AOS 3 – Quantity and Measures |
Key knowledge
- a range of measures of distance, perimeter, area, volume and capacity including the use and application of common and routine measurement formulas
- a range of metric and relevant non-metric units of measurement and conversion between units
- a range of units of time and temperature
- a range of measurement estimation strategies
- a range of measurement tools
- understanding of accuracy and tolerances in measurements.
Key skills
- estimate and measure objects and distances by using measurement tools with appropriate accuracy and tolerance
- undertake calculations and determine measurements of distance, perimeter, area, volume and capacity for routine, more complex two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects including compound shapes. For example, the use of pi in circular measurements
- convert between both metric and non-metric units where relevant such as cm/inch, Celsius/Fahrenheit, and grams/pounds
- read and interpret units of analogue and digital time including 24-hour time and time zones
- read, interpret and calculate with temperature measurements
- perform calculations using multiple units of time, including time zones, and calculate time durations, including the use of calendar months, weeks, days, as well as hours, minutes, and seconds.
The Problem-solving cycle
Personal Numeracy: The focus of the context for this unit is building a tiny house for personal use.
This plan demonstrates the Problem-solving cycle as a seven week investigation.
Please note, the teacher may instead choose for each activity to be a standalone Problem-Solving Cycle with interconnected sub-themes.
Timeline | Activity | Outcome |
Week 1 and Week 2 | Introduce the context The context is building a tiny house for personal use. Teachers should start with a brainstorm with students with the following prompts: - What is a tiny house?
- Who lives in a tiny house?
- Why live in a tiny house?
Identify the issue(s) Teacher to introduce the concept of personal numeracy and the context of designing a tiny house which they can live in. Students will use the Problem-solving cycle to undertake a series of activities related to the design of their tiny house. Students will be guided through each step by the teacher. At all stages, students will undertake activities alongside their Problem-solving cycle which are designed to teach the key knowledge and skills that are required for the mathematics at each stage. Consider which technologies will help to examine this issue and support the learning of the mathematics that is outlined in the area of study. Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 1 - Identify the mathematics Teacher led discussion about tiny houses, what they look like, what features they have, why someone might choose to build a tiny house, the pros and cons etc. Explain to students that they will be design and building a scale model of a tiny house and complete other associated activities. The task includes: - Drawing a scale plan and creating a 3D model of the tiny house and furniture pieces
- Investigating to heating and cooling for the tiny house
- Determine what size water tank is required
- Communicating across time zones
The next step is to identify the mathematics. Begin by discussing - What is the purpose of the task?
- What information or knowledge do you need to complete each of the components of the task?
- What mathematics knowledge may be useful?
- What processes or calculations will be needed?
This provides a clear path for the teacher to then teach the mathematics.
Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 2 - Act on and use the mathematics The teacher provides a series of activities that support student learning with the mathematical knowledge and skills. This sits alongside the investigation and supports the context that is being studied.
At all times the teacher considers - What tools can you use from your Mathematical toolkit to help student learning?
- Plan time to complete the relevant mathematical calculations and processes.
Tiny House Floor Plan Activity 1 - Design your plan Activity 2 - Time to measure up Activity 3 - Furniture and features | Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3 |
Week 3 | Activity 4 - Construct your house
Activity Five - Construct your furniture | Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3 |
Week 4 and Week 5 | Activity 6 - Investigating temperature Activity 7 - Investigating time part 1 Activity 8 - Heating and cooling
Activity 9 - Water supply | Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3 |
Week 6 and Week 7 | Activity 10 - Investigating time part 2 Activity 11 - Communicating across timezones | Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3 |
Unit plan descriptor
In this unit students explore Personal Numeracy with the Area of Study 3 – Quantity and Measures. There are many hands-on activities where students explore the Quantity and Measurement Key skills and Knowledge required to design a tiny house.
This unit explores all three outcomes concurrently as mandated by the curriculum and supports the learning of all activities.
All the activities are contextualised with designing a tiny house for personal use.
When students are completing the technology components, they are working towards successfully building their Mathematical toolkit - Outcome 3. Opportunities presented in these tasks include: using a calculator to perform calculations, design tool applications, and online measurement calculators. This is not an extensive list and teachers are encouraged to use as many technologies as are available within the confines of the classroom.
Integrated unit suggestion
VCE VM PDS - A unit exploring sustainability
VCE VM WRS - Working in the building and construction or design industries
Suggested resources/required equipment
General classroom stationery supplies which support student learning and teaching in mathematics. These may include, but not be limited to:
- Grid or graph paper
- Card paper
- Glue
- Scissors
- Rulers
- Calculators
- Coloured pencils and markers
- A variety of analogue and digital measuring tools (e.g. tape measure, trundle wheel, thermometer, scales, measuring cups, stop watch, clocks etc.)
Access to the internet and computers or tablets is essential.
Technologies may include:
- Design tool applications
- Online measurement calculator applications
- Mobile phone for calculations , stop watch and other applications where permissible by the Principal
This list is not exhaustive, and teachers are encouraged to use extra materials and resources that support the learning for their students in their classrooms.;
This section details the activities.
Please note: These activities must not be taught in isolation from the Problem-solving cycle, or the Mathematical toolkit.
These activities are detailed in the Activity boxes to help with implementation but must be read in conjunction with the planning table.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 1
Design your plan
In this activity students research tiny house designs, exploring the key features and dimensions in order to draw a first draft floor plan.
- Guide students to research tiny house designs. There are several Australian tiny house companies that can be found online. Additionally, the YouTube channel ‘Living Big in A Tiny House’ explores many tiny house options and ideas.
- Lead a discussion with these questions:
- What is the size of tiny homes? What are their typical dimensions?
- What are they key features of tiny homes?
- What features and furniture will you need to include in your tiny house design
- What features are shown on the house plans you looked at? What will you need to include on your own house design?
- Discuss with students the positives and negatives of different design tool applications and decide on the best application for this task.
- Students create a first draft of their tiny house floor plan using a birds’ eye view. If they are designing a loft, they should use a second template to design its floor plan too and ensure they include stairs or a ladder
- Remind students to use appropriate dimensions and scale and label all key features.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 2
Time to measure up
Students explore the concept of accuracy and tolerance within measurements and how to convert between different units of measurement.
- The teacher presents students with a range of both analogue and digital measuring equipment.
