can measure and annotate the different angles they see, use and measure in their work placements.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 4

Maps and SWPL

  • Discuss with the class the idea that in many jobs employees have to drive from site to site or visit clients.
  • Ask students what route they took to get to school and enter the information into Google Maps to see how far they travelled, and how long it estimates it took. Show students how they can tweak the route and change the course, and see if avoiding certain roads changes the length of route or time taken.
  • Ask students to keep record of any site visits, or journeys conducted on their SWPL that week.
    Otherwise, provide a list of site that could have been visited.
  • Ask students to use the school address as the starting point, and to plan a route to each of the site visits, and making a list of the visits, the directions needed using directional language, the length travelled, the time taken, and have them swap their work with another student and challenge the other student to see if they could come up with a faster route.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 5

Public Transport

  • Present the class with different scenarios (see suggestions below) and ask them to use the PTV planner to provide two sets of travel plans (either different route or different times) to ensure they arrive before the start time:
  • The task is for students to be able to arrive before those times, including the time taken to walk between public transport drop off and to the venue, as students often forget this part. Students should manipulate the PTV planner to look at how they can change the plans to alter the arrival times.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 6

Flight Plans

  • Ask students to look at flights for domestic travel – and challenge them to look at different scenarios and the impact that has on the ticket prices.
  • Have students make comments on the two ticket prices – and discuss the impact on the ticket prices to help them learn about price cycle of tickets.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Assessment task

Amazing Amazing Melbourne!

Students are to work in pairs to create an Amazing Race, where they will swap with others, and provide feedback as part of the overall assessment feedback.

  • The teacher shows some clips of the Amazing Race to inspire the students
  • Students are tasked with working in pairs to create an Amazing Race style challenge, and go into the city to complete the tasks.
    If possible plan two outings into the city where the students can practice their race and directions and allow them to make changes before going back for a second time to swap instructions amongst the pairs and having the race.
  • To help prepare, the students create a scavenger hunt around the school where they have to practice writing their directions in instructional formats, and have students use the same format as below.
  • Students use the Melbourne CBD map and boundaries that you set, and provide directional instructions to ten different sites that the team must visit using their map and instructions. Set a time limit for the race time – 60-90minutes – where participants must have completed the race and/or return to base.
  • When each pair visits one of ten landmarks – they must take a photo for evidence of the visit.

Step 1 – Identify the mathematics

Students must decide the ten destinations – as a class you could decide on different headings to make the visits interesting, such as historical site, food site, job site, etc.

Step 2 – Act on the mathematics

Students should use Google Maps as a tool to start putting together the order of the visits – and start recording their instructions with directions on how the teams will walk from site to site. Students should also record the details between sites visited: walking length and time taken to walk between sites to ensure the task can be completed between the 60-90min period, and then start building instructions with directional language (including compass points of North, South, East, West)

Step 3 – Evaluate and reflect

Have students use Google Maps to follow their own instructions – and see if it works. What can they change and improve? Are instructions clear? Should they be checked with a staff member?

Step 4 – Communicate and report

Students need to type out their instructions to ensure near instructions are easily read on the race day.

Students need to think about the order of visits, and how to deliver the instructions clearly.

Students need to submit:

Two sets of printed instructions before the excursion day (one for the pair racing around, one for you at base in case students ring lost and confused)

Upload their instructions into Compass as an additional spare copy

Exemplar 2a - Civic numeracy

AOS 6 – Data
Key knowledge
  • data collection tools, categorisation, processes and production
  • display of data with commonly used tables and graphs including axes and scales
  • simple measures of central tendency and spread of data, including outliers
  • straightforward analysis of data sets and their displays.
Key skills
  • collect, collate and organise data sets and display these in the most appropriate format, including axes and scales
  • choose and find the most appropriate common measures of centre and spread for data sets, such as mean, median and range of data
  • discriminate between the different measures of centre and spread and understand how they can change conclusions from data, and identify outliers and their implications for the data
  • read and interpret results from data presented in multiple forms of tables, graphs and summary statistics, including to describe patterns, variations and trends in the data
  • draw conclusions from the data analysis.

The Problem-solving cycle

The Problem-solving cycle


Civic Numeracy: The focus of the context for this unit is Road Safety, focusing on distractions and reaction times.

This plan demonstrates the Problem-solving cycle as a five week investigation.

Please note, the teacher may instead choose for each activity to be a standalone Problem-solving cycle, with interconnected sub-themes.

Timeline ActivityOutcome
Week 1

Introduce the context

The context is road safety, focusing on how reaction times change under different conditions and the effect this has while driving. Teachers may choose to introduce the topic by showing TAC road safety TV advertisements (

Identify the issue(s)

Teacher to introduce the issue around road safety and how distraction and reaction times can impact road safety.

Student will undertake an investigation of reaction times under different simulated driving conditions. Students will then read and interpret the data collected and make conclusions.

Students will use the Problem-solving cycle to undertake this investigation. Students will be guided through each step by the teacher.

At all stages, students will undertake activities alongside their Problem-solving cycle which are designed to teach the key knowledge and skills that are required for the mathematics at each stage.

Consider which technologies will help to examine this issue and support the learning of the mathematics that is outlined in the area of study.

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 1 - Identify the mathematics

Teacher led discussion about the possible causes for road accidents. Focus the discussion on distractions as a major cause of road accidents and discuss the connection between distractions, reaction times and road accidents.

Explain to students that they will be investigating the link between reaction times and distractions, and the impact this may have on staying safe while driving.

The investigation will involve testing reactions times using the ‘ruler drop’ experiment.

The next step is to identify the mathematics. Begin by discussing

  • What is the purpose of the task?
  • What information or knowledge do you need to complete the task?
  • What mathematics knowledge may be useful?
  • What processes or calculations will be needed?

This provides a clear path for the teacher to then teach the mathematics.

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 2 - Act on and use the mathematics

The teacher then provides a series of activities that support student learning with the mathematical knowledge and skills. This sits alongside the investigation and supports the context that is being studied.

At all times the teacher considers

  • What tools can you use from your Mathematical toolkit to help student learning?
  • Plan time to complete the relevant mathematical calculations and processes.

Activity 1 – Data Types and collecting Data

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3

Week 2

Activity 2 – Testing your Reaction Times

Activity 3 – Distracted Driving

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 3

Activity 4 – How to show data

Activity 5 - Using Technology for data calculations

Activity 6 – Using Technology to Show Data

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 4

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 3 - Evaluate and reflect

The activities in this section relate to the section of the Problem-solving cycle - evaluate and reflect. A core part of evaluation and reflection is going back reviewing the mathematics. At times this may involve starting the cycle again at the ‘act on’ a phase.

