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VCE VET Plumbing

The VCE VET Plumbing program is drawn from Victorian accredited curriculum and offers a portable qualification which is recognised throughout Australia. This qualification provides students with a broad range of skills and knowledge to pursue a career or further training in the plumbing industry. The VCE VET Plumbing program is a pre-employment course designed to meet the needs of students wishing to pursue a career in the plumbing industry.

The VCE VET Plumbing program does not offer scored assessment.


22569VIC Certificate II in Plumbing (Pre-apprenticeship): aims to provide learners with basic industry specific skills and knowledge to enable transition into an apprenticeship or traineeship within the plumbing industry at the Certificate III level. This pre-apprenticeship course consists of 19 compulsory units of competency that provide skills and knowledge in workplace safety practices onsite, workplace communication, carrying out measurements and calculations, reading and producing technical drawings, applying basic sheet metal practices, using various welding equipment, and using plumbing tools and resources.

Credit in the VCE (including VCE VM and VPC): recognition of up to three VCE VET units at Units 1 and 2 level, and a VCE VET Unit 3–4 sequence.

Program material

The VCE VET Plumbing program booklet contains information relating to the qualification approved by the VCAA for delivery to VCE (including VCE VM and VPC) students.

It includes advice on the units of competency making up the program and the credit available for students.

It also provides advice on Structured Workplace Learning, the ATAR contribution and pathways to further learning.

View 2024 VCE VET Plumbing program booklet.

Full descriptions of the units of competency drawn from state-accredited curriculum that are included in the VCE VET Plumbing program can be found on the Victorian Department of Education website.

ATAR contribution

Students who receive a VCE VET Unit 3–4 sequence for the VCE VET Plumbing qualification will be eligible for an increment towards their ATAR (10% of the lowest study score of the primary four studies).

The increment is awarded by the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC). For more information, visit VTAC.

Construction induction card

Certificate II in Plumbing (Pre-apprenticeship) includes the unit of competency ‘ CPCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry’ (Release 2) as an elective with an allocation of 6 hours.

This unit of competency is recognised by WorkSafe Victoria for the registration of construction workers for workplace health and safety induction.
Any person on a construction site needs a construction induction card. This includes all work experience or SWL students. Construction induction cards issued in other states and territories are recognised in Victoria. The major requirement is that, at the time of the training, the student was residing in the state or territory of issue.

Students who require a construction induction card for work experience or for another qualification where ‘CPCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry’ is not listed in the qualification structure should be enrolled on VASS in the construction induction card course (course code: CICARD).

For more information, please refer to WorkSafe Victoria.

Structured workplace learning recognition

The VCAA provides recognition for Structured Workplace Learning for students undertaking a VCE VET program (VE1) or a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship (SBAT) (VE2).

View Workplace Learning Record booklets.