Vocational Education and Training
VCE VET Engineering transition advice
The new course 22470VIC Certificate II in Engineering Studies has been approved for delivery from 1 July 2018. There can be no new enrolments in the 22209VIC after 30 June 2018.
There is no amendment required for students undertaking Units 3 and 4 from 22209VIC Certificate II in Engineering Studies
Students who have commenced training in the current 22209VIC in 2018 have two options:
- have their enrolment on VASS moved to 22470VIC, where units of competency are equivalent, this year (before 12 November 2018). Where the units are not equivalent some gap training may be required. This will ensure continual enrolment in the new qualification and access to the scored Units 3 and 4 in 2019. Students will be eligible to complete 22470VIC or
- continue their training in 22209VIC this year and leave students in that certificate on VASS. They will still be able to access the scored assessed Units 3 and 4 from the new certificate in 2019.
Individual RTOs may have differing transition arrangements with the two options:
- issue two statements of attainment, one from the old certificate and the other the new, or
- issue a statement of attainment from the old certificate and with a RPL process and some gap training issue the new statement at the end of the two-year program.
Scored assessment in Units 3 and 4 from the new qualification will be available in 2019.
All new students in 2019 will commence the new qualification.
The new
VCE VET Engineering Studies program is available on the VCAA website.
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VCE VET Equine
The current 22246VIC Certificate II in Equine Studies is scheduled to expire on 31 December 2018. The Certificate II Equine Studies has undergone a major review and a new course is expected to be accredited at Certificate III level. Delays to other packages have delayed the re-accreditation process. There will be minimum impact on Units 3 and 4 for scored assessment as they will remain the same, with minor edits to reflect current industry practice. The new certificate will not be equivalent to the old Certificate II Equine Studies. The Primary Industry Curriculum Maintenance Manager is collating advice from the Project Steering Committee. It is expected that the course could be endorsed by October. Further advice regarding accreditation will be provided in the October issue of the
VCAA Bulletin.
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VCE VET Small Business
The current 22247VIC Certificate II in Small Business (Operations/Innovation) is due to expire on 31 December 2018. The replacement qualification is 22480VIC Certificate II in Small Business (Operations/Innovation), which has been accredited for the period 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2023. All new students will enrol in the new 22480VIC Certificate II in Small Business. Continuing students who began training in 2018 or earlier in 22247VIC will remain in the qualification to ensure a Units 3 and 4 sequence accumulates. No new students may enrol in 22247VIC in 2019.
The new course structure is more flexible and offers a greater elective choice. Core units have been reduced from nine to eight and the elective units increased from three to four. Students completing the revised program will be entitled to up to five units towards their VCE or VCAL: a minimum of two units at Units 1 and 2 level and a Units 3 and 4 sequence.
Depending on the electives selected, students may be eligible for an additional unit. The order in which units accrue would be in the following sequence: 1, 2, 3, 4, 1.
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VCE VET Laboratory Skills
The current MSL30116 Certificate III in Laboratory Skills has been replaced by MSL30118.
All enrolments in the VCE VET Laboratory Skills program must be in MSL30118 from 2019. The core units of competency remain equivalent, with additional elective choices in the first and second years of the program. The revised program extract and further advice will be provided in the October issue of the VCAA Bulletin.
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New VCE VET Plumbing program
The VCE VET Plumbing program has been approved for delivery from 2019. The Certificate II in Plumbing (pre-apprenticeship) is currently available to students under Block Credit Recognition arrangements, with credit available at VCE Units 1 and 2 level only. This is out of line with other traditional trade pre-apprenticeship qualifications which, as VCE VET programs, provide VCE credit at Units 1 to 4. The recognition of Plumbing as a VCE VET program will now align all trade pre-apprenticeship qualifications.
The 22304VIC Certificate II in Plumbing (pre-apprenticeship), which forms the new VCE VET Plumbing program, will be available to schools from the beginning of 2019. Students currently enrolled can move their enrolment to the VCE VET program by enrolling and carrying over units of competency already completed in 2018 or earlier. All students must transition to the VES version of the qualification by 2020. All new students will enrol in the VCE VET program from 2019.
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New VCE VET Civil Infrastructure program
The VCE VET Civil Infrastructure program has been approved for delivery from 2019. Currently the RII20715 Certificate II in Civil Construction is available to students as a Block Credit Recognition program. As this qualification is packaged at AQF level II, the credit currently available for VCE students is only at Units 1 and 2. From 2019, the RII20715 Certificate II in Civil Construction becomes an accredited VCE VET program and will provide credit at Units 1 to 4.
The RII20715 Certificate II in Civil Construction, which forms the new VCE VET Civil Infrastructure program, will be available to schools from the beginning of 2019. Students currently enrolled can move their enrolment to the VCE VET program by enrolling and carrying over units of competency already completed in 2018 or earlier. All students must transition to the VES version of the qualification by 2020. All new students will enrol in the VCE VET Program from 2019.
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Do you meet the requirements to deliver VET in 2019?
VET teachers need to ensure that they have the required Certificate IV in Training and Assessment qualification and units of competency to meet the revised standards for RTOs (Amendment 2017) by 1 April 2019. The trainer and assessor credential requirements means that all VET teacher/trainers must hold either the:
- TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment or
- TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment and the following two units of competency:
- the Language, Literacy and Numeracy unit (TAELLN411 or TAELLN401A)
- the Design and Develop Assessment Tools unit (TAEASS502 or TAEASS502A or TAEASS502B).
