Unit 3 – Area of Study 2: Creating an enterprise culture
Outcome 2:
Discuss and evaluate the role and importance of the management of quality, workplace flexibility, technology, and training and workplace learning in developing an enterprise culture in work settings in one or more industries.
Examples of learning activities
- Create a flow chart or infograph illustrating the quality management processes commonly used within an industry. Show procedures and processes used in reporting occupational health and safety risks and hazards. Outline examples of typical occupational health and safety risks within this industry.
- Refer to
The Fair Work Ombudsman’s website for information about workplace flexibility. Write a summary explaining what workplace flexibility is. As a class, discuss how workplace flexibility can contribute to the development of an enterprise culture in a specific industry.
- Interview employees at a workplace about flexible work arrangements available at their workplace. Identify and explain the work-related skills that are required in order to work in a workplace with flexible working arrangements.
Prepare a report about the use/application of technology within a selected industry. State which work tasks and processes are undertaken using technology. Predict how this might change in the future.
- Investigate the management of quality processes in a selected industry or workplace. Prepare a brief report about this.
- Create a poster showing the key enterprise capabilities and how each may be applied in the workplace.
Create a webpage demonstrating the role of training in an industry with which you are familiar. The webpage should be designed for publication on an industry information website.
- Develop questions to interview employees at a workplace. Aim to elicit information about how the interviewees consider their contributions to the development of an enterprise culture within their workplace.
- Using the
National Register on Vocational Education and Training (VET) website, conduct research into Australian training packages available for an industry and outline what is contained in these training packages.
- Create a graphic representation depicting how an enterprising culture can be promoted within a workplace. Use the report
The New Work Mindset (by the
Foundation for Young Australians) as a source of ideas.
- Select a workplace and a specific role within it. Devise a series of interview questions that could be asked of candidates applying for this role should it become vacant. Incorporate questions designed to ascertain the candidates’ industry-specific skills competency levels relevant to the role.
- Using Skills Australia’s ‘Better use of skills, better outcomes’ case studies, design a table depicting the enterprising skills and competencies evident in each of the businesses. Compile a report illustrating how each has contributed to the development of an enterprise culture at two of the businesses.
- Read the
ABC news article ‘Entering the job market? Think skills, not just careers’. Evaluate and discuss why developing work-related skills is essential in today’s workplaces.
Detailed example 1
Report: Technology in the food industry
Students prepare a report on the application of technology and contribution that technology makes to the development of an enterprise culture in an Australian industry (e.g. the food industry). The report should be 800–1000 words and include:
- a brief overview of the industry including statistical data
- specific examples of technology and how it is used within the industry
- discussion about how each item of technology has affected the work tasks and processes used within the industry
- advantages and limitations of each item of technology
- analysis of how technology has affected jobs within the industry (types, skills required and numbers)
- analysis of both the uptake and use of technology and how this might change the industry in the future.
Useful internet sites for the food industry include:
Detailed example 2
Webpage: training
Students create a webpage demonstrating the role of training in an industry with which they are familiar. The webpage should be designed for publication on an industry information website.
Points to cover:
- Overview of the industry, including the type of industry, name, size, number of employees, types of jobs available within the industry and prospects for growth in the future.
- The importance, role and availability of training within the chosen industry, including what role training plays in preparing entry level employees as well as enhancing skills of current employees.
- Methods and types of training used in the industry including an evaluation of its effectiveness.
- An evaluation of the application of competency-based training, including the extent of the development of industry-specific competencies in employees.
- A description of the work-related skills required in the industry and discussion about how well training provides these.
- Links to training packages and competency based training sites applicable to the selected industry.