Unit 4 – Area of Study 2: Sustainable business practices
Outcome 2
Analyse dimensions of sustainability concepts across the food and fibre supply chain, evaluate strategies to improve the sustainability of agricultural and/or horticultural businesses, and discuss the role of dimensions of sustainability in business practices.
Examples of learning activities
Detailed example
Investigate the role of emerging technologies in providing opportunities for more informed decisions about food and fibre choice
- Students choose one emerging concept (environmental, economic or social) influencing consumer choices in relation to food and fibre; for example, the use of blockchain technology to provide information about food provenance.
- They read the article
‘Blockchain and food provenance: Why it matters’. (This could be done as a jigsaw activity).
Teachers provide guiding questions or prompts such as: - Explain the concept of ‘food provenance’ and how it links to ‘sustainability’.
- What is blockchain? Write a 15-word summary of blockchain for someone who has never heard of the term.
- Outline how blockchain and food provenance link with each other.
- Identify the problem that blockchain is resolving for consumers.
- Explain why this problem is a major issue for consumers and food producers.
- Explain why blockchain is considered ‘trustless’ and unfalsifiable.
- What do you think about the use of blockchain to help people better understand food production and supply chains?
- Do you believe that the writer of this article has any stake in blockchain technology? Would that change your opinion about its use in food provenance?
- Students write a one-paragraph summary of the article including the key points made.
- Students conduct further research into blockchain and food provenance.
- Working in pairs, they develop a ‘pros and cons’ list for applying blockchain technology to food and fibre production.
- Students draw conclusions, either individually or as a class, about the efficacy, viability and overall desirability of adopting this technology across food and fibre production, with a particular focus on Australia.
- A mini-debate could be conducted between students or groups with differing conclusions, with students required to use their knowledge about blockchain and food provenance to justify their point of view about widespread use of the technology.