Early Years
Early Years Twilight Webinar
Can you see the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Outcomes in your practice?
23 February, 5:30–6:30 pm
Registrations are now open for the first Early Years Twilight Webinar of 2023.
In this webinar, we will screen the video
‘Can you see the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Outcomes in your practice?’.
After the screening, a representative of both services involved in the video – Alexandra White, Early Years Advisor at Shine Bright EYM, and Holly Hamilton, Assistant Director at Barry Beckett Children’s Centre – will be featured in conversation with Karen Hope, Program Manager, Early Years Unit. Alexandra and Holly will provide insights and reflections on how the VEYLDF outcomes are represented in their daily practice and on their involvement in the video project.
This webinar will suit early childhood professionals who want to start the new teaching year inspired and motivated. This conversation will encourage you to think about visibility of the outcomes in your practice across 2023.
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