Have students reflect back on the work they have completed throughout the unit, to check and reflect on the appropriateness and reasonableness of their work.

Questions to consider include:

  • Does the mathematics make sense in relation to the topic?
  • Is the mathematical process you have chosen the most appropriate for the question or task?
  • Can you justify the mathematics you have undertaken?
  • Check and reflect your work – are your answers what you expected?
  • Review and reflect on the reasonableness – do you need to make adjustments?
  • Do you need someone to check your work with you?

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 4 - Communicate and Report

The activities in this section relate to the section of the Problem-solving cycle – communicate and report, requiring students to be able to represent and communicate their mathematical results.
Questions that may guide this process include:

  • How will you communicate each of your results?
  • What methods have you learnt that you will include?
  • What methods will you use that are hand-drawn or hand-calculated?
  • What methods will you use that are completed with technology?
  • What software will you use to make your final presentation?

Activity 7 – Interpreting our results

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3

Week 5

Assessment Task – Stopping Distances

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3


Unit plan descriptor

This unit has students exploring Civic Numeracy with the Area of Study 6 - Data. There are many hands-on activities where students gather and analyse their own data to explore road safety.

This unit explores all three outcomes concurrently as mandated by the curriculum and supports the learning of all activities.

The four stages of the Problem-solving cycle are supported by the inclusion of the multiple learning activities.

All the activities are contextualised with the issue of road safety, focusing on distractions while driving.

Students are taken through the stages of the Problem-solving cycle over a five-week period.

When students are completing the technology components, they are working towards successfully building their Mathematical toolkit - Outcome Three. Opportunities presented in these tasks include using a calculator to perform calculations, using spreadsheet software to perform calculations and using spreadsheet software to present graphs and tables. This is not an extensive list and teachers are encouraged to use as many technologies as are available within the confines of the classroom.

Integrated unit suggestion

VCE VM Literacy, VCE VM PDS: This unit could form part of a broader integrated unit with Literacy and/or Personal Development Skills exploring the community issue of road safety, young drivers on the road or analysing TAC road safety campaigns.

Suggested resources/required equipment

General classroom stationery supplies which support student learning and teaching in mathematics. These may include, but not be limited to:

  • Metre ruler
  • Paper
  • Ruler
  • Calculators
  • Graph Paper

Access to the internet and computers or tablets is essential.

Technologies may include:

  • Spreadsheet applications
  • Online reaction time calculator
  • Phones for apps and calculations where permissible by the Principal

This list is not exhaustive, and teachers are encouraged to use extra materials and resources that support the learning for their students in their classrooms.

This section details the activities.

Please note: These activities must not be taught in isolation from the Problem-solving cycle, or the Mathematical toolkit.

These activities are detailed in the Activity boxes to help with implementation but must be read in conjunction with the planning table.

Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 1

Data Types and Collecting Data

Students explore ways that data can be collected and develop an understanding of the different data types.

  • Lead a brainstorm about where the information for road safety data and statistics comes from. Ask students to identify or list the ways data can be collected and the different types of data that can be collected.
  • Explicitly teach students the different data types including:
    • numerical (quantitative) data
    • categorical (qualitative) data
    • discrete
    • continuous
    • nominal
    • ordinal
  • Discuss with students the different ways each of data types might be collected.
  • Direct students to create a mini poster that shows each data type and an appropriate example.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 2

Testing your Reaction Times

In small groups, students complete the ‘ruler drop test’ to investigate their reaction times. Students collect, record and calculate the average distance the ruler dropped. Then, students use the results to determine the reaction time in seconds.

  • Explain the ‘ruler drop test’ procedures for testing reaction times. Student should work in groups of three or four to complete the following steps.
    • Place your forearm on a table with your hand overhanging the edge. Have your partner hold a metre rule above your thumb and index finger. The zero reading on the ruler should be just above your fingertips. Prepare to grab the ruler as it drops.
    • Have your partner drop the ruler without warning, as you attempt to catch it. Move your hand only not your arm.
    • Read from the ruler the distance it dropped before you caught it.
    • Do this a total of three times and record your results on the table. Then calculate the average drop distance.
    • Repeat until every member of the group has measured their reaction times.
  • Show students how to determine the reaction time in seconds from the drop distance. Determine the most suitable process for the cohort group.
  • Use the formula t = √ 2y/g, where t = time (in seconds), y = distance (in cm) and g = 980 cm/sec2 (acceleration due to gravity).
  • Students determine the average reaction time in seconds for each of the group members and record these on a class set of data.
  • Ask students to reflect on the previous activity and decide what type of data they have collected.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 3

Distracted Driving

Students repeat the ruler drop test, this time altering the conditions to simulate different distractions that can occur while driving.  Again, students collect, record and calculate the average distance the ruler dropped, then determine the reaction time in seconds.

  • Explain to students that the reaction time test from Activity 2 was a simulation of having your foot ready on the brake of a car.
  • Discuss with students that we don’t drive with our foot on the brake, but rather on the accelerator and need to move our foot to the brake.
  • Ask students what effect this may have on reaction or braking times.
  • Brainstorm with students the other conditions that might impact reaction times such as changing the radio station or adjusting the heating/AC, talking with passengers in the car, talking on the phone, sending a text message etc.
  • Decide as a class the other conditions which will be tested and repeat the ruler drop test for each.
    • Foot on accelerator – have your hand next to the ruler and you have to move it to catch the ruler as it drops
    • Talking with passengers – have the other group members sit around you and involve you in the conversation during the ‘drop test’
    • Send a text message – type a text message into your phone during the ‘drop test’
  • Students determine the average reaction time in seconds for each of the conditions and again records these on a class set of data.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 4

How to show data

Students explore a variety of graphs that show road safety data, identifying the different types of graphs, what information is shown on them, the specific features of graphs and any patterns, variations or trends shown.

