Back to VCAA Bulletin No. 46 - March 2019
2019 VCE School-based Assessment Audit
Each year, schools are audited for at least one VCE study, and all VCE studies are subject to the annual School-based Assessment Audit. Schools were notified of their Unit 3 requirements for the 2019 audit through VASS on Monday 25 February.
The screen in VASS where schools can access the list of studies selected for audit at their school is:
School Program > VCE > School-based Assessment Audit (ensure the search function is filtered to view only Unit 3 studies).
The first stage of the School-based Assessment Audit consists of a study-specific audit questionnaire completed online by teachers on behalf of the school. Responses to the audit questionnaire must be submitted by Monday 18 March and detail the planned approach to assessment for Unit 3 in 2019.
Refer to
Notice to Schools 15/2019.
VCE Health and Human Development clarification for World Health Organization priorities
From 2019, students undertaking VCE Health and Human Development will study and be assessed against the priorities and work of the World Health Organization's Thirteenth general programme of work 2019–2023.
Refer to the World Health Organization priorities 2019–2023 resource on the VCE Health and Human Development webpage.
Refer to
Notice to Schools 14/2019.
VCE on a Northern Hemisphere Timetable briefing for prospective providers
As notified in the February 2019 issue of the
VCAA Bulletin, VCE providers wanting to offer the VCE on a Northern Hemisphere Timetable (NHT) to students in Victoria are required to apply for authorisation to deliver the NHT. Access to VASS enrolments for NHT students will be available only to authorised VCE providers.
Prospective providers are invited to attend a briefing about the VCE on a NHT on Wednesday 3 April between 3pm and 4.30pm at the VCAA, 2 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne.
Register online by Monday 1 April.
Authorisation application forms will be available from Monday 25 March by contacting Renee Whitehouse, Business Lead, VCE Northern Hemisphere Timetable: or (03) 9032 1750. The deadline for receipt of authorisation applications is Monday 6 May.
Further information about VCE on a NHT, including the studies available and the authorisation process, is available on the VCE on a Northern Hemisphere Timetable webpage.
Survey to determine student numbers
The VCAA is surveying schools to obtain an indication of the number of students studying each of the prescribed Units 3 and 4 texts for VCE English and English as an Additional Language (Text Lists 1 and 2) and VCE Literature.
Refer to
Notice to Schools 18/2019.