Administrative advice
New Guidelines for Victorian Student Numbers and related information
What is a Victorian Student Number?
A Victorian Student Number (VSN) is a randomly generated 9-digit number assigned to Victorian students as a unique identifier. Every student under 25 is given a VSN when they first enrol at a Victorian education or training provider.
Education and training providers obtain VSNs from the VCAA when:
- a student is enrolling for the first time
- a student does not know their existing VSN
- a student has provided a VSN and it needs to be confirmed.
What is changing
Last year, Part 5.3A of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 was amended to reduce limitations on who can access, use and disclose VSN data. The Victorian Department of Education has developed a set of guidelines to help schools understand how to manage VSN data and ensure they comply with the changes under the legislation.
The rules about how VSNs can be used, accessed, and disclosed are set out in the
Secretary’s Guidelines on the Victorian Student Number (Guidelines). A 4-month transition period (from 24 May until 24 September 2023) will enable schools to make any necessary changes to existing processes.
Overall, the changes outlined in the Guidelines specify expectations for managing VSN information, which is now far less restricted than it has been, and do not generally place additional obligations on schools. Under the new legislation, schools may, for example, print a student’s VSN on their student ID card and other correspondence to give students easy access to their own VSN.
Why the changes are being made
Changes to the legislation were made to keep pace with operational and technological developments since the VSN was introduced more than a decade ago. The amendments mean there is now greater flexibility around who can access VSN data. Under the previous legislation, third party contractors were not permitted to access VSN data. However, it is recognised that many schools employ third-party contractors to manage their student data systems (such as IT software providers whose systems operate via the cloud). These contractors can now legally access VSN data.
What the Guidelines do
The Guidelines modernise rules about who may access VSNs, how they can be used and how they can be shared with others and create a clear process for authorisation. They also set out obligations for all authorised users, including best-practice approaches to information and data security.
What you need to do
From 24 September 2023, authorised users of VSNs must follow the rules set out in the Guidelines.
Authorised users must ensure that:
- staff who use or have access to VSN information are familiar with the requirements under Victorian and Australian privacy law regarding information security and privacy protections for student data
- any third parties engaged by schools that have access to VSN data are aware of their obligations to comply with relevant privacy laws and the requirements under the Guidelines. This includes software providers. If you are unsure, review all contracts with third-party providers to determine if the clauses around privacy and data protection are consistent with the Guidelines.
Information covered by the Guidelines
The Guidelines only apply to VSNs and information collected for the purpose of obtaining a VSN. Any other student information collected by schools is not governed by the Guidelines, however it will be subject to Victorian and Commonwealth information privacy laws. Please contact the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner (OVIC) or Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) for further information about information privacy obligations.
How to access the Guidelines
The Guidelines and general guidance on the VSN can be accessed
via the VCAA website.
How to ask questions
If you have a query regarding the VSN you can contact the VCAA at
Notice to Schools
Mid-year VCAL reporting
Examination centre arrangements for 2023 VCE written examinations
Release of the 2023 VCE examination timetable
Bulletin board
Professional learning at the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership (the Academy)
Explore professional learning opportunities at the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership.
Principal Mentoring provides the support and experience of a mentor to enhance principal’s leadership capability and advance the school learning environment.
Assistant Principal Mentoring enhances leadership capability and shapes outcomes with advice, guidance and informed opinions of a highly skilled mentor.
Numeracy Local Leaders develops content knowledge, numeracy principles, and teaching methodologies for high-impact instruction to empower participants to lead and improve numeracy within their school and network.
Literacy Local Leaders is an opportunity for teachers and educational support staff to extend professional connections while developing literacy instruction.
Rethinking Assessment to Build Agency in Learning supports teachers and leadership teams to elevate literacy and numeracy outcomes through state-of-the-art assessment strategies and resources.
Follow the links for more information and to register or visit the
Academy website for further professional learning programs.
History Teachers’ Association of Victoria Annual Conference
The upcoming
HTAV Annual Conference: History Now will feature an impressive range of workshops, lectures and practical seminars that will provide ideas for engaging classroom strategies, activities and pedagogy to help build on the learning outcomes of students.
Michael Spurr, Acting Curriculum Manager (History), who will guide teachers through important information regarding the Victorian F – 10 Curriculum as well as the VCE History Study Design 2022 – 2026, will be among the presenters.
The Conference will be held Thursday 27 – Friday 28 July 2023, at the Jasper Hotel, 489 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne
Early Bird rates are available until 12 July. All registrations close 18 July. To view the full program and register, see the
HTAV Annual Conference Program on the HTAV website.