  • Review with students how to create different types of graphs and read information from graphs.
  • Students practice creating graphs for simple data sets and reading information from them.
  • Show students a selection of different types of graphs that show road safety data (
  • Instruct students to quietly look at the graphs and to write down
    • The different types of graphs they can see
    • What sorts of information is shown on the different graphs
    • The specific features of the graphs i.e. title, axes labels, scale etc.
  • Ask students to share what they noticed. During the class discussion highlight the different types of graphs and what types of data each type could be sued for,
    • Line Graph – shows information that is somehow connected, like change over time such as number of road deaths per month
    • Column Graphs – shows relative sizes of different results such as the number of road deaths per state
    • Histogram – similar to a column graph but groups numbers into ranges such as average driving age of reported road incidents
    • Pie Chart – shows sizes as part of a whole (good for showing percentages) such as the road deaths of different age groups.
  • Additionally highlight and discuss any patterns, variations and trends in the data and what information we can gather from the data presented.
  • Review with students how to create the graph types and read information from the graphs – some may remember it, and some may not. Provide students with basic related data sets to practice creating the graphs and reading information from them.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 5

Using Technology for Data Calculations

Review with students the process for calculating mean, median, mode and range of data sets. Then demonstrate how to use spreadsheet technology to perform the same calculations with the class data.

  • Students discuss the different information that is given by the different measures of centre and spread. They also identify and discuss the impact of outliers.
  • Students calculate mean, median, mode and range for the remaining reaction time data sets.
  • Ask students to think about how data is handled when there are large numbers of results. Lead a discussion with students on using technology to collate and display data.
  • Review with students the process of calculating mean, median, mode and range of data sets – some may remember it and some may not.
  • Use the class data set from Activity 2 to demonstrate how spreadsheet technology can be used to calculate the different measures of centre and spread.
  • Lead a discussion with students about the different information the measures of centre can give and how they can change the conclusions we make. Ask students to identify any outliers and discuss what the implications of outliers might be for the data.
  • Support students to calculate the mean, median, mode and range of the remaining reaction time data sets.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 6

Using Technology to Show Data

Explicitly teach students how to use the spreadsheet applications to create different graphs. Then lead a discussion to determine the best graphs to organise and display the data, in order to compare reaction times.

  • Students create appropriate graphs for the class data sets.
  • Lead a discussion with students on what information we are trying to get from the data collected i.e. how does reaction time change in different situations.
  • Discuss how different graphs can be used to display and compare data.
  • Using the class data sets, explicitly teach students how to use the spreadsheet applications create different graphs (charts).
  • Discuss with students what they think is the most appropriate way to display the data, in order to investigate reaction times.
  • Support students to create appropriate graphs for the class data sets.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 7

Interpreting our results

Students discuss the results of the reaction time drop tests and data analysis to draw conclusions about distractions and reactions times.

  • Students are required to write a written response analysing the data.
  • In pairs, ask students to look at their graphs and measures of centre and spread and discus what the data is showing.
  • Ask students to share their insights and discuss as a class what the implications are in relation to reactions times, distractions and avoiding incidents while driving. Highlight the way reaction times change and become longer when there are more distractions.
  • Ask students to provide a written response and scaffold a writing technique to highlight how to do this. This could include;
    • an opening sentence to describe how the data source i.e. how it was collected
    • a sentence which describes the data, identifying any patterns, variations or trends and give suggestions to explain why this is occurring
    • the next sentence could infer or make conclusions about how reactions times relate to road safety.
  • Remind students to be careful when drawing conclusions and when analysing data from a sample they cannot make definite statements. It is better to make statements such as: ‘The data suggests that ...’ or ‘on average ...’ or ‘the data supports the conjecture ...’.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Assessment task

Stopping Distances

The assessment adheres to the curriculum requirement to include all three outcomes. Outcome 2 allows students to use the Problem-solving cycle within the context and skills outlined in Outcome 1, and Outcome 3 involves students using their Mathematical toolkit to support Outcomes 1 and 2.

  • Students investigate how reaction times effect the stopping distance of cars. The requirements of the task include:
  • The requirements of the task include:
    1. Calculate ‘reaction distance’ using the average reaction times determined for the different test conditions. This should be done for a range of speeds including 40km/h, 50km/h, 60km/h, 80 km/h and 100km/h.

      Distance formula: d=0.278st, where d = distance in metres, s = speed in kilometres per hour and t=time in seconds

    2. Choose appropriate graphs to display the reaction distance results
    3. Use the provided information on breaking distances in wet and dry road conditions to calculate the total stopping distances at different speeds.
    4. Choose appropriate graphs to display the total stopping distances.
    5. Comment on the implications of the results in relation distraction and reactions times and the distance travelled under different driving conditions and different driving speeds.

For assessment, students should submit:

  • The final infographic report
  • The calculations and process taken to complete them
  • Any spreadsheet created with graphs or tables
  • The Problem-Solving Cycle – their plan with notes mad under each step.

Exemplar 2b - Civic numeracy

AOS 6 – DataAOS 8 – Systematics
Key knowledge
  • data collection tools, categorisation, processes and production
  • display of data with commonly used tables and graphs including axes and scales
  • simple measures of central tendency and spread of data, including outliers
  • straightforward analysis of data sets and their displays.
Key skills
  • collect, collate and organise data sets and display these in the most appropriate format, including axes and scales
  • choose and find the most appropriate common measures of centre and spread for data sets, such as mean, median and range of data
  • discriminate between the different measures of centre and spread and understand how they can change conclusions from data, and identify outliers and their implications for the data
  • read and interpret results from data presented in multiple forms of tables, graphs and summary statistics, including to describe patterns, variations and trends in the data
  • draw conclusions from the data analysis.
Key knowledge
  • relevant and appropriate information and data inputs and outputs
  • relevant and appropriate computational data collection and interpretation tools and applications
  • collating, organising, categorising, planning, scheduling and table creation of relevant information and data using different technologies.
Key skills
  • This area of study includes the use of technology (such as spreadsheets, software, mobile technologies and apps) to:
  • choose appropriate technologies such as spreadsheets, software or applications to input or record real-life data and information
  • use technology to collect, organise and sort relevant data and information
  • use different technology systems to plan and schedule different actions
  • make informed decisions on inputs and interpret outputs mathematically such as from interactive maps, PTV, online calculators/applications/planners
  • decide, set and adjust parameters of inputs to optimise outputs and solutions for real-life situations and contexts.

The Problem-solving cycle

The Problem-solving cycle


Civic numeracy relates to participating in civic life through knowing how to stay informed, and understanding government, political and social data, information and processes.

Timeline ActivityOutcome

Introduce the context

The context is Civic numeracy. Students to use a range of data from numerous sources to demonstrate and extend their skills.

Identify the issue(s)

Teachers must ensure all assessments include Outcomes 1, 2, and 3 as prescribed by the Study Design.

