VCE curriculum
VCE Units 3 and 4 English and English as an Additional Language (EAL) professional learning in Shepparton
Presented by Annelise Balsamo, English Curriculum Manager, and Kellie Heintz, EAL Curriculum Manager, this professional learning opportunity will explore the new Area of Study, Creating Texts in Unit 3.
The session will consider the role of the Frameworks of Ideas, how to select and unpack the mentor texts, the development of different writing processes, and ways to approach the teaching of writing. Teachers will also be able to ask questions about the revised study design.
Date: Tuesday 14 November 2023
Time: 4–5.30pm
Venue: Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership, 17 Sobraon Street, Shepparton
Mode of delivery: Face-to-face
Please register your attendance via the Academy.
VCE Auslan – Extension to accreditation period
The Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) has approved an extension to the accreditation period of the VCE Auslan study design by 12 months, to 31 December 2024 for Units 1 and 2, and to 31 December 2025 for Units 3 and 4. This will accommodate a staged implementation of the revised VCE Auslan Study Design, with Units 1 and 2 being implemented in 2025 and Units 3 and 4 being implemented in 2026.
This follows the major review of the Collaborative Curriculum and Assessment Framework for Languages (CCAFL) Framework, and subsequent development of revised study designs for VCE CCAFL languages, including Auslan.
All National CCAFL jurisdictions have agreed to a staged implementation of the revised CCAFL Auslan study over two years, with Units 1 and 2 to be implemented in 2025 and Units 3 and 4 to be implemented in 2026.
Applications for VCE State Reviewer positions
The VCAA is seeking applications from teachers for several VCE State Reviewer roles, commencing January 2024 and concluding 31 December 2024.
VCE State Reviewers provide subject-matter expertise to support VCAA’s work of conducting the annual audit of school-based assessment, delivering VCAA professional learning programs, providing feedback and advice to schools, and assisting in the preparation of published advice to schools and teachers.
The VCE State Reviewer is a paid position. Candidates who are currently teaching or have recently taught the study at Units 3 and 4 level are preferred.
Applications are invited to the VCE State Reviewer positions for the following VCE studies for 2024:
- Agricultural and Horticultural Studies
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Chinese First Language
- Dance
- Drama
- Economics
- English Language
- English
- English as an Additional Language
- Environmental Science
- Food Studies
- Australian History
- Literature
- Legal Studies
- Outdoor and Environmental Studies
- Physical Education
- Physics
- Philosophy
- Product Design and Technologies
- Psychology
- Religion and Society
- Systems Engineering
- Sociology
- Theatre Studies
- Visual Communication Design
Applications must be made through the Sessional Staff Management System (SSMS).
Applications close on Friday 3 November 2023.
For information about the roles and responsibilities of this important position, please refer to the VCE State Reviewer roles and responsibilities and conditions of appointment document available at VCE general advice and policy.
Please direct any enquiries to the VCE Curriculum Unit via email at or call 9059 516.
VCE on a Northern Hemisphere timetable: applications for permission to deliver now open
The Northern Hemisphere Timetable (NHT) VCE program operates from July to June and is available for a limited number of VCE studies. The NHT may provide options for VCE providers/schools – both offshore and in Victoria – to create a more flexible program for VCE delivery.
The NHT does not need to replace the traditional calendar-year timetable. Permitted providers/schools may offer VCE studies on both timetables. Offering studies on both timetables may provide greater flexibility through opportunities for students to complete some studies on one timetable and some on the other.
All studies offered on the NHT are subject to the curriculum and assessment requirements that applied in the VCE academic year prior to the NHT academic year.
The external assessment results of the NHT cohort will be subject to an equating process to ensure comparability with the results of the larger Victorian cohort assessed in the previous calendar year.
Providers/schools wanting to offer the NHT to students in Victoria are required to apply for permission to deliver the VCE on the NHT. Access to VASS enrolments for NHT students will be available only to permitted schools/providers.
Permission to deliver the VCE application forms are available for VCE providers wishing to offer:
- classes in approved VCE Unit 1 and 2 studies on the NHT from July 2024 to June 2025
- classes in approved VCE Unit 3 and 4 studies on the NHT from July 2024 to June 2025 and/or July 2025 to June 2026
Prospective providers are required to attend a briefing for VCE and VASS coordinators. The briefing will be held in December 2023. Details of the briefing, including the registration process, can be obtained by emailing VCE Permissions at
The deadline for receipt of applications for permission to deliver the VCE is Monday 12 February 2024.
General information about the NHT, details of the VCE studies available on the NHT and the permission to deliver the VCE process can be found VCE on a Northern Hermisphere Timetable.
Review of VCE studies in 2024
VCE studies are reviewed on a cyclical basis, according to their accreditation period, to make sure the VCE continues to meet Victorian community expectations for high-quality curriculum and assessment.
The following VCE studies will be reviewed in 2024:
- Dance (Minor Review)
- Systems Engineering (Major Review)
Panels are formed to help guide the review process. Studies under a major review will have a Review Panel convened, whereas studies under a minor review will have a Writing Panel convened.
Applications to become a VCE study review panel member for VCE Systems Engineering closed Wednesday 20 September 2023.
For more information, go to VCE general policy and advice.
English and English as an Additional Language videos
In partnership with The Wheeler Centre, the VCAA has produced three on-demand videos featuring writers set for study on the 2024 VCE English and EAL Text List (List 2): Maxine Beneba Clarke (The Hate Race, chapter 2), Maya Hodge ('bidngen') and Penni Russon (All That We Know of Dreaming).
Watch the videos via the English and EAL study design page and The Wheeler Centre.
Notices to schools
VCE assessment