Unit 4 – Area of Study 3: Analysing and evaluating a performance
Outcome 3
Analyse and evaluate acting, direction and design in a production.
Examples of learning activities
Detailed example
Analysing character status, motivation and characteristics
After attending a performance prescribed on the VCE Theatre Studies Unit 4 Playlist, describe:
- the wants or desires of a character/s, i.e. the character’s motivation
- the physical, emotional and intellectual characteristics of character/s
- how an actor used verbal and non-verbal language to convey intended meaning
- how an actor established and maintained the actor–audience relationship
- specific moments in the play when an actor used their costume, props or set items to help communicate their character
- how an actor created role through the use of different acting styles.
Draw up a graphic representation of the relative changing status of selected character/s. Particularly note any intersecting lines where status is swapped between two characters.
Draw a map of how character/s use the acting space. Try to identify any obvious patterns, especially those that might relate to intention or intended meaning.