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Top Designs exhibitor features at College of Surgeons Museum

A young man standing in front of an exhibit

Photography credit (all images): Nicole Cleary, courtesy of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.


Innovation that excites! Featured in our annual VCAA Top Designs exhibit, 2023 VCE student Christopher Batras (Penola Catholic College, Broadmeadows) has designed an Affordable Lightweight Multiarticulate Myoelectric Prosthetic Arm. Known as ALMMPA for short, his design blends affordability with advanced functionality to achieve a functioning yet cost-effective prosthetic – wow!

Recognition from the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons

Christopher’s work was spotted by Helen Laffin, the Heritage Collections Coordinator at the College of Surgeons Museum, while visiting Top Designs 2024 at Melbourne Museum. The work, which is a cost-effective, functional, and user-oriented prosthetic designed to better address the needs of amputees, will now be exhibited at the College of Surgeons alongside Gilbert Henderson’s prosthetic arm designed in 1944.

The display of these two pieces together illustrates the astounding advancement of prosthetics in the 21st century. Gilbert’s prosthetic hand was activated by rods inserted in the arm muscles, whereas Christopher’s modern design is controlled by a muscle electromyography (electrical muscle movement) sensor. His incredible system operates through five micro servo motors connected to fishing line and elastic thread that act as artificial tendons for finger movement. Christopher has used an Arduino microcontroller to interpret elevated voltage signals from the sensor when the amputee contracts their muscle, which enables seven distinct grip modes with synchronised RGB LED colour changes.

This innovative integration of technology and biomechanics has the potential to significantly improve the quality of life for amputees and shows the power of design in solving real world challenges.

2 women and 2 men at the VCAA booth
2 women and 2 men at the VCAA booth
2 women and 2 men at the VCAA booth

Where to see Christopher’s work

Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Museum
250-0290 Spring Street
East Melbourne, VIC, 3022
Open to the public 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Monday to Wednesday

6 questions with Christopher Batras

What inspired you to design a prosthetic limb?

The inspiration to design a prosthetic limb stemmed from a desire to improve the quality of life for individuals with limb loss by enhancing their mobility and independence through advanced myoelectric technology. I wanted to leverage this technology to create an affordable, accessible, and functional prosthetic.

What was the biggest challenge of your design?

The journey to create the myoelectric prosthetic arm involved numerous challenges, with the biggest being the integration of sophisticated mechanical and electrical components into a seamless, functional unit. Ensuring that sensors accurately interpreted and responded to subtle electrical signals from the user’s muscles required extensive research and multiple iterations of EMG signal processing code. Another major hurdle was modifying the CAD design to remove redundant support structures and achieve the right balance between durability and weight to accommodate a full stump and all components. The 3D printing process also posed significant difficulties, with many prints failing due to improper calibration, material inconsistencies, and design flaws. Each failed print was both a setback and a learning opportunity, highlighting the importance of perseverance and iterative design in engineering.

Do you think ALMMPA could work for other limbs?

Absolutely, I believe the principles and technology behind ALMMPA can be adapted for other limbs. The myoelectric technology used in ALMMPA could enhance knee, ankle, and foot prosthetics by providing more natural and responsive movements. Additionally, 3D printing allows for customised, lightweight designs and rapid prototyping, which are crucial for the comfort and functionality of leg prosthetics. Combining myoelectric technology with 3D printing can create affordable, advanced prosthetics for various limbs, improving the quality of life for individuals with limb loss.

What are you studying at university (if you chose to go), and where do you see yourself in the next 10 years or so?

I am currently studying electrical engineering at university. In the next 10 years, I envision myself working in the electronics and technology field with a possible focus in prosthetics and rehabilitation technology. I hope to possibly create my own start-up focused on developing innovative solutions for people with disabilities to help make advanced prosthetic technology accessible to more people around the world. Electrical engineering provides a strong foundation in the technical skills needed to develop and improve the electronic and control systems within prosthetics and other devices, which is crucial for creating more responsive and intuitive technology.

What does it mean to you to have your work recognised in Top Designs and now the Surgeons Museum?

Having the work recognised in Top Designs and the Surgeons Museum is a significant honour. It validates the dedication put into the project and highlights the importance and impact of the work in the field of prosthetics. It also serves as a motivation to continue innovating and contributing to advancements that can improve the lives of individuals with disabilities, as well as spreading awareness for the need of affordable and accessible prosthetics.

Do you have any advice for VCE students who may be unsure of what subjects to choose? How did you find your passion for systems engineering?

My advice for VCE students would be to choose subjects that align with their interests and passions. Engaging in projects that combine different disciplines, such as systems engineering, can help uncover a passion for a particular field. For me, the passion for systems engineering was found through the interdisciplinary nature of the project, which involved mechanical design, electrical engineering, and computer science, providing a rich and fulfilling learning experience.