- Students select a piece of equipment and discuss:
- What types of things it is used to measure.
- What units of measurement it shows.
- How we use the equipment accurately.
- The teacher leads a discussion exploring the concepts of accuracy and tolerance, including the situations when accurate measurements are required versus where situations when estimation or approximate measurements are sufficient.
- The class brainstorms metric units and their non-metric equivalents and explore techniques to convert between units such as:
- Online conversion calculators or applications
- Approximations e.g. 1 inch is approximately 25mm or 2.5 cm, kg to lbs; first double the kg amount, then add 10% of the result, Fahrenheit temp – 30, then halved is approximate Celsius temp.
- Conversion formulae
- The teacher provides students with a series of measurement conversion questions to practice converting between metric units and relevant non-metric units.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 3
Furniture and features
Students investigate and measure the typical dimensions of household furniture items and make appropriate adjustments to their tiny house plan.
- Students share the furniture items they have included in their house, for example a bed, stove, table and chairs, microwave, fridge, toilet, basin, shower etc.
- The teacher leads a discussion with students about how they decided what size to draw their household items on their house plan. Highlight that students have used estimation skills, but to draw a house plan we need to be more accurate with dimensions.
- The teacher directs students to measure the specific dimensions of certain furniture items around the school. This should include items they have included in their house plans, in particular the height of tables and chairs, the dimensions of a toilet, the height a wash basin is mounted, fridge, stove, washing machine dimensions, height and depth of kitchen bench.
Note: These furniture items should be able to be located throughout the school in specialist classrooms, staffrooms, bathrooms etc. Please be mindful of students entering these areas and make the appropriate arrangements. If measurements cannot be taken at school, direct students to measure the items at home and take photos of themselves. - Collate the measurement results and lead a discussion comparing the results, highlight instances of where the results are different and discuss possible reasons why (not using equipment correctly, misreading the measurements etc).
- The teacher directs students to review their tiny house plans and check if the dimensions of their included furniture and features are appropriate and reasonable, and make any necessary adjustments.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 4
Construct your house
Students create a final scale drawing of their house and use this to build a 3D scale model of their tiny house.
- The teacher supports students to draw a final version of their tiny house floor plan, making sure it is accurate and to scale.
- Students replicate their design onto the relevant walls, making sure they don’t forget to:
- consider the height of their furniture/furnishings on the walls.
- include windows and doors
- include any internal or dividing walls or doors
- Students cut out and construct their tiny house model.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 5
Construct your furniture
Students create 3D scale models of their furniture to place in their house.
- The teacher supports students to draw an appropriate net for each furniture piece using grid templates, making sure the furniture size matches what they created in their floor plan and the scale is consistent.
- Students cut out, construct and place their furniture pieces into their tiny house model.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 6
Investigating temperature
Students review how temperature is measured.
- The teacher presents students with a range of analogue and digital thermometers and discuss the different uses for them. Demonstrate, or ask students to demonstrate, how to use and read each accurately.
- Students estimate, then select a suitable tool to accurately measure the temperature of a variety of items e.g.:
- their body temperature
- the internal temperature of a fridge
- hot water from a freshly boiled kettle
- the temperature outside in the shade
- the temperature outside in the sun
- Students review and reflect on their estimations compared with the actual measurements.
- The teacher leads a reflective discussion making connections between measuring temperature and the weather, and how we need to understand what the local weather and temperature is like in order to heat and cool out tiny house appropriately.
- Ask students where examples of these thermometers could go within their tiny house, how they are used, and if there are any considerations to be had when using or installing them.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 7
Investigating time part 1
Students review time durations including the use of months, weeks and days.
- The teacher asks students if knowing the daily temperature is enough when investigating what the local weather is like. Throughout the discussion, as students mention the following words write them down on the whiteboard:
- Annual
- Year
- Season
- month/monthly
- week
- fortnight etc.
- The teacher leads a discussion with students about what the words mean in relation to time duration and make connections between the different time durations.
- Give students a selection of questions/scenarios to calculate time durations e.g.
- 31 days in this winter month?
- 12 of these in a year?
- 30 days in this spring month?
- 52 weeks in one of these?
- Today is Tuesday, what day will it be in a fortnight’s time?
- Which month has exactly 4 weeks?
- How long is 72hours?
- Introduce the term ‘quarterly’ and discuss what things occur quarterly e.g. seasons, electricity bills, school terms etc.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 8
Heating and cooling
Students investigate which capacity heater and air conditioner they would need for their tiny house.
- Review with students what they know about the local weather patterns, identifying if or when they may need a heather or air conditioner. Discuss with students the factors that determine how effective heating or cooling is, including:
- The outside temperature
- The degree of cooling or heating needed (i.e. what inside temperature is wanted)
- The size of the room space
- Insulation etc.
- Instruct students to research the average seasonal temperatures for their local area. This becomes the ambient temperature. Ask students to also decide what their ideal inside temperature is. Note: it is recommended that heaters are set to 18-20°C in winter and air conditioners are set to 22-24°C in summer.
- Instruct students to calculate the dimensions of their tiny house including; length, width, floor area, ceiling height, and room volume.
- Demonstrate how to use the air conditioner calculator and heat loss calculator to determine what size (power) air conditioner and heater is needed.
- Students use the calculators to determine the heater power recommended for each season and the air conditioner capacity recommended.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 9
Water supply
Students investigate and calculate the amount of rain water they can collect and store in a water tank.
- Discuss with students that it is important to understand how much water you can collect from your roof (roof catchment capacity) in order to choose the correct water tank size. If the tank is too small then you will have overflow, if it is too large you will waste unnecessary space and will never fill it.
- Roughly, 1 millimetre of rain over 1 square metre of roof equals 1 litre of water. Therefore the catchment capacity can be calculated using the formula: rainfall (in millimetres) X Roof surface area (in square metres) = roof catchment capacity.
- Ask students to research what the monthly rainfall is (e.g. using the BOM climate data information
- Using this information students are required to calculate the average minimum roof catchment capacity and average maximum roof catchment capacity.
- Students research and select three round (cylinder) water tanks. Each of the tanks must hold a different capacity and students need to justify why they think the capacity is suitable for their roof catchment capacity.
- Review how to calculate circular measurements using pi.
- Using the height and diameter dimensions given for each of the water tanks, students calculate the circumference, base area, and volume of each of the three water tanks. Based on the calculations, students select the most suitable tank considering both size and capacity.