To support students with the introduction of the four steps in the Problem-solving cycle (Outcome 2), teachers can integrate each task with the four steps. To do so, teachers can follow this outline:

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 1 - Identify the mathematics

Teacher led discussion on possible topics that students will use as the basis for their investigation. Once the class has agreed on a topic, the class will proceed together.

The next step is to identify the mathematics. Begin by discussing

  • What is the purpose of the task?
  • What is the mathematics knowledge that may be useful?
  • What calculations will be needed?

This provides a clear path for the teacher to teach the mathematics.

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 2 - Act on and use the mathematics

The teacher provides a series of activities that support student learning in the mathematical knowledge and skills. This sits alongside the investigation and supports the context that is being studied.

At all times the teacher considers

  • What tools can you use from your mathematical toolkit to help student learning?
  • Plan time to complete the relevant mathematical calculations and processes.

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 3 - Evaluate and reflect

The activities in the assessment section relate to the section of the problem-solving cycle - evaluate and reflect. A core part of evaluation and reflection is going back and reviewing the mathematics. At times this may involve starting the cycle again at the ‘act on’ phase.

Questions to consider include:

  • Does the mathematics make sense in relation to the topic?
  • Is the mathematical process you have chosen the most appropriate for the question or task?
  • Can you justify the mathematics you have undertaken?
  • Check and reflect your work – are your answers what you expected?
  • Review and reflect on the reasonableness – do you need to make adjustments?
  • Do you need someone to check your work with you?

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 4 - Communicate and report

  • How will you communicate each of your results?
  • What methods have you learnt that you will include?
  • What methods will you use that are hand-drawn or hand-calculated?
  • What methods will you use that are completed with technology?
  • What software will you use to make your final presentation?
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 1

Activity 1 – What does it mean to be Australian?
Activity 2 – Class citizenship test results
Activity 3 – Citizenship test data

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 2

Activity 4 – Mean, median, mode and range
Activity 5 – Mean, median, mode and range problem solving

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 3

Activity 6 – Types of data
Activity 7 – Types of graphs
Activity 8 – Misleading data

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 4

Activity 9 – M & M task
Activity 10 – Closing the gap

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 5Activity 10 – Plan a trip to Melbourne CBDOutcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3


Unit plan descriptor

In this unit students explore Civic numeracy in Area of Study 6: Data and Area of Study 8: Systematics. Students will use their prior knowledge from Unit 2 and opportunities for further extension of Unit 4 key knowledge and skills. There are hands-on activities where students will gather their own research and use the internet to find data to make calculations with and represent.

This unit explores all three outcomes concurrently as mandated by the curriculum.

Outcome 1 – Numeracy and areas of study

Outcome 2 – The four steps of the problem-solving cycle as outlined in the Study Design

Outcome 3 – Learning and enhancing their mathematical toolkit skills

Integrated unit suggestion

VCE VM Literacy VCE VM PDS: This unit has the potential to be integrated with Literacy and PDS. The concepts delivered in numeracy in regard to Civic numeracy can work cohesively with the units delivered in PDS.

Suggested resources/required equipment

General classroom stationery supplies which support student learning and teaching in mathematics. These may include, but not be limited to:

  • Internet access
  • Microsoft Office Suite – Microsoft Word, Excel & PowerPoint
  • Scientific calculator
  • Writing equipment
  • Grid paper/paper

This section details the activities.

Please note: These activities must not be taught in isolation from the problem-solving cycle or the mathematical toolkit.

These activities are detailed in the Activity boxes to help with implementation but must be read in conjunction with the planning table.

Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 1

What does it mean to be Australian?

  • Students begin by watching videos on what it means to be Australian. Students write a couple of paragraphs about the main themes discussed in the video.
  • Students undertake a practice citizenship test. Students record their scores and take note of the question number they got wrong.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 2

Class citizenship test data

  • Students share with the teacher whether they have passed or failed the Australian citizenship test and their percentage. Teacher to compile these results and give to the class.
  • Students create an excel document. In the first cell (first column, first row). Write pass or fail. In the next cell down, write pass and in the cell down from this write fail. Next to these, record the number of passes and fails. Now highlight the cells and select insert on the toolbar. Use the small arrow and box at the bottom right of the charts section and select the clustered column option.
  • Did more students in the class pass or fail?
  • Does the bar chart make it easier to understand the numbers instead of just reading them? Why or why not?

More graphing

Move along to column D and type score in the first row. Below that write your score and the scores of your classmates. Now click and drag on these cells and select insert on the top left on the toolbar. Choose the box and arrow in the bottom right of the charts section and select histogram. 

  • Which section in the histogram has the most data and therefore the most scores? This is known as the mode.
  • Does the histogram make it easier to understand the numbers instead of just reading them? Why or why not?
  • Extension task could be analysing the questions students got wrong through an excel spreadsheet. Further discussion or analysis could look at the commonalities and to discuss some of these responses.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 3

Class Citizenship data

  • Students look at the Australian citizenship statistics. Students list the five countries that have the most people passing the citizenship test.
  • Students copy the table on the webpage and add a column to work out how the percentage of people from each country became Australian citizens.
  • Students to research citizenship processing and waiting times and answer the following questions
    • What was average processing time for applications at the time the article was written?
    • What issues were raised as to why the processing time was so long?
    • Students use the home affairs link to find the current processing time.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 4

Mean, median, mode and range

  • Using the data from the class citizenship test results, students calculate the mean, median, mode and range.
  • If students need further practice give students a set of structured question to calculate mean, median, mode and range.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 5

Mean, median, mode and range problem-solving

  • There are several sets of five positive whole numbers with the following properties:

    Mean = 4         Median = 3      Mode = 3

    Can you find ALL the different sets of five positive whole numbers that satisfy these conditions?

    Can you explain how you know you found them all?
  • Here's an interesting set of five numbers: 2, 5, 5, 6, 7

    The mean, mode, median and range are all 5. Can you find other sets of five positive whole numbers where: Mean = Median = Mode = Range 
  • Wipe out game.

    How to Play: Take the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and choose one to wipe out. 

