Investigating contemporary issues: The study of contemporary political events and issues is central to VCE Politics as a discipline and provides a natural foundation for political inquiry. ‘Contemporary’ is defined as ongoing or having occurred within the last ten years. It is the investigation of examples and case studies that promotes student curiosity, deepens their understanding of political phenomena, and enables them to analyse and evaluate political issues on the basis of evidence.
An issue in VCE Politics can refer to any kind of local, national, regional and / or global problem, challenge, crisis or situation that gives rise to differing perspectives on its resolution. Thinking politically about issues such as challenges to democracy, pre-selection battles, social and economic inequality, territorial disputes or global issues and crises (for example, climate change and human rights disputes) requires students to inquire into the nature, causes and consequences, power dynamics, interests, perspectives, proposed solutions and political significance of these issues, as well as their impact on political stability and / or change. By thinking politically in this way, students will gain a balanced understanding of the complex challenges facing communities nationally, regionally and globally.
The VCE Politics Study Design provides a number of ways in which political inquiry can occur. For example, teachers may choose a case study for investigation in any of the Units 1–4 as a vehicle for introducing students to key political concepts and political knowledge. In Unit 2, teachers could encourage students to create and convert their own inquiry questions into the options provided by using the typical stages of either inquiry learning or problem-based learning (see ‘Stages of the inquiry process’ below). In Units 3 and 4, a class could undertake a guided inquiry across the whole of each unit as a means of addressing key knowledge and key skills (see the detailed example of a Group Research task in the Teaching and Learning activities for Unit 4 Outcome 2). Assessment of individual student achievement could be via either Stage 4 or 5 or 6, or all three combined, of the inquiry process. Alternatively, students could create their own case studies of issues or analyse a number of existing case studies to construct their own inquiry.
Teachers are reminded that a political inquiry is one of the mandated assessment tasks to be undertaken at some point throughout Units 3 and 4.
The following ‘Stages of the inquiry process’ offers a general guide which teachers and students can adapt to suit their own contexts throughout any of the units of study. It is also worth noting that the stages, while in some sense linear, are also concurrent as student researchers will frequently revisit and revise each part of the process.
Stages of the inquiry process
1. Engage | Stimulate students’ curiosity by providing remarkable / noteworthy facts about the issue to be analysed. What do students really want to know about the issue? (Here you could use the study design inquiry questions, an occurrence, opinions or commentary, image(s), video clips, statistics or anything that could stimulate interest or passion.) |
2. Formulate questions | Students should create three or four key questions that will help them understand their overarching topic. Teacher guidance is recommended here, but a political inquiry must ask questions about background to the issue, power, conflict, interests, perspectives, causes, responses and impacts. |
3. Research | Students gather information from teacher-provided resources and their own investigations. Teachers can provide suggestions for organising the research findings, such as note-taking templates or graphic organisers. In the research stage, students should be encouraged to work collaboratively and pool their findings. |
4. Analyse | Here students should use the key concepts outlined in the Characteristics of the study: causes and consequences, competing interests and perspectives, forces encouraging political stability and / or change. |
5. Evaluate | Using evidence, students begin to formulate answers to their specific questions, which then provides them with the ability to create statements of opinion (hypotheses or contentions) that must be able to be informed and supported by the evidence. The characteristic of ‘evaluating political significance’ is particularly relevant here. |
6. Communicate | Teachers may determine the format that students must adopt to communicate their findings and conclusions and assess them according to their mastery of content, the level of their inquiry skills, as well as the quality of the communication (i.e. an assessment of the product and the process). |
Different models of political inquiry are explained in Unit 2 Democracy: stability and change. A sample approach to a political inquiry is included in the section on Unit 3 and 4 Assessment. See also the Resources section for more information on guided inquiry.
Stages of political inquiry:
Asking political questions: Questions sit at the heart of a political inquiry and are often about power, legitimacy, political stability and change, and how different political actors respond to the issues and challenges that face them and the world. When studying politics, students’ curiosity and investigations are driven by the questions they ask about contemporary issues. Students use political questions to frame their political thinking about contemporary issues and challenges. These questions should aim to be open and fertile and can be descriptive, analytical, comparative, evaluative and / or predictive. Students develop lines of argument in response to questions about contemporary political phenomena and use evidence to support their conclusions.
Analysing and interpreting sources of information: Knowledge about politics is based on evidence that is analysed and interpreted from various political sources of information, and requires students to be able to extract information from all kinds of quantitative and qualitative data. Political sources of information can be visual, aural, graphic, numeric or textual. Sources of information can be drawn from contemporary events, relevant global actors, written accounts, polling data, perspective-based analyses, visual representations, media, news reports and documentaries and other published documents. Teachers are encouraged to use numerical data sources, such as surveys and maps (for example
Pew research,Lowy Institute polls or the
Lowy Pacific Aid Map) and graphs and tables (for example those created by ‘Our World in Data’). Teachers should also provide opportunities for students to consider and reflect on the inherently political, often unreliable, nature of the media nationally and globally, including forms of digital and social media. Students may locate, identify and select relevant and reliable sources of data to inform their political inquiries and to demonstrate achievement of the mandated source analysis assessment task. Alternatively, students may use sources provided to them.