- Possible extension: Students can construct a 3D model of their chosen water tank.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 10
Investigating time part 2
Students review time measurement and durations including the use of hours, minutes and seconds.
- Ask students how accurate they think their time estimation ability is.
- With their eyes closed, play a piece of music or make a sound for a specific duration e.g. 30second, 1 minute, 5 minutes etc. After each time duration ask students to guess how long the music/sound went for and discuss the range of answers and the strategies students used to try and estimate or keep track of the time.
- Review the units of time hours, minutes and seconds, how they relate to each other and how to convert between them. Discuss the tools that can be used to measure time, and in what situations different tools or equipment (or even no specific tools) are used.
- Give students a series of household tasks, for which they have to estimate how long it takes to complete such as:
- Making your bed
- Taking a shower
- Brushing your teeth
- Running the dishwasher (or washing dishes by hand)
- The washing machine cycle
- Filling up a cup of water etc.
- Instruct students to appropriately measure the actual time it takes to complete the tasks (at home) and to take photos of them measuring the time. Once completed, review and discuss their estimations compared with the measured time.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 11
Communicating across timezones
Students explore the different time zones across Australia.
- Give students the scenario that some of the parts, furniture or features required to construct their tiny houses need to be sourced from interstate and requires them to make phone calls to source them.
- Lead a discussion with students to establish their prior understanding of time zones and the different time zones across Australia.
- Demonstrate how to convert times between time zones.
- Review with students how to read and interpret 24-hour time.
- Provide students with scenarios requiring them to determine when the appropriate time to call e.g.
- A company in Perth says they will call you between 3 pm and 5 pm their time. What time should you expect their call?
- You want to ask an Adelaide company to call you during your lunch break, which is 12:30pm – 1:30pm. What local Adelaide time should you ask the company to call you? Convert this to 24hour time to avoid any confusion.
- You need to call a company in Brisbane. Their opening hours are stated as being 0800 – 1600. It is currently daylight savings time in Melbourne. Between what times can you call?
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Assessment task
- The assessment for this task is the completion of all activities.
- Below is a checklist for students to check that they have submitted the correct tasks.
- Students need to produce a summary of the Problem-solving cycle, complete with the four headings and annotations for each section, outlining what they have done to complete the task
Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 3 - Evaluate and reflect
The activities in this section relate to the section of the Problem-solving cycle - Evaluate and Reflect. A core part of evaluation and reflection is going back reviewing the mathematics. At times this may involve starting the cycle again at the ‘act on’ a phase.
Have students reflect back on the work they have completed throughout the unit, to check and reflect on the appropriateness and reasonableness of their work.
Questions to consider include:
- Does the mathematics make sense in relation to the topic?
- Is the mathematical process you have chosen the most appropriate for the question or task?
- Can you justify the mathematics you have undertaken?
- Check and reflect your work – are your answers what you expected?
- Review and reflect on the reasonableness – do you need to make adjustments?
- Do you need someone to check your work with you?
Using the Problem-solving cycle - Step 4 - Communicate and Report
The activities in this section relate to the section of the Problem-solving cycle – communicate and report, requiring students to be able to represent and communicate their mathematical results.
Questions that may guide this process include:
- How will you communicate the results of the tasks?
- What methods have you learnt that you will include?
- What methods will you use that are hand-drawn or hand-calculated?
- What methods will you use that are completed with technology?
- What software will you use to make your final presentation?
Assessment Task
Students are required to submit the following for assessment:
- The 3D tiny house model, including the furniture and features constructed
- A justification on the size of the house, furniture and features included and how heir appropriate size was determined.
- The heater, air conditioner and water tank size chosen with an explanation of why they were chosen
- The solutions to the time zone questions (Activity 11)
- Any calculations and process taken to complete the tasks
- The problem solving cycle – their plan with notes made under each step.
Area of Study 3 – Quantity and Measures |
Key knowledge
- a range of measures of distance, perimeter, area, volume and capacity including the use and application of common and routine measurement formulas
- a range of metric and relevant non-metric units of measurement and conversion between units
- a range of units of time and temperature
- a range of measurement estimation strategies
- a range of measurement tools
- understanding of accuracy and tolerances in measurements.
Key skills
- estimate and measure objects and distances by using measurement tools with appropriate accuracy and tolerance
- undertake calculations and determine measurements of distance, perimeter, area, volume and capacity for routine, more complex two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects including compound shapes, for example the use of pi in circular measurements
- convert between both metric and non-metric units where relevant such as cm/inch, Celsius/Fahrenheit, and grams/pounds
- read and interpret units of analogue and digital time including 24-hour time and time zones
- read, interpret and calculate temperature measurements
- perform calculations using multiple units of time, including time zones, and calculate time durations, including the use of calendar months, weeks, days, as well as hours, minutes, and seconds.
The Problem-solving cycle
Recreational Numeracy: The focus of the context for this unit is Recreational Numeracy
This plan demonstrates a series of activities each demonstrating the Problem-solving cycle under the theme of recreation.
Timeline | Activity | Outcome |
Introduction | Introduce the context The context for the students is recreation. The teachers can start a brainstorm to see what areas of interest apply to the students, and plan tasks relating to that to support student engagement and overall outcome success. Identify the issue(s) Teacher to introduce the context of recreational numeracy. This unit guide includes sport, weather, cooking, travel and planning events – areas that are general but can be specific and tailored individually for students. Students will use the Problem-solving cycle within tasks to develop their skills as outlined in Outcome 2 as they work towards completing the mathematics as outlined in the areas of study as identified in Outcome 1. This approach allows the students to become comfortable with the four steps of the Problem-solving cycle, and to develop their own confidence and self-sufficiency as learners solving problems in different contexts. The tasks are designed to include the different skills that will refresh or develop their Mathematical toolkit skills, as outlined in Outcome 3. Students will undertake activities to learn the key knowledge and skills. Each activity is written to model the Problem-solving cycle. | Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3 |
Week 1 | Activity 1 – Measure up the courts
Activity 2 – Same, Same but Different? | Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3 |
Weeks 2-3 | Activity 3 – The Great Aussie Road Trip! Activity 4 – Get Up and Abroad! | Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3 |
Weeks 4-5 | Activity 5 – Bakers and Makers Activity 6 – Feeding the Masses | Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3 |
Weeks 6-7 | Assessment Task – From our plans goodness will grow | Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3 |
Unit plan descriptor
This Unit 3 descriptor has students exploring Recreational Numeracy with the Area of Study 3 - Quantity and Measures.