    For example, you might wipe out 5, leaving you with 1, 2, 3, 4, 6. The mean of what is left is 3.2

    Here are some puzzling wipe outs for you to try:
    • One of the numbers from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 is wiped out. The mean of what is left is a whole number. Which number was crossed out?
    • One of the numbers from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 is wiped out. The mean of what is left is 3.6. Which number was crossed out?
    • One of the numbers from 1 to 15 is wiped out. The mean of what is left is 7.642857. Which number was crossed out?
    • One of the numbers from 1 to N, where N is an unknown number, is wiped out. The mean of what is left is 6.83. What is N, and which number was crossed out?
  • Further problem-solving

    Can you find sets of five positive whole numbers that satisfy the following properties?
    A.   Mode < Median < Mean

    B.   Mode < Mean < Median

    C.   Mean < Mode < Median

    D.   Mean < Median < Mode

    E.   Median < Mode < Mean

    F.   Median < Mean < Mode
    • Not all of these can be satisfied by sets of five numbers. Can you explain why?
    • Show that some of them can be satisfied with sets of just four numbers.
    • Show that all of them can be satisfied with sets of six numbers.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 6

Types of data

  • Teacher led discussion on the four types of data: nominal, ordinal, discrete and continuous. Further discussion on categorical data and numerical data.
  • Students walk around the school and find as many examples as possible of data that could be collected for each of the four categories that have been covered (nominal, ordinal, discrete, continuous). Write these in a table. Then think of two examples for each type that relate to civics and citizenship.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 7

Types of graphs

Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 8

Misleading data

  • Teacher led discussion about the ability to recognise when data is presented in a misleading way. Every citizen needs to be able to see through any lies or misinformation that may be presented through statistics. Whenever we are presented with any information, we must be able to think critically and make an educated and informed decision about whether the information is presented accurately.
  • Watch a few selected videos on how to spot a misleading graph.

    As a class discuss:
  • Why are graphs commonly used to present claims?
  • What is the best way to protect yourself against misleading graphs?
  • Why might a person trying to persuade you toward their point of view use a graph to present information?
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 9

M & M task

Students work in groups of two to three and investigate the colours of M and M’s in a pack. Use Excel to record the colours, the number and to calculate the percentage of each colour in a pack.

  • Which colour is the most common in this packet of M & M’s?
  • What colour is the least common in this packet of M & M’s?

Research has been completed about the percentage of each colour: Blue 24%, Brown 13%, Green 16%, Orange 20%, Red 13% and yellow 14%.

  • How do the percentages compare to the research? Are they the same, close to the same or very different?
  • Students enter the above research data into Excel in separate columns. 
  • Students create a CLUSTERED COLUMN graph to compare the research from our results.
  • Compare the research and student results. What is the same about them? What is different?
  • If you were to present this information to other students in the school, would you use the tables or the graphs? Why?
  • What would you have to do to get a more accurate answer? 
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 10

Closing the gap

  • Students research information and statistics about First Nations peoples’ rights and the disadvantages that they face.
  • Write down any statistics found on the following topics: health, education, life expectancy, and the likelihood of finding employment, finishing school, and being hospitalised or imprisoned.
  • In order to learn about Australia’s obligations to improve First Nations peoples’ rights, students watch a video in which the aims of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) are explained from the perspectives of Indigenous peoples seeking human rights globally. Record responses to the following questions:
    • What obligations does Australia have as a signatory to the declaration?
    • What rights does the declaration include?
    • Why is the declaration significant in Australia and globally?

One way to find out if the UNDRIP is being implemented and First Nations peoples’ disadvantages overcome in Australia is to analyse and interpret statistics about percentage improvements in rights over time.

In Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage: Key Indicators 2020 (Steering Committee for the Review of Government Service Provision, 2020), the wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is reported across a range of outcome areas. In the report, a strengths-based approach is used to empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Focus on page 1 of the document; however, students may need to use further pages to provide evidence. Explore these questions: 

  • What outcomes have improved? What is the statistical evidence?
  • What outcomes have not improved? What is the statistical evidence?
  • What challenges and barriers are there to improvement?
  • What approaches have been found to improve outcomes?

 Students take note of statistics related to the following targets from: Closing the Gap Annual Data Compilation Report July 2023

  • Target 1 Life expectancy
  • Target 2 Healthy birthweight
  • Target 3 Early childhood education and care enrolment rates
  • Target 10 Rates of incarceration
  • Target 11 Rates of youth detention
  • Target 12 Rates of children in out-of-home care
  • Target 14 Rates of suicide

Students bring together what they have learned about the UNDRIP and progress being made to overcome First Nations peoples’ disadvantage in a short report/conclusion in which they answer the following two questions:

  • What is the evidence to support the view that overcoming disadvantage for First Nations people in Australia is still unfinished business for the nation?
  • What is the evidence to support the view that First Nations communities are achieving improvements through their community-based collaboration and actions?
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 11

Plan a trip to Melbourne CBD

  • Students complete an investigation into the most efficient and effective trip they can take to Melbourne and back in one day. This task is to see how they can maximise their time and set adjustments when things go wrong.
  • Students follow the components of an investigation to help them throughout this investigation. 

Formulation: What is the investigation about? What do you know? What tools can you use? What extra information do you need?

Exploration: Make calculations. Summarise results systematically, for example in a table, graph or spreadsheet.

Consider the results: Do they make sense? Is there a pattern? Make a conjecture? Test you conjecture.

Communication: Describe what you did? Summarise your results. Explain your conclusion.

To successfully complete this task, students will need:

  • A price comparison on at least TWO ways of reaching Melbourne from school.
  • At least one ‘what if…’ scenario, for example the tram is cancelled going back to Southern Cross.
  • A cost breakdown of the entire day (this can be included in the itinerary) with total cost at the end.

Students can choose one of the following options to complete the communication component of the investigation.

  • A report regarding what you have found.
  • A PowerPoint presentation
  • A poster
  • A film
  • A podcast

Exemplar 3 - Health numeracy

AOS 6 – Data
Key knowledge
  • data collection tools, categorisation, processes and production
  • display of data with commonly used tables and graphs including axes and scales
  • simple measures of central tendency and spread of data, including outliers
  • straightforward analysis of data sets and their displays.
Key skills
  • collect, collate and organise data sets and display these in the most appropriate format, including axes and scales
  • choose and find the most appropriate common measures of centre and spread for data sets, such as mean, median and range of data
  • discriminate between the different measures of centre and spread and understand how they can change conclusions from data, and identify outliers and their implications for the data
  • read and interpret results from data presented in multiple forms of tables, graphs and summary statistics, including to describe patterns, variations and trends in the data
  • draw conclusions from the data analysis.

The Problem-solving cycle

The Problem-solving cycle


Health numeracy relates to accessing, understanding and using mathematical information to make decisions and act in the interests of personal and community health and wellbeing.