Please note: if you do not meet this requirement and hold the credential/s by 1 April 2019, you will not be able to deliver or assess any VET qualification.
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Revised VASS certificate types: for implementation from 2019
The current VASS certificate types that relate to VET will change from 2019. VES, NAP and VFE will no longer exist and will be replaced by VE1, VE2, and VE3.
VE1: VET certificates approved by the VCAA for delivery to secondary students. They are typically drawn from Certificate II and III levels with qualifications and units of competency packaged within VCE VET programs. The programs are aligned to training packages and accredited courses and grouped within industry areas. Credit into the VCE is predetermined and published by the VCAA, with all VCE VET programs containing at least one qualification providing a VCE Units 3 and 4 sequence.
VE2: VET certificates with training schemes approved by the VRQA for delivery as School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships. Certificates are restricted on VASS and schools are required to submit an online application form for access to enrol their student(s). Any student undertaking an apprenticeship or traineeship under either school-based or part-time arrangements must be enrolled in this certificate type. Credit into the VCE is predetermined and published by the VCAA.
VE3: Any other VET or Further Education certificates are contained within this certificate type. It includes:
- all Certificate I qualifications
- Certificate II and III qualifications not available as VCE VET programs (VE1 certificate type)
- Certificate II and III qualifications that are undertaken through institutional delivery which are also available as SBATs (VE2)
- Certificate IV or Diploma qualifications that are pre-approved for delivery to identified cohorts of students by the VCAA VET unit.
VFE: this certificate type will continue for students who began their training in the VFE certificate type in 2018 or earlier. The credit arrangements for this certificate type remain unchanged and are based on the AQF level of the unit of competency irrespective of the level of the qualification. There are no restrictions on the volume of credit available. This certificate type will be available in 2019 and 2020 only.
Credit into the VCE is based on the Block Credit Recognition arrangements modified in 2018 for 2019 and beyond.
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Block Credit Recognition policy from 2019
The Block Credit Recognition rules apply to all certificates in the VE3 certificate type and those certificates in the VE2 certificate type that are not contained within VCE VET programs. The structure of qualifications must adhere to the packaging rules of each qualification as published on training.gov.au:
- Certificate I qualifications do not provide any credit into the VCE
- Certificate II qualifications provide credit at VCE Units 1 and 2 only, with each completed 90 nominal hours of training providing one unit of credit. Credit accrues with hours of training completed in the following sequence: units 1, 2, 1, 2, 1 and 2 up to a maximum of six units
- Certificate III qualifications provide credit at VCE Units 1 to 4 with each completed 90 nominal hours of training providing one unit of credit. Credit accrues with hours of training completed in the following sequence: units 1, 2, 3, 4, 3 and 4 up to a maximum of six units
- Certificate IV and above qualifications that are pre-approved by the VCAA VET unit provide credit at VCE Units 3 and 4 with each completed 90 nominal hours of training providing one unit of credit. Credit accrues with hours of training completed in the following sequence: units 3, 4, 3 and 4 up to a maximum of four units.
All completed units of competency in any qualification will be reported on the VET Statement of Results issued by the VCAA, irrespective of the amount of credit awarded.
The revised policy and examples of how it will impact student credit will be available on the
Block Credit Recognition page by the start of Term 4 (Monday 8 October 2018).
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VET statewide workshops
Schools, providers and stakeholders are reminded that VCAA VET statewide workshops will be held in November. It is important that schools delivering VET have at least one staff member attend as there will be significant information about VET reforms including changes to Block Credit Recognition, new VCE VET programs, scored tasks type changes, updates on Structured Workplace Learning and quality assessment samples.
Fourteen locations across the state will host workshops. Information about locations, activities and registration is available on the
VET Professional Development webpage.
A future Notice to Schools will provide registration details.
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High-level VET qualification applications
A reminder for providers and schools planning to deliver VET qualifications at Certificate IV or above in 2019 that an application must be submitted and approved before commencement of any training. The revised application form for high-level VET qualifications is available on the VCAA VET
Block Credit Recognition webpage.
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VCE VET Scored Assessment Audit
School Coursework Audit Notification (SCAN) emails will be sent to selected schools and RTOs for the 2018 audit of their scored VCE VET programs. It is important to follow the instructions included with the email. The school/RTO identified as the Assessing Group has the responsibility of providing the audit material to the VCAA. Questions regarding the audit can be directed to the VET unit on (03) 9032 1737.
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Structured Workplace Learning Recognition project – SBAT pilot
Schools, training providers and LLENs involved in the SBAT pilot have been confirmed and the project has begun. Further updates and project activities will be provided in future issues of the
VCAA Bulletin.
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VCE VET Scored Assessment Review – expressions of interest from teachers and trainers
The assessment requirements for all VCE VET programs with scored assessment are under review. The VET unit would like to hear from teachers and trainers who would be prepared to trial the revised VCE VET assessment requirements for scored assessment in 2019. Meetings of interested teachers and trainers will be held in various locations in Term 4. CRT release will be available to support involvement in the project by teachers/trainers.
Register your interest by Friday 21 September 2018.
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