VCE Curriculum
VCE Study Design Wall Chart
Our new
2024 study design wall chart has been released. It provides a visual reference to the collection of accredited VCE study design for 2024. Each accredited study design is available from the relevant study pages on our webpage. It is essential that teachers use the current accredited study design as the basis for all course development and assessment of VCE studies. For details of individual studies, please refer to the
VCE Study Designs webpage.
Please note the following study design accreditation period will expire on 31 December 2024
- Accounting
- Applied Computing
- Australian and Global Politics (Unit 3 and 4)
- Classical Studies
- Drama
- Extended Investigation
- Health and Human Development
- Languages: Collaborative Curriculum and Assessment Framework for Languages (CCAFL) – Units 1 and 2: Auslan
- Languages CCAFL – Units 3 and 4: Armenian, Bengali, Bosnian, Chin Hakha, Croatian, Dutch, Filipino, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Karen, Khmer, Macedonian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Sinhala, Swedish, Tamil, Turkish, Yiddish
- Philosophy
- Physical Education
- Theatre Studies.
For more information about accreditation dates please see
Notice to Schools 23/2024.
Amendments to VCE study designs (Effective 1 January 2024)
Amendments have been made to the following VCE studies which take effect immediately:
The updated study designs are now available on the relevant VCE study webpages.
For information, contact the
VCE Curriculum Unit.
Please refer to the
Professional Learning page during Term 1 for details on implementation briefings scheduled for Term 2.
Notices to Schools:
School-based assessment and School-assessed Tasks
The Administrative Information for School-based Assessment for the following VCE studies are now available on the relevant study webpages:
Professional Learning
2024 Annual VCAA Briefing for the VCE and VPC: on-demand videos and live webinars
We are offering online professional development during Term 1, 2024 for school leadership teams responsible for the VCE and VPC.
The program provides new and experienced school leaders with an overview of current VCE and VPC matters and offers the opportunity to increase their knowledge and skills which can be shared with their teaching teams. It will be delivered through a series of on-demand videos and live webinars.
The on-demand videos will cover information, skills and resources for leading and implementing the VCE and VPC in schools. After viewing these videos, VCE school leaders are encouraged to provide feedback on areas they would like covered in the live webinars.
Watch the
on demand videos
Register for a webinar:
- Tuesday 20 February, 4pm to 5pm
- Thursday 22 February, 1:30pm to 2.30pm
The content covered in both live webinars will be the same - you will only need to attend one webinar.
For more information, please email the
VCE Curriculum Unit.
2024 VCE School-assessed tasks professional learning program
Online professional learning for the following VCE studies with School-assessed Tasks (SATs) will be provided during Term 1, 2024:
- Algorithmics (HESS)
- Art Creative Practice
- Art Making and Exhibiting
- Applied Computing: Data Analytics
- Applied Computing: Software Development
- Media
- Product Design and Technologies
- Systems Engineering
- Visual Communication Design.
This professional learning program provides teachers with a clear understanding of the delivery of the School-assessed Task, including authentication, administration and how to apply the assessment criteria and descriptors for the School-assessed Task in the relevant VCE study
For 2024, the structure of this professional learning program will consist of a series of ‘on-demand’ videos for teachers of each VCE study to provide support for the School-assessed Task with additional live webinars in Terms 1 and 2. The on-demand videos will be progressively made available on the relevant study webpages from mid-February. To register, please visit the
VCE Professional Learning webpage and find the dates listed for live webinars.
VCE Assessment
VCE and VCE VET Performance Examinations
Amended specifications, forms and advice for the following performance examinations are now available:
- VCE Drama Solo Performance
- VCE VET Music: Performance
- VCE Music Contemporary Performance
- VCE Music Repertoire Performance
- VCE Dance
- VCE VET Dance
Minor changes have been made to ensure clarity for teachers and students in preparing for these examinations. There are no changes in the content or format of these external assessments.
Please note the following minor changes to operational aspects of the following studies:
Study | Page No | | Summary of change |
VCE Drama | 3. | Statement of Intention | Increase word limit from 100 to 180 words. |
VCE VET Music Performance | 4. | Examination Documentation | The Performance Program and Performer Statement have been combined into one document called the “Performer Statement”. |
Music Contemporary Performance | 3. | Performance Conditions | The “Performer Statement of Intention” is now called the “Statement of Expressive Intention” |
VCE VET Dance | 1. | Examination Conditions | Condition no 2: the length of time before the music starts has been changed from I minute to 30 seconds. |
VCE VET Dance | 2. | Examination Documentation | The Performance Program and Performer Statement have been combined into one document called the “Performer Statement”. |
VCE VET Dance | 4. | Appendix 1 - Dance Styles | This has been removed. |
All forms that students are required to present at performance examinations are now available on the relevant webpages. These forms will no longer be available in the Victorian Assessment Software System (VASS).
Advice documents are now available for all performance examinations. These documents provide additional support to teachers and students in understanding the operational requirements for each study.
Enquiries regarding these processes should be directed to
Anne Smithies, Performance and Languages Oral Project Manager on 9059 4145.