Quantitative political sources may be analysed by identifying the implications of the data, considering the limitations and reliability of the data, comparing different collections of data and then using that critical thinking to arrive at supported conclusions. Qualitative political sources may be analysed by identifying the type of source, its content, author, socio-historical context, perspectives, and / or its point of view. It is important to discuss the purpose of the data and the intent of its author, but the key objective in political source analysis is the location, extraction and assessment of evidence. Sources of political information may also be used to develop an appreciation of the diverse political perspectives taken by different actors with different interests on contemporary issues. Political data of the kind mentioned above is an indispensable source of evidence for students and teachers to understand the nature of political issues today. For example, understanding climate change, development or human rights crises and / or the effectiveness of responses by global actors to these issues should be informed by the kind of factual data provided by
OurWorld in Data or the
Pacific Aid Map referred to above. Understanding of an election process cannot be complete without analysis of polling / voting data. Students should also be aware of the differences between reliable and unreliable information, even invalid information and the impacts of misinformation and disinformation in influencing politics. Only then can students evaluate the usefulness and reliability of sources as evidence in constructing and communicating a sound political and evidence-informed argument.
Students’ application of political concepts allows them to demonstrate their understanding of the complexity of political issues. Teachers are advised to encourage students to investigate political issues by framing questions using these key concepts. For example: Which actors have power in this issue? What kinds of power do they possess and how have they used it? What is the basis of legitimacy of this actor’s exercise of power? What is the nature of the conflict? What attempts at cooperation have occurred? Has the issue been impacted or driven by the increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of the world?
Key political concepts for this study include:
Political actor: Throughout VCE Politics, students examine a range of political actors such as states and institutions of global governance (IGGs), leaders and heads of government, political parties, non-state actors such as transnational corporations, non-governmental organisations, terrorist organisations, interest groups, and individual citizens. A political actor is simply any person, organisation or institution that becomes involved in a political issue and has some degree of power or influence. Different political actors have different interests and perspectives, different access to resources and different degrees of freedom of action.
Power: While the concept of power is contested, it is essential to an understanding of stability and change in political, economic and social systems. In this study, power is defined as the
capacity of political actors to affect and influence other actors, thus it is fundamentally relational. For example, states have military power if they have significant military capacity. They may choose to exercise this military power in a number of different ways and to varying degrees, or they may choose not to use it at all. Transnational corporations have significant economic power as a result of their revenue, control of foreign assets or number of employees. As a result, they have global influence and may exercise their economic power over others to pursue their interests. Students develop an understanding of the difference between legitimate and illegitimate uses of power. Students should also be aware of the different forms of power available to political actors, including political, military, economic, technological, diplomatic and cultural forms of power. These forms of power could be used as either soft power, where compliance is voluntary and based entirely on attraction, or coercive power based on persuasion or force.
Legitimacy: Most sovereign states must legitimise their use of power over the governed in order to achieve stability. It refers to the grounds upon which governments may demand obedience from the citizens, such as winning elections, appealing to a higher authority such as a religion or providing citizens with economic prosperity and security. In this sense, legitimacy transforms power into authority. It is linked to the achievement of consensus among the population about the way they are governed, their willingness to comply for whatever reason and the maintenance of their trust. Legitimacy may also apply to other actors, such as institutions of global governance, whose legitimacy rests on their members’ acceptance of their values and processes, or non-state actors whose power may be legitimate or illegitimate.
Authority: In political science, authority is the right to exercise power. This right can stem from law, office or custom / tradition. Thus, it is based on consent and legitimacy. Authority may also be a significant source of power in itself, such as the authority deriving from the office of the Prime Minister of Australia, which gives the incumbent political, diplomatic, social and cultural power regardless of who it is.
Conflict and cooperation: Conflict, whether over resources, wealth, ideologies, world views or power is at the heart of the study of VCE Politics. Students examine a range of these conflicts, through various lenses, such as ideology (see below), theories such as realism, cosmopolitanism or liberalism, or self-interest. Political thinking about conflict requires an analysis of causes, differing interests and perspectives and consequences or outcomes. Cooperation among political actors to resolve conflicts and issues may be facilitated by national laws, institutions and processes or by the international rules-based order. This may include the work of institutions of global governance, states, non-state actors, transnational corporations, national political actors and individuals. ‘Cooperation’ requires actors to engage as national citizens rather than representatives of subnational groups and / or as global international citizens acting in the interests of the global community who demonstrate respect for the rule of law, human rights and the peaceful resolution of issues.
