A series of videos has been developed to support teachers about school-based assessment, including the School-assessed Task and School-assessed Coursework.
This video unpacks the VCE assessment principles in relation to assessing the progress and achievement of students in VCE Systems Engineering.
VCE assessment principles transcript VCE assessment principles presentation
This video explains how to use the mandated criteria to make on-balance judgements to rank the student cohort, focusing on criteria 1–3.
School-assessed Task: Criteria 1–3 transcript School-assessed Task: Criteria 1–3 presentation
This video explains how to use the mandated criteria to make on-balance judgements to rank the student cohort, focusing on criteria 4–8.
School-assessed Task: Criteria 4–8 transcript School-assessed Task: Criteria 4–8 presentation
This video explains the purpose and process of authenticating student work and how to complete the mandated VCAA authentication form.
School-assessed Task: Authentication transcript School-assessed Task: Authentication presentation
This video unpacks how to develop School-assessed Coursework and makes links to the VCE assessment principles.
School-assessed Coursework transcript School-assessed Coursework presentation
A series of videos has been developed to support teachers about the role of moderation of school-based assessment.
This video provides an overview of the purpose of moderation of school-based assessment, highlighting the breadth of moderation practices and makes links to the VCE assessment principles.
Purpose of moderation transcript (docx - 27.93kb) Purpose of moderation presentation (pdf - 164.09kb)
This video explains the process of moderation, highlighting when it should occur and discussing key elements with this process.
Process of moderation transcript (docx - 28.48kb) Process of moderation presentation (pdf - 178.5kb)
This video discusses the role of moderation in improving the design of both School-assessed Coursework and School-assessed Tasks.
Improving the design of school-based assessment transcript (docx - 28.07kb) Improving the design of school-based assessment presentation (pdf - 159.85kb)
This video provides an overview of the benefits of moderation in terms of both learning and teaching practices and teacher professional development.
Modelling levels of achievement transcript (docx - 28.27kb) Modelling levels of achievement presentation (pdf - 152.46kb)
This video provides advice about the role of moderation in the delivery of VCE Systems Engineering. It emphasises the importance of moderating VCE student assessment regularly and how moderation can inform VCE curriculum development and teaching practice and be used as a basis for regular feedback.
Moderation for VCE Systems Engineering transcript (docx - 27.21kb) Moderation for VCE Systems Engineering presentation (pdf - 499.26kb)