Timeline ActivityOutcome

Introduce the context

The context for this exemplar is Health numeracy and explores some issues affecting young people.

Identify the issue(s)

Teacher to introduce Health numeracy – with a discussion about the importance of health and wellbeing.

he unit includes health data, opportunities for student research and multiple opportunities for student to use given data to create commonly used tables and graphs, simple measures of central tendency, spread of data and analysis of data sets and their displays.

Teachers must ensure all assessments include Outcomes 1, 2 and 3 as prescribed by the Study Design.

To support students with the introduction of the four steps in the Problem-solving cycle (Outcome 2), teachers can integrate each task with the four steps. To do so, teachers can follow this outline:

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 1 - Identify the mathematics

The next step is to identify the mathematics. Begin by discussing

  • What is the purpose of the task?
  • What is the mathematics knowledge or skills that may be useful/taught?
  • What calculations will be needed?

This provides a clear path for the teacher to support the mathematics involved.

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 2 - Act on and use the mathematics

The teacher provides a series of activities that support student learning in the mathematical knowledge and skills. This sits alongside the investigation and supports the context that is being studied.

At all times the teacher considers

  • What tools can you use from your mathematical toolkit to help student learning?
  • Plan time to complete the relevant mathematical calculations and processes.

Using the problem-solving cycle - Step 3 - Evaluate and reflect

The activities in the assessment section relate to the section of the problem-solving cycle - evaluate and reflect. A core part of evaluation and reflection is going back and reviewing the mathematics. At times this may involve starting the cycle again at the ‘act on’ phase.

Questions to consider include:

  • Does the mathematics make sense in relation to the topic?
  • Is the mathematical process you have chosen the most appropriate for the question or task?
  • Can you justify the mathematics you have undertaken?
  • Check and reflect your work – are your answers what you expected?
  • Review and reflect on the reasonableness – do you need to make adjustments?
  • Do you need someone to check your work with you?

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 4 - Communicate and report

  • How will you communicate each of your results?
  • What methods have you learnt that you will include?
  • What methods will you use that are hand-drawn or hand-calculated?
  • What methods will you use that are completed with technology?
  • What software will you use to make your final presentation?
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 1

Activity 1 – What does it mean to be healthy?
Activity 2 – Types of data
Activity 3 – Creating a box plot using raw data

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 2

Activity 4 – Five-number summary
Activity 5 – Box plots

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 3

Activity 6 – Different types of graphs
Activity 7 – Interpreting data
Activity 8 – Injury hotspots for your vocation

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 4

Activity 9 – Homelessness in Australia
Activity 11 – Vaping and smoking

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3


Unit plan descriptor

In this unit students explore Health numeracy with Area of Study 6: Data. There are structured tasks where students demonstrate prior knowledge from Unit 2 and opportunities for extension with new key skills and knowledge. There are hands-on activities where students gather their own research and use the internet to find data to represent in selected ways.

This unit explores all three outcomes concurrently as mandated by the curriculum.

Outcome 1 – Numeracy and areas of study

Outcome 2 – The four steps of the problem-solving cycle as outlined in the Study Design

Outcome 3 – Learning and enhancing their mathematical toolkit skills

Integrated unit suggestion

VCE VM PDS: This unit could be integrated with Personal Development Skills.

Suggested resources/required equipment

General classroom stationery supplies which support student learning and teaching in mathematics. These may include, but not be limited to:

  • Scientific calculator
  • Graph paper
  • Internet access
  • Microsoft Office Suite – Microsoft Word, Excel & PowerPoint and Forms
  • Writing equipment
  • Ruler

This section details the activities.

Please note: These activities must not be taught in isolation from the problem-solving cycle or the mathematical toolkit.

These activities are detailed in the Activity boxes to help with implementation but must be read in conjunction with the planning table.

Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 1

What does it mean to be healthy?

  • Student brainstorm activities they take part in, to help them with their health and wellbeing.
  • Discuss activities and habits that are less likely to help with health and wellbeing.
  • Students research the top health habits of teenagers and research three unhealthy habits of teenagers. Present this information as a poster, video, podcast, cartoon or anything appropriate to students' choice.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 2

Types of data

  • Teacher led discussion on continuous, discrete, nominal and ordinal data giving examples for each.
  • Structured questions on different types of data to classify.
  • Students create a simple survey of their choice for their class or for students in their year. Examples could be students' birth months, height, number of people they live with, age range less than 16, 16–18, older than 18. Students identify what type of data this is: discrete, continuous, nominal and ordinal.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 3

Creating a box plot using raw data

  • Each student in the class measures their hand span from thumb tip to little fingertip (measure in cm). This information is to be shared with the class. This information is to be used to find the five-number summary.


  • Order the raw data from smallest to largest below.
  • Determine the median value by adding 1 to the number of data values we have and divide by 2.
  • Find the middle value between the minimum the medium value (Quartile 1).
  • Find the middle value between the maximum and the medium value (Quartile 3).
  • Complete an outlier Check. Determine the IQR using IQR = Q3-Q1.
  • Check the Upper Fence (UF = Q3+1.5 x IQR) for any value above the Upper Fence is an outlier.
  • Check the Lower Fence (LF = Q1-1.5x IQR) for any value below the Lower Fence is an outlier.
  • Create a table with the five-number summary.
  • Draw a box plot based on the information above.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 4

Five-number summary

  • Students look up the scores of the winning teams from the latest round of AFL games or rugby league games. Find the mean and median scores.   
  • Repeat this for the scores from the losing teams.
  • Create box plots for the winning scores and the losing scores.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 5

Box plots

  • Students research different types of jobs you can do in the healthcare sector (find at least eight).
  • Students further research the average salary of each of these roles. Students create a box plot using this data.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 6

Different types of graphs

  • Brainstorm students’ knowledge of graphs, recounting previous work from Unit 2. Teacher to give examples on segmented bar graphs and scatter plot.
  • Students create a segmented bar graph on a topic of their choice. (What milk do teachers prefer in their coffee: dairy, goat, soy, almond, other?)         
  • Students take their data on the hand spans and create a scatter plot.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 7

Interpreting data

  • Students answer structured questions using various graphs with a link to health.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 8

Injury hotspots for your vocation

  • Students use the Worksafe website to search for the vocation or pathway they are working towards and record the percentages of injuries to the various parts of the body.
  • Teacher to give students a printout of a skeleton of the body to highlight where these injuries occur.

