Unit 1 - Area of Study 1: Reading and viewing texts
Outcome 1
Produce prose and graphic summaries and explanations of specified texts.
Examples of learning activities
Detailed example
Making predictions about key ideas in texts to aid comprehension
Teacher prompts students to complete this activity in the following steps.
- Project a recent headline from a media article on the whiteboard. It needs to be an issue that is accessible and engaging to the students in the class, and about which they may have some pre-existing knowledge.
- Ask students what issue the headline relates to, establishing what they know about it already and summarising their prior knowledge on the whiteboard.
- Consider the headline itself in more detail. What key information could be learned from this article that may develop our pre-existing understanding?
- Look for any emotionally charged language in the headline, which may indicate authorial agenda or bias. Use this to establish which aspects of the article may need further checking.
- Students then read the article itself, looking for ideas and information that confirm or challenge their predictions. They list a set number of new ideas learnt about the issue through their reading. This can be presented in note-form, or with the aid of a graphic organiser.