Political ideology: Throughout the study, students consider how the accumulated range of political ideas is articulated in ideologies which offer insights into how politics, society and the economy operate. Students may analyse constructs such as Left / Right, political spectrum, liberalism, conservatism, progressivism, authoritarianism, nationalism, capitalism, social democracy, socialism, libertarianism, populism, feminism, anarchism, communism, theism and environmentalism. The selection of an ideology to study will depend on the focus of the chosen inquiry and the nature of the case studies being used. Students consider how ideologies express ethical ideals, principles and beliefs that influence and shape political systems, political actors, policy and issues. Political ideology can be used to justify, explain, contest or change society and influence debates. It can be a lens through which contemporary issues may be viewed.
Systems and theories of government: Throughout the study, students will compare different types of governments, including democratic and authoritarian political systems, to understand the underlying principles and ideologies on which these systems are based. These may include republics, liberal and illiberal democracies, constitutional monarchies, theocracies, oligarchies and dictatorships, all of which have different ways of managing power and different understandings of the preferred relationship between government and the governed.
Governance: In the study of politics,
good governance commonly means systems and processes, such as constitutions or elections, which are designed to ensure transparency, accountability, equity, participation and the rule of law. This is not only the case within democratic societies such as Australia or the United Kingdom, but also applies to the concept of the ‘rules-based international order’, also known as the liberal international order. At the very least, abiding by international law is central to this concept of global governance, which can also be understood as a set of mechanisms and institutions to manage competing and quite divergent interests between states. Additionally, democratic theories, human rights law and cosmopolitanism provide the normative foundations upon which governance institutions such as the United Nations, the International Criminal Court or NGOs, such as Amnesty International, operate.
Australian democracy and democratic principles: An understanding of democratic principles, institutions and processes is essential to students’ ability to think politically about the features and operation of Australian democracy and to analyse political issues facing contemporary Australia and the world. Democratic principles traditionally include popular sovereignty, equality, the rule of law, checks and limits on power, the protection of human rights and freedoms, majority rule and minority rights. Democratic institutions and processes should express and embody democratic principles. Such institutions include constitutional government, representative government, responsible parliamentary government, free and fair elections, a free and diverse media; mechanisms for ensuring accountability of the elected representatives; transparency and integrity of political decision-making, term limits for parliaments and office holders and avenues for all citizens to participate in democratic processes and civic life.
Interests: The ‘interests’ of political actors refers to what those actors perceive to be desirable in any situation or at any time. Interests can change depending on circumstances. They are often material and self-serving rather than altruistic or other-directed, as ‘aims’ tend to be. Aims are the established and published goals of political actors, such as the objectives of many transnational corporations to uphold the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which may actually conflict with their interests in certain circumstances.
National interest: Governments use this term to justify their policies and actions when those policies and actions are the subject of debate. The national interest motivates both domestic and foreign policy and is central to realist approaches to policy, as it prioritises the state and its citizens over other states and the global community. There are certain national interests that are common to all states: security, prosperity, stable international and regional relationships, and the achievement of international or regional standing. How these interests are defined by the state depends on the circumstances and the perspectives of the political actors involved.
Nation: This is an important concept in the study of politics as it is bound up with questions of identity and conflicts over sovereignty and territory. A nation refers to the collective identity of a group of people based on a common culture, history, language, ethnicity and homeland. By definition, they do not have recognised sovereignty over defined territory; if they did, they would be referred to as a ‘nation-state’.
Sovereignty: There are a number of different types of sovereignty depending on the context. In the global arena it refers to the basis on which states claim the right to govern over their territory and their citizens, without interference from other political actors and to represent their territory and citizens in the global arena. The Charter of the United Nations upholds the sovereign equality of its member states (Article 2) so it is tied to the concept of statehood. In the domestic political sphere, it may refer to a sovereign – a monarch with supreme power – or the sovereign power of a parliament in the Westminster system or popular sovereignty in liberal democratic theory. Sovereignty is often contested both within societies and by those outside them.
State: There are various ways of theorising the state in political science. What is common to all of them is that a state has recognised and sovereign control over a defined territory, where this control entails the ability to regulate many aspects of citizens’ lives through public institutions, ensure compliance with the state’s laws, maintain order, monopolise the legal use of coercion, impose public funding through taxation and represent the citizens on the international stage.
Global interconnectedness: This refers to the increasing links and exchanges between political actors and their resulting interdependence. This is due to the process of global economic and social integration (formerly referred to as globalisation) and the establishment of institutions of global governance, which began in earnest after the Second World War and which continues to impact on human affairs in a myriad of ways (socially, economically, environmentally, politically, culturally and technologically). It is concerned with the increasing frequency, speed, range and intensity of cross-border flows – exchanges of people, knowledge and ideas, goods, services, financial transactions, military and cyber transactions and social and cultural values. It incorporates the role of the globalised media in national, regional and global politics, both as an essential transmitter of political information, and as a key political actor. Transnational corporations also continue to play a significant political role in the interconnectedness and interdependence of the world. Global interconnectedness is essential to an understanding of contemporary political issues in terms of its impact on stability and change, political significance, differing interests and perspectives and questions of power. Additionally, this interconnectedness and interdependence has also led to a simultaneous fragmentation of identities, values and beliefs along with increasing inequalities and potential for conflict.