The many hands-on activities have students gather their own data to explore various topics as they work through the key skills and key knowledge.
This unit explores all three outcomes concurrently as mandated by the curriculum and supports the learning of all activities.
All the activities are contextualised with Recreation and include the topics of cooking, domestic and overseas travel, weather, and sport.
When students are completing the technology components, they are working towards successfully building their Mathematical toolkit - Outcome 3. Opportunities presented in these tasks include: using a calculator to perform calculations, online applications to create and conduct surveys and using spread-sheet software to perform these calculations and using spread-sheet software to present graphs and tables. This is not an extensive list and teachers are encouraged to use as many technologies as are available within the confines of the classroom.
Integrated unit suggestion
PDS Unit 3 - AOS 2 & 3
PDS Unit 4 – All areas of study
WRS Unit 3 - AOS 3
Literacy Unit 3 – AOS 2
Suggested resources/required equipment
General classroom stationery supplies which support student learning and teaching in mathematics. These may include, but not be limited to:
- Scissors
- Glue
- Paper
- Rulers
- Calculators
- Graph paper
- Post-it notes
- Melways or other paper based maps
- Measuring tapes
- Trundle wheel
- Yarn or string
Access to the internet and computers or tablets is essential.
Technologies may include:
- Spreadsheeting software, similar to Excel and Google Sheets
- PTV app or planner
- Google Maps
This list is not exhaustive, and teachers are encouraged to use extra materials and resources that support the learning for their students in their classrooms.
This section details the activities.
Please note: These activities must not be taught in isolation from the Problem-solving cycle, or the Mathematical toolkit.
These activities are detailed in the Activity boxes to help with implementation but must be read in conjunction with the planning table.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 1
Measure up the courts
- In this activity students visit sport fields and courts, estimate the dimensions, discuss areas for improvement and errors when estimating, and have students then use measuring tools to determine and record accurate measurements and produce a scaled diagram of the field/court to compare their court to the regulation sizes stated by the Victorian Sport Authority of that sport.
- Take the students to the first field/court and have them silently estimate the dimensions of the field/court just by site, and then allow the students to know the purpose of the task.
Step 1 - Identify the mathematics
In this stage students identify the task and purpose, and then identify the mathematics involved.
- Lead a discussion with these questions:
- What estimation did everyone make?
- What estimation techniques were used?
- What techniques were spoken about and wanted to be trialled?
- Do we always need measuring equipment to estimate, or we can use our body?
- What measuring equipment could we use?
- What measuring equipment do we use on the job site?
- How do we use measuring equipment accurately?
Step 2 - Act on and use the mathematics
In this stage students choosing the mathematics and the mathematical tools to use and performing the required calculations and processes.
- Provide students with opportunities to estimate their dimensions again, using another estimation technique.
- Have students collect the measuring equipment and allow them to work together to accurately measure the field/court. Include the use of analogue measuring equipment and digital measuring equipment.
- Repeat task for another court or field so that two sporting fields are covered.
Step 3 - Evaluate and reflect
In this stage students consider the best method/s to produce their findings, and to ensure they have communicated it sufficiently so that the audience is clear on the numbers and message being presented
- Compare the results and look for accuracy/inaccuracy.
- Discuss if the results are the same, or different, and why (including measuring technique, reading the equipment etc.).
Step 4 - Communicate and Report
In this stage students consider the best method/s to produce their findings, and to ensure they have communicated it sufficiently so that the audience is clear on the numbers and message being presented.
- Provide students with the opportunity to report back on the size of the field/court by drawing a scaled diagram of the court to include the measurements taken. Have students compare their measurements with the Victorian Sport measurements of the sporting field/court and discuss whether their field/court is accurate in measurement or not, and why they think that is.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 2
Same, Same or Different?
AOS 3 - Dimension and direction
KK: a range of metric and relevant non-metric units of measurement and conversion between units
- In these activities students complete conversion calculations by comparing Australian National Rugby (NRL) League pitch to American National Football League (NFL) to an English Soccer pitch.
- Start the lesson by ensuring the students have seen footage of the three different games and see how the pitches look similar but different.
Step 1 - Identify the mathematics
In this stage students identify the task and purpose, and to then identify the mathematics involved.
- Lead the discussion:
- How are the three fields similar and how are they different?
- Identify the purpose of the task
- What mathematics knowledge is needed?
- What calculations will be needed?
- What measurements are used in the three countries and how are they different? (metres in Aus, feet in USA, yards in UK)
Step 2 - Act on and use the mathematics
In this stage students choose the mathematics and the mathematical tools to use, and perform the required calculations and processes.
- The teacher supports the students as they investigate the sizes of the pitches and copy the diagrams – complete with their measurements as found.
- The teacher can prompt the students with:
- How can we find the conversions?
- Providing support for the calculations
- Students will need their calculators or spreadsheet software to perform these calculations.
Step 3 - Evaluate and reflect
In this stage students consider the best method/s to produce their findings, and to ensure they have communicated it sufficiently so that the audience is clear on the numbers and message being presented.
- Lead a discussion:
- Check calculations to see if they are reasonable
- What device can we use to check if our measurements are correct?
- Compare your results with another person in the class – are they similar?
Step 4 - Communicate and Report
In this stage students consider the best method/s to produce their findings, and to ensure they have communicated it sufficiently so that the audience is clear on the numbers and message being presented.
- Lead a discussion:
- How best to communicate these new dimensions to show how these three pitches compare?
- What information is necessary for the audience to understand the task, the diagrams, and the message conveyed?
- Will you hand-draw or use a computer to present this?
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 3
The Great Aussie Roadtrip!
AOS 3 - Dimension and Direction
KK: a range of units of time and temperature
KS: perform calculations using multiple units of time, including time zones, and calculate time durations, including the use of calendar months, weeks, days, as well as hours, minutes, and seconds.
- Start this lesson with a discussion about travels in Australia, and where the students have been, and how they have travelled. Discuss the idea of the ‘Great Aussie Road trip’, and that this challenge is to create an Australian road trip to suit their interests.