Students answer:

  • What is the most common injured body part in your chosen vocation? Why?
  • Create a bar chart to illustrate the percentages of injuries for your Industry. You are to do this in Excel and print off your graph and paste in your book. Please include labels, chart title and an appropriate scale.   
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 9

Homelessness in Australia

Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 10

Vaping and smoking

  • Students conduct research on vaping. They consider the following:
    • Estimate how many flavours of vape are there?
    • Research has shown that vaping can assist with quitting smoking. True or false?
    • Nicotine based vapes can be purchased in Australia without a prescription. True or false?
    • Vape liquid has been found to contain cancer causing substances. True or false?
    • What are the short-term potential side effects of vaping?
    • What percentage of 12 to 17-year-olds have tried an e-cigarette?
    • What are some of the long-term side effects of vaping?
    • What are the known side effects of Diacetyl?
  • Students watch a video on causation with smoking as the focus. Students work in groups and create a comparison of what we know about smoking versus what we know about vaping.
  • In groups, students design an experiment that could be used in the future to determine the health risks associated with vaping. Students need to consider what mathematics would be used (provide an example) and what tools would be required for this. This is an Open-ended task which means there are many solutions to this activity.

Exemplar 4 - Personal numeracy

AOS 5 – Dimension and DirectionAOS 7 – Uncertainty
Key knowledge
  • location and direction in relation to objects and landmarks
  • location and direction in relation to maps and technologies
  • oral and written instructions for moving to specified locations
  • a range of angle measures and representations.
Key skills
  • give direction and location instructions between multiple destinations, including unfamiliar locations using appropriate maps or technology
  • understand and use compass directions and use appropriate language such as NE, SSW, N15°W
  • demonstrate an understanding of angles using degrees
  • understand where an object is in space using one-, two- and three- dimensions and using the appropriate language to describe an object’s position and movement in space.
Key knowledge
  • likelihood of events or occurrences happening and how to represent them
  • simple unconditional probability events with randomness and chance
  • relevant language of chance and their relationship to numerical values associated with chance and probability
  • randomness and chance of unconditional probability events
  • inferencing from likelihood estimates to inform decision making in relation to real-life events, including risk.
Key skills
  • identify possible outcomes of an event and create visual representations of sample spaces or options
  • estimate, predict and calculate the likelihood of events occurring using decimals, ratios and percentages
  • compare different real-life events or probabilities
  • make decisions based on inferences about sets of accessible, relevant and appropriate data and information
  • evaluate risk in relation to relevant and appropriate problems with reference to likelihood of events occurring.

The Problem-solving cycle

The Problem-solving cycle


Personal numeracy relates to the mathematical requirements for personal organisational matters involving numbers, data, money, time and travel.

Timeline ActivityOutcome

Introduce the context

The context for this exemplar is Personal numeracy where many of the activities are based around gambling. The second focus is based around organising a tour of Melbourne.

Identify the issue(s)

Teachers must ensure all assessments include Outcomes 1, 2, and 3 as prescribed by the Study Design.

To support students with the introduction of the four steps in the Problem-solving cycle (Outcome 2), teachers can integrate each task with the four steps. To do so, teachers can follow this outline:

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 1 - Identify the mathematics

Teacher led discussion on possible topics that students will use as the basis for their investigation. Once the class has agreed on a topic, the class will proceed together.

The next step is to identify the mathematics. Begin by discussing

  • What is the purpose of the task?
  • What is the mathematics knowledge that may be useful?
  • What calculations will be needed?

This provides a clear path for the teacher to teach the mathematics.

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 2 - Act on and use the mathematics

The teacher provides a series of activities that support student learning in the mathematical knowledge and skills. This sits alongside the investigation and supports the context that is being studied.

At all times the teacher considers

  • What tools can you use from your mathematical toolkit to help student learning?
  • Plan time to complete the relevant mathematical calculations and processes.

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 3 - Evaluate and reflect

The activities in the assessment section relate to the section of the problem-solving cycle - evaluate and reflect. A core part of evaluation and reflection is going back and reviewing the mathematics. At times this may involve starting the cycle again at the ‘act on’ phase.

Questions to consider include:

  • Does the mathematics make sense in relation to the topic?
  • Is the mathematical process you have chosen the most appropriate for the question or task?
  • Can you justify the mathematics you have undertaken?
  • Check and reflect your work – are your answers what you expected?
  • Review and reflect on the reasonableness – do you need to make adjustments?
  • Do you need someone to check your work with you?

Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 4 - Communicate and report

  1. How will you communicate each of your results?
  2. What methods have you learnt that you will include?
  3. What methods will you use that are hand-drawn or hand-calculated?
  4. What methods will you use that are completed with technology?
  5. What software will you use to make your final presentation?
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 1

Activity 1 – Love the game not the odds
Activity 2 – Gambling among secondary school students
Activity 3 – Gambling terminology

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 2

Activity 4 – Card sharp
Activity 5 – Expenditure on Gambling in Victoria
Activity 6 – Experimental and theoretical probability

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 3

Activity 7 – How much are people spending?
Activity 8 – Chance has no memory
Activity 9 – Tree diagrams

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 4

Activity 10 – Venn diagrams
Activity 11 – Classifying angles
Activity 12 – Compass bearings

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Week 4

Activity 13 – Walking tour of Melbourne

Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3


Unit plan descriptor

In this unit students explore Personal numeracy with the Area of Study 5: Dimension and direction and Area of Study 7: Uncertainty. There are many hands-on activities and research opportunities that focus on the gambling industry in Victoria.

The three outcomes have been addressed here in all activities and are taught concurrently. It is mandated that the assessment is built with all three outcomes working together throughout.

Outcome 1 – Numeracy and areas of study

Outcome 2 – The four steps of the Problem-solving cycle as outlined in the Study Design

Outcome 3 – Learning and enhancing their mathematical toolkit skills

Integrated unit suggestion

VCE VM Literacy, VCE VM WRS, VCE VM PDS: This unit could be integrated with Literacy, Work Related skills or Personal Development Skills.

Suggested resources/required equipment

General classroom stationery supplies which support student learning and teaching in mathematics. These may include, but not be limited to:

  • Paper
  • Textas
  • Playing cards
  • Dice
  • Coins
  • Counters
  • Pens/Pencils

Technologies may include:

  • Calculators
  • Spreadsheets
  • Microsoft Suite
  • Recording and/or filming hardware and software
  • Compass or phone apps

Access to the internet and computers or tablets is essential.

This section details the activities.

Please note: These activities must not be taught in isolation from the problem-solving cycle or the mathematical toolkit.

