Use the calendar on this page to learn about and register for a VCE professional learning webinar.
After registering for a webinar, you will receive a calendar invite with details about how to login on the day.
Most webinars are recorded and published on the past professional learning materials page or VCE study pages.
We conduct webinars using Cisco Webex, a cloud-based web and video conferencing platform. We recommend you use either the Webex Meetings desktop app or Google Chrome. If using a mobile device, download the Cisco Webex Meetings app available through Apple’s App Store or Google Play.
Before joining a webinar:
By registering for a webinar hosted by the VCAA, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and consent to the terms of the VCAA Collection Notice, VCAA Copyright Terms and any code of conduct stated as applicable to this event.
Our webinars and on-demand videos support the implementation of the VCE study designs. They include presentations by external educators and subject matter experts, who are highly experienced and deliver their considered, individual interpretations of the study designs in the context of the classroom. These interpretations should not be seen as fixed or mandated but, rather, as suggestions or possibilities. The VCE study designs remain the official documents for schools and VCE providers to use in preparing teaching, learning and assessment plans. If you have any questions, contact the curriculum manager of the relevant VCE study.
VCE Professional Development