- Students plan a nine-month trip driving holiday around Australia, and create an itinerary
- Before planning the direction and stops, students use information from [] to investigate the average monthly temperatures, rainfall and UV index to help guide decisions
- Plan stops in each major city and at least two other places of interest in each state and territory. Create an itinerary that shows:
- the order of your travels
- the departure and arrival times of your driving
- the drive time taken between areas
- the travelling dates
- kilometres travelled
- expected weather (average month weather, UV index and rainfall)
- total time driving and kilometres covered.
Step 1 - Identify the mathematics
In this stage students identify the task and purpose, and to then identify the mathematics involved.
- Lead a discussion:
- What is the purpose of this task?
- What is the mathematics needed?
- What calculations are needed?
- This allows the teacher to realise the students are aware of what is needed to complete the task, and for the students to start mapping out what the task ahead of them is. Students need to consider how to collate this information to create the itinerary.
Step 2 - Act on and use the mathematics
In this stage students choosing the mathematics and the mathematical tools to use and performing the required calculations and processes.
- Students should be planning their trip around each state and territory, and the sites they are stopping at.
- Students need to construct a table to enter their data and keep a logbook with organised headings to show their calculations, and trial the use of different mathematical tools to support these calculations.
Step 3 - Evaluate and reflect
In this stage students evaluate their mathematics, reviewing their steps and their results, questioning if the answers are expected, and/or needing to return to the ‘act on’ phase.
- Lead a class discussion:
- How many kilometres, in total, has everyone found their trips to be?
- How many stops are in the itineraries?
- How long in time is the driving?
- Having a class discussion like this allows the students to compare their results and allows the teacher to question the students on their results and help them reflect.
- Students should then individually:
- Review their work and decide if it is reasonable
- Look at all stages and see if any adjustments are necessary
- Check over the calculations performed
Step 4 - Communicate and Report
In this stage students consider the best method/s to produce their findings, and to ensure they have communicated it sufficiently so that the audience is clear on the numbers and message being presented.
- Students should compile their work, using tables, maps, and written summaries, of their ‘Great Aussie Road trip’. They should consider:
- Digital vs hand-drawn methods of presentation?
- What technologies have been used?
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 4
Get up and Abroad!
AOS 3 - Dimension and Direction
KS: read and interpret units of analogue and digital time including 24-hour time and time zones
- Students will investigate an organised overseas holiday tour or cruise and find one that is of interest.
- Students will create a table of the visiting destinations, and convert the time zones between destination and Melbourne (AEST) and vice-versa
- The teacher should instigate a conversation about overseas travel, and what experiences have occurred amongst the students and staff, or prompt a discussion that leads in with time-zones and New Years Eve fireworks – why do different countries come before others, why NZ before us, why is NYC always one of the last?
- The teacher should challenge the students to find an organised overseas holiday (such as Contiki or Intrepid, or a cruise) where they will visit several countries.
- Students are tasked with listing the countries, and at midday in those countries – find the time in Melbourne (AEST) by determining the time difference, and decide what time in their overseas country would it be best to ring home in Melbourne to speak to family and friends.
Step 1 - Identify the mathematics
- Have a discussion in the class to help direct students and see whether whole lessons need teaching, or individual support is needed for this task:
- Of the steps involved and what they need to produce
- What is the final product?
- What mathematical calculations are needed?
- What tools might be handy to carry out this task?
Step 2 - Act on and use the mathematics
In this stage students choose the mathematics and the mathematical tools to use and perform the required calculations and processes.
- Support students with their choices through this stage as they find data and produce information. Have students use a logbook to gather their data and calculations.
Step 3 - Evaluate and reflect
In this stage students evaluate their mathematics, review their steps and their results, question if the answers are expected, and/or need to return to the ‘act on’ phase.
- Have students consider the time differences, and see if they seem reasonable. Have they any experiences with time differences around the world that they could relate their work back too as a checking process, such as family phone calls, watching live events, their own travels?
- Are there any tools students could use online to check their work?
Step 4 - Communicate and Report
- Have students consider their reporting method, and encourage creativity amongst their organisation.
- Could you have a funny photos competition of them ‘visiting’ the places using editing software, or as the teacher could you do that to surprise them?
- Encourage students to be creative with their software presentation – we do not always have to rely on the same software for presentations. Talk to your colleagues or students to see what new software and/or something different to try.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 5
Bakers or Makers
AOS 3 - Dimension and Direction
KK: a range of measures of distance, perimeter, area, volume and capacity including the use and application of common and routine measurement formulae
KS: undertake calculations and determine measurements of distance, perimeter, area, volume and capacity for routine, more complex two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects including compound shapes. For example, the use of pi in circular measurements
- Task the students with designing a brief, to a celebration of their choosing, where they will design the cake and show the decorations. Expectations would be to include at minimum: a two-tier cake with different shapes, and decorations with a chocolate plaque and ribbon around the base as it is presented on a cake board. Students are expected to supply the recipe that would produce the amount of cake needed.
- Investigate a range of cooking equipment necessary to make a cake for an important celebratory event, such as a wedding, religious festivities or the opening of a new business.
- Lead a discussion and enjoy looking at fancy cakes. Enjoy talking about the different flavours, the different styles and decorations, the many tiers etc.
- Bring in examples of different cake tins, and look at their sizing and calculate their capacity, and different cake boards for the presentation (check your Food Technology classrooms).
Step 1 - Identify the mathematics
In this stage students identify the task and purpose, and then identify the mathematics involved.
- Lead the discussion:
- What is the purpose of the task – students to assume the role of the caterer and write their own brief and explain the celebration, and provide some background information
- What mathematical calculations are needed – students will need to have the tins capacity and number of slices it will produce, the area calculations for the chocolate plaques and cake boards, and the perimeter for the ribbon size, and the cake recipe adjusted.
Step 2 - Act on and use the mathematics
In this stage students choose the mathematics and the mathematical tools to use, and perform the required calculations and processes.
- Allow the students to have time to work on the task and check on their progress. Students may need support with remembering the calculations or using them, and how to use their calculators. Students are to keep a logbook of their calculations to show their understanding and process and encouraged to use headings to keep their work organised.
- Prompt students about what tools they need to support their calculations.
Step 3 - Evaluate and reflect
In this stage students evaluate their mathematics, reviewing their steps and their results, questioning if the answers are expected, and/or needing to return to the ‘act on’ phase.