These activities are detailed in the Activity boxes to help with implementation but must be read in conjunction with the planning table.

Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 1

Love the game and not the odds

  • Teacher choose some videos from the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation and introduce the topic to students.
  • Students list the sports ads they have seen on TV in the last week. Discuss the results with class. Is there a sport that has more ads than others?

Students to research the following questions.

  • What harm can gambling cause?
  • How do you think gambling advertising affects young people?
  • Do you think sports gambling is getting easier or harder to access? Why?
  • What types of gambling language have you heard when people are talking about sport (e.g. ‘sure bet’, ‘odds on’)? What does this say about our sport culture?
  • How do sports betting companies make gambling seem normal?
  • In what ways do sports betting companies encourage people to take up gambling?
  • What do we mean by normalising gambling?
  • What are the dangers of normalising gambling?
  • What interests do sports betting companies have in making gambling seem normal?
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 2

Gambling among secondary school students

Students answer:

  • When did Nick gamble for the first time?
  • What were his initial impressions? What influenced Nick to continue playing?
  • When do you think he developed a real problem with gambling?
  • How did gambling impact Nick’s life?
  • How was Nick able to deal with his gambling issue? How did this help?
  • How has Nick used his experience to educate about gambling?
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 3

Gambling terminology

  • Brainstorm some of the common language used in gambling advertisement. Discuss what students think it means.
  • As a whole class or in small groups, undertake the matching activities (pages 15 and 16) from: What are the odds?
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 4

Card sharp

Explain rules of card sharp. Students work in pairs and each pair have a deck of cards.

  • Each student selects a suit and then a card is pulled at random from the pack. If the card matches their selected suit, they win. The card is placed back into the deck and the deck is shuffled.
  • Each student starts with an imaginary budget of $50.
  • It costs $1 to play each round.
  • If they win a round, they receive $4.
  • If a student wins Round 1, their balance will be $53, not $54. If they lose Round 1, their balance will be $49.

Discuss strategies that students might like to adopt when they play:

  • ‘random guess’
  • ‘hasn’t come up in a while’
  • ‘lucky streak’
  • ‘consistent guesses’.

Record the results on the table from page 18 What are the odds?

Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 5

Expenditure on gambling in Victoria

  • Discuss the word expenditure. Look through the Expenditure on gambling in Victoria page.
  • Students choose between pokies, all casinos, lotteries or sport and race betting and create a short talk or presentation on what the graphs show in terms of expenditure over the last few years.

Discuss the idea of risk and how it is an undesired outcome.

Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 6

Experimental and theoretical probability

  • Discuss the difference between experimental and theoretical probability. Discuss theoretical probability with a coin and a die.
  • Students carry out experiments using a die and packs of cards. Student record their results in a table and do at least 30 trials.
  • Students compare the theoretical probability with the experimental probability.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 7

How much are people spending?

  • Using the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation page, students choose eight council areas to look at the spending habits on pokies per day. Put this information on an Excel spreadsheet and create a graph of this data.

Answer the following questions:

  • Which of the LGAs had the greatest gambling losses in total? Name one factor that might contribute to this.
  • What is the difference between the highest and lowest amount spent on pokies per day for your chosen LGAs?
  • If the average gambling expenditure per adult in Australia was $12,000*, does that mean that every adult spent this amount on gambling in 2020? Why or why not?
  • Use the data from your spreadsheet to identify another feature or pattern of gambling and show evidence to support this.
  • Are there more pokies in metropolitan areas than in country areas? Use the interactive tool on the VRGF website (above) to help you make a decision. Give examples to support your decision.
  • Which LGAs have the highest density of pokies? Do people living in these areas spend more on pokies? Show evidence of this possible pattern.
  • Explain what is meant by the term ‘per capita’.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 8

Chance has no memory

  • Students play ‘Card sharp’ again, this time with 100 rounds.
    • Students work in pairs. One member of the pair has sheet 2A and the other member of the pair has 2B. Use the sheets from pages 20–24 from ‘What are the odds?’ booklet.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 9

Tree diagrams

  • Teacher introduces simple examples of tree diagrams starting with tossing coins, rolling four-sided die a certain number of times. Students then make tree diagrams for the following examples:
    • A fair die is rolled twice and the results need to be shown on a tree diagram. Find the probability that you will get the same number repeated.
    • A bag of skittles contains 20 red, 15 purple, 15 green, 25 orange and 25 yellow skittles. If you are to select one piece, eat it, then select another piece, find the probability that you would choose two red ones in a row. Hint: instead of showing all the colours we can just use red and not red.
    • A bag contains eight red marbles and 12 blue marbles. Ari selects two marbles, he replaces them back in the bag. What is the probability of selecting two blue marbles? What is the probability of selecting at least one red marble? What is the probability of selecting a red marble first and then a blue marble?
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 10

Venn diagrams

  • Teacher to work through examples of Venn diagrams to show an effective way of showing data when two groups or more have some interaction. Students are given structured question to explore the data.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 11

Classifying angles

  • Discussion on classifying angles using the terminology: acute, right, obtuse, straight, reflex and revolution. Teacher to discuss how to name angles.
  • Students given a number of angles to classify in the room and outside in the grounds. Students discuss their answers.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 12

Compass bearings

  • Teacher asks questions about prior knowledge of bearings from Unit 2. Students give the compass bearings of North, northeast, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest.
  • Choosing a suitable destination in the school, create a set of instructions, at least 10, that includes compass bearings and number of steps on how to get there from the current position. These instructions are given to another pair in the room to find where the selected destination is.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit

Activity 13

Walking tour of Melbourne.

  • Students work in pairs to create a walking tour around six tourist attractions in or around the Melbourne CBD. This tour is to be over two days.
  • The tour should start from Flinders Street Train Station.
  • The people on the tour need to go into at least two of the tourist attractions, not just walk to them.
  • Students choose accommodation in the CBD for the tourists to stay. Accommodation cannot cost more than $250 per night.
  • The people on the tour are not to use any public transport during the two days.

Students need to create clear instructions for the tour guide, including distances and directions between each of the landmarks, estimated travel times and an itinerary for arrivals and departures to the attractions.  

  • Students create a pamphlet, make an advertisement or poster to try and make their walking tour stand out from others. Students need to advertise the price of the tour and justify the costs in a separate sheet.


Unit 4 Vocational Numeracy – AOS 5: Dimension & Direction, AOS 8; Systematics

Unit 4 Civic Numeracy, AOS 6 Data Reaction Times & Road Safety