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Accreditation period Units 1–4 from 2024

English requirements to qualify for the VCE

An English sequence is the only compulsory study in the VCE. Students must have satisfactorily completed three units of English (from any English study). Two of those three units must be Units 3 and 4. See Section 3.2 of the VCAA VCE Administrative Handbook.

Vision for the study

The VCE English Language Study Design is informed by the discipline of linguistics. It provides a secondary level engagement with a discipline that has a strong presence at tertiary level. VCE English Language is one of very few secondary English studies worldwide that is underpinned by the discipline of linguistics. The study design provides students with the opportunity to engage with language as a system, and to approach texts from a unique perspective. Many students find this approach connects with their experience of the English language in fresh and insightful ways.

As indicated in the rationale section in the study design, VCE English Language enables students to further develop and refine their skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening to English. They become proficient in analysing and assessing language use and develop their abilities in effective communication. Through the exploration of language use, students gain insight into the experiences of others, develop empathy and compassion, and are better able to engage in active citizenship.

Advice for planning


Unit 1: Language and communication

Unit 2: Language change

Unit 3: Language variation and purpose

Unit 4: Language variation and identity

Implementation videos

Implementation on-demand videos
On-demand video presentations to support the delivery of the new VCE English Language (2024) Study Design.