Technical Requirements
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Technical Requirements for Delivering VCAA Assessment Online Programs
VCAA Assessment Online School Server Hardware
For Government Schools, the VCAA Assessment Online School Server will be hosted on the CASES/CASES21 Server which has been pre-configured and deployed to also support On Demand Testing.
For Non-Government Schools, the VCAA Assessment Online School Server can be hosted on a Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 SP1 or greater. The VM will require the following resources:
- 2 Virtual CPU Cores
- 512MB RAM with a maximum of 2048Mb
- 15GB hard drive space available for VM Image with 60GB maximum growth
The school server needs to be able to access the VCAA Assessment Online Central Server site through the Internet.
VCAA Assessment Online Server Software
All other software is contained within the VM so no additional installation is required. However, Non-Government schools will need to have their own licences for the sofware as per the agreement signed when requesting the VM image. Government schools are covered by the DET licensing policies.
- Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition
- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express
VCAA Assessment Online User Interface
Teachers and Administrators need to log into the School Server using:
- Internet Explorer 9 or above
Students can sit a test on the following browsers and devices:
- Internet Explorer 10 or 11 (Microsoft Windows PC or laptop)
- Safari 8 on Mac (OSX 10.10.2)
- Safari 8 on iPad (iOSX 8.1.3)
- Chrome 40 on Android (4.4.2)