- Have students complete a self-reflection of their work. They might want to consider the following questions:
- Does my work seem reasonable?
- Can I explain the processes that I used as I completed this task?
- Do I want someone to check over it, or do I feel happy with the work?
Step 4 - Communicate and Report
- Students need to choose how to communicate their work. Drawing an example of their cake will allow them to express creativity and create some fun in the class.
- Students need to choose the best method to communicate their work. As teachers, we can support their choice and encourage a creative response. Perhaps encourage hand-drawn posters with annotations, and a small presentation, where students can role-play the caterer – especially if they wish to pursue a career in the field.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 6
AOS 3 - Dimension and Direction
KS: convert between both metric and non-metric units where relevant such as cm/inch, Celsius/Fahrenehit and grams/pounds.
KS: Read, interpret and calculate temperature measurements
- Explore cooking for a large group of people for a celebration, and how to produce the meal where timing is crucial in the kitchen so everyone can sit down and enjoy it together.
- Lead the discussion where students discuss when they have come together to celebrate with their family, teams, community etc, and if they have done that over a meal. Enjoy hearing about the celebrations and learning about the events.
- Challenge the students to think about what it takes, in the kitchen, to have all that food ready, at the same time, for everyone to sit down and enjoy together (stress this!!). Ask if they have participated in these preparations, or what the vibe is from this area during the lead-up to the meal.
- What planning has taken place before the day? (Meal planning, shopping, who is helping, what equipment is needed, what time to start etc.)
- Is the menu set the same each time, are there specific foods for that festivity, or can any foods be added?
- Are there any dietary needs to be considerate of?
- Who will do the shopping? Will/can it be shared?
- Think of how the kitchen equipment is used – especially the oven, stove-top, microwave, fridge and other spaces when there is limited space but many things requiring these (the juggling act!)
- How to we find out long something takes to cook? (Recipes and packet information)
- Challenge students to create a kitchen plan that displays the times, duties and jobs that are needed to create a sit-down meal for a group who are meeting together for a festivity. This involves everyone sitting down and eating at the same time.
Step 1 - Identify the mathematics
- Students need to be aware they need to:
- Know their festival of celebration and any key dishes
- Create a list of people coming so they know how many to cook for
- Create a list of people helping so they can plan for that
- Think of the table to communicate this information – especially with the use of ovens, stove-tops, fridge space etc and the times and temperatures needed
- Any calculations needed to be performed
- Show purpose of the task
Step 2 - Act on and use the mathematics
In this stage students choose the mathematics and the mathematical tools to use, and perform the required calculations and processes.
- Provide students with time and resources to complete the task.
- Have students keep a logbook of their calculations and processes.
- Prompt students to think about the tools they can use from their Mathematical toolkit.
Step 3 - Evaluate and reflect
In this stage students evaluate their mathematics, review their steps and their results, question whether the answers are expected, and/or need to return to the ‘act on’ phase.
- Students should look over their tables and decide if they think it seems reasonable.
- If they are unsure, suggest a student approach a family member (to encourage home participation if possible) or someone with experience in these big days, and have them present their plan to obtain feedback – and make any necessary adjustments.
Step 4 - Communicate and Report
- Communication techniques – discuss how best to display this. Have the student consider who is on the cooking team, and what size font is important.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Assessment task
From our Plans Goodness Will Grow
The assessment adheres to the curriculum requirement to include all three outcomes. Outcome 2 allows students to use the Problem-solving cycle within the context and skills outlined in Outcome 1, and Outcome 3 involves students using their Mathematical toolkit to support Outcomes 1 and 2.
Task students with designing and planting a vegetable and herb garden for the school to use in their Food Classes or for their students to take home or donate to local charities. This assessment task could easily become a task completed in the school environment with a themed WRS and PDS project.
Students are tasked with finding a space in their school environment where a vegetable and herb garden could be installed (the garden could be dug into the ground or installed above ground). Students would consider the best place based on weather and sun exposure after choosing and investing the best vegetables and herbs to grow, and the time they would spend exposed in the environment with/without shade.
Lead a discussion to establish task, and ask students their experience in gardens and vegetable and herb gardens, and visit one if possible for sizing. Students can predict how much this task could cost.
Students could design their own gardens, or the class could work together to design one together and each student work in a team to complete a different section. If you are completing the latter, it is important that students can identify their individual contributions for assessment.
Step 1 – Identify the mathematics
Teachers should ensure that students have the tools and supports in place to plan:
- What mathematics is involved in planning, and installing, a vegetable and herb garden from scratch – a trade website like Bunnings might a helpful starting point
- Students will need to plan the calculations needed with materials for the garden installation, any soil needed then the seeds/seedlings, and any other requirements
- Students will need to plan the roster to install and maintain
Step 2 – Act on the mathematics
- Teachers should allow students time to work on their individual tasks, engaging in one-on-one conversations about their mathematical processes and what tools they are using from their Mathematical toolkit.
Step 3 – Evaluate and reflect
- Teachers should help students reflect on their work before they prepare their presentation. Teachers could look at student work and question/ask for justification if something is wrong as a prompt for students to look again, and they can question students if something appears to be missing.
Step 4 – Communicate and Report
- Students need to ensure they have completed and have ready to submit:
- The school map showing where the vegetable and herb garden could be installed, and a justification statement of why they used that space in the school environment and what time of the year they have started this project
- A scaled diagram of the vegetable and herb garden with all measurements that is annotated describing what will be planted where
- The costings sheet of the whole project
- The roster for six months to help maintain and look after it – specific with jobs, dates, times, expected harvesting
AOS 3 – Quantity and Measure | AOS 4 – Relationships |
Key knowledge
- a range of measures of distance, perimeter, area, volume and capacity including the use and application of common and routine measurement formulas
- a range of metric and relevant non-metric units of measurement and conversion between units
- a range of units of time and temperature
- a range of measurement estimation strategies
- a range of measurement tools
- understanding of accuracy and tolerances in measurements.
