VET support networks
Local Learning and Employment Networks (LLENs) are located throughout Victoria and support connections with local education and training organisations, students, employers and community groups.
Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) regulates all education and training providers in Victoria, from home schooling to higher education. The VRQA maintains a register of all schools and providers in Victoria and the accredited qualifications they offer. The VRQA also publish
training schemes which establish specific industry training package qualifications that are available as apprenticeships and traineeships in Victoria.
Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) is the central office that administers the application and offer process for places in tertiary courses at university, TAFE and independent tertiary colleges in Victoria (and a few outside Victoria). VTAC also calculates and distributes the ATAR.
Department of Education and Training – Victoria
Department of Education and Training – Victoria provides funds and also regulates and purchases education and training services for all Victorian Government schools.
Areas of interest may include:
Department accredited VET courses is a repository of Victorian accredited courses, which the Department develops in response to Victorian industry, enterprise and/or community needs where no relevant training package or endorsed units of competency currently exist.
Victorian training package purchasing guides is a purchasing guide that provides information to assist RTOs, trainers and assessors in using nationally-endorsed training packages within Victoria.
What an apprenticeship or traineeship involves includes guidelines and information about school-based apprenticeships and traineeship (SBAT) arrangements.
An SBAT guide is available.
Structured workplace learning (SWL) includes information about structured workplace learning (SWL), including Ministerial Order 55 and an SWL Manual.
Training products includes information about training packages and accredited courses. It includes the details of Victoria's Curriculum Maintenance Managers (CMMs), who support the strategic objectives of the Victorian Government by providing advice on the implementation of the national training package and accredited course curriculum to all Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) in Victoria.
Vocational education and training delivered to secondary school students (Reference 56) includes information about the Government school-funding arrangements for VET in the VCE and VCAL and
VET funding contracts.
Victorian Skills Gateway is a one-stop shop of Victorian vocational education and training to help you find the best option. You can search for information on occupations, courses, training providers, and video and written case studies.
Skills First includes information about funding available under Skills First in Victoria. School-based apprenticeships and traineeships attract Skills First funding.
Department of Education and Training – Commonwealth
The Commonwealth Government
Department of Education and Training is responsible for national policies and programs that help Australians access quality and affordable early child care and childhood education, school education, higher education, vocational education and training, international education and research.
Other online resources
Australian Apprenticeships provides quick and easy access to information regarding Australian apprenticeships, including Australian apprenticeships programs, employer incentives and support for apprentices during their apprenticeships.
VetNet is a central storage facility for relevant current and historical materials relating to the national VET sector.
WorldSkills Australia promotes and builds a skills culture by inspiring young people, celebrating skills excellence and providing opportunities to showcase trade and skill talent through competitions held on a regional, national and international level.
Australian Industry and Skills Committee provides industry-led advice on the implementation of national vocational education and training, and approves training packages for implementation.
Industry Reference Committees (IRCs) drive the process of training package development and comprise people with experience, skills and knowledge of their particular industry sector. IRCs ensure training packages address the needs and concerns of employers, employees, those who provide training and those seeking its benefits.
Skills Service Organisations (SSO's) support the development and implementation of training products. They provide support to Industry Reference Committees in their work to develop and review training packages. (TGA) is a national online database that provides access to training packages, units of competency and information on qualifications, courses and RTOs.