Key skills
- estimate and measure objects and distances by using measurement tools with appropriate accuracy and tolerance
- undertake calculations and determine measurements of distance, perimeter, area, volume and capacity for routine, more complex two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects including compound shapes, for example the use of pi in circular measurements
- convert between both metric and non-metric units where relevant such as cm/inch, Celsius/Fahrenheit, and grams/pounds
- read and interpret units of analogue and digital time including 24-hour time and time zones
- read, interpret and calculate temperature measurements
- perform calculations using multiple units of time, including time zones, and calculate time durations, including the use of calendar months, weeks, days, as well as hours, minutes and seconds.
| Key knowledge
- a range of rates of change such as RPM, m/s
- relevant and straightforward ratios and proportions
- common, relevant and real-life algebraic formulas, relationships and algebraic expressions and thinking
- representation and visualisation of change such as algebraic expressions and formulas, conversion charts or graphs
- standard conventions used in the development, use and writing of a range of algebraic expressions.
Key skills
- describe relationships between variables and explain their significance in relationship to the applied context
- develop and represent relationships with mathematical expressions, or graphical or tabular representations
- use and apply formulas to solve real-life problems
- use and apply rates to solve problems such as $/m3, L/hr, wages/hr
- use and apply relevant ratios and proportions to solve problems such as scales on maps and plans, in the mixing of chemicals or ingredients, or calculating magnification factors.
The Problem-solving cycle
Vocational numeracy relates to effectively participating in the workplace and managing the demands of work and/or vocational training.
Timeline | Activity | Outcome |
Introduction | Introduce the context The context for this exemplar is Vocational numeracy. Teachers can discuss with students how students need to utilise work related numeracy relating to undertaking the required tasks and activities in a work-related context, such as using different workplace measurements, tools, applications and processes/systems, following and giving directions, participating in quality assurance processes and data collection, and reading workplace documents and information. Identify the issue(s) Teachers must ensure all assessments include Outcomes 1, 2 and 3 as prescribed by the Study Design. To support students with the introduction of the four steps in the problem-solving cycle (Outcome 2), teachers can integrate each task with the four steps. To do so, teachers can follow this outline: Using the problem-solving cycle - Step 1 – Identify the mathematics The next step is to identify the mathematics. Begin by discussing: - What is the purpose of the task?
- What is the mathematics knowledge or skills that may be useful/taught?
- What calculations will be needed?
This provides a clear path for the teacher to support the mathematics involved. Using the problem-solving cycle - Step 2 – Act on and use the mathematics The teacher provides a series of activities that support student learning in mathematical knowledge and skills. This sits alongside the investigation and supports the context that is being studied. At all times the teacher considers: - What tools can you use from your mathematical toolkit to help student learning?
- Plan time to complete the relevant mathematical calculations and processes.
Using the problem-solving cycle - Step 3 – Evaluate and reflect The activities in the assessment section relate to the section of the problem-solving cycle – evaluate and reflect. A core part of evaluation and reflection is going back and reviewing the mathematics. At times this may involve starting the cycle again at the ‘act on’ phase. Questions to consider include: - Does the mathematics make sense in relation to the topic?
- Is the mathematical process you have chosen the most appropriate for the question or task?
- Can you justify the mathematics you have undertaken?
- Check and reflect upon your work – are your answers what you expected?
- Review and reflect on the reasonableness – do you need to make adjustments?
- Do you need someone to check your work with you?
Using the problem-solving cycle - Step 4 – Communicate and report - How will you communicate each of your results?
- What methods have you learnt that you will include?
- What methods will you use that are hand-drawn or hand-calculated?
- What methods will you use that are completed with technology?
- What software will you use to make your final presentation?
| Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3 |
Week 1 | Activity 1 – Gutter ball challenge
Activity 2 – Imperial, metric conversion
Activity 3 – Metric length conversions | Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3 |
Week 2 | Activity 4 – Area of rectangles
Activity 5 – Heating water
Activity 6 – Reading temperatures
Activity 7 – Temperature conversion | Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3 |
Week 3 | Activity 8 – How many bricks?
Activity 9 – Rainbow lab
Activity 10 – Area of circles, semi-circles and quadrants | Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3 |
Week 4 | Activity 11 – Area of composite shapes
Activity 12 – Surface area of cylinders
Activity 13 – Popcorn challenge | Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3 |
Week 5 | Activity 14 – Converting time from 12 hour to 24 hour
Activity 15 – Time difference
Activity 16 – Using timetables | Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3 |
Week 6 | Activity 17 – Vocational numeracy assessment | Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3 |
Unit plan descriptor
In this unit students explore Vocational numeracy in Area of Study 3: Quantity and Measure and Area of Study 4: Relationships. This unit has a mixture of hands-on activities and structured questions. Students can revise their prior knowledge from Units 1 and 2 and extend the knowledge to achieve the key skills and knowledge required in Unit 3.
This unit explores all three outcomes concurrently as mandated by the curriculum.
Outcome 1 – Numeracy and areas of study
Outcome 2 – The four steps of the problem-solving cycle as outlined in the Study Design
Outcome 3 – Learning and enhancing their mathematical toolkit skills
Integrated unit suggestion
VCE VM WRS: This unit could be integrated with Work Related skills, looking at different careers and incomes.
Suggested resources/required equipment
General classroom stationery supplies which support student learning and teaching in mathematics. These may include, but not be limited to:
- Paper
- Rulers
- Calculators
- Graph paper
- Tennis balls
- PVC guttering of various lengths
- Measuring tapes
- Measuring cylinder
- Thermometer
- Candle
- Beaker
- Gauze mat
- Tripod
- Test tubes
- Food dye
- Test tube rack
- Sticky tape
- Scissors
Access to the internet and computers or tablets is essential.
This list is not exhaustive, and teachers are encouraged to use extra materials and resources that support the learning for their students in their classrooms.
This section details the activities.
Please note: These activities must not be taught in isolation from the problem-solving cycle or the mathematical toolkit.
These activities are detailed in the Activity boxes to help with implementation but must be read in conjunction with the planning table.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 1
Gutter ball challenge
The aim of the challenge is for students to transport a tennis ball across the quadrangle or other suitable area in school. Teams should be made up of three to four students.
Equipment required:
- Various amounts and lengths of PVC guttering
- Four tennis balls
- Measuring tape
- Allow one practise run per team.
- Lay out measuring tape.
- One person stands at the start of the line (at the beginning of the measuring tape). They are the only ones who can handle the tennis balls and will be in charge of measuring the distance the ball travels.
- The remaining players take a gutter each and line up.
- People holding a gutter can only move or walk when there are no ball(s) in their gutter.
- Person at the start places one ball on the first gutter.
- The first person passes the ball, via tilting the gutter towards the next gutter.
- Once the ball is past the first gutter, continue down the line until the tennis ball hits the grass.
- The first person measures how far the ball travelled.
- Record how far each attempt travels.
- As a group you will have a few minutes discussing how you could make the ball go further.
- Repeat the process (you may like to change your start person).
- Should the person with a ball(s) in their gutter walk or run, the ball is stopped/dropped and the distance is recorded.
- If a ball falls, it is lost and cannot be picked up again.
Students record the results; they can have up to four attempts.
Attempt 1 | Attempt 2 | Attempt 3 | Attempt 4 |
| | | |
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 2
Imperial, metric conversion
- Class brainstorm on units of imperial measurement.
- Students research the conversion of the following imperial measurements to metric measurements: an inch, a foot, a yard, a mile, a pint, a gallon, an ounce, a pound, a stone.
- Students answer structured problems to convert between imperial and metric measurements.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 3
Metric length conversion
- Students revise Unit 1 key knowledge and skills by answering questions that involve converting between metric length measurements.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 4
Area of rectangles
- Students answer questions on finding area of rectangles and giving the response in requested units.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 5
Heating water
- Experiment to observe the changing temperature of water and graphing the results.
Materials: candle, tripod, gauze mat, beaker, measuring cylinder and thermometer.
- Set up materials according to teacher instruction.
- Measure out 100ml of water and add to beaker.
- Take the initial temperature of the water and record it on a table.
- Immediately light the candle and ensure it is set under the beaker.
- Record the temperature of the beaker of water every minute, for 10 minutes, recording the results onto the table.
- Graph the results.
Time (mins) | Temperature (°C) | Temperature (°F) |
| | |
- Comment on the shape of the graph.
- How accurate were the measurements?
- Investigate the unit of temperature known as kelvin. Write up the findings.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 6
Reading temperatures
- Students given structured questions to read the scales on thermometers and identify the temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 7
Temperature conversions
- Students research the conversion between Fahrenheit and Celsius. Use a suitable app or website to convert temperatures between Fahrenheit and Celsius.
- Students write down the formula that is used to convert between the units, Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 8
How many bricks
- Students are presented with a picture of a brick wall or if there is a brick wall in the school, take a picture of it and measure the length and breadth.
- If students have a picture, then measure the length and breadth of a brick. Students work out how many bricks are in the wall using a suitable strategy. Students present this in a clear way, sketching the brick and dimensions and presenting it to a small group or the class.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 9
Rainbow lab
- Students work in groups. They will need six test tubes per group, test tube rack, two beakers, food dye and graduated cylinder.
Part 1:
- Label six test tubes in order: A, B C, D, E & F.
- Fill a beaker half full of water. Use this to rinse your graduated cylinder and test tubes.
- The second beaker is for contaminated waste water.
- Into test tube A, measure 25 ml of red liquid.
- Into test tube C, measure 17 ml of yellow liquid.
- Into test tube E, measure 21 ml of blue liquid.
Part 2:
- From test tube C, measure 4 ml and pour into test tube D.
- From test tube E, measure 7 ml and pour into test tube D. Swirl.
- From test tube E, measure 4 ml and pour into test tube F.
- From test tube A, measure 7 ml and pour into test tube F. Swirl.
- From test tube A, measure 8 ml and pour into test tube B.
- From test tube C, measure 3 ml and pour into test tube B. Swirl.
- Measure the contents of each test tube and record how many ml were found in each test tube.
Students put their results on a table
Test Tube | Colour of Liquid | Amount of liquid ml |
A | | |
B | | |
C | | |
D | | |
E | | |
F | | |
| Total liquid Test Tubes A–F | ml |
Students to answer:
- Name the colours that were created.
- Why is it important to follow directions exactly?
- What would happen if the measurements were not correct?
- How many total ml of liquid did you have at the end of the lab?
- How many should you have?
- What are some of the reasons why you may have more or less ml of liquid than when you started?
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 10
Area of circles, semi circles and quadrants
- Students are given structured questions to work out areas of circles given the radius. Then students work out the radius of circles given the area of the circle.
- Students are given structured questions to find out the area of semi-circles and quadrants.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 11
Area of composite shapes
- Student answer structured questions about composite shapes of which many have circular components.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 12
Surface area of cylinders
- Class discussion on a cylinder and what shapes make it up. Teacher to do a worked example, using a tin of tomatoes to work out the surface area. Students are shown the formula to calculate this.
- Students answer structured questions rounding the answers to one decimal place.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 13
Popcorn challenge
- Using a piece of A4 paper, sticky tape a ruler and scissors to make a vessel to hold popcorn. The aim is to make the biggest volume possible.
- It is up to students what shape they choose. They need to calculate the surface area and the volume of the container, using clearly labelled diagrams and working out.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 14
Converting time from 12 hour and 24-hour time
- Class discussion on 12 and 24-hour time. Teacher gets feedback from students to fill in all the times on a clock, including both am, pm and 24-hour time.
- Students answer structured questions.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 15
Time difference
- Class discussion on time zones within Australia, and as a class working out the times of different places in Australia.
- Further discussion on Greenwich meantime. Student do their own research for this.
- Students work out the time difference between where they live and five other cities in five different continents.
- Students answer structured questions on time difference between two places, for example Auckland is ______ hours ______ Melbourne.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 16
Using timetables
- Students plan a journey using public transport to a place of their choice. This could be a day trip or a longer distance in Victoria to visit a place or person of interest.
- Students create a journey planner of the times, transport and places they might need to pass through to get there. This could be displayed in a pamphlet, poster or some kind of visual representation.
- Students use timetables to answer a mixture of questions on, for example, the length of time of journey and appropriate times to catch transport according to given information.
Outcome 1: Numeracy in context
Outcome 2: Problem-solving cycle
Outcome 3: Mathematical toolkit
Activity 17
Vocational numeracy assessment
- Students complete a presentation that outlines their understanding of where each skill is visible in their chosen workplace. Students present some aspects of their research to the class as an oral presentation.
For each skill you will need to:
- Provide an explanation of the skill.
- Give at least three examples of how that skill relates to their vocation.
- Estimation
- Measurement tools
- Units of measurement
- Accuracy
- Unit conversion
- Time
- Circles
- Using formula and mathematical expressions
- Scientific method
- Other